Hydrology and Earth System Sciences




Cơ quản chủ quản:  European Geosciences Union , Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH

Lĩnh vực:
Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)Water Science and Technology

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Dependence between sea surge, river flow and precipitation in south and west Britain
Tập 8 Số 5 - Trang 973-992
Cecilia Svensson, David Jones
Abstract. Estuaries around Great Britain may be at heightened risk of flooding because of the simultaneous occurrence of extreme sea surge and river flow, both of which may be caused by mid-latitude cyclones. A measure especially suited for extremes was employed to estimate dependence between river flow and sea surge. To assist in the interpretation of why flow-surge dependence occurs in some areas and not in others, the dependence between precipitation and surge and between precipitation and river flow was also studied. Case studies of the meteorological situations leading to high surges and/or river flows were also carried out. The present study concerns catchments draining to the south and west coasts of Great Britain. Statistically significant dependence between river flow and daily maximum sea surge may be found at catchments spread along most of this coastline. However, higher dependence is generally found in catchments in hilly areas with a southerly to westerly aspect. Here, precipitation in south-westerly airflow, which is generally the quadrant of prevailing winds, will be enhanced orographically as the first higher ground is encountered. The sloping catchments may respond quickly to the abundant rainfall and the flow peak may arrive in the estuary on the same day as a large sea surge is produced by the winds and low atmospheric pressure associated with the cyclone. There are three regions where flow-surge dependence is strong: the western part of the English south coast, southern Wales and around the Solway Firth. To reduce the influence of tide-surge interaction on the dependence analysis, the dependence between river flow and daily maximum surge occurring at high tide was estimated. The general pattern of areas with higher dependence is similar to that using the daily maximum surge. The dependence between river flow and daily maximum sea surge is often strongest when surge and flow occur on the same day. The west coast from Wales and northwards has slightly stronger flow-surge dependence in summer than in winter, whereas dependence is stronger in winter than in summer for the southern part of the study area. Keywords: : Britain, dependence, sea surge, river flow, precipitation, mid-latitude cyclone, seasonality, time lag
Compound flood potential from storm surge and heavy precipitation in coastal China: dependence, drivers, and impacts
Tập 25 Số 8 - Trang 4403-4416
Jiayi Fang, Thomas Wahl, Jian Fang, Xun Sun, Feng Kong, Min Liu
Abstract. The interaction between storm surge and concurrent precipitation is poorly understood in many coastal regions. This paper investigates the potential compound effects from these two flooding drivers along the coast of China for the first time by using the most comprehensive records of storm surge and precipitation. Statistically significant dependence between flooding drivers exists at the majority of locations that are analysed, but the strength of the correlation varies spatially and temporally and depending on how extreme events are defined. In general, we find higher dependence at the south-eastern tide gauges (TGs) (latitude < 30∘ N) compared to the northern TGs. Seasonal variations in the dependence are also evident. Overall there are more sites with significant dependence in the tropical cyclone (TC) season, especially in the summer. Accounting for past sea level rise further increases the dependence between flooding drivers, and future sea level rise will hence likely lead to an increase in the frequency of compound events. We also find notable differences in the meteorological patterns associated with events where both drivers are extreme versus events where only one driver is extreme. Events with both extreme drivers at south-eastern TG sites are caused by low-pressure systems with similar characteristics across locations, including high precipitable water content (PWC) and strong winds that generate high storm surge. Based on historical disaster damages records of Hong Kong, events with both extreme drivers account for the vast majority of damages and casualties, compared to univariate flooding events, where only one flooding driver occurred. Given the large coastal population and low capacity of drainage systems in many Chinese urban coastal areas, these findings highlight the necessity to incorporate compound flooding and its potential changes in a warming climate into risk assessments, urban planning, and the design of coastal infrastructure and flood defences.
