Experiments in Fluids

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Estimation of velocity eigenfunction and vorticity distributions from the timeline visualization technique
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 6 - Trang 228-236 - 1988
D. Lusseyran, D. Rockwell
For the case of quasi-periodic flow, it is demonstrated that use of the hydrogen bubble timeline method leads to reasonable estimates of the eigenfunction of the streamwise velocity fluctuation. Both amplitude and phase distributions across an unstable wake flow are well-approximated. It is shown that the vorticity extrema, as well as the degree of concentration of vorticity, are in good agreement with those calculated from linear stability theory. A critical assessment is given of the possible uncertainties associated with this technique: the existence of a finite, but unknown cross-stream velocity component; bubble rise due to buoyancy effects; wake defect created downstream of the bubble wire; and resolution of the digitized image. Furthermore, the uncertainty in the streamwise velocity, arising from existence of a finite cross-stream velocity component, is actually less than that corresponding to a single-element hot film probe over certain regimes of operation.
A cross-correlation technique for velocity field extraction from particulate visualization
Experiments in Fluids - - 1991
Tadashi Utami, Ron F. Blackwelder, Tetsuo Ueno
Turbulent wall pressure fluctuation measurements on a towed model at high Reynolds numbers
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 46 - Trang 181-189 - 2008
William L. Keith, Kimberly M. Cipolla, Deborah Furey
Turbulent wall pressure fluctuation measurements were made in water on a towed model of length 129.8 (m) and diameter 3.8 (cm) for steady speeds from 6.2 (m/s) to 15.5 (m/s). The drag on the model was measured with a strut mounted load cell which provided estimates of the momentum thickness and friction velocity. Momentum thickness Reynolds numbers Re θ varied from 4.8 × 105 to 1.1 × 106. The ratio of momentum thickness to viscous length scale is significantly greater than for flat plate cases at comparable Re θ. The effectiveness of inner and outer velocity and length scales for collapsing the pressure spectra are discussed. The wavenumber–frequency spectra show a convective ridge at higher frequencies similar to flat plate boundary layers. At low frequencies, energy broad in wavenumber extends outside the convective ridge and acoustic cone, with no characteristic wave speed. Wall pressure cross-spectral levels scaled with similarity variables are shown to increase with increasing tow speed, and to follow decay constants consistent with flat plate cases. The convection velocities also display features similar to flat plate cases.
Influence of unsteady wake on a turbulent separation bubble
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 32 Số 2 - Trang 269-279 - 2002
Sejong Chun, Hyung Jin Sung
Experimental evaluation of methodologies for single transient cavitation bubble generation in liquids
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 62 - Trang 1-28 - 2021
Darjan Podbevšek, Žiga Lokar, Jure Podobnikar, Rok Petkovšek, Matevž Dular
Single bubble dynamics are of fundamental importance for understanding the underlying mechanisms in liquid–vapor transition phenomenon known as cavitation. In the past years, numerous studies were published and results were extrapolated from one technique to another and further on to “real-world” cavitation. In the present paper, we highlight the issues of using various experimental approaches to study the cavitation bubble phenomenon and its effects. We scrutinize the transients bubble generation mechanisms behind tension-based and energy deposition-based techniques and overview the physics behind the bubble production. Four vapor bubble generation methods, which are most commonly used in single bubble research, are directly compared in this study: the pulsed laser technique, a high- and low-voltage spark discharge and the tube arrest method. Important modifications to the experimental techniques are implemented, demonstrating improvement of the bubble production range, control and repeatability. Results are compared to other similar techniques from the literature, and an extensive report on the topic is given in the scope of this work. Simple-to-implement techniques are presented and categorized herein, in order to help with future experimental design. Repeatability and sphericity of the produced bubbles are examined, as well as a comprehensive overview on the subject, listing the bubble production range and highlighting the attributes and limitation for the transient cavitation bubble techniques.
An orthogonal-plane PIV technique for the investigations of three-dimensional vortical structures in a turbulent boundary layer flow
Experiments in Fluids - - 2006
Kyung Chun Kim, Sang Youl Yoon, Sang Moon Kim, H. H. Chun, Inwon Lee
An experimental investigation was carried out regarding a three-dimensional topology of a zero-pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer. In this study, the polarization separation technique has been applied to the PIV measurements. Two mutually perpendicular measurement planes have been employed in x–y and x–z planes, respectively. Synchronization between a stereoscopic PIV with another plane PIV system was made toward the detection of such salient features of the coherent structure as the legs and the head of the hairpin vortices. Polarization rotation via a half-waveplate and subsequent particle image separation using polarizer minimized the spurious particle images. The PIV results clearly demonstrate the presence of hairpin-like coherent vortical structures and coincidence between the near-wall quasi-streamwise vortex pair and the legs of the hairpin vortex.
