Synthesis of nearly spherical AlN particles by an in-situ nitriding combustion routeJournal of Advanced Ceramics - - 2021
Zhilei Wei, Li Kang, Bangzhi Ge, Chaowei Guo, Hongyan Xia, Yajie Guo, Zhongqi Shi
AbstractSpherical AlN powders with micrometer size have attracted great attention owing to their good fluidity and dispersity. However, the industrial preparation methods usually require high temperature and long soaking time, which lead to the high cost and limit the wide application of the products. Herein, nearly spherical AlN particles with the average size of 2.5 µm were successfully synthesized via anin-situcombustion synthesis method. The effect of N2pressure, NH4Cl content, and Al particle size on the combustion reaction procedure, phase composition, and microstructure of the products was systematically investigated. The results showed that the decreased N2pressure, increased NH4Cl content, and Al particle size led to the decreasing of combustion temperature and speed, which further affected the morphology of the products. As a result, low N2pressure (0.2 MPa), a small amount of NH4Cl (0.5 wt%), and fine Al particles (∼2.5 µm) contributed to a moderate combustion temperature and facilitated the formation of nearly spherical AlN particles. In addition, based on the gas-releasing assisted quenching experiments and thermo-kinetic analysis, a two-step growth mechanism for the nearly spherical AlN particles was rationally proposed. The present method shows the advantages of low cost and high efficiency for preparing nearly spherical AlN particles, which can be used as raw materials for electronic substrates and fillers for packaging materials.
Single-source-precursor synthesis and phase evolution of SiC-TaC-C ceramic nanocomposites containing core-shell structured TaC@C nanoparticlesJournal of Advanced Ceramics - - 2020
Zhaoju Yu, Yujing Yang, Kangwei Mao, Yao Feng, Qingbo Wen, Ralf Riedel
AbstractA novel single-source-precursor for SiC-TaC-C nanocomposites was successfully synthesized by the chemical reaction between a polycarbosilane (allylhydridopolycarbosilane, AHPCS) and tantalum(V) chloride (TaCl5), which was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectra (FTIR) measurement. After pyrolysis of the resultant single-source-precursors at 900 °C, amorphous ceramic powders were obtained. The 900 °C ceramics were annealed at different temperatures in the range of 1200–1600 °C to gain SiC-TaC-C nanocomposites. The phase evolution of ceramic nanocomposites was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that the TaC starts to crystallize at lower temperature than the β-SiC. It is particularly worth pointing out that the unique core-shell structured TaC@C nanoparticles werein-situformed and homogeneously distributed in the ceramic matrix after annealing at 1400 °C. Even at a high temperature of 1600 °C, the grain sizes of β-SiC and TaC are smaller than 30 nm, fulfilling the definition of nanocomposites. The present study related to SiC-TaC-C nanocomposites paves a new road for enriching ultra-high temperature ceramic family suitable for structural/functional applications in harsh environment.
Pomegranate-type Si/C anode with SiC taped, well-dispersed tiny Si particles for lithium-ion batteriesJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 10 Số 5 - Trang 1129-1139 - 2021
Pengfei Wu, Benyang Shi, Huibin Tu, Chaozhong Guo, Anhua Liu, Yan Guan, Zhaoju Yu
AbstractSevere volume expansion and inherently poor lithium ion transmission are two major problems of silicon anodes. To address these issues, we proposed a pomegranate-type Si/C composite anode with highly dispersed tiny silicon particles as the core assisted by small amount of SiC. Skillfully exploiting the high heat from magnesiothermic reduction, SiC can assist the good dispersion of silicon and provide good interface compatibility and chemical stability. The silicon anchored to the carbon shell provides multipoint contact mode, that together with the carbon shell frame, significantly promoting the transfer of dual charge. Besides, the pomegranate-type microcluster structure also improves the tap density of the electrode, reduces the direct contact area between active material and electrolyte, and enhances the electrochemical performance.
