Journal of Endocrinology



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  BioScientifica Ltd.

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Endocrinology, Diabetes and MetabolismEndocrinology

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Journal of Endocrinology is an official journal of the Society for Endocrinology and is endorsed by the European Society of Endocrinology and the Endocrine Society of Australia. Journal of Endocrinology is a leading global journal that publishes original research articles, reviews and science guidelines. Its focus is on endocrine physiology and metabolism, including hormone secretion; hormone action; biological effects. The journal publishes basic and translational studies at the organ, tissue and whole organism level. The journal encourages comparative submissions which provide insights on the cellular mechanism of endocrine systems as a whole, but not those that are specific to the model system described.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Dexamethasone-induced growth inhibition of porcine growth plate chondrocytes is accompanied by changes in levels of IGF axis components
Tập 174 Số 2 - Trang 343-352 - 2002
JJ Smink, J A Koedam, Johanna G. Koster, SC van Buul-Offers
High (pharmacological) doses of glucocorticoids inhibit the proliferation of growth plate chondrocytes, which leads to one of the side-effects of these steroids, namely suppression of longitudinal growth. Growth inhibition by glucocorticoids is thought to be mediated in part by impaired action of components of the IGF axis, which are important for chondrocyte regulation and hence for longitudinal growth. The aim of the present study was to determine whether glucocorticoid-induced growth retardation involves changes in IGF axis components. Chondrocytes were isolated from epiphyseal growth plates of neonatal piglets and treated with pharmacological doses of dexamethasone (DXM) for 24 h to study glucocorticoid-induced growth retardation. Under IGF-I-supplemented (10 nM) culture conditions, IGF-binding proteins (IGFBPs)-2, -4 and -5 were secreted by the growth plate chondrocytes and IGFBP-2 protein and mRNA levels were decreased by the DXM treatment, whereas IGFBP-4 and -5 were not affected. Proliferation of the chondrocytes, as measured by [(3)H]thymidine incorporation, was 3.5-fold higher in serum-supplemented medium in contrast to IGF-I-supplemented (10 nM) medium. In the presence of serum, DNA synthesis was significantly inhibited by 50-63% when treated with 100 nM DXM, which was prevented by the glucocorticoid-receptor antagonist Org34116. mRNA levels of IGF axis components were determined using Northern blot analysis. IGFBP-2 to -6 were expressed in the chondrocytes, IGFBP-1 was absent and both IGF-I and IGF-II, and the type I and type II IGF receptors were expressed. Treatment with DXM (100 nM) resulted in a 2-fold increase in mRNA levels of both IGFBP-5 and the type I IGF receptor, whereas IGFBP-2 mRNA levels decreased by 55%, in concert with the decrease in protein level observed under IGF-I-supplemented culture conditions. The changes in mRNA levels due to the DXM treatment were prevented by the glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. Our data show that exposure to pharmacological doses of DXM results in inhibition of proliferation and changes in components of the IGF axis, IGFBP-2 and -5 and the type I IGF receptor, suggesting a role for these components in glucocorticoid-induced growth retardation at the local level of the growth plate.
