Human Resources for Health

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The contribution of international health volunteers to the health workforce in sub-Saharan Africa
Human Resources for Health - Tập 5 - Trang 1-9 - 2007
Geert Laleman, Guy Kegels, Bruno Marchal, Dirk Van der Roost, Isa Bogaert, Wim Van Damme
In this paper, we aim to quantify the contribution of international health volunteers to the health workforce in sub-Saharan Africa and to explore the perceptions of health service managers regarding these volunteers. Rapid survey among organizations sending international health volunteers and group discussions with experienced medical officers from sub-Saharan African countries. We contacted 13 volunteer organizations having more than 10 full-time equivalent international health volunteers in sub-Saharan Africa and estimated that they employed together 2072 full-time equivalent international health volunteers in 2005. The numbers sent by secular non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is growing, while the number sent by development NGOs, including faith-based organizations, is mostly decreasing. The cost is estimated at between US$36 000 and US$50 000 per expatriate volunteer per year. There are trends towards more employment of international health volunteers from low-income countries and of national medical staff. Country experts express more negative views about international health volunteers than positive ones. They see them as increasingly paradoxical in view of the existence of urban unemployed doctors and nurses in most countries. Creating conditions for employment and training of national staff is strongly favoured as an alternative. Only in exceptional circumstances is sending international health volunteers viewed as a defendable temporary measure. We estimate that not more than 5000 full-time equivalent international health volunteers were working in sub-Saharan Africa in 2005, of which not more than 1500 were doctors. A distinction should be made between (1) secular medical humanitarian NGOs, (2)development NGOs, and (3) volunteer organizations, as Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and United Nations volunteers (UNV). They have different views, undergo different trends and are differently appreciated by government officials. International health volunteers contribute relatively small numbers to the health workforce in sub-Saharan Africa, and it seems unlikely that they will do more in the future. In areas where they play a role, their contribution to service delivery is sometimes very significant.
Access to general practitioner services amongst underserved Australians: a microsimulation study
Human Resources for Health - Tập 10 - Trang 1-6 - 2012
Deborah J Schofield, Rupendra N Shrestha, Emily J Callander
One group often identified as having low socioeconomic status, those living in remote or rural areas, are often recognised as bearing an unequal burden of illness in society. This paper aims to examine equity of utilisation of general practitioner services in Australia. Using the 2005 National Health Survey undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, a microsimulation model was developed to determine the distribution of GP services that would occur if all Australians had equal utilisation of health services relative to need. It was estimated that those who are unemployed would experience a 19% increase in GP services. Persons residing in regional areas would receive about 5.7 million additional GP visits per year if they had the same access to care as Australians residing in major cities. This would be a 18% increase. There would be a 20% increase for inner regional residents and a 14% increase for residents of more remote regional areas. Overall there would be a 5% increase in GP visits nationally if those in regional areas had the same access to care as those in major cities. Parity is an insufficient goal and disadvantaged persons and underserved areas require greater access to health services than the well served metropolitan areas due to their greater poverty and poorer health status. Currently underserved Australians suffer a double disadvantage: poorer health and poorer access to health services.
Factors behind job preferences of Peruvian medical, nursing and midwifery students: a qualitative study focused on rural deployment
Human Resources for Health - Tập 13 - Trang 1-11 - 2015
Luis Huicho, Cristina Molina, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Claudia Lema, J. Jaime Miranda, Carlos A. Huayanay-Espinoza, Andrés G. Lescano
Deployment of health workforce in rural areas is critical to reach universal health coverage. Students’ perceptions towards practice in rural areas likely influence their later choice of a rural post. We aimed at exploring perceptions of students from health professions about career choice, job expectations, motivations and potential incentives to work in a rural area. In-depth interviews and focus groups were conducted among medical, nursing and midwifery students from universities of two Peruvian cities (Ica and Ayacucho). Themes for assessment and analysis included career choice, job expectations, motivations and incentives, according to a background theory a priori built for the study purpose. Preference for urban jobs was already established at this undergraduate level. Solidarity, better income expectations, professional and personal recognition, early life experience and family models influenced career choice. Students also expressed altruism, willingness to choose a rural job after graduation and potential responsiveness to incentives for practising in rural areas, which emerged more frequent from the discourse of nursing and midwifery students and from all students of rural origin. Medical students expressed expectations to work in large urban hospitals offering higher salaries. They showed higher personal, professional and family welfare expectations. Participants consistently favoured both financial and non-financial incentives. Nursing and midwifery students showed a higher disposition to work in rural areas than medical doctors, which was more evident in students of rural origin. Our results may be useful to improve targeting and selection of undergraduate students, to stimulate the inclination of students to choose a rural job upon graduation and to reorient school programmes towards the production of socially committed health professionals. Policymakers may also consider using our results when planning and implementing interventions to improve rural deployment of health professionals.