Edge chipping resistance of ceramics: Problems of test methodJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 2 - Trang 370-377 - 2013
George A. Gogotsi
An unconventional method for determining the fracture resistance of brittle materials is discussed. This method employs a conical indenter to chip the rectangular edge of the specimen. Particular features of the method are the use of small specimens and the evaluation of the resistance of materials to the nucleation, initiation and propagation of a crack. It is shown that this method is somewhat similar to the Hertzian fracture method and to the way that early man selected stones to make tools and weapons. Measured data of the fracture resistance of ceramics is presented. It is confirmed that if a ceramic material is similar to the model material of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), then those fracture resistance values are directly proportional to the critical stress intensity factors (baseline). For elastic and inelastic ceramics, R-lines characterizing the fracture resistance to crack growth are plotted. It is shown that proportionality lines (edge chipping resistance versus critical stress intensity factor) may be straight lines for ceramics with similar structure (such as Y-TZP and Mg-PSZ). The effect of rounding of the conical indenter tip (10-800 μm) on chip scar shape is indicated. Other aspects in the fracture behavior of ceramics during edge chipping are also analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed. Further studies in this mechanico-physical research area are suggested.
A new insight into structural complexity in ferroelectric ceramicsJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 6 - Trang 262-268 - 2017
Weidong Zeng, Qingning Li, Changrong Zhou, Jiwen Xu, Changlai Yuan, Guohua Chen
The structure of the ferroelectrics has been widely studied in order to pursuing the origin of high electromechanical responses. However, some experiments on structure of ferroelectrics have yielded different results. Here, we report that the controversial phase structure is due to the adaptive diffraction of nanodomains which hides the natural crystal structure, and the electric-field-induced phase transition is that the natural crystal structure reappears due to the coalescent nanodomains or ordering nanodomains by applying a high electric field. The temperature dependence of dielectric constant with different measurement frequencies and X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of unpoled, poled, and annealing after poled ceramics in Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–BaTiO3 (BNT–BT) ceramics authenticate the statement. These results provide a new insight into the origin of structural complexity in ferroelectric ceramics, which is related to the key role of nanodomains.
Controlling calcium and phosphate ion release of 3D printed bioactive ceramic scaffolds: An in vitro studyJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 6 - Trang 157-164 - 2017
Lukasz Witek, Yang Shi, James Smay
This paper characterizes in an in vitro setting the release of calcium (Ca) and phosphate (PO4) of 3D printed bioactive ceramic scaffold prepared from extrudable paste containing hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). Hydroxyapatite and β-TCP were calcined at 800 °C for 11 h, fabricated into four experimental groups (100% HA, 100% β-TCP, 15%/85% HA/β-TCP, and 15%/85% HA/β-TCP (design)), sintered to 1100 °C for 4 h. Calcium and phosphorus concentrations were evaluated using ICP spectroscopy, and the release of Ca and PO4 ions during dissolution of the CaP-based scaffolds was measured by submerging in 0.05 mol/L Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane-HCl and maintaining a temperature of 37 °C. The Ca and PO4 concentrations of the solutions were measured with the utilization of a calcium assay kit and a phosphate assay kit and read in a UV–visible spectrophotometer. The 100% HA scaffold group showed the greatest concentration of Ca ions (~1.9 mg/dL), but ultimately released at a lower amount as time increased; the 100% HA scaffold also showed the lowest total amount of calcium ions released over the course of evaluation. The results for the 100% β-TCP were on the opposite of the HA with the highest amount of calcium ion release over the study. While the PO4 ion release showed a similar trend as those observed with Ca ions with an apparent difference in the 100% HA scaffold group. There was nearly 0 mg/dL of the phosphate ions released in the first 24 h, in comparison to the amount of Ca ions released during the same time frame. Since various formulations can lead to different properties of these bioactive ceramic scaffolds, it is important to understand how the tailoring of this important biphasic material can impact the long-term outcome of an ever-important in vivo clinical trial in the future.
Fabrication and microstructure evolution of Csf/ZrB2-SiC composites via direct ink writing and reactive melt infiltrationJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 10 - Trang 1371-1380 - 2021
Feiyan Cai, Jun Lu, Chunjing Liao, Yusheng Ding, Haijun Zhou, Shaoming Dong, Bowen Chen, Dewei Ni, Youlin Jiang, Xuegang Zou
Fiber damage and uniform interphase preparation are the main challenges in conventional short fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites. In this work, we develop a novel processing route in fabrication of short carbon fiber reinforced ZrB2-SiC composites (Csf/ZrB2-SiC) overcoming the above two issues. At first, Csf preforms with oriented designation and uniform PyC/SiC interphase are fabricated via direct ink writing (DIW) of short carbon fiber paste followed by chemical vapor infiltration. After that, ZrB2 and SiC are introduced into the preforms by slurry impregnation and reactive melt infiltration, respectively. Microstructure evolution and optimization of the composites during fabrication are investigated in detail. The as-fabricated Csf/ZrB2-SiC composites have a bulk density of 2.47 g/cm3, with uniform weak interphase and without serious fiber damage. Consequently, non-brittle fracture occurs in the Csf/ZrB2-SiC composites with widespread toughening mechanisms such as crack deflection and bridging, interphase debonding, and fiber pull-out. This work provides a new opportunity to the material design and selection of short fiber reinforced composites.