Pharmacodynamic responses of plasma and tissue C-type natriuretic peptide to GH: correlation with linear growth in GH-deficient rats
Tập 212 Số 2 - Trang 217-225 - 2012
Timothy C. R. Prickett, J C Bothwell, Timothy G. Yandle, Mark Richards, Eric A. Espiner
Studies from genetic modification and spontaneous mutations show that C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) signalling plays an essential part in postnatal endochondral growth, but measurement of CNP proteins and changes in their abundance in tissues and plasma during normal growth has not been reported. Using rodent pups with GH deficiency, we now describe the pharmacodynamic response of CNP and rat amino-terminal proCNP (NTproCNP) in plasma and tissues, and relate these to changes in linear growth (nose–tail length, tibial length and tibial growth plate width) during the course of 1 week of GH or saline (control) administration. Compared with saline, significant increases in plasma and tissue CNP forms were observed after 24 h in GH-treated pups and before any detectable change in linear growth. Whereas CNP abundance was increased in most tissues (muscle, heart and liver) by GH, enrichment was the greatest in extracts from growth plates and kidney. Plasma and tissue concentrations in GH-treated pups were sustained or further increased at 1 week when strong positive associations were found between plasma NTproCNP and linear growth or tissue concentrations. High content of NTproCNP in kidney tissue strongly correlated with plasma concentrations, which is consistent with previous data showing renal extraction of the peptide. In showing a prompt and significant increase in CNP in tissues driving normal endochondral growth, these findings provide further rationale for CNP agonists in the treatment of growth disorders resistant to current therapies and support the use of CNP concentrations as biomarkers of linear growth.
Growth retardation induced by dexamethasone is associated with increased apoptosis of the growth plate chondrocytes
Tập 176 Số 3 - Trang 331-337 - 2003
Dionisios Chrysis, E. Martin Ritzén, Lars Sävendahl
Glucocorticoids cause significant growth retardation in mammals and humans and decreased proliferation of chondrocytes has been considered as the main local mechanism. Death by apoptosis is an important regulator of homeostasis in multicellular organisms. Here we chose to study the role of apoptosis in growth retardation caused by glucocorticoid treatment. We treated 7-week-old male rats with dexamethasone (5 mg/kg/day) for 7 days. Apoptosis was studied in tibiae growth plates by the TUNEL method. Immunoreactivity for parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP), caspase-3, and the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-x was also studied. Apoptosis was mainly localized in terminal hypertropic chondrocytes (THCs) in both control and dexamethasone-treated animals. Dexamethasone caused an increase in apoptosis which was fourfold in THCs (2.45+/-0.12 vs 0.62+/-0.09 apoptotic cells/mm growth plate, P<0.001), and 18-fold in proliferative chondrocytes (0.18+/-0.04 vs 0.01+/-0.007 apoptotic cells/mm growth plate, P<0.001). Increased apoptosis after dexamethasone treatment was accompanied by increased immunoreactivity for caspase-3 and decreased immunoreactivity for the anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-x, which further supports our apoptosis results. Dexamethasone also decreased the immunoreactivity for PTHrP, suggesting a role in the mechanism by which glucocorticoids induce apoptosis in the growth plate. We conclude that apoptosis is one mechanism involved in growth retardation induced by glucocorticoids. Premature loss of resting/proliferative chondrocytes by apoptosis could contribute to incomplete catch-up seen after prolonged glucocorticoid treatment.
Tập 60 Số 1 - Trang 201-202 - 1974
Boris Senior, F. J. Cunningham
Tập 57 Số 1 - Trang 159-169 - 1973
B.J.A. Furr, R. C. Bonney, ROWENA J. ENGLAND, F. J. Cunningham
SUMMARY Radioimmunoassays were used to estimate luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone in samples of blood taken from individual hens at frequent intervals throughout their respective ovulatory cycles. A consistent pattern in the plasma levels of both hormones was observed. Significantly more LH and progesterone was present in plasma 4–7 h before ovulation than at other times during the cycle. An increase in the level of progesterone either preceded that of LH or the two hormones increased simultaneously. At no time did an increase in the level of LH occur before the rise in progesterone. In those birds which did not ovulate during the experimental period the levels of both hormones remained low. The significance of these findings in relation to the neuroendocrine control of ovulation in the hen is discussed.
