GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review

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Subjective and objective risk perceptions and the willingness to pay for agricultural insurance: evidence from an in-the-field choice experiment in rural China
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 47 - Trang 98-121 - 2021
Hong Fu, Yuehua Zhang, Yinuo An, Li Zhou, Yanling Peng, Rong Kong, Calum G. Turvey
We conducted in-the-field choice experiments in China to investigate farmers’ willingness to pay for crop insurance and to determine how objective and subjective beliefs affect Willingness to Pay (WTP). We deploy three variants of the choice experiment using a priming mechanism on objective and subjective beliefs plus a control. We find that the cuing frame matters in that there are differences in WTP within five attributes and across variants. In terms of practical policy, our results suggest that farmers’ frame of reference toward objective and subjective risks can affect insurance demand.
The evolution from life insurance to financial engineering
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 46 - Trang 89-111 - 2021
Ralph S. J. Koijen, Motohiro Yogo
Since the mid-1980s, the share of household net worth intermediated by US financial institutions has shifted from defined benefit plans to life insurers and defined contribution plans. Life insurers have primarily grown through variable annuities, which are mutual funds with longevity insurance, a potential tax advantage, and minimum return guarantees. The minimum return guarantees change the primary function of life insurers from traditional insurance to financial engineering. Variable annuity insurers are exposed to interest and equity risk mismatch and their stock returns were especially low during the COVID-19 crisis. We consider regulatory changes, such as more detailed financial disclosure and standardized stress tests, to monitor potential risk mismatch and to ensure stability of the insurance sector.
Reinsurance Brokers and Advice Quality: Is There a Need for Regulation?
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 34 - Trang 20-46 - 2009
Michael Sonnenholzner, Sebastian Friese, J.-Matthias Graf v. d. Schulenburg
Brokers play an increasing role in the distribution of reinsurance. In order to analyse reinsurance brokers' advice quality, we employ a model in which a monopoly broker advises cedents to buy a particular one out of similar reinsurance policies that cost the same but differ in details. The broker decides on how much to invest in his advice quality and on the price to charge for his service. We find that the broker's advice quality is generally lower and the price for his service higher than in the social optimum, even in the presence of a potential new entrant.
Parametric insurance and technology adoption in developing countries
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 47 - Trang 7-44 - 2021
Enrico Biffis, Erik Chavez, Alexis Louaas, Pierre Picard
Technology adoption is crucial for the development of low-income countries. This paper investigates how parametric insurance can contribute to improving access to finance, and hence to technology, for smallholder farmers. In a model with moral hazard, we show that bundling parametric insurance with loans may lower collateral requirements, thus promoting the financial inclusion of poor households. The case of agricultural input loans and weather-index insurance is studied in detail and related to bundled finance solutions recently piloted among smallholder farmers in Tanzania.
Covid-19: implications for insurer risk management and the insurability of pandemic risk
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 45 - Trang 171-199 - 2020
Andreas Richter, Thomas C. Wilson
This paper analyzes the insurability of pandemic risk and outlines how underwriting policies and scenario analysis are used to build resilience upfront and plan contingency actions for crisis scenarios. It then summarizes the unique “lessons learned” from the Covid-19 crisis by baselining actual developments against a reasonable, pre-Covid-19 pandemic scenario based on the 2002 SARS epidemic and 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic. Actual developments support the pre-Covid-19 hypothesis that financial market developments dominate claims losses due to the demographics of pandemics and other factors. However, Covid-19 “surprised” relative to the pre-Covid-19 scenario in terms of its impact on the real economy as well as on the property and casualty segment as business interruption property triggers and exclusions are challenged, something that may adversely impact the insurability of pandemics as well as the perception of the industry for some time to come. The unique lessons of Covid-19 reinforce the need for resilience upfront in solvency and liquidity, the need to improve business interruption wordings and re-underwrite the book, and the recognition that business interruption caused by pandemics may not be an insurable risk due to its large accumulation potential and the threat of external moral hazard. These insurability limitations lead to a discussion about the structure and financing of protection against the impact of future pandemics.
