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Effect of aspirin and vitamins C and E on synovial rheumatoid arthritic and other cells
Tập 35 - Trang 244-246 - 1979
Normal and rheumatoid arthritic human synovial cells, normal rat muscle and bone cells, were cultured with combinations of aspirin (acetylsalicytic acid), vitamins C and E. Aspirin reduced percent growth of all cells by about 1/5 relative to controls. High vitamin C eradicated arthritic cells. In combinations, vitamin C was most important in eradicating arthritic cells. A low-aspirin, low-vitamin C combination was most effective in reducing arthritic cell populations, while having little effect on normal cells. Vitamin E retarded but did not prevent the action of vitamin C.
Shell microlaminations of the freshwater bivalveHyridella depressa as an archival monitor of manganese water concentration: Experimental investigation by depth profiling using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS)
Tập 51 - Trang 838-848 - 1995
Specimens of the freshwater unionid bivalveHyridella depressa were experimentally exposed to a synthetic river water containing an elevated Mn water concentration (20 mg l−1) for 2 or 6 days. SIMS depth profiles through the incremental nacre microlaminations or tablets (∼0.6 μm breadth) of the shells of these bivalves showed increases in the signal intensity of Ca-normalised Mn that corresponded to the period of exposure. These results support the proposition that bivalve shells can be used as retrospective monitors of water chemistry. They also indicate that 1) there is a lag phase between exposure to the elevated Mn water concentration and its expression in the shell, and 2) the period for Mn in the shell to reach equilibrium with the aquatic medium is greater that 2 to 6 days.
Influence of soil fumigation of telone and nemagon on the ultrastructure of chromoplasts in carrot roots (Daucus carota L.)
Tập 27 - Trang 712-713 - 1971
Wenn der Boden vor der Aussaat vonDaucus carota L. mit Telon und Nemagon behandelt wurde, konnten Strukturveränderungen in den Chromoplasten der Karottenwurzeln festgestellt werden.
Induction of post-irradiation conditioned avoidance behavior by intraperitoneal injection of brain tissues
Tập 26 - Trang 648-649 - 1970
Man kann «post-irradiation»-bedingtes Ablehnungsverhalten indirekt herbeifuhren, indem man Hirngewebe von abgerichteten Mäusen in den Peritonealraum der unabgerichteten Mause injiziert. Die «Empfänger» verhalten sich, als seien sie selbst dem Saccharinbevorzugungs-Test und anschliessend ionisierender Bestrahlung ausgesetzt worden. Wir haben zur Zeit noch keine stichhaltige Erklärung für diese interessante Beobachtung.
Phenological studies of selected savanna mosses of south-western Nigeria
- 1994
It was established that there is little diversity of bryophytes in the derived savanna. Mosses were found in the sampling sites, whereas liverworts were rarely observed. The reproductive methods of four dominant sexually reproducing savanna mosses —Archidium ohioense, Bryum coronatum, Fissidens minutifolius andTrachycarpidium tisserantii were monitored over two consecutive rainy seasons. Protonemal and gametophyte production were noticed in the field in March/April, and capsule dehiscence and spore dispersal occurred in September/October. The sequential stages of development, starting with gametangial production and ending with the falling of the dehisced capsules, occurred within the rainy season. However,A. ohioense andT. tisserantii did not discharge their spores easily (cleistocarpous), unlike the stegocarpous speciesB. coronatum andF. minutifolius. Water availability and possibly high humidity may have contributed to growth. The short period between sex organ formation and dehiscence of capsule seen in these studies, compared with the longer period in some temperate mosses, may be an advantage for bryophytes in a savanna environment.
Microméthode de dosage des anticorps antiallotype chez la Souris par un test de liaison avec le fragment Fc marqué à l'iode radioactif
Tập 27 - Trang 614-615 - 1971
We describe a new binding test of anti-allotype antibodies anti-Igla from C 57 Bl/6 mouse serum with Fc fragments of CBA mouse IgG labelled with 131 (or 125) iodine. The precipitation of bound antibodies is achieved by rabbit anti-mouse Fab serum.
Evidence of major role of the intestine in cholesterol synthesis in the adult male rat
Tập 31 - Trang 627-629 - 1975
By a new in vivo method using 1-14C-acetate, it becomes apparent that the intestine is the main organ concerned in cholesterol synthesis. The liver contributes a mere 13.5% to the total. These results challenge the traditional theory which considers the liver as responsible for producing most of cholesterol synthesized by the rat.
Isolation of 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityl lumazine from a riboflavineless mutant ofAspergillus nidulans
Tập 22 - Trang 32-32 - 1966
Die Gegenwart von 6, 7-Dimethyl-8-ribityl-Lumazin, einem Vorläufer des Riboflavins in seiner Biosynthese, ist im Kulturfiltrat einer riboflavinlosen Mutante vonAspergillus nidulans festgestellt worden.