Can biomedical and traditional health care providers work together? Zambian practitioners' experiences and attitudes towards collaboration in relation to STIs and HIV/AIDS care: a cross-sectional study
Human Resources for Health - - 2006
Berthollet Bwira Kaboru, Torkel Falkenberg, Phillimon Ndubani, Bengt Höjer, Rodwell Vongo, Ruairı́ Brugha, Elisabeth Faxelid
The effectiveness of supervision strategies to improve health care provider practices in low- and middle-income countries: secondary analysis of a systematic review
Human Resources for Health - Tập 20 - Trang 1-12 - 2022
Samantha Y. Rowe, Dennis Ross-Degnan, David H. Peters, Kathleen A. Holloway, Alexander K. Rowe
Although supervision is a ubiquitous approach to support health programs and improve health care provider (HCP) performance in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), quantitative evidence of its effects is unclear. The objectives of this study are to describe the effect of supervision strategies on HCP practices in LMICs and to identify attributes associated with greater effectiveness of routine supervision. We performed a secondary analysis of data on HCP practice outcomes (e.g., percentage of patients correctly treated) from a systematic review on improving HCP performance. The review included controlled trials and interrupted time series studies. We described distributions of effect sizes (defined as percentage-point [%-point] changes) for each supervision strategy. To identify attributes associated with supervision effectiveness, we performed random-effects linear regression modeling and examined studies that directly compared different approaches of routine supervision. We analyzed data from 81 studies from 36 countries. For professional HCPs, such as nurses and physicians, primarily working at health facilities, routine supervision (median improvement when compared to controls: 10.7%-points; IQR: 9.9, 27.9) had similar effects on HCP practices as audit with feedback (median improvement: 10.1%-points; IQR: 6.2, 23.7). Two attributes were associated with greater mean effectiveness of routine supervision (p < 0.10): supervisors received supervision (by 8.8–11.5%-points), and supervisors participated in problem-solving with HCPs (by 14.2–20.8%-points). Training for supervisors and use of a checklist during supervision visits were not associated with effectiveness. The effects of supervision frequency (i.e., number of visits per year) and dose (i.e., the number of supervision visits during a study) were unclear. For lay HCPs, the effect of routine supervision was difficult to characterize because few studies existed, and effectiveness in those studies varied considerably. Evidence quality for all findings was low primarily because many studies had a high risk of bias. Although evidence is limited, to promote more effective supervision, our study supports supervising supervisors and having supervisors engage in problem-solving with HCPs. Supervision’s integral role in health systems in LMICs justifies a more deliberate research agenda to identify how to deliver supervision to optimize its effect on HCP practices.
