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The loach genus Lepidocephalichthys (Teleostei: Cobitidae) in Sri Lanka and peninsular India: multiple colonizations and unexpected species diversity
Hydrobiologia - Tập 851 - Trang 1113-1133 - 2023
Hiranya Sudasinghe, Neelesh Dahanukar, Rajeev Raghavan, Tharindu Ranasinghe, Kumudu Wijesooriya, Rohan Pethiyagoda, Lukas Rüber, Madhava Meegaskumbura
Loaches of the genus Lepidocephalichthys are ubiquitous in Peninsular India and the nearby continental-shelf island of Sri Lanka. Four valid species are reported from this region: L. thermalis, a species reported from across this region; L. jonklaasi, confined to rainforests in southern Sri Lanka; L. coromandelensis, from the Eastern Ghats and L. guntea, from the northern Western Ghats of the Indian peninsula. Here, based on collections from 25 locations in 13 river basins in Sri Lanka and 20 locations across India, including a dataset downloaded from GenBank, we present a molecular phylogeny constructed from the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) sequences. We show that ancestral Lepidocephalichthys colonized Sri Lanka in the late Miocene. Multiple back-migrations to India, as well as colonizations from the mainland, took place in the Plio-Pleistocene. The persistence on the island of L. jonklaasi, an obligatory rainforest associate, suggests that perhumid refugia existed in Sri Lanka throughout this time. Lepidocephalichthys thermalis appears to have colonized the Sri Lankan highlands as recently as the Pleistocene. The data suggest that Lepidocephalichthys thermalis is a species complex in which multiple species remain to be investigated and described, both in India and Sri Lanka.
Species-specific PCR discrimination of species of the calanoid copepod Pseudocalanus, P. acuspes and P. elongatus, in the Baltic and North Seas
Hydrobiologia - Tập 652 - Trang 289-297 - 2010
Sabine Grabbert, Jasmin Renz, Hans-Jürgen Hirche, Ann Bucklin
Two species of the calanoid copepod Pseudocalanus, P. acuspes and P. elongatus, have been reported from the Baltic and North Seas. Morphometric analysis based on Frost (Can J Zool 67:525–551, 1989) did not identify the species in samples collected during the German GLOBEC program; the majority of measurements fell outside reported ranges for Baltic and North Sea specimens. A multiplexed species-specific PCR (SS-PCR) protocol was designed from a ~700 bp sequence of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI), with primers designed to amplify regions of different sizes for the two species to allow detection by gel electrophoresis. The accuracy and reliability of the multiplexed SS-PCR reaction was confirmed by sequencing the mtCOI region. Preliminary SS-PCR analysis of geographic distributions of the two species indicated that P. acuspes occurred exclusively at sampling sites in the Baltic Sea, whereas P. elongatus was found in the southern North Sea and at one site in the Baltic. The SS-PCR protocol can be used for routine identification of the two species for studies of population, community and ecosystem dynamics.
Valve closure responses of the Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea exposed to cadmium and zinc
Hydrobiologia - Tập 153 Số 2 - Trang 159-167 - 1987
Francis G. Doherty, Donald S. Cherry, John Cairns
Aquatic ecosystems of the Yucatán Peninsula (Mexico), Belize, and Guatemala
Hydrobiologia - Tập 661 Số 1 - Trang 407-433 - 2011
Liseth Pérez, Rita Bugja, Julia Lorenschat, Mark Brenner, Jason H. Curtis, Philipp Hoelzmann, Gerald A. Islebe, Burkhard Scharf, Antje Schwalb
Initial impacts of Microcystis aeruginosa blooms on the aquatic food web in the San Francisco Estuary
Hydrobiologia - Tập 637 Số 1 - Trang 229-248 - 2010
Peggy W. Lehman, Swee J. Teh, Gregory L. Boyer, Charles A. Simenstad, Eugene L. Bass, C. Hogle
Nitrogen dynamics and microbial food web structure during a summer cyanobacterial bloom in a subtropical, shallow, well-mixed, eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu, China)
Hydrobiologia - Tập 581 Số 1 - Trang 195-207 - 2007
Mark J. McCarthy, Peter J. Lavrentyev, Longyuan Yang, Lu Zhang, Yuwei Chen, Boqiang Qin, Wayne S. Gardner
Eutrophication and the macroscope
Hydrobiologia - Tập 629 - Trang 5-19 - 2009
Scott W. Nixon
It is important to view eutrophication as an increase in the supply of organic matter to an ecosystem rather than as a simple problem of nutrient pollution. This emphasizes that eutrophication is a fundamental change in the energetic base that may propagate through the system in various ways and produce a variety of changes. Some of these changes may be desirable (e.g., increased secondary production) and some may not (e.g., hypoxia). Defining eutrophication in terms of changing nutrient concentrations or chlorophyll levels or species composition confuses symptoms with the underlying phenomenon. While nutrient enrichment is the most common cause of eutrophication, it is not the only one. As recent and ongoing nutrient reductions make an impact in the coastal waters of the wealthier nations, we will see an increasing number of systems in which primary production is decreasing. This reduction in the supply of organic matter is here defined as oligotrophication, a