Journal of Applied Probability
SCOPUS (1975-1979,1981-1990,1995-2023)SCIE-ISI
Anh Quốc
Cơ quản chủ quản: Cambridge University Press , CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS
Các bài báo tiêu biểu
A new Markov chain is introduced which can be used to describe the family relationships among
A Hawkes process is also known under the name of a self-exciting point process and has numerous applications throughout science and engineering. We derive the statistical estimation (maximum likelihood estimation) and goodness-of-fit (mainly graphical) for multivariate Hawkes processes with possibly dependent marks. As an application, we analyze two data sets from finance.
Very general forms of the strong law of large numbers and the central limit theorem are proved for estimates of the unknown parameters in a sinusoidal oscillation observed subject to error. In particular when the unknown frequency
As proposed by Ebrahimi, uncertainty in the residual lifetime distribution can be measured by means of the Shannon entropy. In this paper, we analyse a dual characterization of life distributions that is based on entropy applied to the past lifetime. Various aspects of this measure of uncertainty are considered, including its connection with the residual entropy, the relation between its increasing nature and the DRFR property, and the effect of monotonic transformations on it.
We prove large deviation results for the random sum
A definition of ESS (evolutionarily stable strategy) is suggested for games in which there are two types of player, each with its own set of strategies, and the fitness of any strategy depends upon the strategy mix, of both types, in the population as a whole. We check that the standard ESS results hold for this definition and discuss a mate-desertion model which has appeared in the literature in which the two types are male and female.
We consider preemptive scheduling of
An approximation for the average delay in queue of an entering customer is presented for the
A new partial ordering among life distributions in terms of their uncertainties is introduced. Our measure of uncertainty is Shannon information applied to the residual lifetime. The relationship between this ordering and various existing orderings of life distributions are discussed. Various properties of our proposed concept are examined. Based on our proposed ordering and various existing orderings, the notion of a ‘better system' is introduced.
Necessary and sufficient conditions for the so-called Hurst effect are given in the case of a weakly dependent stationary sequence of random variables perturbed by a trend. As a consequence of this general result it is shown that the Hurst effect is present in the case of weakly dependent random variables with a small monotonic trend of the form