Những người cung cấp dịch vụ trung cấp trong chăm sóc sức khỏe mẹ và trẻ sơ sinh khẩn cấp: các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất và khả năng giữ chân họ trong hệ thống y tế Malawi Dịch bởi AI
Human Resources for Health - Tập 7 - Trang 1-8 - 2009
Susan Bradley, Eilish McAuliffe
Malawi đang đối mặt với sự thiếu hụt nhân lực y tế mãn tính. Điều này có ảnh hưởng đáng kể đến sức khỏe mẹ và trẻ, với tỷ lệ tử vong nằm trong số cao nhất thế giới. Các nhân viên y tế trung cấp cung cấp phần lớn dịch vụ chăm sóc sản khoa và sơ sinh khẩn cấp. Trong bối cảnh này, những nhân viên này được định nghĩa là những người thực hiện các vai trò và nhiệm vụ thường thuộc về các nhóm đã được công nhận quốc tế, như bác sĩ và y tá. Mặc dù đã có một số nghiên cứu đề cập đến các yếu tố giữ chân bác sĩ và y tá đã đăng ký, dữ liệu và các nghiên cứu về nhận thức của những cadre trung cấp này về các yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến hiệu suất và khả năng giữ chân của họ trong các hệ thống y tế đang rất khan hiếm. Nghiên cứu định tính khám phá này diễn ra tại bốn bệnh viện truyền giáo nông thôn ở Malawi. Đối tượng nghiên cứu là các nhà cung cấp dịch vụ trung cấp trong chăm sóc sản khoa và sơ sinh khẩn cấp. Các cuộc thảo luận nhóm tập trung đã diễn ra với các cadre y tá và y học. Phỏng vấn bán cấu trúc với các nhân sự chủ chốt về nhân lực, đào tạo và hành chính được sử dụng để cung cấp bối cảnh và nền tảng. Dữ liệu được phân tích bằng cách sử dụng phân tích khung. Những người tham gia đã xác nhận những khó khăn trong điều kiện làm việc của họ và cam kết rõ ràng mà họ có đối với việc phục vụ cộng đồng nông thôn Malawi. Mặc dù việc trả lương tài chính không đủ đã có tác động tiêu cực đến khả năng giữ chân và hiệu suất, nhưng những yếu tố chính được xác định là cơ hội hạn chế cho sự phát triển nghề nghiệp và giáo dục tiếp tục (đặc biệt là cho các nhân viên lâm sàng) và hệ thống quản lý nhân lực không đầy đủ hoặc không tồn tại. Việc thiếu phần thưởng và công nhận liên quan đến hiệu suất được coi là đặc biệt gây mất động lực. Các cadre trung cấp đang được sử dụng để ngăn chặn tình trạng chảy máu chất xám ở châu Phi. Cả chính phủ và các tổ chức truyền giáo đều có lợi ích trong việc bảo vệ khoản đầu tư của họ vào những nhân viên này. Để đạt được hiệu suất tối ưu và chất lượng chăm sóc, họ cần được hỗ trợ và tạo động lực đúng cách. Một hệ thống phát triển nghề nghiệp liên tục và quản lý nhân lực hiệu quả sẽ thể hiện cam kết đối với những cadre này và hỗ trợ họ như những chuyên gia. Cần phải có hành động để ngăn chặn các thành viên nhân viên rời khỏi lĩnh vực y tế để tìm kiếm những lựa chọn ít căng thẳng hơn và được thưởng lợi tài chính cao hơn.
Scoping review about the professional integration of internationally educated health professionals
Human Resources for Health - Tập 14 - Trang 1-12 - 2016
Christine L. Covell, Elena Neiterman, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault
Over the last decade, Canada has been one of the top destination countries for internationally educated health professionals (IEHPs). After arrival, many struggle to professionally recertify and secure employment in their field. Considerable funding has been allocated to the development of new policies and programs to facilitate IEHPs’ professional integration. Literature about the professional integration process and the available policies and programs is abundant, not synthesized and dispersed among a wide range of health professions and the academic and grey literature. This, in combination with the sustained policy relevance, contributed to the timeliness and necessity for conducting this scoping review. We used an updated version of Arskey and O’Malley’s six-stage scoping review framework to summarize the amount, types, sources and distribution of the literature. Findings were summarized numerically and thematically. The themes included pre-immigration activities and programs, early arrival activities and programs, professional recertification and workplace integration. Four hundred and seven published sources from 2000–2012 were retained for data charting and extraction. Most focused on international medical graduates or internationally educated nurses. IEHPs from the allied health professions were underrepresented. Methodologically, about one quarter of the papers are empirical studies with the next largest category being reports from professional certification bodies and educational institutions. The overarching concern is with workplace integration, professional recognition and bridging programs. Nursing dominates the literature about pre-immigration activities and programs whereas the literature about early arrival activities and programs, professional recertification and workplace integration is dominated by medicine. Although the literature does contain some information for IEHPs in the allied health professions, the thematic analysis did not identify a clear trend. A notable increase in the number of publications was present. The literature about IEHPs’ professional integration in Canada is abundant. This reflects the sustained policy relevance of the recruitment, recognition and professional integration for IEHPs in Canada. This demonstrates that Canada provides an excellent case for this review from which the findings may have international significance. Nevertheless, little information is available about the effectiveness of the policies and programs available to facilitate IEHP integration, an area that requires further consideration.
