Frontiers in Pharmacology

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Safety and effectiveness of all-oral and injectable-containing, bedaquiline-based long treatment regimen for pre-XDR tuberculosis in Vietnam
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 13 - Trang 1023704 - 2022
Nguyen, Thi Mai Phuong, Nguyen, Binh Hoa, Hoang, Thi Thanh Thuy, Nguyen, Hoang Anh, Vu, Dinh Hoa, Nguyen, Mai Hoa, Nguyen, Bao Ngoc, Decroo, Tom, Nguyen, Viet Nhung
#Pre-XDR TB treatment; all oral regimen; injectable secondline drug; QT prolongation; Bedaquline
Pharmacist-Led Intervention to Enhance Medication Adherence in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome in Vietnam: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 9 - Trang 370128 - 2018
Nguyen, Thang, Nguyen, Thao H., Nguyen, Phu T., Tran, Ha T., Nguyen, Ngoc V., Nguyen, Hoa Q., Ha, Ban N., Pham, Tam T., Taxis, Katja
#Acute Coronary Syndrome; Medication Adherence; pharmacist-led intervention; randomized controlled trial; Vietnam
Metabolic Profiling Analysis of the Alleviation Effect of Treatment with Baicalin on Cinnabar Induced Toxicity in Rats Urine and Serum
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 8
Guangyue Su, Gang Chen, Xiao An, Haifeng Wang, Yue‐Hu Pei
In vitro Inhibition of HIV-1 by Cyclotide-Enriched Extracts of Viola tricolor
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 13
Carina Conzelmann, Edin Muratspahić, Nataša Tomašević, Jan Münch, Christian W. Gruber

Since viral infectious diseases continue to be a global health threat, new antiviral drugs are urgently needed. A unique class of therapeutic compounds are antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). They can be found in humans, bacteria and plants. Plants express a wide variety of such defense peptides as part of their innate immune system to protect from invading pathogens. Cyclotides are non-classical AMPs that share a similar structure. Their unique topology consists of a circular peptide backbone and disulfide bonds. In previous studies they have been attributed to a wide range of biological activities. To identify novel cyclotides with antiviral activity, we established a library of plant extracts largely consisting of cyclotide-rich species and screened them as inhibitors of HIV-1 infection. Subsequent extraction and fractionation revealed four cyclotide-containing subfractions from Viola tricolor with antiviral activity. These subfractions inhibited HIV-1 infection with IC50 values between 0.6 and 11.2 μg/ml, and selectivity indices of up to 8.1. The identification and characterization of antiviral cyclotides and the determination of the antiviral mechanisms may allow to develop novel agents to combat viral infections. Therefore, cyclotides represent a natural source of bioactive molecules with prospects for development as therapeutics.

Traditional and Current Food Use of Wild Plants Listed in the Russian Pharmacopoeia
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 8
Alexander N. Shikov, Andrey Tsitsilin, Olga N. Pozharitskaya, В. Г. Макаров, Michael Heinrich
Methadone as a “Tumor Theralgesic” against Cancer
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 8
Marta Michalska, A. Katzenwadel, Philipp Wolf
Proteomic Phenotyping of Stimulated Müller Cells Uncovers Profound Pro-Inflammatory Signaling and Antigen-Presenting Capacity
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 12
Adrian Schmalen, Lea Lorenz, Antje Grosche, Diana Pauly, Cornelia A. Deeg, Stefanie M. Hauck

Müller cells are the main macroglial cells of the retina exerting a wealth of functions to maintain retinal homoeostasis. Upon pathological changes in the retina, they become gliotic with both protective and detrimental consequences. Accumulating data also provide evidence for a pivotal role of Müller cells in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR). While microglial cells, the resident immune cells of the retina are considered as main players in inflammatory processes associated with DR, the implication of activated Müller cells in chronic retinal inflammation remains to be elucidated. In order to assess the signaling capacity of Müller cells and their role in retinal inflammation, we performed in-depth proteomic analysis of Müller cell proteomes and secretomes after stimulation with INFγ, TNFα, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, VEGF, TGFβ1, TGFβ2 and TGFβ3. We used both, primary porcine Müller cells and the human Müller cell line MIO-M1 for our hypothesis generating approach. Our results point towards an intense signaling capacity of Müller cells, which reacted in a highly discriminating manner upon treatment with different cytokines. Stimulation of Müller cells resulted in a primarily pro-inflammatory phenotype with secretion of cytokines and components of the complement system. Furthermore, we observed evidence for mitochondrial dysfunction, implying oxidative stress after treatment with the various cytokines. Finally, both MIO-M1 cells and primary porcine Müller cells showed several characteristics of atypical antigen-presenting cells, as they are capable of inducing MHC class I and MHC class II with co-stimulatory molecules. In line with this, they express proteins associated with formation and maturation of phagosomes. Thus, our findings underline the importance of Müller cell signaling in the inflamed retina, indicating an active role in chronic retinal inflammation.

