Journal of Endocrinology
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Plasma cortisol is largely bound to corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), which regulates its bioavailability by restricting exit from capillaries. Levels of CBG may be altered by several factors including stress and this can influence the amount of cortisol reaching cells. This study investigated the effect of social instability on plasma concentrations of CBG, total and free (not protein bound) cortisol in horses. Horses new to our research herd ('newcomers') were confined in a small yard with four dominant resident horses for 3-4 h daily for 3-4 (n = 5) or 9-14 (n = 3) days. Jugular blood was collected in the mornings from newcomers before the period of stress began ('pre-stress'), and then before each day's stress. Residents were bled before stress on the first and thirteenth day. Residents always behaved aggressively towards newcomers. By the end of the stress period, all newcomers were subordinate to residents. In newcomers (n = 8) after 3-4 days of social stress, CBG binding capacity had fallen (P = 0.0025), while free cortisol concentrations had risen (P = 0.0016) from pre-stress values. In contrast, total cortisol did not change. In residents, CBG had decreased slightly but significantly (P = 0.0162) after 12 days of stress. Residents and newcomers did not differ in pre-stress CBG binding capacity, total or free cortisol concentrations. However, by the second week of stress, CBG binding capacity was lower (P = 0.015) and free cortisol higher (P = 0.030) in newcomers (n = 3) than in residents. Total cortisol did not differ between the groups. In conclusion social stress clearly affected the adrenal axis of subordinate newcomer horses, lowering the binding capacity of CBG and raising free cortisol concentrations. However, no effect of stress could be detected when only total cortisol was measured. Therefore, to assess adrenal axis status accurately in horses, it is essential to monitor the binding capacity of CBG and free cortisol concentrations in addition to total cortisol levels.
Testosterone in its free form, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and androsterone, both androgens which are not aromatizable to oestrogen, injected in oil during the neonatal period have been reported not to modify the development of female sexual behaviour. This failure might be due to the short period of activity of these substances when injected in liquid vehicles. In the current study, a Silastic pellet containing 9% of its weight of testosterone, androsterone, or DHT was implanted subcutaneously in 42 female and 38 neonatally castrated male hamsters on day 2 of life and removed on day 10. Pellets of pure Silastic were implanted in 36 control animals. Males were gonadectomized on day 5 and females on day 45. Female sexual behaviour induced by oestradiol benzoate and progesterone was measured in a series of 10-min mating tests with vigorous males, starting at 55 days of age. The duration of lordosis was consistently reduced below control levels in females implanted with testosterone, DHT, and androsterone, and in males, with testosterone and DHT. Thus the free form of testosterone, and some non-aromatizable androgens, when present for a sufficiently long period after birth, can permanently suppress development of female reproductive behaviour.
Male rats were treated daily with 100 μg of the anti-oestrogen ethamoxytriphetol (MER-25) or oil during the first 10 days of life and tested for lordosis behaviour and mounting behaviour as intact adults, after castration and after castration and oestradiol benzoate or testosterone propionate treatment. The MER-25-treated rats showed higher levels of lordosis behaviour than oil-treated rats in all four treatment groups. Under each of these endocrine conditions, except after castration alone, the MER-25-treated rats showed a reduced capacity to ejaculate. Treatment of the neonatal rat with MER-25 reduced body weight in adulthood but did not change the weight of the accessory sexual glands, the testes, the number of cornified papillae on the glans penis or plasma testosterone concentrations during development. The response of the accessory sexual glands and cornified papillae on the glans penis to treatment with oestradiol benzoate or testosterone propionate after castration in adulthood was unaffected by treatment with MER-25. It is suggested that formation of oestrogen in the neonatal male rat brain from testosterone in the circulation inhibits the capacity to show lordosis behaviour and facilitates the capacity to ejaculate in response to gonadal hormone treatment in adulthood.