Recruitment, training and supervision of nurses and nurse assistants for a task-shifting depression intervention in two RCTs in Brazil and Peru
Human Resources for Health - Tập 19 - Trang 1-7 - 2021
Thais Izabel Ugeda Rocha, Suzana Crismanis de Almeida Lopes Aschar, Liliana Hidalgo-Padilla, Kate Daley, Heloísa Garcia Claro, Hellen Carolina Martins Castro, Daniela Vera Cruz dos Santos, J. Jaime Miranda, Ricardo Araya, Paulo Rossi Menezes
Task-shifting and technology in psychological interventions are two solutions to increasing access to mental health intervention and overcoming the treatment gap in low and middle-income countries. The CONEMO intervention combines a smartphone app with support from non-specialized professionals, aiming to treat depression in patients with diabetes and/or hypertension. The aim of this paper is to describe the process of recruitment, training and supervision of the non-specialized professionals who participated in the CONEMO task-shifting intervention in Brazil and Peru. We described and analyzed data related to the recruitment, training and supervision of 62 nurse assistants from the health system in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and three hired nurses in Lima, Peru. The data were collected from information provided by nurses and nurse assistants, supervisor records from supervision meetings and the CONEMO platform database. We found that task-shifting was feasible using existing resources in Sao Paulo and additional human resources in Lima. Training and supervision were found to be crucial and well received by the staff; however, time was a limitation when using existing human resources. Ensuring technological competence prior to the start of the intervention was essential. Group supervision meetings allowed non-specialized professionals to learn from each other’s experiences. Carefully considering recruitment, training and supervision of non-specialized professionals is important for effective task-shifting when delivering an mHealth intervention for depression. Opportunities and challenges of working in different health systems are described, which should be considered in future implementation, either for research or real settings. Trial registration NCT028406662 (Sao Paulo), NCT03026426 (Peru).
Research to support evidence-informed decisions on optimizing the contributions of nursing and midwifery workforces
Human Resources for Health - Tập 18 - Trang 1-2 - 2020
James Buchan, James Campbell, Carey McCarthy
Tackling brain drain at Chinese CDCs: understanding job preferences of public health doctoral students using a discrete choice experiment survey
Human Resources for Health - Tập 20 Số 1
Shimeng Liu, Yuanyuan Gu, Yi Yang, Liz Schroeder, Yingyao Chen
Abstract Background

Given the demands for public health and infectious disease management skills during COVID-19, a shortage of the public health workforce, particularly with skills and competencies in epidemiology and biostatistics, has emerged at the Centers for Disease Controls (CDCs) in China. This study aims to investigate the employment preferences of doctoral students majoring in epidemiology and biostatistics, to inform policy-makers and future employers to address recruitment and retention requirements at CDCs across China.


A convenience sampling approach for recruitment, and an online discrete choice experiment (DCE) survey instrument to elicit future employee profiles, and self-report of their employment and aspirational preferences during October 20 and November 12, 2020. Attributes included monthly income, employment location, housing benefits, children’s education opportunities, working environment, career promotion speed and bianzhi (formally established post).


A total of 106 doctoral epidemiology and biostatistics students from 28 universities completed the online survey. Monthly income, employment location and bianzhi was of highest concern in the seven attributes measured, though all attributes were statistically significant and presented in the expected direction, demonstrating preference heterogeneity. Work environment was of least concern. For the subgroup analysis, employment located in a first-tier city was more likely to lead to a higher utility value for PhD students who were women, married, from an urban area and had a high annual family income. Unsurprisingly, when compared to single students, married students were willing to forgo more for good educational opportunities for their children. The simulation results suggest that, given our base case, increasing only monthly income from 10,000 ($ 1449.1) to 25,000 CNY ($ 3622.7) the probability of choosing the job in the third-tier city would increase from 18.1 to 53.8% (i.e., the location choice is changed).


Monthly income and employment location were the preferred attributes across the cohort, with other attributes then clearly ranked and delineated. A wider use of DCEs could inform both recruitment and retention of a public health workforce, especially for CDCs in third-tier cities where resource constraints preclude all the strategies discussed here.

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