Turbulent spots in hypervelocity flow
Experiments in Fluids - - 2017
Joseph S. Jewell, Ivett A. Leyva, Joseph E. Shepherd
Experiments on the instability modes of buoyant diffusion flames and effects of ambient atmosphere on the instabilities
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 28 - Trang 546-558 - 2000
B. M. Cetegen, Y. Dong
Large scale dynamic behavior of buoyant diffusion flames were studied experimentally. It was found that buoyant diffusion flames originating from circular nozzles exhibit two different modes of flame instabilities. The first mode results in a sinuous meandering of the diffusion flame, characteristic of flames originating from small diameter nozzles. This instability originates at some distance downstream of the nozzle exit in the contraction region of the buoyant flame envelope and develops into a sinuous motion of the flame. The second mode is the varicose mode which develops very close to the nozzle exit as axisymmetric perturbations of a contracting flame surface. In this mode, flame oscillations result in the formation of toroidal vortical structures that convect through the flame and cause periodic burn out at the flame top resulting in the observed flame height fluctuations. The average flame heights are found to be typically shorter for these flames. The oscillation frequencies and their scaling for the two modes are also different with the sinuous mode having higher frequencies than the varicose mode. It was also observed that the instability can switch from one mode to the other and the probability of observing the varicose mode appears to increase with increasing Richardson number. Additionally, the feasibility of altering the behavior of buoyant diffusion flames was explored through variation of the oxidizer medium density. It was found that the flame oscillations can be completely suppressed for flames burning in helium rich helium–oxygen mixtures. At lower helium concentrations, the oscillation frequency can be significantly reduced. In order to enhance the buoyancy effect, CO2–O2 mixtures were also studied. However, the density increase and its effects on flame oscillation frequency were found to be small compared to those flames burning in air. These experiments point towards the feasibility of altering buoyant flame behavior under earth gravity and studying the large scale dynamical aspects of buoyant flames without the need of variable gravity environment.
Mối quan hệ pha giữa các quy mô lớn và nhỏ trong lớp biên rối Dịch bởi AI
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 54 - Trang 1-13 - 2013
I. Jacobi, B. J. McKeon
Hiệu ứng điều chế biên độ hiển nhiên giữa các chuyển động quy mô lớn và quy mô nhỏ trong lớp biên rối, bao gồm cả các thành phần vận tốc theo chiều dòng chảy và chiều thẳng đứng với bề mặt, được khám phá thông qua các kỹ thuật tương quan chéo. Các phép đo bằng dây nóng một điểm và PIV hai chiều được sử dụng để xem xét các bao bọc của dao động quy mô nhỏ trong cả hai hướng và sự tương quan của chúng với các dao động quy mô lớn trong hướng dòng chảy. Độ tương quan được diễn giải như một đo lường độ trễ pha giữa các chuyển động ở các quy mô khác nhau, và các phép đo pha này được dùng để chứng minh rằng các dao động trong bao bọc của các chuyển động quy mô nhỏ trong cả hai hướng có xu hướng dẫn trước các dao động tương ứng ở quy mô lớn trong hướng dòng chảy. Mật độ đồng phổ của sự tương quan chéo giữa các quy mô khác nhau được sử dụng để xác định các chuyển động quy mô lớn cụ thể chiếm ưu thế trong hiệu ứng điều chế, và cho thấy rằng quy mô tương tác (hoặc 'điều chế') chiếm ưu thế tương ứng về kích thước với các chuyển động quy mô rất lớn được quan sát trong các dòng chảy nội bộ nhưng thường không được quan sát ở vùng ngoài của lớp biên.
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Vortex topology of a pitching and rolling wing in forward flight
Experiments in Fluids - Tập 61 - Trang 1-21 - 2020
Kyle C. Johnson, Brian S. Thurow, Kevin J. Wabick, Randall L. Berdon, James H. J. Buchholz
Vortex topology is analyzed from measurements of flow over a flat, rectangular plate with an aspect ratio of 2 which was articulated in pitch and roll, individually and simultaneously. The plate was immersed into a $$\text {Re} = 10,000$$ flow (based on chord length). Measurements were made using a 3D–3C plenoptic PIV system to allow for the study of complete vortex topology of the entire wing. The prominent focus is the early development of the leading-edge vortex (LEV) and resulting topology. The effect of the wing kinematics on the topology was explored through a parameter space involving multiple values of pitch rate and roll rate at pitch and roll angles up to $${50}^{\circ }$$ . Characterization and comparisons across the expansive data set are made possible through the use of a newly defined dimensionless parameter, $${\textit{k}_{\text {Rg}}}$$ . Termed the effective reduced pitch rate, $${\textit{k}_{\text {Rg}}}$$ , is a measure of the pitch rate that takes into account the relative rolling motion of the wing in addition to the pitching motion and freestream velocity. This study has found that for a purely pitching wing, increasing the reduced pitch rate $${\textit{k}}$$ delays the vortex evolution with respect to $$\alpha _\mathrm {eff}$$ . For a purely rolling wing, as the advance coefficient $${\textit{J}}$$ is increased, the vortex evolution is advanced with respect to nondimensionalized time and the bifurcation point of the LEV shifts inboard. For a pitching and rolling wing, the addition of roll stabilizes and delays the evolution of the LEV in both nondimensionalized time and effective angle of attack.
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