Experimental and Applied Acarology



  Hà Lan

Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Netherlands

Lĩnh vực:
Insect ScienceMedicine (miscellaneous)Ecology

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Experimental and Applied Acarology publishes peer-reviewed original papers describing advances in basic and applied research on mites and ticks. Coverage encompasses all Acari, including those of environmental, agricultural, medical and veterinary importance, and all the ways in which they interact with other organisms (plants, arthropods and other animals). The subject matter draws upon a wide variety of disciplines, including evolutionary biology, ecology, epidemiology, physiology, biochemistry, toxicology, immunology, genetics, molecular biology and pest management sciences.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Effects of agroforestry on phytoseiid mite communities (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in vineyards in the South of France
Tập 40 Số 3-4 - Trang 175-188 - 2007
Ziad Barbar, Marie‐Stéphane Tixier, Brigitte Cheval, Serge Kreiter
Cardinium symbionts induce haploid thelytoky in most clones of three closely related Brevipalpus species
Tập 39 Số 3-4 - Trang 257-271 - 2006
Thomas Groot, Johannes A. J. Breeuwer
Asymmetry in male lethal fight between parapatric forms of a social spider mite
- 2013
Yuuji Sato, Maurice W. Sabelis, Atsushi Mochizuki
The effects of spiromesifen on life history traits and population growth of two-spotted spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae)
Tập 50 Số 3 - Trang 255-267 - 2010
Dejan Marčić, Irena Ogurlić, Slavka Mutavdžić, P. Perić
Effects of relative humidity on development, fecundity and survival of three storage mites
Tập 41 - Trang 87-100 - 2007
Ismael Sánchez-Ramos, Fernando Álvarez-Alfageme, Pedro Castañera
The developmental rate of immature stages and the reproduction of adults of Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), T. neiswanderi Johnston and Bruce and Acarus farris (Oudemans) were examined at 70, 80 and 90% r.h. and a constant temperature of 25°C. At 70% r.h., T. putrescentiae and A. farris immature stages failed to reach the protonymph stage as 100% of the larvae died, whereas T. neiswanderi was able to complete development. The developmental time of all immature stages for the three species was significantly increased as relative humidity was reduced. The mobile stages were particularly susceptible, as the time needed to complete their development at lower relative humidities suffered greater increases than the egg stage. At 70% r.h., T. putrescentiae and A. farris were not able to lay eggs and only 24% of T. neiswanderi pairs were fertile. The reproductive parameters of the three species at the relative humidities at which they were able to lay eggs showed significant differences, except for the percentage of fertile mating at 80 and 90% r.h. As relative humidity increased, preoviposition period was reduced and fecundity and daily fecundity was increased, whereas the oviposition period showed different patterns for the three species. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) of T. neiswanderi at 70% r.h. was negative indicating that, at these conditions, mite populations of this species will diminish until they disappear. As relative humidity increased from 80 to 90% r.h. this parameter was almost twofold for both Tyrophagus species. The r m obtained for A. farris at 90% r.h. was similar to that of T. neiswanderi at the same humidity while at 80% r.h. it was very small so that the population doubling time was more than 84 days. The influence of relative humidity on biology of these mites and its practical application as control measure are discussed.
Enzymatic analysis of Blomia tropicalis and Blomia kulagini (Acari: Echimyopodidae) allergenic extracts obtained from different phases of culture growth
Tập 39 - Trang 281-288 - 2006
G. Cardona, J. Guisantes, E. Eraso, L. A. Serna, J. Martínez
