The National Conference on Health Disparities Student Research ForumJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 38 - Trang 85-95 - 2021
Marvella E. Ford, Angela M. Malek, Erica Martino, Latecia Abraham-Hilaire, Oluwole Ariyo, Dana Burshell, Gloria Callwood, Laura Campbell, Kimberly Cannady, Courtney Chavis, Brittney Crawford, Andie Edwards, Victoria Findlay, Rita Finley, Chamiere Greenaway, Tonya Hazelton, Monique Hill, Marion Howard, Kendrea D. Knight, Vanessa Lopez-Littleton, Lloyd Moore, Diandra Randle, David E. Rivers, Judith D. Salley, Terry Seabrook, Sabra Slaughter, James B. Stukes, Roland J. Thorpe, LaVerne Ragster
The annual National Conference on Health Disparities (NCHD) was launched in 2000. It unites health professionals, researchers, community leaders, and government officials, and is a catalyzing force in developing policies, research interventions, and programs that address prevention, social determinants, health disparities, and health equity. The NCHD Student Research Forum (SRF) was established in 2011 at the Medical University of South Carolina to build high-quality biomedical research presentation capacity in primarily underrepresented undergraduate and graduate/professional students. This paper describes the unique research training and professional development aspects of the NCHD SRF. These include guidance in abstract development, a webinar on presentation techniques and methods, a vibrant student-centric conference, and professional development workshops on finding a mentor and locating scholarship/fellowship funding, networking, and strategies for handling ethical issues in research with mentors. Between 2011 and 2018, 400 undergraduate and graduate/professional students participated in the NCHD SRF. Most students were women (80.5%). Approximately half were African American or black (52.3%), 18.0% were white, and 21.3% were of Hispanic/Latinx ethnicity. The NCHD SRF is unique in several ways. First, it provides detailed instructions on developing a scientific abstract, including content area examples. Second, it establishes a mandatory pre-conference training webinar demonstrating how to prepare a scientific poster. Third, it works with the research mentors, faculty advisors, department chairs, and deans to help identify potential sources of travel funding for students with accepted abstracts. These features make the NCHD SRF different from many other conferences focused on students’ scientific presentations.
The Connection Between Social Determinants of Health and Human Papillomavirus Testing Knowledge Among Women in the USAJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 37 - Trang 148-154 - 2020
Ashvita Garg, Annalynn M. Galvin, Sarah Matthes, Sarah B. Maness, Erika L. Thompson
Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes 99% of cervical cancers. In the USA, HPV testing has recently been recommended as a stand-alone option for cervical cancer screening in women over 30 years of age. Yet, studies have shown low awareness of HPV testing. This study examines awareness and knowledge that US women possess regarding HPV testing using the social determinants of health (SDOH) framework. Women aged 30 to 65 years, without hysterectomy, completed an online survey (N = 812). The outcome variables included HPV testing awareness and HPV testing knowledge, a six-item validated scale. Predictor variables included three domains of the Healthy People 2020 SDOH framework: economic stability, education, and health and healthcare. Other important sociodemographic predictors were also included. Multiple logistic and linear regression identified variables associated with HPV testing awareness and knowledge, respectively. 62.4% of the women were aware of HPV testing, and the mean knowledge score was 2.8 (out of 6). Lower awareness and knowledge were observed in older women compared with younger women and among women who had either not received HPV vaccination or were unsure of their vaccination status. Higher education attainment was associated with greater awareness and knowledge. Also, women who had a well-woman visit in the last year had better knowledge. Findings from the study can be used to develop targeted prevention strategies and initiatives to improve HPV testing awareness and knowledge to help women make more informed health decisions and promote uptake of this screening tool.
