
European Spine Journal




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Verlag

Lĩnh vực:
SurgeryOrthopedics and Sports Medicine

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

How little pain and disability do patients with low back pain have to experience to feel that they have recovered?
Tập 19 Số 9 - Trang 1495-1501 - 2010
Steven J. Kamper, Christopher G. Maher, Robert D. Herbert, Mark J. Hancock, Julia M. Hush, Rob Smeets
Jeremy Fairbank, Paul Pynsent
Changes of basic bone turnover parameters in short-term and long-term patients with spinal cord injury
Tập 16 - Trang 771-776 - 2006
Andreas Ludwig Reiter, Andreas Volk, Jens Vollmar, Bernd Fromm, Hans Juergen Gerner
The bone mineral density (BMD), the cross- links (PYD, DPD and NTx) and the bone specific alcaline phosphatase (BAP) was investigated in a cross-sectional study in 62 male patients with spinal cord injury (SCI), n = 28 short-term (0–1 year after SCI) and n = 34 long-term SCI patients (> 5 years after SCI). Knowledge about this parameters are necessary to find an adequate therapy for this special kind of osteoporosis. Immobilisation osteoporosis in SCI patients is a well-known problem that may lead to pathological fractures. Little is known regarding the extend of the osteoporosis as well as the causative factors. Measurements of the BMD in the proximal femur and the lumbar spine were performed with dual-energy-X-ray-absorptiometry (DEXA), of the osteoblast marker BAP (bone specific alkaline phosphatase) from serum and the osteoclast markers PYD (pyridinoline), DPD (desoxy-pyridinoline) and NTx (N-telopeptide of collagen type I) from urine. We found a significant decrease of BMD in the proximal femur and no relevant change in the lumbar spine compared to an age- and sex correlated control group (Z-score) in short-term and long-term SCI patients. There was a significant bone loss at the proximal femur between short and long-term SCI patients, whereas at the lumbar spine the BMD even slightly increases. Bone resorption (cross-links) was increased in both groups, though in long-term SCI patients it is significantly decreased compared to short-term SCI patients (DPD from 211.7 u/g creatinine to 118.1 u/g creatinine; NTx from 215.1 nmol/mmol creatinine to 83,6 nmol/mmol creatinine). The bone formation marker BAP is slightly below normal range in both groups (12.3 U/l in short-term, 9.7 U/l in long- term SCI patients). Only the proximal femur is affected by the immobilisation osteoporosis of SCI patients, therefore the BMD measurements in these patients should be performed at the lower limb. The problem of the immobilisation osteoporosis in SCI patients is the striking increase of bone resorption and the missing reaction of the bone formation.
Spinal manipulation results in immediate H-reflex changes in patients with unilateral disc herniation
- 1997
Y. Floman, N. Liram, A. N. Gilai
The aim of this clinical investigation was to determine whether the abnormal H-reflex complex present in patients with S 1 nerve root compression due to lumbosacral disc herniation is improved by single-session lumbar manipulation. Twenty-four patients with unilateral disc herniation at the L5-S1 level underwent spinal H-reflex electro-physiological evaluation. This was carried out before and after single-session lumbar manipulation in the side-lying position. Eligibility criteria for inclusion in the study were: predominant sciatica, no motor or sphincteric involvement, unilateral disc herniation at the L5-S1 level on CT or MR imaging, age between 20 and 50 years. H-reflex responses were recorded bilaterally from the gastrosoleous muscle following stimulation of tibial sensory fibers in the popliteal fossa. H-reflex amplitude in millivolts (HRA) and H-reflex latency in milliseconds (HR-L) were measured from the spinal reflex response. Pre- and post-manipulation measurements were compared between the affected side and the healthy side. Statistical evaluation was performed by the Wilcoxon matched-pairs test (SPSS). Thirteen patients displayed abnormal H-reflex parameters prior to lumbar manipulation, indicating an S1 nerve root lesion. The mean amplitude was found to be significantly lower on the side of disc herniation than on the normal, healthy side (P = 0.0037). Following manipulation, the abnormal HR-A increased significantly on the affected side while the normal HR-A on the healthy side remained unchanged (P = 0.0045). There was a significant difference between latencies on the affected side and those on the healthy side (P = 0.003). Following manipulation there was a trend toward decreased HR-L. However, this trend did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.3877). Eight patients displayed no H-reflex abnormalities before or after manipulation. Their respective HR-A and HR-L values did not change significantly following manipulation. Three additional patients were excluded due to technical difficulties in achieving manipulation or measuring spinal reflex. These observations may lend physiological support for the clinical effects of manipulative therapy in patients with degenerative disc disease.