Recombinant gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) insulin-like growth factor-I: subcloning, expression in Escherichia coli, purification and characterization
Tập 153 Số 1 - Trang 139-150 - 1997
M Fine, R Amuly, Yael Sandowski, T A Marchant, Shu Jin Chan, Arieh Gertler, Bruria Funkenstein
Abstract Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) insulin-like growth factor-I (gsIGF-I) cDNA coding for the mature protein was cloned in a pGEM-3Z vector, and then transferred into prokaryotic expression vector pET-11a and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) cells upon induction with isopropyl thiogalactoside. The expressed protein contained within the inclusion-body pellet was solubilized in 4·5 m urea, refolded for 24 h at pH 11·3 in the presence of catalytic amounts of cysteine and purified to over 98% purity, as a monomeric methionyl-gsIGF-I. Amino acid composition and N-terminal sequence confirmed the identity to be the predicted protein. Binding assays of the 125I-gsIGF-I to gilthead seabream or carp (Cyprinus carpio) sera resulted in high specific binding, indicating the existence of one or more IGF-binding proteins. In binding experiments to crude gilthead seabream brain homogenate, using human (h) IGF-I as a ligand, the respective IC50 value of hIGF-I was about fourfold lower than that of gsIGF-I. Recombinant gsIGF-I exhibited mitogenic activity in a mouse mammary gland-derived MME-L1 cell line which was ∼200-fold lower than that of hIGF-I. Binding experiments to intact MME-L1 cells suggests that this difference most likely results from a correspondingly lower affinity for IGF-I receptor in these cells. In contrast, the activities of gsIGF-I and hIGF-I measured by 35S uptake by gill arches from the goldfish (Carassius auratus) were identical, indicating that the recombinant gsIGF-I is biologically active. Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 153, 139–150
Changes in the hypothalamic contents of LHRH-I and -II and in pituitary responsiveness to synthetic chicken LHRH-I and -II during the progesterone-induced surge of LH in the laying hen
Tập 127 Số 3 - Trang 487-496 - 1990
S C Wilson, R. A. Chairil, F. J. Cunningham, R. T. Gladwell
ABSTRACT The contents of LHRH-I and -II in the anterior hypothalamus and posterior hypothalamus (including the mediobasal hypothalamus and median eminence) were measured at 90, 180 and 360 min after the i.m. injection of laying hens with progesterone. Whilst no changes were observed in the content of LHRH-I in the anterior hypothalamus, LHRH-I in the posterior hypothalamus tended to fall at 90 and 180 min after injection of progesterone in hens maintained on 16 h light:8 h darkness (16L:8D) and 8L:16D respectively. Pretreatment of laying hens with tamoxifen significantly increased the hypothalamic contents of LHRH-I and -II, raised the basal plasma concentration of LH and modified the LH response to progesterone injection. In hens in which tamoxifen prevented an increase in the plasma concentration of LH after progesterone injection, the content of LHRH-I in the posterior hypothalamus remained unchanged. In contrast, in hens in which progesterone stimulated a steep increase in LH within 90 min, there was a pronounced and significant fall in LHRH-I content of the posterior hypothalamus. No change in the hypothalamic content of LHRH-II was observed during the progesterone-induced surge of LH until plasma concentrations had attained maximal values or started to decline. Then, in hens maintained on 16L:8D, a significant fall in the content of LHRH-II in the anterior hypothalamus was found at both 180 and 360 min after injection with progesterone. Tests in vitro and in vivo of the responsiveness of the pituitary gland to synthetic LHRH-I and -II revealed no change at 90 min after injection of laying hens with progesterone, when plasma concentrations of LH were increasing, but a pronounced reduction when plasma LH concentrations were maximal or falling. These results suggest that LHRH-I mediates in the progesterone-induced increase in the plasma concentration of LH. Although the subsequent decline in plasma LH was associated with a reduced responsiveness of the pituitary gland to LHRH, a significant correlation between the contents of LHRH-I and -II in the anterior hypothalamus and a fall in the hypothalamic content of LHRH-II when plasma LH was maximal or declining allows the possibility of an involvement of this peptide in the neuroendocrine events preceding ovulation. Journal of Endocrinology (1990) 127, 487–496
