International Journal of Photoenergy
SCOPUS (1999-2023)SCIE-ISI
Cơ quản chủ quản: Hindawi Publishing Corporation , HINDAWI LTD
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Cu2ZnSnS4is considered as the ideal absorption layer material in next generation thin film solar cells due to the abundant component elements in the crust being nontoxic and environmentally friendly. This paper summerized the development situation of Cu2ZnSnS4thin film solar cells and the manufacturing technologies, as well as problems in the manufacturing process. The difficulties for the raw material’s preparation, the manufacturing process, and the manufacturing equipment were illustrated and discussed. At last, the development prospect of Cu2ZnSnS4thin film solar cells was commented.
Cumulative photovoltaic (PV) power installed in 2016 was equal to 305 GW. Five countries (China, Japan, Germany, the USA, and Italy) shared about 70% of the global power. End-of-life (EoL) management of waste PV modules requires alternative strategies than landfill, and recycling is a valid option. Technological solutions are already available in the market and environmental benefits are highlighted by the literature, while economic advantages are not well defined. The aim of this paper is investigating the financial feasibility of crystalline silicon (Si) PV module-recycling processes. Two well-known indicators are proposed for a reference 2000 tons plant: net present value (NPV) and discounted payback period (DPBT). NPV/size is equal to −0.84 €/kg in a baseline scenario. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis is conducted, in order to improve the solidity of the obtained results. NPV/size varies from −1.19 €/kg to −0.50 €/kg. The absence of valuable materials plays a key role, and process costs are the main critical variables.
Two probe photocatalytic reactions, i.e. ethanoic acid and 4‐nitrophenol photooxidation, were carried out in different experimental conditions by using suspensions of transition metal (Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mo, V and W) doped polycrystalline TiO2 powders in aqueous systems. A beneficial influence of the presence of metal species was observed only with the samples containing copper and tungsten. In particular, the TiO2/Cu powders showed to be more photoactive of bare TiO2 for the ethanoic acid oxidation while the TiO2/W samples were more efficient for 4‐nitrophenol degradation. A tentative interpretation is provided on the basis of the values of the points of zero charge of the powders and of the rate constants of recombination of photogenerated electrons and holes, determined by femtosecond pump‐probe diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (PP‐DRS).
Modification of TiO2 by doping of a residue carbon and iron can give enhanced photoactivity of TiO2. Iron adsorbed on the surface of TiO2 can be an electron or hole scavenger and results in the improvement of the separation of free carriers. The presence of carbon can increase the concentration of organic pollutants on the surface of TiO2 facilitating the contact of the reactive species with the organic molecules. Carbon‐doped TiO2 can extend the absorption of the light to the visible region and makes the photocatalysts active under visible‐light irradiation. It was proved that TiO2 modified by carbon and iron can work in both photocatalysis and photo‐Fenton processes, when H2O2 is used, enhancing markedly the rate of the organic compounds decomposition such as phenol, humic acids and dyes. The photocatalytic decomposition of organic compounds on TiO2 modified by iron and carbon is going by the complex reactions of iron with the intermediates, what significantly accelerate the process of their decomposition. The presence of carbon in such photocatalyst retards the inconvenient reaction of OH radicals scavenging by H2O2, which occurs when Fe‐TiO2 photocatalyst is used.
A neutral SiO2/TiO2composite hydrosol was prepared by a coprecipitation-peptization method using titanium tetrachloride and silicon dioxide hydrosol as precursors. It is not only an antireflective self-cleaning coating material but also an environmental-benign material. Even heated at 700°C for 5 minutes in the tempering process, the as-prepared SiO2/TiO2thin film still demonstrated antireflection and photocatalytic self-cleaning effect. The SiO2/TiO2thin film increased near 2% of transmittance; however, the TiO2thin film decreased 5% of transmittance at least. In addition to antireflection, the SiO2/TiO2thin film decomposed the surface coated oleic acid under ultraviolet light and showed superhydrophilicity under dark for two days. The SiO2/TiO2thin film also showed good photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue. With these antireflection, persistent superhydrophilicity, and photocatalytic self-cleaning effects, this prepared neutral SiO2/TiO2hydrosol would be a good coating material for tempered glass and other building materials.
Water-soluble graphitic hollow carbon nanorods (wsCNRs) are exploited for their light-driven photochemical activities under outdoor sunlight. wsCNRs were synthesized by a simple pyrolysis method from castor seed oil, without using any metal catalyst or template. wsCNRs exhibited the light-induced photochemical degradation of methylene blue used as a model pollutant by the generation of singlet oxygen species. Herein, we described a possible degradation mechanism of methylene blue under the irradiation of visible photons via the singlet oxygen-superoxide anion pathway.
Self-organized TiO2nanotubes (TNTs) with average inner diameter of 109 nm, wall thickness of 15 nm, and tube length of 7–10
Pure phase anatase TiO2nanoparticles with sizes of 5–8 nm and varying crystallinity were synthesized in supercritical isopropanol/water using a continuous flow reactor. Their photodegradation of rhodamine B (RhB) was evaluated under visible light irradiation. The as-prepared TiO2nanoparticles show much higher photodegradation efficiencies than commercial Degussa P25 TiO2. Moreover, the photodegradation of RhB on the as-prepared TiO2follows a different process from that on P25 TiO2, quicker N-deethylation and slower cleavage of conjugated chromophore structure. Based on PXRD, TEM, and BET measurements, these two photodegradation properties have been explained by the physicochemical properties of TiO2.
Thin film solar cells based on monocrystalline Si films are transferred to a glass superstrate. Chemical vapor deposition serves to epitaxially deposit Si on quasi‐monocrystalline Si films obtained from thermal crystallization of a double layer porous Si film on a Si wafer. A separation layer that forms during this crystallization process allows one to separate the epitaxial layer on top of the quasi‐monocrystalline film from the starting Si wafer. We presently achieve an independently confirmed solar cell conversion efficiency of 9:26%. Ray tracing studies in combination with electrical device simulation indicate an efficiency potential of around 17% using simple device processing and moderate assumptions on minority carrier lifetime and surface recombination.