Experimental and FEM based investigation of the influence of the deposition temperature on the mechanical properties of SiC coatingsJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 10 - Trang 139-151 - 2021
Thomas Schlech, Siegfried Horn, Charles Wijayawardhana, Arash Rashidi
Scanning electron microscopy shows that the microstructure, in particular the overall grain size, of chemical vapor deposited silicon carbide coatings depends on the deposition temperature. So far, the influence of the microstructure on the mechanical properties of such coatings is not well described in literature. To investigate the influence of the deposition temperature on the mechanical properties of the coating, nanoindentation is used in this work. Since the measurement results of nanoindentation can be affected by the substrate material, the contribution of the substrate material is taken into account utilizing a finite element model. The model is then employed to generate information about elastic and plastic properties of the coating by inverse simulation. To evaluate the fracture toughness of the coating, the generated material model is used in a cohesive-zone based formulation of the fracture process during indentation at higher loads. The results of this model allow determining the fracture toughness of silicon carbide coatings deposited at different temperatures.
Enhanced thermal shock and oxidation resistance of Si2BC3N ceramics through MWCNTs incorporationJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 7 Số 3 - Trang 276-288 - 2018
Ning Liao, Dechang Jia, Zhihua Yang, Yu Zhou, Yawei Li
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) reinforced Si2BC3N ceramics were prepared through mechanical alloying (MA) and following spark plasma sintering (SPS). The thermal shock resistance of Si2BC3N ceramics was evaluated comparatively through ice water quenching test and theoretical prediction. Furthermore, the oxidation resistance of MWCNTs incorporated Si2BC3N ceramics was evaluated under high temperature. The results show that the calculated parameters such as the critical thermal shock temperature (R) and the thermal stresses resistance (R
st), as well as the toughness (R″″) are improved with addition of 1 vol% MWCNTs. In addition, the crack propagation resistance of 1 vol% MWCNTs incorporated Si2BC3N ceramics is obviously improved through generating more tortuous crack propagation paths attributing to the “crack bridging”, “pull-out”, and “crack deflection” mechanisms of MWCNTs. Therefore, the residual strengths of 1 vol% MWCNTs containing specimens remained the highest after the thermal shock tests. Besides, the present work also reveals that the oxidation resistance is more sensitive to relative density than MWCNTs addition.
Microstructures and microwave dielectric properties of (Ba1−xSrx)4(Sm0.4Nd0.6)28/3Ti18O54 solid solutionsJournal of Advanced Ceramics - Tập 6 - Trang 50-58 - 2017
Xianpei Huang, Xinyu Liu, Fei Liu, Changlai Yuan, Jingjing Qu, Jiwen Xu, Changrong Zhou, Guohua Chen
(Ba1−xSrx)4(Sm0.4Nd0.6)28/3Ti18O54 (x = 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, 0.1) solid solutions were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction process. It was found that (Ba1−xSrx)4(Sm0.4Nd0.6)28/3Ti18O54 ceramics are fully composed of BaSm2Ti4O12 and BaNd2Ti5O14 phases for all the compositions. The increasing x value (0.02 ≤ x ≤ 0.1) in ((Ba1−xSrx)4(Sm0.4Nd0.6)28/3Ti18O54 ceramics can not only obtain high Q × f value but also effectively enhance the permittivity (εr). The (Ba1−xSrx)4(Sm0.4Nd0.6)28/3Ti18O54 ceramic with x = 0.08, sintered at 1440 °C for 4 h, shows excellent microwave dielectric properties of permittivity (εr) ≈ 93.19, quality factor (Q × f) ≈ 9770.14 GHz (at 3.415 GHz), and almost near-zero temperature coefficient of resonant frequency (τf) ≈ +4.56 ppm/°C.