Pathological changes within two weeks following spinal cord injury in a canine model
Tập 30 - Trang 3107-3114 - 2021
Yuya Nakamoto, Gentarou Tsujimoto, Akito Ikemoto, Koichi Omori, Tatsuo Nakamura
This study aimed to investigate the histopathological changes that occur within 2 weeks following spinal cord injury (SCI) in dogs. Eight adult female Beagle dogs were included in this study, and SCI was induced using an epidural balloon catheter. Two dogs were killed at each of the following four time points: immediately after the procedure and 1 day, 1 week, and 2 weeks after the procedure. Neurological status was evaluated with five categories. Histopathological changes were visually observed for stained sections of formalin-fixed spinal cord to evaluate hemorrhage, spongiosis, necrosis, and gliosis morphologically. Along the 2 weeks post-injury, severe hemorrhage was observed at the primary injury site, the average diameter of which expanded quickly from 8 to 10 mm in 1 day and then decreased to 5 mm in 1 week. This indicates that the bleeding cavity expanded at the initial injury site to produce ascending and descending hemorrhage. The hemorrhage at the injury site resolved in 2 weeks. In contrast, spongiosis, parenchymal necrosis, and gliosis were first inconspicuous or mild and then became severe in 1 week or 2 weeks. Hemorrhage, hematoma, and other similar changes occurred at the regions approximately 20-mm rostral and caudal to the primary injury site. These changes were observed in both gray matter and white matter. This study is the first to assess the sequential histopathological changes in the acute and intermediate phases following SCI in dogs. Our findings enhance the usefulness of the canine intervertebral disk disease model in the assessment of secondary spinal cord histopathology in human SCI.
No difference in clinical outcome after posterolateral lumbar fusion between patients with isthmic spondylolisthesis and those with degenerative disc disease using pedicle screw instrumentation: a comparative study of 112 patients with 4 years of follow-up
Tập 11 - Trang 423-427 - 2002
Martin P. Gehrchen, Benny Dahl, Pavlos Katonis, Peter Blyme, Erik Tøndevold, Thomas Kiær
We compared the clinical outcome after spinal fusion between patients with isthmic spondylolisthesis and those with degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, using multiple logistic regression analysis. A questionnaire describing medication, pain, vocational status and patient satisfaction was mailed to all the patients at a median interval of 4 years after their operation. Fusion was evaluated on plain radiographs at a minimum of 12 months after surgery, and patients were classified as fused or not fused. The overall satisfaction rate was 70%. The results of the present study showed no difference in the outcome after spinal fusion between the two groups of patients. The factors that significantly increased the likelihood of an optimal result – defined as patient satisfaction, return to work, and reduced medication – were male gender, being in work prior to surgery, and being a non-smoker. Since spinal fusion is an expensive treatment with potentially serious risks, and leaves one-third of the patients with an unsatisfactory result, we believe that more studies focusing on the indications for surgery should be performed.
ESS up-date
Tập 6 - Trang 292-292 - 1997
Prevention of the crankshaft phenomenon with anterior spinal epiphysiodesis in surgical treatment of severe scoliosis of the younger patient
Tập 3 - Trang 165-168 - 1994
B. Dohin, J. F. Dubousset
The aim of this study was to determine whether an anterior approach to the spine with a fusion of the growth centers of the anterior column of the spine, simultaneous by with a posterior fusion and instrumentation of the spine, in young patients with severe scoliosis who have considerable remaining growth, leads to prevention of the crankshaft phenomenon. Twelve patients who have had anterior fusion of the spine associated with posterior fusion and instrumentation of the spine were studied. In 10 of them, growth progression was demonstrated by modification of the Risser sign; for these patients no important progression of the spinal deformity was noted. One patient had no progression of the Risser sign and no progression of spinal deformity. One patient had progression of spinal deformity due to the disruption of the sacral anchorage of instrumentation. We think that this procedure leads to the prevention of the crankshaft phenomenon, and we recommend this procedure in young patients with severe scoliosis and considerable remaining growth. It must include all intervertebral levels of the rigid segment of the curve.