Journal of Biomolecular NMR

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The use of 1JCαHα coupling constants as a probe for protein backbone conformation
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 3 - Trang 67-80 - 1993
Geerten W. Vuister, Frank Delaglio, Ad Bax
Simple pseudo-3D modifications to the constant-time HSQC and HCACO experiments are described that allow accurate (±0.5 Hz) measurement of one bond JCαHα coupling constants in proteins that are uniformly enriched with 13C. An empirical φ,ψ-surface is calculated which describes the deviation of 1JCαHα from its random coil value, using 203 1JCαHα values measured for residues in the proteins calmodulin, staphylococcal nuclease, and basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor, for which φ and ψ are know with good precision from previous X-ray crystallographic studies. Residues in α-helical conformation exhibit positive deviations of 4–5 Hz, whereas deviations in β-sheet are small and, on average, slightly negative. Data indicate that 1JCαHα depends primarily on ψ, and that 1JCαHα may be useful as a qualitative probe for secondary structure. Comparison of 1JCαHα coupling constants measured in free calmodulin and in its complex with a 26-aminoacid peptide fragment of myosin light-chain kinase confirm that the calmodulin secondary structure is retained upon complexation but that disruption of the middle part of the ‘central helix’ is even more extensive than in free calmodulin.
Resonance assignment of 13C/15N labeled solid proteins by two- and three-dimensional magic-angle-spinning NMR
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 15 - Trang 1-14 - 1999
Mei Hong
The comprehensive structure determination of isotopically labeled proteins by solid-state NMR requires sequence-specific assignment of 13C and 15 N spectra. We describe several 2D and 3D MAS correlation techniques for resonance assignment and apply them, at 7.0 Tesla, to 13C and 15N labeled ubiquitin to examine the extent of resonance assignments in the solid state. Both interresidue and intraresidue assignments of the 13C and 15N resonances are addressed. The interresidue assignment was carried out by an N(CO)CA technique, which yields Ni-Cαi−1 connectivities in protein backbones via two steps of dipolar-mediated coherence transfer. The intraresidue connectivities were obtained from a new 3D NCACB technique, which utilizes the well resolved Cβ chemical shift to distinguish the different amino acids. Additional amino acid type assignment was provided by a 13C spin diffusion experiment, which exhibits 13C spin pairs as off-diagonal intensities in the 2D spectrum. To better resolve carbons with similar chemical shifts, we also performed a dipolar-mediated INADEQUATE experiment. By cross-referencing these spectra and exploiting the selective and extensive 13 C labeling approach, we assigned 25% of the amino acids in ubiquitin sequence-specifically and 47% of the residues to the amino acid types. The sensitivity and resolution of these experiments are evaluated, especially in the context of the selective and extensive 13C labeling approach.
3D 13C/1H NMR-based assignments for side-chain resonances of Lactobacillus casei dihydrofolate reductase. Evidence for similarities between the solution and crystal structures of the enzyme
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 3 - Trang 535-546 - 1993
A. Soteriou, M. D. Carr, T. A. Frenkiel, J. E. McCormick, C. J. Bauer, D. Šali, B. Birdsall, J. Feeney
13C-based three-dimensional 1H−1H correlation experiments have been used to determine essentially complete 13C and 1H resonance assignments for the amino acid side chains of uniformly 13C/15N labelled L. casei dihydrofolate reductase in a complex with the drug methotrexate. Excellent agreement is observed between these assignments and an earlier set of partial assignments made on the basis of correlating nuclear Overhauser effect and crystal structure data, indicating that the tertiary structure of the enzyme is similar in solution and in the crystal state.
Spectral processing methods for the removal of t1 noise and solvent artifacts from NMR spectra
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 2 - Trang 485-494 - 1992
Nick Manoleras, Raymond S. Norton
A data processing method is described which reduces the effects of t1 noise artifacts and improves the presentation of 2D NMR spectral data. A t1 noise profile is produced by measuring the average noise in each column. This profile is then used to determine weighting coefficients for a sliding weighted smoothing filter that is applied to each row, such that the amount of smoothing each point receives is proportional to both its estimated t1 noise level and the level of t1 noise of neighbouring points. Thus, points in the worst t1 noise bands receive the greatest smoothing, whereas points in low-noise regions remain relatively unaffected. In addition, weighted smoothing allows points in low-noise regions to influence neighbouring points in noisy regions. This method is also effective in reducing the noise artifacts associated with the solvent resonance in spectra of biopolymers in aqueous solution. Although developed primarily to improve the quality of 2D NMR spectra of biopolymers prior to automated analysis, this approach should enhance processing of spectra of a wide range of compounds and can be used whenever noise occurs in discrete bands in one dimension of a multi-dimensional spectrum.