Particular uncertainties encountered in using a pre-packaged SEBS model to derive evapotranspiration in a heterogeneous study area in South Africa
Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 295-310
Lesley Gibson, Zahn Münch, Jeanine Engelbrecht
Abstract. The focus of this paper is on the pre-packaged version of SEBS in ILWIS and the sensitivity of SEBS to some parameters over which the user has some control when using this version of the model, in order to make informed choices to limit uncertainties. The sensitivities of SEBS to input parameters are related to daily ET rather than energy flux results since this is of interest to water managers and other users of the results of the SEBS model. This paper describes some of the uncertainties introduced by the sensitivity of the SEBS model to (a) land surface temperature and air temperature gradient, (b) the choice of fractional vegetation formula, (c) displacement height and the height at which wind speed is measured, and (d) study area heterogeneity. It was shown that SEBS is sensitive to land surface temperature and air temperature gradient and the magnitude of this sensitivity depended on the land cover and whether or not the wet-limit had been reached. The choice of fractional vegetation cover formula was shown to influence the daily ET results by up to 0.7 mm. It was shown that the height of the vegetation canopy should be considered in relation to the weather station reference height to avoid the sensible heat flux from becoming unsolvable due to a negative ln calculation. Finally the study area was shown to be heterogeneous although the resolution at which fluxes were calculated did not significantly impact on energy partitioning results. The differences in the upscaling from evaporative fraction to daily ET at varying resolutions observed implies that the heterogeneity may play the biggest role in the upscaling and the influence of albedo on this calculation should be studied.
Global land-surface evaporation estimated from satellite-based observations
Tập 15 Số 2 - Trang 453-469
Diego G. Miralles, Thomas Holmes, Richard de Jeu, J. H. C. Gash, A. G. C. A. Meesters, A. J. Dolman
Abstract. This paper outlines a new strategy to derive evaporation from satellite observations. The approach uses a variety of satellite-sensor products to estimate daily evaporation at a global scale and 0.25 degree spatial resolution. Central to this methodology is the use of the Priestley and Taylor (PT) evaporation model. The minimalistic PT equation combines a small number of inputs, the majority of which can be detected from space. This reduces the number of variables that need to be modelled. Key distinguishing features of the approach are the use of microwave-derived soil moisture, land surface temperature and vegetation density, as well as the detailed estimation of rainfall interception loss. The modelled evaporation is validated against one year of eddy covariance measurements from 43 stations. The estimated annual totals correlate well with the stations' annual cumulative evaporation (R=0.80, N=43) and present a low average bias (−5%). The validation of the daily time series at each individual station shows good model performance in all vegetation types and climate conditions with an average correlation coefficient of R=0.83, still lower than the R=0.90 found in the validation of the monthly time series. The first global map of annual evaporation developed through this methodology is also presented.
Evaluation of the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) applied to ASTER imagery with flux-measurements at the SPARC 2004 site (Barrax, Spain)
Tập 13 Số 7 - Trang 1337-1347
Johannes van der Kwast, W. Timmermans, A.S.M. Gieske, Zhongbo Su, Albert Olioso, Jia Li, J.A. Elbers, Derek Karssenberg, S.M. de Jong
Abstract. Accurate quantification of the amount and spatial variation of evapotranspiration is important in a wide range of disciplines. Remote sensing based surface energy balance models have been developed to estimate turbulent surface energy fluxes at different scales. The objective of this study is to evaluate the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) model on a landscape scale, using tower-based flux measurements at different land cover units during an overpass of the ASTER sensor over the SPARC 2004 experimental site in Barrax (Spain). A sensitivity analysis has been performed in order to investigate to which variable the sensible heat flux is most sensitive. Taking into account their estimation errors, the aerodynamic parameters (hc, z0M and d0) can cause large deviations in the modelling of sensible heat flux. The effect of replacement of empirical derivation of these aerodynamic parameters in the model by field estimates or literature values is investigated by testing two scenarios: the Empirical Scenario in which empirical equations are used to derive aerodynamic parameters and the Field Scenario in which values from field measurements or literature are used to replace the empirical calculations of the Empirical Scenario. In the case of a homogeneous land cover in the footprints of the measurements, the Field Scenario only resulted in a small improvement, compared to the Empirical Scenario. The Field Scenario can even worsen the result in the case of heterogeneous footprints, by creating sharp borders related to the land cover map. In both scenarios modelled fluxes correspond better with flux measurements over uniform land cover compared to cases where different land covers are mixed in the measurement footprint. Furthermore SEBS underestimates sensible heat flux especially over dry and sparsely vegetated areas, which is common in single-source models.