Training Needs of Clinical and Research Professionals to Optimize Minority Recruitment and Retention in Cancer Clinical TrialsJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 34 - Trang 26-34 - 2017
Soumya J. Niranjan, Raegan W. Durant, Jennifer A. Wenzel, Elise D. Cook, Mona N. Fouad, Selwyn M. Vickers, Badrinath R. Konety, Sarah B. Rutland, Zachary R. Simoni, Michelle Y. Martin
The study of disparities in minority recruitment to cancer clinical trials has focused primarily on inquiries among minority patient populations. However, clinical trial recruitment is complex and requires a broader appreciation of the multiple factors that influence minority participation. One area that has received little attention is minority recruitment training for professionals who assume various roles in the clinical trial recruitment process. Therefore, we assessed the perspectives of cancer center clinical and research personnel on their training and education needs toward minority recruitment for cancer clinical trials. Ninety-one qualitative interviews were conducted at five U.S. cancer centers among four stakeholder groups: cancer center leaders, principal investigators, referring clinicians, and research staff. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Qualitative analyses focused on response data related to training for minority recruitment for cancer clinical trials. Four prominent themes were identified: (1) Research personnel are not currently being trained to focus on recruitment and retention of minority populations; (2) Training for minority recruitment and retention provides for a specific focus on factors influencing minority research participation; (3) Training on cultural awareness may help to bridge cultural gaps between potential minority participants and research professionals; (4) Views differ regarding the importance of research personnel training designed to focus on recruitment of minority populations. There is a lack of systematic training for minority recruitment. Many stakeholders acknowledged the benefits of minority recruitment training and welcomed training that focuses on increasing cultural awareness to increase the participation of minorities in cancer clinical trials.
Barriers and Challenges of Cancer Patients and Their Experience with Patient Navigators in the Rural US/Mexico Border RegionJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 32 - Trang 112-118 - 2015
Helen Palomino, Diana Peacher, Eunjeong Ko, Susan I. Woodruff, Mercedes Watson
Patient navigation is a widely used approach to minimize health disparities among socioeconomically marginalized cancer patients. Although patient navigation is widely used, there is a dearth of studies exploring patient experience with navigators among rural cancer patients. This qualitative study explores the challenges and barriers to cancer care faced by cancer patients living in a US/Mexico border region in Southern California. We individually interviewed 22 cancer patients, most of whom were Latino. Data were analyzed using constant comparison with a reiterative analysis method. The main themes relating to barriers to care and experiences with patient navigators include the following: (1) removing financial barriers, (2) coordinating services, and (3) providing therapeutic interventions. The cancer patients highly valued the navigators for their knowledge about community resources, support, and advocacy. This study suggests that it is imperative that navigators know the regional and binational health care utilization issues that impact patients’ access to cancer care.
Near-Peer Teaching in Radiation Oncology: a Proof of Principle Study for Learning Treatment PlanningJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 37 - Trang 1245-1250 - 2022
Gerard M. Walls, Rachel Ellis, Sophie Lynch, Margaret A. Flynn, Gemma McCann, Lucy J. Jellett, Claire Harrison
Radiotherapy techniques are expanding in range and complexity; therefore, protecting learning environments where residents nurture treatment planning skills is critical. The evidence base for ‘near-peer’ teaching (NPT), where professionals at a similar career stage assist in each other’s learning, is growing in hospital-based disciplines, but has not been reported in radiation oncology. The feasibility of a resident-led teaching programme for developing treatment planning skills was investigated herein with quality improvement (QI) methodology. Following consultation with attendings (n = 10) and all residents (n = 17) at the two cancer centres in the region, a regular NPT session focused on planning skills was initiated at the largest centre, with video-linking to the second centre. Tutorials were case-based and pitched at the level of qualifying examinations. Plan–Do–Study–Act (PDSA) cycles were designed based on primary and secondary improvement drivers derived by group consensus among residents, with tutorials adopted accordingly. Participation, content, and satisfaction were monitored for 20 months. Six PDSA cycles reformed the tutorial format, leading to logistical and pedagogical benefits including interprofessional contributions and enhanced interactivity. Tutorials occurred on 85% prescribed occasions (n = 45) during the subsequent 18-month follow-up, with 25 distinct tumour sites featured. Resident participation and satisfaction increased, independent of resident seniority. Tutorials were paused for the first 2 months of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic only. A high-quality and cost-effective regional, trainee-led teaching programme on treatment planning was feasible and cost-effective in this study.