The metabolic clearance of ovine insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) was examined in sheep using 131I-labelled IGF-II. Following i.v. administration the tracer was distributed in a volume similar to that of the vascular space (58-5 ±3.3 ml/kg; mean ±
The minimal structural requirements for gonadotrophin releasing activity were studied with fragments of a highly active analogue of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH), [
Embryo implantation and endometrial decidualization are critical events that occur during early pregnancy in humans and mice, and perturbation in either can result in infertility. WNT signaling through the canonical β-catenin pathway plays a pivotal role in embryonic Müllerian duct development, postnatal uterine maturation and establishment of pregnancy. Loss of β-catenin in the Müllerian duct mesenchyme (MDM)-derived stroma and myometrium results in impaired decidualization and infertility, whereas gain-of-function (GOF) results in the formation of mesenchymal tumors and sub-fertility attributed to malformed oviducts. We hypothesized that GOF β-catenin further contributes to sub-fertility through improper stromal and epithelial cell signaling during embryo implantation and decidualization. We show that mice with GOF β-catenin in MDM-derived stroma and myometrium have reduced implantation sites after embryo transfer and decreased decidualization. On day 4.5 of pseudopregnancy or in mice treated with progesterone and estrogen to mimic early pregnancy, the estrogen–LIF–ERK and progesterone–IHH pathways remain predominantly intact in GOF β-catenin mice; however, JAK/STAT signaling is altered. pSTAT3 is significantly reduced in GOF β-catenin mice and expression of downstream epithelial junctional complex factors,
Preparation of mammalian uterus for embryo implantation requires a precise sequence of cell proliferation. In rodent uterus, estradiol stimulates proliferation of epithelial cells. Progesterone operates as a molecular switch and redirects proliferation to the stroma by down-regulating glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) and stimulating β-catenin accumulation in the periluminal stromal cells. In this study, the WNT signal involved in the progesterone-dependent proliferative switch was investigated. Transcripts of four candidate
Diabetic encephalopathy, characterized by impaired cognitive functions and neurochemical and structural abnormalities, may involve direct neuronal damage caused by intracellular glucose. The study assesses the direct effect of chronic hyperglycemia on the function of brain mitochondria, the major site of reactive species production, in diabetic streptozotocin (STZ) rats. Oxidative stress plays a central role in diabetic tissue damage. Alongside enhanced reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, both nitric oxide (NO) levels and mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase expression were found to be increased in mitochondria, whereas glutathione (GSH) peroxidase activity and manganese superoxide dismutase protein content were reduced. GSH was reduced and GSH disulfide (GSSG) was increased in STZ rats. Oxidative and nitrosative stress, by reducing the activity of complexes III, IV and V of the respiratory chain and decreasing ATP levels, might contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction. In summary, this study offers fresh evidence that, besides the vascular-dependent mechanisms of brain dysfunction, oxidative and nitrosative stress, by damaging brain mitochondria, may cause direct injury of neuronal cells.
Serotonin (5-HT) is a homeostatic regulator of lactation. Selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals that inhibit activity of the 5-HT reuptake transporter, increasing cellular exposure to 5-HT. Use of SSRIs has been shown to alter lactation performance in humans and 5-HT has been shown to reduce milk yield in cattle. However, it has not been determined how SSRI treatments affect the bovine mammary gland. We evaluated the effects of SSRI (fluoxetine (FLX)) administration on tight junctions (TJs) and milk protein gene expression in a lactogenic culture model, using primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (pBMEC). Additionally, we evaluated the effects of intramammary infusions of FLX and 5-hydroxytryptophan on milk production and TJ status in multiparous Holstein cows at dry-off. Treatment of pBMEC cultured on permeable membranes disrupted TJs, as measured by transepithelial resistance and immunostaining for zona occludens 1. Correspondingly, treatment of ‘3D’, collagen-embedded lactogenic cultures of pBMEC with FLX suppressed milk protein gene expression (α-lactalbumin and β-casein) in a concentration-dependent manner. Finally, intramammary treatment of Holstein cows with FLX resulted in an accelerated rate of milk decline. Additionally, TJ permeability increased in FLX-treated animals, as measured by plasma lactose and milk Na+ and K+ levels. Results of these experiments imply that SSRI administration accelerates the rate of mammary gland involution through disassembly of TJs and inhibition of milk protein gene expression
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