Acute inhibition of rat myometrial responses to oxytocin by tamoxifen stereoisomers and oestradiol
Tập 103 Số 3 - Trang 383-388 - 1984
A. Lipton, A Vinijsanun, L. Martin
ABSTRACT The non-steroidal antioestrogen tamoxifen (trans-1-(4-β-dimethylaminoethoxyphenyl)-1,2-diphenylbut-1-ene), widely used in the treatment of breast cancer, and its oestrogenic cis-isomer rapidly inhibited contractile responses of isolated rat myometrium to supramaximal concentrations of oxytocin (1·28 × 10−6 mol/l). Both compounds were effective at concentrations comparable with the plasma concentrations of tamoxifen reached in therapy (i.e. 5 × 10−7to 5 × 10−6 mol/l). Inhibition was too rapid in onset ( < 3 min) to involve changes in RNA transcription and protein synthesis, and was not prevented or reversed by the addition of oestradiol to the bath. We conclude that the inhibition did not involve the classical oestrogen receptor pathway. Oestradiol-17β at concentrations above 10−6 mol/l also inhibited the myometrium and potentiated the effects of the antioestrogens. Our experiments suggest that the antioestrogens and oestradiol act via a similar route with tamoxifen having an equilibrium affinity approximately tenfold greater than that of oestradiol. J. Endocr. (1984) 103, 383–388
Relative occupation of type-I and type-II corticosteroid receptors in rat brain following stress and dexamethasone treatment: functional implications
Tập 115 Số 3 - Trang 459-467 - 1987
Johannes M. H. M. Reul, Frank R. van den Bosch, E. R. de Kloet
ABSTRACT The rat brain contains two receptor systems for corticosterone: the type-I corticosterone-preferring receptor and the classical type-II glucocorticoid receptor. The two receptor populations can be distinguished in binding studies with the 'pure' synthetic glucocorticoid 11β,17β-dihydroxy-6-methyl-17α (1-propynyl)-androsta-1,4,6-trione-3-one (RU 28362). In-vitro autoradiography and quantitative image analysis showed that the type-I receptor was localized almost exclusively in the hippocampus, whereas the type-II receptor extended throughout the brain, with the highest levels in the nucleus paraventricularis, nucleus supraopticus and in the thalamic, amygdaloid, hippocampal and septal regions. Unoccupied type-I and type-II receptor sites, as measured in vitro by cytosol binding of 3H-labelled steroids, displayed a large difference in the rate of appearance after adrenalectomy. The availability of type-I receptors exhibited a marked increase, reaching maximal levels within 4–7 h, and then remained constant until 2 weeks after adrenalectomy. The availability of type-II receptors did not change considerably during the first 24 h after adrenalectomy, but displayed a large increase in capacity during the subsequent 2 weeks. After adrenocortical activation as a consequence of exposure to a novel environment, plasma concentrations of corticosterone increased to reach a peak of 811 nmol/l after 30 min and attained the basal concentration (43 nmol/l) after 240 min. During this time, occupation of type-I receptors increased from 77·8% at 0 min to 97% at 30–60 min and then declined to 84·8% after 240 min. Occupation of the type-II receptors was 28·1% at 0 min, 74·5% after 30 min and 32·8% after 240 min. Injection of dexamethasone (25 μg/100 g body wt) at 08.00 h resulted in suppression of basal plasma concentrations of corticosterone and prevented the circadian-driven rise in circulating corticosterone. Occupation of type-I receptors did not change considerably as a result of injection of dexamethasone, but occupation of type-II receptors was markedly increased till 16.00 h compared with that after injection of vehicle. It was concluded that the type-I and type-II receptors are not only localized differently in the rat brain, but also exhibit a striking difference in occupation after manipulation of the pituitary-adrenocortical system. The data further support the concept of a type-I receptor-mediated tonic activating influence and a type-II receptor-mediated feedback action of corticosterone on brain function. J. Endocr. (1987) 115, 459–467