Quantifying the uncertainty in estimates of surface–atmosphere fluxes through joint evaluation of the SEBS and SCOPE models
Tập 17 Số 4 - Trang 1561-1573
J. Timmermans, Zhongbo Su, Christiaan van der Tol, Anne Verhoef, W. Verhoef
Abstract. Accurate estimation of global evapotranspiration is considered to be of great importance due to its key role in the terrestrial and atmospheric water budget. Global estimation of evapotranspiration on the basis of observational data can only be achieved by using remote sensing. Several algorithms have been developed that are capable of estimating the daily evapotranspiration from remote sensing data. Evaluation of remote sensing algorithms in general is problematic because of differences in spatial and temporal resolutions between remote sensing observations and field measurements. This problem can be solved in part by using soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer (SVAT) models, because on the one hand these models provide evapotranspiration estimations also under cloudy conditions and on the other hand can scale between different temporal resolutions. In this paper, the Soil Canopy Observation, Photochemistry and Energy fluxes (SCOPE) model is used for the evaluation of the Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) model. The calibrated SCOPE model was employed to simulate remote sensing observations and to act as a validation tool. The advantages of the SCOPE model in this validation are (a) the temporal continuity of the data, and (b) the possibility of comparing different components of the energy balance. The SCOPE model was run using data from a whole growth season of a maize crop. It is shown that the original SEBS algorithm produces large uncertainties in the turbulent flux estimations caused by parameterizations of the ground heat flux and sensible heat flux. In the original SEBS formulation the fractional vegetation cover is used to calculate the ground heat flux. As this variable saturates very fast for increasing leaf area index (LAI), the ground heat flux is underestimated. It is shown that a parameterization based on LAI reduces the estimation error over the season from RMSE = 25 W m−2 to RMSE = 18 W m−2. In the original SEBS formulation the roughness height for heat is only valid for short vegetation. An improved parameterization was implemented in the SEBS algorithm for tall vegetation. This improved the correlation between the latent heat flux predicted by the SEBS and the SCOPE algorithm from −0.05 to 0.69, and led to a decrease in difference from 123 to 94 W m−2 for the latent heat flux, with SEBS latent heat being consistently lower than the SCOPE reference. Lastly the diurnal stability of the evaporative fraction was investigated.
Spatial and temporal patterns of land surface fluxes from remotely sensed surface temperatures within an uncertainty modelling framework
Tập 9 Số 5 - Trang 467-480
Matthew F. McCabe, J. D. Kalma, Stewart W. Franks
Abstract. Characterising the development of evapotranspiration through time is a difficult task, particularly when utilising remote sensing data, because retrieved information is often spatially dense, but temporally sparse. Techniques to expand these essentially instantaneous measures are not only limited, they are restricted by the general paucity of information describing the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of evaporative patterns. In a novel approach, temporal changes in land surface temperatures, derived from NOAA-AVHRR imagery and a generalised split-window algorithm, are used as a calibration variable in a simple land surface scheme (TOPUP) and combined within the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology to provide estimates of areal evapotranspiration at the pixel scale. Such an approach offers an innovative means of transcending the patch or landscape scale of SVAT type models, to spatially distributed estimates of model output. The resulting spatial and temporal patterns of land surface fluxes and surface resistance are used to more fully understand the hydro-ecological trends observed across a study catchment in eastern Australia. The modelling approach is assessed by comparing predicted cumulative evapotranspiration values with surface fluxes determined from Bowen ratio systems and using auxiliary information such as in-situ soil moisture measurements and depth to groundwater to corroborate observed responses.
The Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) for estimation of turbulent heat fluxes
Tập 6 Số 1 - Trang 85-100
Zhongbo Su
Abstract. A Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) is proposed for the estimation of atmospheric turbulent fluxes and evaporative fraction using satellite earth observation data, in combination with meteorological information at proper scales. SEBS consists of: a set of tools for the determination of the land surface physical parameters, such as albedo, emissivity, temperature, vegetation coverage etc., from spectral reflectance and radiance measurements; a model for the determination of the roughness length for heat transfer; and a new formulation for the determination of the evaporative fraction on the basis of energy balance at limiting cases. Four experimental data sets are used to assess the reliabilities of SEBS. Based on these case studies, SEBS has proven to be capable to estimate turbulent heat fluxes and evaporative fraction at various scales with acceptable accuracy. The uncertainties in the estimated heat fluxes are comparable to in-situ measurement uncertainties. Keywords: Surface energy balance, turbulent heat flux, evaporation, remote sensing
When does higher spatial resolution rainfall information improve streamflow simulation? An evaluation using 3620 flood events
Tập 18 Số 2 - Trang 575-594
Florent Lobligeois, Vazken Andréassian, Charles Perrin, Pierre Tabary, C. Loumagne
Abstract. Precipitation is the key factor controlling the high-frequency hydrological response in catchments, and streamflow simulation is thus dependent on the way rainfall is represented in a hydrological model. A characteristic that distinguishes distributed from lumped models is the ability to explicitly represent the spatial variability of precipitation. Although the literature on this topic is abundant, the results are contrasting and sometimes contradictory. This paper investigates the impact of spatial rainfall on runoff generation to better understand the conditions where higher-resolution rainfall information improves streamflow simulations. In this study, we used the rainfall reanalysis developed by Météo-France over the whole country of France at 1 km and 1 h resolution over a 10 yr period. A hydrological model was applied in the lumped mode (a single spatial unit) and in the semidistributed mode using three unit sizes of subcatchments. The model was evaluated against observed streamflow data using split-sample tests on a large set of French catchments (181) representing a variety of sizes and climate conditions. The results were analyzed by catchment classes and types of rainfall events based on the spatial variability of precipitation. The evaluation clearly showed different behaviors. The lumped model performed as well as the semidistributed model in western France, where catchments are under oceanic climate conditions with quite spatially uniform precipitation fields. By contrast, higher resolution in precipitation inputs significantly improved the simulated streamflow dynamics and accuracy in southern France (Cévennes and Mediterranean regions) for catchments in which precipitation fields were identified to be highly variable in space. In all regions, natural variability allows for contradictory examples to be found, showing that analyzing a large number of events over varied catchments is warranted.
Land use effect and hydrological control on nitrate yield in subtropical mountainous watersheds
Tập 16 Số 3 - Trang 699-714
Jr‐Chuan Huang, Tsung‐Yu Lee, Shuh‐Ji Kao, S. C. Hsu, Hsing‐Juh Lin, Tsung‐Ren Peng
Abstract. Nitrate export in small subtropical watersheds is rarely observed and the estimation of individual land use nitrate yield from a mixed combination within catchments has scarcely been studied. In this study the nitrate concentrations at 16 nested catchments in the Chi-Chia-Wan watershed in Central Taiwan were measured during 2007–2008. A 3-layer TOPMODEL was applied to estimate daily discharge for ungauged sub-catchments. The observed nitrate concentrations and the simulated discharges were used for nitrate flux estimations through four flux methods. Meanwhile, a new deconvolution computation was developed to resolve the nitrate yield of each land use from within the mixed combinations. The results showed that the observed mean NO3-N concentration in relatively pristine catchments was approximately 0.145 ± 0.103 mg l−1, which is comparable with other forestry catchments around the world. However, the higher rainfall/runoff, substantial N deposition, and other nitrogen sources resulted in significantly higher annual export of approximately 238–1018 kg-N km−2 yr−1. Our deconvolution computation showed that the background yield of natural forestry was ~351 ±62 kg-N km−2 yr−1. On the other hand, the extremely high nitrate yield of active farmland was ~308, 170 ± 19 241 kg-N km−2 yr−1 due to over-fertilization. The deconvolution computation technique is capable of tracing the mixed signals at the outlet back to the nitrate productions from varied land use patterns. It advances the application of river monitoring network. The typical values of nitrate yields can serve as a guideline for land management. Comparing the nitrogen input and output, we found some nitrogen missing in the cycling which may indicate certain removal processes and we therefore suggest further study to be carried out to fully understand nitrogen cycling in subtropics.