NMR assignment of domain 3 of the receptor-associated protein (RAP)
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 36 - Trang 56-56 - 2006
Donghan Lee, Joseph D. Walsh, Ping Yu, Molly Migliorini, Yibing Wu, Dudley K. Strickland, Yun-Xing Wang
Rapid automated determination of chemical shift anisotropy values in the carbonyl and carboxyl groups of fd-y21m bacteriophage using solid state NMR
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 72 - Trang 55-67 - 2018
Tom Aharoni, Amir Goldbourt
Determination of chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) in immobilized proteins and protein assemblies is one of several tools to determine protein dynamics on the timescales of microseconds and faster. The large CSA values of C=O groups in the rigid limit makes them in particular attractive for measurements of large amplitude motions, or their absence. In this study, we implement a 3D R-symmetry-based sequence that recouples the second spatial component of the 13C CSA with the corresponding isotropic 13C′–13C cross-peaks in order to probe backbone and sidechain dynamics in an intact fd-y21m filamentous phage viral capsid. The assignment of the isotropic cross-peaks and the analysis were conducted automatically using a new software named ‘Raven’. The software can be utilized to auto-assign any 2D 13C–13C or 15N–13C spectrum given a previously-determined assignment table and generates simultaneously all intensity curves acquired in the third dimension. Here, all CSA spectra were automatically generated, and subsequently matched against a simulated set of CSA curves to yield their values. For the multi-copy, 50-residue-long protein capsid of fd-y21m, the backbone of the helical region is rigid, with reduced CSA values of ~ 12.5 kHz (~ 83 ppm). The N-terminus shows motionally-averaged CSA lineshapes and the carboxylic sidechain groups of four residues indicate large amplitude motions for D4, D5, D12 and E20. The current results further strengthen our previous studies of 15N CSA values and are in agreement with qualitative analysis of 13C–13C dipolar build-up curves, which were automatically obtained using our software. Our automated analysis technique is general and can be applied to study protein structure and dynamics, with data resulting from experiments that probe different variables such as relaxation rates and scaled anisotropic interactions.
Probing the equilibrium unfolding of ketosteroid isomerase through xenon-perturbed 1H–15N multidimensional NMR spectroscopy
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 40 - Trang 65-70 - 2007
Hyeong Ju Lee, Hye Seon Moon, Do Soo Jang, Hyung Jin Cha, Bee Hak Hong, Kwan Yong Choi, Hee Cheon Lee
We used xenon-perturbed 1H–15N multidimensional NMR to investigate the structural changes in the urea-induced equilibrium unfolding of the dimeric ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) from Pseudomonas putida biotype B. Three limited regions located on the β3-, β5- and β6-strands of dimeric interface were significantly perturbed by urea in the early stage of KSI unfolding, which could lead to dissociation of the dimer into structured monomers at higher denaturant concentration as the interactions in these regions are weakened. The results indicate that the use of xenon as an indirect probe for multidimensional NMR can be a useful method for the equilibrium unfolding study of protein at residue level.
Dilute spin-exchange assignment of solid-state NMR spectra of oriented proteins: Acetylcholine M2 in bilayers
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 14 - Trang 141-148 - 1999
F.M. Marassi, J.J. Gesell, A.P. Valente, Y. Kim, M. Oblatt-Montal, M. Montal, S.J. Opella
The assignment of amide resonances in the two-dimensional PISEMA (Polarization Inversion with Spin Exchange at the Magic Angle) spectrum of uniformly 15N labeled M2 peptide corresponding to the channel-lining segment of the acetylcholine receptor in oriented phospholipid bilayers is described. The majority of the resonances were assigned through comparisons with spectra from selectively 15N labeled recombinant peptides and specifically 15N labeled synthetic peptides. Some resonances were assigned to specific amino acid residues by means of homonuclear 15N spin-exchange spectroscopy. A modification to the conventional spin-exchange pulse sequence that significantly shortens the length of the experiments by combining the intervals for 15 N spin-exchange and 1H magnetization recovery is described.
Editorial management of the Journal of Biomolecular NMR
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 52 - Trang 3-4 - 2011
Gerhard Wagner
Automated assignment of NMR chemical shifts based on a known structure and 4D spectra
Journal of Biomolecular NMR - Tập 65 - Trang 217-236 - 2016
Matthias Trautwein, Kai Fredriksson, Heiko M. Möller, Thomas E. Exner
Apart from their central role during 3D structure determination of proteins the backbone chemical shift assignment is the basis for a number of applications, like chemical shift perturbation mapping and studies on the dynamics of proteins. This assignment is not a trivial task even if a 3D protein structure is known and needs almost as much effort as the assignment for structure prediction if performed manually. We present here a new algorithm based solely on 4D [1H,15N]-HSQC-NOESY-[1H,15N]-HSQC spectra which is able to assign a large percentage of chemical shifts (73–82 %) unambiguously, demonstrated with proteins up to a size of 250 residues. For the remaining residues, a small number of possible assignments is filtered out. This is done by comparing distances in the 3D structure to restraints obtained from the peak volumes in the 4D spectrum. Using dead-end elimination, assignments are removed in which at least one of the restraints is violated. Including additional information from chemical shift predictions, a complete unambiguous assignment was obtained for Ubiquitin and 95 % of the residues were correctly assigned in the 251 residue-long N-terminal domain of enzyme I. The program including source code is available at .
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