The majority of important allergenic extracts from arthropods present enzymatic activity. This activity has been studied particularly in Dermatophagoides house dust mites because of its implication in the stability and immunogenicity of extracts used as tools for the diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic diseases. Extracts from cultures of Blomia tropicalis [van Bronswijk (1973a, b). Acarologia 15:477–489, 490–505] and Blomia kulagini (Zakhvatkin 1936) were used to study enzymatic profiles during three growth periods of the mite population: latency phase, maximum mite concentration during exponential growth, and drop stage. The activities of 19 enzymes were analyzed using the Api Zym system. The results show a large variety of enzymes. Some enzymatic activity was found to be (almost) exclusively attributable to mites. The activity levels of proteases, glycosidases and lipases overlapped with the growth curve. Only phosphatase activity showed no significant change during mite growth when compared with the culture medium. We suggest that the glycosidases (β-galactosidase, β-glucuronidase, β-N-acetylglucosaminidase, α-mannosidase and α-fucosidase) and proteases (leucine aminopeptidase and trypsin) may constitute suitable parameters for inclusion in the quality control process for the production of allergenic mite extracts, and may help define a new index for conducting environmental controls.
Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) on swifts (Apodiformes: Apodidae) in Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil
Tập 64 - Trang 259-263 - 2014
Graziela Tolesano-Pascoli, Frederico Innecco Garcia, Carla Raphaela Gonzaga Gomes, Kátia Cristina Diniz, Valeria Castilho Onofrio, José Manuel Venzal, Matias Pablo Juan Szabó
Brazil harbors five species of Cypseloidinae swifts. Those from Streptoprocne and Cypseloides genera have a very distinct ecology. They shelter at night and build nests in moist cliffs by waterfalls. Information about tick infestation of these birds is virtually non-existent and restricted to the description of a new species, Ixodes paranaensis, in Streptoprocne biscutata in Paraná State and another record of this species in Streptoprocne zonaris in Minas Gerais State. We herein report tick infestation of swifts at eight waterfalls in the Cerrado biome of Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. Swifts were captured during six campaigns from November 2008 to April 2013. Overall, 584 swifts were captured (527 C. senex, four C. fumigatus and 53 S. zonaris). Four birds were tick infested (prevalence of 0.7 %). Three individuals of C. senex hosted one tick each; a nymph of I. paranaensis, a female of I. paranaensis and a nymph of Amblyomma cajennense. One S. zonaris hosted an I. paranaensis nymph and an Ornithodoros sp. larva (Argasidae).
Damage and spatiotemporal dynamics of the Ngaio flat mite, Brevipalpus ferraguti (Trombidiformes: Tenuipalpidae), with observations on the development of the female insemination system
Tập 86 - Trang 73-90 - 2021
Hector Alonso Escobar-Garcia, Francisco Ferragut
We studied the Ngaio flat mite, Brevipalpus ferraguti Ochoa & Beard, on Myoporum laetum (Scrophulariaceae), a common introduced plant used as hedgerows in gardens and green areas of the Mediterranean, where the mite causes considerable damage. We first describe the damage, and then the patterns of mite seasonal abundance and spatial distribution. Finally, we address the development of the female insemination system at the population level. Damage occurs on both sides of the leaves, starting with a uniform stippling and bronzing and ending in the leaves drying out and extensive defoliation that coincides with summer. Mite population peaked between June and August, maintained moderate levels in autumn and winter and reached its lowest density in early spring. Active motile immatures and eggs were present throughout the year. Females and motile immature forms were more abundant on the abaxial (lower) leaf surface, but eggs were deposited on both surfaces indistinctly, suggesting that females actively move to the adaxial (upper) surface in summer to oviposit. All the developmental stages were aggregated on the leaves throughout the year regardless of their population density. Our study suggests that a binomial or presence-absence sampling, examining only the number of females on the abaxial surface, can accurately estimate the total mite density levels. Only 23.5% of females possessed a fully developed spermatheca, whereas in 76.5% of the cases the seminal receptacle was not present or not developed. Females with a complete spermatheca were less abundant in summer. Average temperatures and host plant species affected the occurrence of this reproductive structure.
Africanized honey bee colonies in Costa Rica: first evidence of its management, brood nest structure and factors associated with varroa mite infestation
Rafael A. Calderón-Fallas, Johan W. van Veen, Verónica R. Olate-Olave, Mayda Verde, Marnix Doorn, Leslie Vallejos, Juan Vicente Orozco-Delgado
Ticks infesting the endangered Italian hare (Lepus corsicanus) and their habitat in an ecological park in southern Italy
- 2011
Filipe Dantas‐Torres, Gabriella Testini, Peter M. DiGeronimo, Vincenzo Lorusso, Egidio Mallìa, Domenico Otranto