International Journal of Family Therapy
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Family therapy approach to incapacitating migraine
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 1 - Trang 46-55 - 1979
A nine-year-old boy who suffered from intractable migraine was referred for psychiatric consultation and treatment after failing to respond to congeries of medications and diets, notwithstanding thorough investigations by neurologists, pediatricians, and other specialists. The decision for a family systems treatment approach resulted in the following defined objectives: (1) to investigate triggers for the headaches and to see if these could be reduced and/or eliminated, (2) to see if therapy would help the boy stay in school, (3) to examine, and if possible, change family rules of interaction and transaction, (4) to allow for more “fun within the family” (5) to allow for ventilation without retribution, and (6) to clarify the mother's role as a significant contributor to the family's interactions, shifting the focus from the father as the sole generator of family tension. The principal therapeutic tools which proved efficacious involved the following: (1) scrutiny of the maternal and paternal histories, and (2) analysis of triangulations within the family system, leading to (3) the formulation of therapeutic strategies, and (4) specific task assignments. A major intervention by the therapist was the specific strategy to have the family examine the rules of transaction which were in the metapsychological sense unarticulated.
Discussion: Resolving boundary problems among therapists
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 4 - Trang 40-41 - 1982
Long-term family therapy: A developmental approach
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 12 - Trang 129-138 - 1990
The emphasis in family therapy literature on brief therapy has given a false sense of what family therapy can accomplish. While it has helped to develop different theories of change and refine techniques to deal with resistance, it has caused many clinicians to mistake technique for treatment. A long term developmental approach is advocated in which the family therapist is the general practitioner rather than the specialist. This paper is the result of a 30-year caseload in which there was a group of multi-therapy families.
Addressing the Needs of Military Children Through Family-Based Play Therapy
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 37 - Trang 209-220 - 2015
Ongoing foreign conflicts have exposed military-connected children to stressors not generally faced by the general child population. Although many children of service members and veterans are resilient and successfully adapt to these changes, frequent relocation, fluid family structure, and ambiguous loss can become too overwhelming for many children of military families and lead to pathological symptoms that require them to receive treatment. This paper discusses the use of family-based play therapy interventions with military children. It will focus on the following areas: (1) risks to the psychological and emotional health of children of service members, (2) adverse effects of combat stress reactions of military parents on their children, (3) traumatic grief of children whose family member has died or been grievously wounded, (4) family-based therapies currently in the treatment of childhood grief and trauma, and (5) play therapy as a means of treating bereavement and traumatization of military-connected children and their families. A case example demonstrating a couple and family therapist’s use of family-based play therapy to deal with traumatic grief of a military child is provided. Recommendations for future research are presented.
Time Spent Together in Intimate Relationships: Implications for Relationship Functioning
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 43 - Trang 226-233 - 2021
Current models of relationship functioning often emphasize conflict with a particular focus on the behaviors that occur in that context. Much less is known about the impact of time spent interacting in the absence of conflict. The primary aim of this study is to test associations between time spent in various forms of daily interaction (engaging in a shared activity, talking, and arguing) and multiple relationship outcomes while controlling for positive and negative communication during conflict. The present sample consists of 49 married couples (N = 98 individuals). Data were analyzed using multilevel models to account for non-independence of the data. Consistent with previous literature, communication behaviors were related to relationship outcomes. After controlling for communication, couples who spent more time arguing per day were less satisfied in their relationships, and perceived greater negative qualities in their relationships. Finally, couples who spend a larger proportion of their time together talking reported greater satisfaction, perceived more positive qualities in their relationships, and experienced greater closeness. These findings suggest that low salience interactions account for unique variance in relationship functioning above and beyond what is currently studied. Future research is needed to determine possible mechanisms by which low salience interactions are related to relationship outcomes.
Cast of characters work: Systemically exploring the naturally organized personality
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 8 - Trang 75-83 - 1986
Cast of Characters Work conceives of the personality as a naturally organized unique group of characters who, together, function in an internal system. All characters bring their own histories, perceptions, feelings, beliefs, and behaviors to life's situations. Their survival strategies and interrelationships are felt as anxiety, conflict, ambivalence, or confidence. Heightening awareness of these multiple, simultaneous events increases access to the actual living process. The complex inner world of individuals, couples, and families can be precisely explored by working directly with each character and their relationships. Objectives are accountability and more functional, flexible, and satisfactory arrangements among characters internally and in couples and families.
Rediscovering Nagy: What happened to contextual therapy?
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 15 - Trang 395-404 - 1993
Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy, originator and leading proponent of contextual family therapy, has been addressing relational ethics for more than 40 years. During the 1980s there was a proliferation of contextual publications. Great interest in the approach seemed to peak and then ebb silently. What happened to contextual therapy? Why has contextual therapy not taken its place among the other widely used and recognized therapeutic models? This article addresses these questions through a review of family therapy literature.
Being Examples to the Flock: The Role of Church Leaders and African American Families Seeking Mental Health Care Services
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 32 - Trang 117-134 - 2009
Within the context of Black churches, African American clergy have a significant role in the delivery of mental health care services for parishioners and their families. Working toward better linkages between faith-based communities and more formal mental health care could help to provide more culturally sensitive and timely mental health care for African American families. Using a salient part of an integrative model (Davey and Watson in Contemp Fam Ther 30:31–47, 2008), the roles Black church leaders have historically played for African American families seeking outside mental health care services are considered. We additionally provide an example of a recent collaborative partnership with a Black church that points toward some promising directions for future research and clinical collaborations between the field of couple and family therapy and the Black church community.
Effects of Facebook Maintenance Behaviors on Partners’ Experience of Love
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 38 - Trang 245-253 - 2016
This study collected data from 75 heterosexual couples. Partners self-reported their own Facebook behaviors as well as their perceptions of their partner’s Facebook behaviors. Partners also completed the Partner Relationship Quality Components inventory. Analyses used a pairwise data set according to the Actor Partner Interdependence Model. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that two factors explained 59 % of the variance regarding Facebook behaviors: Partner Facebook Maintenance (PFM) and Actor Facebook Maintenance (AFM). Two structural equation models were created, one proposing that PFM and AFM would predict Actor Love and Partner Love when controlling for length of relationship, relationship status, and gender, the other proposing that Actor Love and Partner Love would predict PFM and AFM. Overall analysis indicates good model fit for both models. These results suggest that partners who perceive higher levels of love in their relationship actually participate in less Facebook Maintenance behaviors, and couples who engage in more Facebook Maintenance behaviors experience less love in the relationship. Implications for couples and therapists are discussed.
Mentally ill foragers and beggars in a peasant society: Their social networks and psychopathology
International Journal of Family Therapy - Tập 3 - Trang 295-309 - 1981
In this study of psychotic persons in a peasant society, there was a significant attrition in important social network structure after the onset of psychosis. The difficulties involved in providing non-reciprocal social support is noted, yet modest social support of functions may be critical.
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