
Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu

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Goldthioglucose and the blood-brain barrier
Experientia - Tập 24 - Trang 1253-1254 - 1968
E. A. Arees, J. Mayer
Après avoir augmenté la perméabilité corticale sang-cerveau chez des rats, on a donné à ces animaux une injection d'aurothioglucose. Aucune lésion due à l'aurothioglucose n'a été decouverte dans aucun des sites de perméabilité accrue. Les résultats montrent que la production de lésions par l'aurothioglucose n'est pas due à une permeabilité non-specifique dans certains sites hypothalamiques; ils confirment la théorie glucostatique qui suggère qu'il existe des glucorécepteurs à affinité définie situés à ces sites.
The effect of vitamin D3 and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on intestinal transport of calcium in vivo and in vitro
Experientia - Tập 28 - Trang 659-660 - 1972
M. Winter, E. Morava, G. Simon, Adrienne Gyüre
8 Stunden nach Injektion von 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol bei rachitischen Ratten steigerte sich der Kalzium-Transport des Duodenum in vivo wie auch in vitro bedeutend. Während dieser Zeit war Vitamin D3, wirkungslos. 24 h nach der Injektion stimulierten beide Verbindungen in ähnlichem Masse den Kalzium-Transport.
Failure of medial forebrain bundle or raphe ablation to alter the daily temperature rhythm of the rat
Experientia - Tập 34 Số 12 - Trang 1588-1589 - 1978
Jon D. Dunn, Anthony J. Castro, John A. McNulty
International Rheological Congress in Holland September, 1948
Experientia - Tập 3 - Trang 468-468 - 1947
Changes in patterns of ecdysteroid secretion by the ring gland ofDrosophila in relation to the sterol composition of the diet
Experientia - Tập 42 - Trang 307-309 - 1986
Ch. P. F. Redfern
Brain-ring glands fromDrosophila larvae reared on a defined diet containing campesterol (24-methyl-cholesterol) as the major sterol, secreted-in addition to ecdysone-a compound identified previously as a 24-methyl analogue, 20-deoxy-makisterone A. Using ergosterol or cholesterol as the sterol component of the diet, only ecdysone was detectable in cultures of brain-ring glands.
A reticulum of nerve-like cells from trochophores of Phyllodoce mucosa (Polychaeta)
Experientia - - 1977
Thurston C. Lacalli, Joan R. Marsden
The bundle of schütz and its relation to the regulation of food intake
Experientia - - 1968
Edward A. Arees, Jean Mayer
Étude cytologique d'une translocation chromosomeY-autosome chez la souris
Experientia - Tập 25 - Trang 876-877 - 1969
A. Léonard, Gh. Deknudt
A male mouse with one translocation involving theY-chromosome has been observed in the F1 offspring of a male mouse given 300 R of X-irradiation. 6 types of spermatocytes were recorded. Our observations appear to confirm that the acrocentricX of the mouse associates end-to-end with theY at its centromeric end.
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