Elsevier BV

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An insight into the role of the association equations of states in gas hydrate modeling: a review
Elsevier BV - Tập 17 - Trang 1432-1450 - 2020
Feridun Esmaeilzadeh, Nazanin Hamedi, Dornaz Karimipourfard, Ali Rasoolzadeh
Encouraged by the wide spectrum of novel applications of gas hydrates, e.g., energy recovery, gas separation, gas storage, gas transportation, water desalination, and hydrogen hydrate as a green energy resource, as well as CO2 capturing, many scientists have focused their attention on investigating this important phenomenon. Of course, from an engineering viewpoint, the mathematical modeling of gas hydrates is of paramount importance, as anticipation of gas hydrate stability conditions is effective in the design and control of industrial processes. Overall, the thermodynamic modeling of gas hydrate can be tackled as an equilibration of three phases, i.e., liquid, gas, and solid hydrate. The inseparable component in all hydrate systems, water, is highly polar and non-ideal, necessitating the use of more advanced equation of states (EoSs) that take into account more intermolecular forces for thermodynamic modeling of these systems. Motivated by the ever-increasing number of publications on this topic, this study aims to review the application of associating EoSs for the thermodynamic modeling of gas hydrates. Three most important hydrate-based models available in the literature including the van der Waals–Platteeuw (vdW–P) model, Chen–Guo model, and Klauda–Sandler model coupled with CPA and SAFT EoSs were investigated and compared with cubic EoSs. It was concluded that the CPA and SAFT EoSs gave very accurate results for hydrate systems as they take into account the association interactions, which are very crucial in gas hydrate systems in which water, methanol, glycols, and other types of associating compounds are available. Moreover, it was concluded that the CPA EoS is easier to use than the SAFT-type EoSs and our suggestion for the gas hydrate systems is the CPA EoS.
Adsorption of methane onto mudstones under supercritical conditions: Mechanisms, physical properties and thermodynamic parameters
Elsevier BV - Tập 20 - Trang 34-47 - 2023
Yang Wang, Hong-Fei Cheng, Qin-Hong Hu, Lang-Bo Jia, Xi-Meng Wang, Sha-Sha Gao, Luo-Fu Liu
THM coupled analysis of cement sheath integrity considering well loading history
Elsevier BV - Tập 20 - Trang 447-459 - 2023
Xiao-Rong Li, Chen-Wang Gu, Ze-Chen Ding, Yong-Cun Feng
Factors controlling organic-rich shale development in the Liushagang Formation, Weixinan Sag, Beibu Gulf Basin: Implications of structural activity and the depositional environment
Elsevier BV - Tập 18 - Trang 1011-1020 - 2021
Jin-Jun Xu, Qiang Jin, Xin-De Xu, Fu-Qi Cheng, Chen-Hui Hu, Bin Wang, Tao Chen
Estimation of the water–oil–gas relative permeability curve from immiscible WAG coreflood experiments using the cubic B-spline model
Elsevier BV - Tập 13 - Trang 507-516 - 2016
Dai-Gang Wang, Yong-Le Hu, Jing-Jing Sun, Yong Li
Immiscible water-alternating-gas (WAG) flooding is an EOR technique that has proven successful for water drive reservoirs due to its ability to improve displacement and sweep efficiency. Nevertheless, considering the complicated phase behavior and various multiphase flow characteristics, gas tends to break through early in production wells in heterogeneous formations because of overriding, fingering, and channeling, which may result in unfavorable recovery performance. On the basis of phase behavior studies, minimum miscibility pressure measurements, and immiscible WAG coreflood experiments, the cubic B-spline model (CBM) was employed to describe the three-phase relative permeability curve. Using the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm to adjust the vector of unknown model parameters of the CBM sequentially, optimization of production performance including pressure drop, water cut, and the cumulative gas–oil ratio was performed. A novel numerical inversion method was established for estimation of the water–oil–gas relative permeability curve during the immiscible WAG process. Based on the quantitative characterization of major recovery mechanisms, the proposed method was validated by interpreting coreflood data of the immiscible WAG experiment. The proposed method is reliable and can meet engineering requirements. It provides a basic calculation theory for implicit estimation of oil–water–gas relative permeability curve.