Deregulation, competition, and consumer choice of insurer: Evidence from liberalization reform in China’s automobile insurance market
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 47 - Trang 158-200 - 2021
Wei Zheng, Yi Yao, Peng Shi, Yinglu Deng, Hao Zheng
In 2015, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission initiated a liberalization reform in the automobile insurance industry to grant insurers more discretion in policy design, underwriting, and ratemaking. The deregulation intended to increase competition and choices for the consumer, yet there was little scientific evidence on how the insurance market responded to the reform. This article examines the effectiveness of this deregulation reform in China. Leveraging a large industry dataset of more than 7 million automobile insurance policies from 63 major automobile insurers operating in China, we study policyholders’ switching behavior among insurance providers. To better understand the heterogeneity in the impact of deregulation on market performance and consumer choice, we further analyze the switching pattern among different types of insurers according to the insurer's size, the company’s business structure, the jurisdiction’s market power, and the customer’s risk type. Overall, the empirical results suggest that the reform has met its original goal, leading to higher market competition, and more diversified consumer choices. We further confirm that the average premium dropped significantly after the reform for all three jurisdictions implementing the reform, yet the insurers’ pricing strategy was risk type dependent, i.e., the average premium for the high-risk customers increased, while the average premium for the low-risk customers decreased substantially.
Multidimensional Screening in a Monopolistic Insurance Market
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 39 - Trang 90-130 - 2014
Pau Olivella, Fred Schroyen
We consider a population of individuals who differ in two dimensions, their risk type (expected loss) and their risk aversion, and solve for the profit-maximising menu of contracts that a monopolistic insurer puts out on the market. Our findings are threefold. First, it is never optimal to fully separate all the types. Second, if heterogeneity in risk aversion is sufficiently high, then some high-risk individuals (the risk-tolerant ones) will obtain lower coverage than some low-risk individuals (the risk-averse ones). Third, because women tend to be more risk averse than men (in that the risk aversion distribution for women first-order stochastically dominates that for men), gender discrimination may lead to a Pareto improvement.
Impacts of Jumps and Stochastic Interest Rates on the Fair Costs of Guaranteed Minimum Death Benefit Contracts
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 36 - Trang 51-73 - 2010
François Quittard-Pinon, Rivo Randrianarivony
The authors offer a new perspective to the field of guaranteed minimum death benefit contracts, especially for simple return premium and rising floor guarantees. A particular feature of these contracts is a guaranteed capital upon the insured's death. A complete methodology based on the generalized Fourier transform is proposed to investigate the impacts of jumps and stochastic interest rates. This paper thus extends Milevsky and Posner (2001). If jumps alone are considered, similar results are obtained, but, when stochastic interest rates are introduced, the fair costs of the guarantee feature are found to be substantially higher in this more general economy.
Pensions, annuities, and long-term care insurance: on the impact of risk screening
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 46 - Trang 133-174 - 2020
M. Martin Boyer, Franca Glenzer
We examine the interaction between an individual’s pension scheme and her purchase of long-term care insurance in a context where individuals learn their longevity risk type over time. We show that the structure of an individual’s retirement pension scheme is an important component of her selection of long-term care insurance coverage. When individuals purchase their retirement product and long-term care insurance after learning their risk type, low-risk individuals signal their type solely on the retirement product market, which allows all individuals, irrespective of their risk type, to perfectly insure against the incidence of long-term care shocks. When individuals purchase their retirement product before learning their risk type, then the retirement product will pool all risk types, which prevents any signaling in that market. If individuals still learn their type before purchasing long-term care insurance, then having to signal their type in the long-term care insurance market considerably reduces the take-up rate for such protection for all risk types.
Demand for Windstorm Insurance Coverage and the Representative Heuristic
GENEVA Risk and Insurance Review - Tập 42 - Trang 117-139 - 2017
Randy E. Dumm, David L. Eckles, Charles Nyce, Jacqueline Volkman-Wise
With recent research suggesting a behavioral explanation for changes in demand for insurance (e.g., Volkman-Wise (2015)), we study homeowners’ demand for windstorm insurance in the wake of losses. In particular, we examine the representative heuristic’s impact on the demand for homeowners’ insurance, which provides coverage for windstorm losses, in Florida (U.S.). Under this paradigm, individuals underweight prior probabilities and overweight posterior probabilities. This results in an over (under)-weighting of the probability of a loss from a disaster in the event (absence) of a disaster. Using data for new homeowners’ insurance, purchases in Florida’s residual market between 2005 and 2007 (a period of high hurricane activity), we find, subsequent to losses, the demand for coverage limits and the number of policies sold both increase. Further, we find that this effect attenuates as the losses become further away in time. That is, more recent losses have a stronger effect on demand. This attenuation of the demand is also consistent with the representative heuristic.
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