Development of FamilyTalk: an Intervention to Support Communication and Educate Families About Colorectal Cancer RiskJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 35 - Trang 470-478 - 2019
Deborah J. Bowen, Travis Hyams, Mercy Laurino, Timothy Woolley, Stacey Cohen, Kathleen A. Leppig, Gail Jarvik
IFamily members of individuals with colorectal cancer (CRC) may be at increased risk of developing the disease. However, the majority of CRC can be prevented through colonoscopy screening and family members may not be aware if they are recommended to pursue earlier screening because of their family history of CRC. As such, tools must be developed to effectively communicate potential changes to the recommended age for colonoscopy screening and other important CRC-related information to family members. We modified and adapted a successful intervention for families with melanoma to be appropriate for families with CRC to increase communication and screening in family members. The multistep process included the following: (1) developing a paper version of the intervention, (2) piloting the paper version among families with CRC, (3) developing the web-based version, and (4) testing the intervention for usability. Qualitative data was collected and analyzed for pilot testing. Usability testing utilized both qualitative and quantitative data. Patients with CRC liked the paper version and had multiple suggestions, including adding a better introduction, sections on genetics and family history, and clearer communication assistance. The web-based tool was well received and improved upon the linear book format with links, better section instructions, and more proactive communication tools for families. These processes produced materials that satisfied individuals from various families with assistance and support for communicating about CRC. Evaluating the effects of the tools in rigorous research projects is the next step.
Disseminating Tobacco Control Information to Asians and Pacific IslandersJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 30 - Trang 26-30 - 2014
John Tat, Mike Nguy, Eric K. Tong, Aaron J. Cheng, Lois Y. Chung, Georgia Robins Sadler
The Asian Grocery Store-Based Cancer Education Program (the Program) is a proven strategy for promoting early breast cancer detection among Asian American women. The authors sought to test whether the same public health model can become an effective strategy for increasing the Asian community’s awareness of the California Smokers’ Helpline (the Helpline) and thereby, potentially decreasing this community’s use of tobacco products. The new module, mainly staffed by four well-trained, volunteer undergraduates, explained the risks of first- and second-hand tobacco exposure and how to access the Helpline’s services. A brochure, provided in English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese (the Helpline’s available Asian languages), was used to guide the bicultural, bilingual students’ tobacco-related discussions with shoppers. The students’ repeated presence at the nine partnering Asian grocery stores served as reminders of the Helpline’s availability. In its first year of operation, the student trainers reached 1,052 men and 1,419 women with tobacco cessation messages. Equally important, the participating grocery stores’ managers did not object to students telling their customers to quit using the tobacco products sold in their stores. The results suggest that the Program’s tobacco cessation module is a viable, community-specific, public health strategy. It is also a strategy with the potential for applications to reduce other health threats.
The ISAC Paradigm to Tame Oral Cancer in Saudi Arabia: A Quasi-experimental StudyJournal of Cancer Education - Tập 38 Số 6 - Trang 1901-1909 - 2023
Mohammed Jafer, Ibtisam Moafa, Ciska Hoving, Math J. J. M. Candel, Abdulrahman A Kaabi, H.W. van den Borne
AbstractLate detection of oral cancer (OC) cases in Saudi Arabia is concerning. It reduces survival rate and complicates treatment. The ISAC intervention was developed to bridge the gaps observed in dentists’ practice of OC examination and patient education. The ISAC stands for I, informing patients of OC screenings; S, screening for OC; A, advising high-risk patients to quit risk factors; and C, connecting patients to advanced services. This study tested the potential effect of the ISAC in influencing dentists’ cognitive and behavioral skills, to enhance early detection and prevention of OC. A quasi-experimental study was conducted among dental interns (DIs) at dental setting to test the effect on comprehensive oral cancer examination score (COCE), awareness, self-efficacy, descriptive-norms, and self-reported behavior. Data were collected through triangulation of methods pre and post the intervention at two-months. Multiple linear mixed effects regression models were utilized for data analysis. Between October 2020 and April 2021, 47 DIs participated in the study. The final model showed the significant effects of time (ISAC) on COCE (95% CI = 25.12–29.42, P < .001). DIs had a significant improvement in awareness, self-efficacy, descriptive norms, and self-reported behavior. The findings showed promising effects of the intervention toward the early detection and prevention of OC. Dentists, dental organizations, and policymakers in areas with a high risk of OC could benefit from the current intervention which contributes to capacity building and improved community health. A pragmatic study with a robust design is needed to test the effectiveness of the intervention on a wider scale.