Analysis of Models of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Rats and Mice. A Modern View From the Perspective of the Pathophysiologist and the Clinician
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 12
Ekaterina Podyacheva, Е. А. Кушнарева, А. А. Карпов, Yana Toropova

Today the pharmacological possibilities of treating cancer are expanding and as a result, life expectancy is increasing against the background of chemotherapy and supportive treatment. In the conditions of successful antitumor treatment, complications associated with its toxic effect on healthy tissues and organs began to come to the fore. Anthracycline cardiomyopathy was the first serious cardiovascular complication to draw the attention of oncologists and cardiologists around the world. Anthracycline drugs such as doxorubicin, epirubicin, idarubicin are still widely used in oncological practice to treat a wide range of solid and hematological malignancies. Doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy is closely associated with an increase in oxidative stress, as evidenced by reactive oxygen species (ROS) nduced damage such as lipid peroxidation, and decreased levels of antioxidants. Myofibrillar destruction and dysregulation of intracellular calcium are also important mechanisms, usually associated with doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity. Despite the abundance of data on various mechanisms involved in the implementation of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity, a final understanding of the mechanism of the development of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy has not yet been formed. It poses the most significant challenges to the development of new methods of prevention and treatment, as well as to the unambiguous choice of a specific treatment regimen using the existing pharmacological tools. In order to resolve these issues new models that could reflect the development of the chemotherapy drugs effects are needed. In this review we have summarized and analyzed information on the main existing models of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy using small laboratory animals. In addition, this paper discusses further areas of research devoted to the development and validation of new improved models of doxorubicin cardiomyopathy suitable both for studying the mechanisms of its implementation and for the preclinical drugs effectiveness assessment.

Luminal Conversion and Immunoregulation by Probiotics
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 6
Bhanu P. Ganesh, James Versalovic
Tính chất Dược lý của Chalcone: Tổng quan Nghiên cứu Tiền lâm sàng và Bằng chứng Lâm sàng Dịch bởi AI
Frontiers in Pharmacology - Tập 11
Bahare Salehi, Cristina Quispe, Imane Chamkhi, Nasreddine El Omari, Abdelaali Balahbib, Javad Sharifi‐Rad, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, Muhammad Akram, Mehwish Iqbal, Anca Oana Docea, Constantin Căruntu, Gerardo Leyva‐Gómez, Abhijit Dey, Miquel Martorell, Daniela Călina, Víctor López, Francisco Les

Chalcones là một trong những flavonoid sinh học hàng đầu với tiềm năng điều trị được đồn thổi đến hàng loạt hoạt động sinh học đã được một loạt nghiên cứu tiền lâm sàng và lâm sàng điều tra. Trong bài báo này, các cơ sở dữ liệu khoa học khác nhau đã được tìm kiếm để lấy lại các nghiên cứu mô tả hoạt động sinh học của chalcone và các dẫn xuất của chúng. Bài đánh giá này mô tả một cách toàn diện các nghiên cứu tiền lâm sàng về chalcone và các dẫn xuất của chúng, mô tả ý nghĩa to lớn của chúng như các tác nhân chống tiểu đường, chống ung thư, chống viêm, kháng khuẩn, chống ôxy hóa, chống ký sinh trùng, tác động tâm thần và bảo vệ thần kinh. Bên cạnh đó, các thử nghiệm lâm sàng đã tiết lộ việc sử dụng của chúng trong điều trị suy tĩnh mạch mãn tính, các tình trạng da và ung thư. Các nghiên cứu về sinh khả dụng trên chalcone và dẫn xuất cho thấy khả năng cản trở và cải thiện trong liên hệ với ứng dụng chức năng dinh dưỡng và dược phẩm. Các cơ chế phức tạp và đa dạng cơ bản của các hành động của chalcone cho thấy khả năng của chúng trong việc điều chỉnh một số dòng tế bào ung thư, ức chế một số vi sinh vật và ký sinh trùng bệnh lý, và kiểm soát một số phân tử tín hiệu và chuỗi liên quan đến thay đổi bệnh. Các nghiên cứu lâm sàng về chalcone đã tiết lộ sự vắng mặt chung của các tác dụng phụ bên cạnh việc giảm các triệu chứng lâm sàng với sinh khả dụng khá tốt. Các nghiên cứu thêm là cần thiết để làm sáng tỏ cấu trúc hoạt động, mối lo ngại về độc tính, cơ sở tế bào của cách thức hoạt động, và sự tương tác với các phân tử khác.

#chalcone #tiền lâm sàng #lâm sàng #sinh khả dụng #dược lý
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