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Étude cytologique d'une translocation chromosomeY-autosome chez la souris
Tập 25 - Trang 876-877 - 1969
A. Léonard, Gh. Deknudt
A male mouse with one translocation involving theY-chromosome has been observed in the F1 offspring of a male mouse given 300 R of X-irradiation. 6 types of spermatocytes were recorded. Our observations appear to confirm that the acrocentricX of the mouse associates end-to-end with theY at its centromeric end.
Acute physiological responses during blood substitution with colloidal gelatin in conscious rats
Tập 40 - Trang 700-701 - 1984
K. C. Lowe, D. C. McNaughton
The effects of exchange-transfusion with a proprietary gelatin-based plasma volume expander, Haemaccel, have been investigated in conscious, chronically-catheterized rats. No adverse changes in basic cardiovascular or respiratory functions occurred during the procedure although an increase in intravascular fluid sodium but not potassium concentration was observed.
Interaction of spinal and hypothalamic thermodetectors in body temperature regulation of the conscious dog
Tập 24 Số 7 - Trang 694-695 - 1968
Claus Jessen, É. Simon, R. Kullmann
Level of ecdysteroids in the hemolymph of the freshwater prawn,Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Crustacea: Decapoda) in relation to the phenomenon of cheliped autotomy in males
Tập 43 - Trang 901-902 - 1987
S. Harpaz, D. Kahan, M. Moriniere, P. Porcheron
Ecdysteroid titers were determined in the hemolymph of adult freshwater prawn,Macrobrachium rosenbergii, during various stages of the molt cycle, using radioimmunoassay. A comparison was made between hormone levels in males which undergo normal molt and dominant males of the population which periodically commit cheliped autotomy. The latter is a recently discovered phenomenon whereby a male voluntarily sheds off both its long claws at molt, once the ratio between body length and combined claw length reaches a ceiling level of about 1∶3. Shortly before an autotomizing molt, hormone levels were about three times higher than on the eve of a normal molt.
Influence de l'aneuploïdie sur la différenciation protéique au cours du développement embryonnaire de l'UrodèlePleurodeles waltlii Michah
Tập 19 - Trang 253-254 - 1963
H. Denis, F. Gasser
No qualitative differences have been found between the electrophoretic protein patterns observed in normal and in aneuploid embryos (♀ 3n × ♂ 2n). The overall amount of extractable protein increases, however, less rapidly in aneuploid than in normal embryos.
Phosphocreatine and ATP concentrations increase during flow-stimulated metabolism in a non-contracting muscle
Tập 48 - Trang 1125-1127 - 1992
J. A. Mejsnar, M. J. Kushmerick, D. L. Williams
The gracilis muscle was excised from cold-acclimated rats, placed in vitro, and simultaneously perfused via its artery by high pO2 medium and superfused by low pO2 medium. With a doubling of the perfusion rate (from 50 to 100 μl/min) phosphocreatine and ATP increased by 39% and 44%, respectively.
Zur Frage der thermoelastischen Eigenschaften des Nerven
Tập 11 - Trang 65-65 - 1955
E. Dodt
The thermo-elastic properties of nerve have been studied by measurements of the change in length caused by changes in temperature. The thermal coefficient (per °C) of linear expansion, always positive in sign, is of the order of 10−4 for intact nerve and 10−5 for dissected nerve.