Journal of Counseling and Development
Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu
* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
Wellness is considered the paradigm of counseling and development (J. E. Myers, 1991, 1992). However, researchers have failed to agree on a definition or on the dimensional structure of wellness. Furthermore, existing quantitative wellness instruments are inadequate for capturing the complexity of wellness. The author reviews wellness theory and proposes an integrated definition of the construct. Existing wellness assessment instruments are explored along with advancements in research, theory, and measurement. Finally, implications for counseling and assessment are addressed.
Mục đích của bài báo này là hai mặt: (a) tái cấu trúc vấn đề phát triển danh tính chủng tộc để nó không chỉ bị giới hạn trong vấn đề áp bức và (b) cung cấp một khung khởi đầu để khái niệm hóa phát triển danh tính dân tộc có thể được sử dụng cho các thành viên của cả nhóm dân tộc thiểu số và đa số. Các giả thuyết dẫn đến sự phát triển của một lý thuyết về phát triển danh tính của nhóm dân tộc trong bối cảnh tình trạng đa số và thiểu số được trình bày.
Disproportionality plagues schools nationwide in special education placement, dropout, discipline referral, suspension, and expulsion rates. This study examined predictors of teacher referrals to school counselors for disruptive behavior in a sample of students selected from the Educational Longitudinal Study 2002 (National Center for Education Statistics, n.d.). Findings demonstrated that students’ race predicted English teacher referrals; students’ gender, previous disciplinary infractions, and teachers’ postsecondary expectations for students predicted English and math teacher referrals. Implications for practice, policy, and research are discussed.
Positive self‐identity is not easily attained in this culture. This premise is supported by the pervasive number of “‐isms” (e.g., racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism) and their adverse impact on those who are defined as inferior by the dominant way of perceiving. Examination of the conceptual system that predisposes people to these “‐isms” concludes that (a) it is the nature of the conceptual system that is inherently oppressive and (b) all who adhere to this conceptual system have a difficult time developing and maintaining a positive identity. This article postulates a new way of describing the identity development process under oppression using optimal theory (Myers, 1988). From this optimal worldview, oppression is perceived as self‐alienating and yielding a fragmented sense of self, based upon devaluation by self and others. Therefore, identity development is a process of integrating and expanding one's sense of self. Optimal theory provides a new inclusive model of identity development, which is described, along with its applications for counseling practice.
No es facíl obtener una identidad positiva de uno mismo en esta cultura. Esta premisa se apoya en la gran cantidad de “‐ismos” (e.g., racismo, sexismo, heterosexismo, “edadismo”) y los impactos adversos en la gente que sería definida como inferior por la manera dominante de percibirlo. La conclusión de un examen del sistema conceptual que predispone a las personas a estos “‐ismos” es que (a) la naturaleza del sistema conceptual es inheréntemente opresivo, y (b) todos aquellos que se adhieran a este sistema conceptual tendrán dificultades con el desarrollo y mantemiento de una identidad positiva. Este artículo postula una nueva manera de describir el proceso del desarrolo de la identidad bajo opresión utilizando la teoría óptima (Myers, 1.988). Desde esta visión universal óptima, se ve a la opresión como autoalienación y creadora de un sentido fragmentado del yo, basado en la devaluación por uno mismo y por los demás. Por tanto, el desarrollo de la indentidad es un proceso de integración y amplificación de la percepción de uno mismo. Esta óptima teoría nos da un modelo inclusive nuevo del desarrollo de identidad, lo cual se describe, junta con sus aplicacions para la práctica de consejería.
A literature review led to a conceptualization of social isolation as a major factor in determining how youth are increasingly put at risk for both immediate and lifelong difficulties. Three common and particularly troubling at‐risk situations that counselors face are specifically examined to better understand the origins and implications affecting assessment and interventions: abuse by peers in the form of bullying and harassment, abuse and neglect of youth by adults, and suicide as a form of self‐abuse. The authors present practical implications for how school and mental health counselors can apply this information in practice.
Role overload, job satisfaction, leisure satisfaction, and psychological health were measured for 155 women who were employed full time. Role overload was negatively correlated with psychological health, job satisfaction, and leisure satisfaction. Job satisfaction and leisure satisfaction were positively correlated with psychological health. Stepwise regression analyses indicated that role overload was the strongest predictor of psychological health and that job satisfaction and leisure satisfaction, respectively, added significantly to the prediction equation.
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