A novel redox indicator based on relative abundances of C31 and C32 homohopanes in the Eocene lacustrine Dongying Depression, East China
Elsevier BV - Tập 19 - Trang 1494-1504 - 2022
Chong Jiang, Hai-Ping Huang, Zheng Li, Hong Zhang, Zheng Zhai
Model of interval multi-attribute optimization for overseas oil–gas projects
Elsevier BV - Tập 12 Số 2 - Trang 345-354 - 2015
Yong-Zhang Huang, Baosheng Zhang, Wei Xin-qiang, Renjin Sun
Risk-opportunity analyses and production peak forecasting on world conventional oil and gas perspectives
Elsevier BV - Tập 7 - Trang 136-146 - 2010
Jian Zhang, Zandong Sun, Yiwei Zhang, Youshun Sun, Toksoz Nafi
To investigate the situation of conventional oil and gas, this paper examines the global oil and gas discoveries, proved reserves, production, consumption and price. All the influencing factors can be subjected to risk and opportunity analyses, so in the paper, we build upon a risk-opportunity analysis framework, which is a new train of thought. To forecast the peak time of oil and gas production, we used the methods of multi-Hubbert model forecasting and data forecasting. Our results showed that the world oil production will reach a peak between 2010 and 2015 and the gas production will reach a peak around 2030 Oil peak is coming and gas peak is on the way. The main purpose of forecasting oil and gas production peak is give people enough time for preparing mitigation and adaptation plans. This means taking decisive action well before the problem is obvious.
The petrological characteristics and significance of organic-rich shale in the Chang 7 member of the Yanchang Formation, south margin of the Ordos basin, central China
Elsevier BV - Tập 16 Số 6 - Trang 1255-1269 - 2019
Sen Li, Rixiang Zhu, Jingwei Cui, Zhendong Luo, Jinggang Cui, Han Liu, Weiqiang Li
AbstractThe organic-rich shale of the Chang 7 member is the most important source rock in the Ordos basin. The sedimentary environment and the controlling factors of organic matter enrichment, however, are still in contention. In this investigation, the Yishicun outcrop, located on the south margin of the Ordos basin, has been considered for the study. X-ray diffraction, polarizing microscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy and cathodoluminescence (CL) were used to investigate the petrological features of the organic-rich shale. The content of volcanic ash and the diameter of pyrite framboid pseudocrystals were measured to illustrate the relationship between oxygen level, ash content and the enrichment of organic matter. It has been found that the diameter of pyrite framboid pseudocrystals has a strong correlation with the total organic carbon, demonstrating that the redox status degree of the water column has a positive impact on the enrichment of organic matter. Additionally, with an increase in the ash content, the content of organic matter increased at first and then decreased, and reached a maximum when the ash content was about 6%, illustrating that the ash input has a double effect on the enrichment of organic matter.
2.5-D modeling of cross-hole electromagnetic measurement by finite element method
Elsevier BV - Tập 5 - Trang 126-134 - 2008
Jinsong Shen, Wenbo Sun
A finite element method is developed for simulating frequency domain electromagnetic responses due to a dipole source in the 2-D conductive structures. Computing costs are considerably minimized by reducing the full three-dimensional problem to a series of two-dimensional problems. This is accomplished by transforming the problem into y-wave number (K y ) domain using Fourier transform and the y-axis is parallel to the structural strike. In the K y domain, two coupled partial differential equations for magnetic field Hy and electric field Ey are derived. For a specific value of K y , the coupled equations are solved by the finite element method with isoparametric elements in the x-z plane. Application of the inverse Fourier transform to the K y domain provides the electric and magnetic fields in real space. The equations derived can be applied to general complex two-dimensional structures containing either electric or magnetic dipole source in any direction. In the modeling of the electromagnetic measurement, we adopted a pseudo-delta function to distribute the dipole source current and circumvent the problem of singularity at the source point. Moreover, the suggested method used isoparametric finite elements to accommodate the complex subsurface formation. For the large scale linear system derived from the discretization of the Maxwell’s equations, several iterative solvers were used and compared to select the optimal one. A quantitative test of accuracy was presented which compared the finite element results with analytic solutions for a dipole source in homogeneous space for different ranges and different wave numbers K y . to validate the code and check its effectiveness. In addition, we addressed the effects of the distribution range τ of the pseudo-delta function on the numerical results in homogeneous medium.
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