phenomenon now well documented in lakes. So far, there has been little appreciation of this limnological study by coastal marine ecologists or managers, but there is much we can learn from it. The great ecologist H.T. Odum long argued that we need ‘macroscopes’ to help ecologists see the problems they study as they are embedded in the larger scales of nature and society. Marine eutrophication (and oligotrophication) is a perfect example of a problem that must be studied with a view toward the larger scales as well as toward the microscopic details. While much of the hardware (e.g., satellite imagery) for the mythical macroscope has been developed in the last 30 years, many ecologists and managers still look at eutrophication as a local problem linked to local sources of nutrient enrichment. Such a parochial view isolates eutrophication from its long intellectual history—a history that is linked to the development of our understanding of production in coastal waters. It also neglects the intellectual richness and complexity of eutrophication. One example of the importance of the macroscopic view is the emerging importance of climate-induced changes in phenology and the consequences of changing phenology on productivity. These changes may lead to eutrophication or oligotrophication. Climate changes may also exacerbate or alleviate conditions such as hypoxia that are associated with eutrophication. Seeing eutrophication in the macroscopic view is important for understanding and managing the phenomenon.
Changes in the relative abundance of Polyarthra vulgaris and P. dolichoptera, following the elimination of fish
Hydrobiologia - Tập 104 - Trang 269-273 - 1983
Jan A. E. Stenson
Two rotifers, Polyarthra vulgaris and P. dolichoptera may have different temperature and oxygen optima. In addition, they consume similar foods including Chryptomonadales and Crysomonadales. P. dolichoptera disappeared from the plankton after experimental elimination of fish from a small lake. The disappearance may have been caused by a change in temporal availability of suitable food species (e.g. crysomonads) during early spring. A lack of food during this period, when the water was still cold, may have influenced the competitive balance between the two Polyarthra species.
Movements and habitat use of native and invasive piscivorous fishes in a temperate and channelized lowland river
Hydrobiologia -
Emma T. Nolan, Andrew M. Hindes, Jonathan D. Bolland, Peter Davies, Catherine Gutmann Roberts, Ali Serhan Tarkan, J. Robert Britton
AbstractLowland temperate rivers provide important habitats for piscivorous fishes, but with their year-round spatial and temporal habitat use is often poorly understood, including their use of off-channel habitats. Here, the movements and habitat use of the piscivorous native Northern pike Esox lucius and invasive pikeperch Sander lucioperca were investigated using acoustic telemetry in the highly regulated (through impoundment) lower River Severn, Western England over a 12-month period, where off-channel habitat availability was limited to a single boat marina. The movements of both species varied with season and temperature, with both species moving greater distances in spring. Increasing water temperatures up to 15 °C resulted in a higher frequency of movements of both species, but movements then decreased at temperatures higher than this. Northern pike detections in the river increased in periods of lower river discharge and warmer temperatures, with the off-channel refuge providing an important habitat all year round (78% of detections occurred there). While 63% of pikeperch detections also occurred in the marina, 89% of these detections occurred between December and April. These results thus emphasise the importance of this limited off-channel habitat as potential spawning locations for invasive pikeperch and foraging areas for native Northern pike.
Feeding patterns of dominant Antarctic copepods: an interplay of diapause, selectivity, and availability of food
Hydrobiologia - Tập 453 - Trang 25-36 - 2001
Anna F. Pasternak, Sigrid B. Schnack-Schiel
Gut contents and feeding activity of five dominant Antarctic copepods (Calanus propinquus, Calanoides acutus, Rhincalanus gigas, Metridia gerlachei and Microcalanus pygmaeus) were studied from samples collected during several cruises of the RV Polarstern to the eastern Weddell Sea. In summer, feeding activity, estimated as percentage of copepods with food in the guts, was high in all the species, and diatoms dominated all gut contents. In winter, C. acutus was trophically inactive, and C. propinquus and R. gigas considerably decreased their feeding activity, while a decrease in feeding of M. gerlachei and M. pygmaeus was less pronounced. Unidentified mass dominated gut contents in winter, supplemented by phytoplankton and protozoans. Prior to the spring bloom, feeding activity of C. acutus was low, with unidentified food predominating, while carnivory was important in actively feeding C. propinquus. Rhincalanus gigas tended to be more carnivorous than C. acutus, however with less feeding activity than C. propinquus. Seasonal changes in feeding patterns are discussed.
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