Earth, Planets and Space

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Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment based on the Gutenberg–Richter law in eastern Shikoku, Nankai subduction zone, Japan
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 74 - Trang 1-17 - 2022
Toshitaka Baba, Masato Kamiya, Naoki Tanaka, Yusuke Sumida, Ryoichi Yamanaka, Kojiro Watanabe, Hiroyuki Fujiwara
Earthquake and tsunami predictions comprise huge uncertainties, thus necessitating probabilistic assessments for the design of defense facilities and urban planning. In recent years, computer development has advanced probabilistic tsunami hazard assessments (PTHAs), where hazard curves show the exceedance probability of the maximum tsunami height. However, owing to the lack of historical and geological tsunami records, this method is generally insufficient for validating the estimated hazard curves. The eastern coast of Shikoku in the Nankai subduction zone, Japan, is suitable for validation because tsunami records from historical Nankai Trough earthquakes are available. This study evaluated PTHAs by comparing the tsunami hazard curves and exceedance frequencies of historical Nankai Trough tsunamis. We considered 3480 earthquake scenarios representing the rupture patterns of past Nankai earthquakes and calculated all tsunamis. The probability of earthquake occurrence was based on the Gutenberg–Richter law. We considered uncertainty in tsunami calculations with astronomical tide variations. The estimated tsunami hazard curves are consistent with the exceedance frequencies obtained from historical tsunamis. In addition, sensitivity tests indicate the significance of the earthquake slip heterogeneity and tsunami defense facilities in PTHAs. We also extended the PTHAs to tsunami inundation maps in high resolution and proposed an effective new method for reducing the tsunami computation load.
A local lithospheric structure model for Vietnam derived from a high-resolution gravimetric geoid
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 73 - Trang 1-22 - 2021
Dinh Toan Vu, Sylvain Bonvalot, Sean Bruinsma, Luyen K. Bui
High-resolution Moho and lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary depth models for Vietnam and its surrounding areas are determined based on a recently released geoid model constructed from surface and satellite gravity data (GEOID_LSC_C model) and on 3ʹʹ resolution topography data (mixed SRTM model). A linear density gradient for the crust and a temperature-dependent density for the lithospheric mantle were used to determine the lithospheric structure under the assumption of local isostasy. In a first step, the impact of correcting elevation data from sedimentary basins to estimate Moho depth has been evaluated using CRUST1.0 model. Results obtained from a test area where seismic data are available, which demonstrated that the sedimentary effect should be considered before the inversion process. The geoid height and elevation-corrected sedimentary layer were filtered to remove signals originating below the lithosphere. The resulting Moho and lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary depth models computed at 1ʹ resolution were evaluated against seismic data as well as global and local lithospheric models available in the study region. These comparisons indicate a consistency of our Moho depth estimation with the seismic data within 1.5 km in standard deviation for the whole Vietnam. This new Moho depth model for the study region represents a significant improvement over the global models CRUST1.0 and GEMMA, which have standard deviations of 3.2 and 3.3 km, respectively, when compared to the seismic data. Even if a detailed geological interpretation of the results is out of scope of this paper, a joint analysis of the obtained models with the high-resolution Bouguer gravity anomaly is finally discussed in terms of the main geological patterns of the study region. The high resolution of our Moho and lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary depth models contribute to better constrain the lithospheric structure as well as tectonic and geodynamic processes of this region. The differences in Moho depth visible in the northeast and southwest sides of the Red River Fault Zone confirmed that the Red River Fault Zone may be considered the boundary between two continental blocks: South China and Indochina blocks. However, no remarkable differences in lithosphere–asthenosphere boundary depth were obtained from our results. This suggests that the Red River Fault Zone developed within the crust and remained a crustal fault.
Special issue “International CAWSES-II Symposium”
Earth, Planets and Space - - 2016
M. Yamamoto, K. Shiokawa, Takuji Nakamura, Ν. Gopalswamy
A new instrument for the study of wave-particle interactions in space: One-chip Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 61 Số 6 - Trang 765-778 - 2009
Hajime Fukuhara, Hirotsugu Kojima, Yasumasa Ueda, Yoshiharu Omura, Yutai Katoh, Hiroshi Yamakawa

Wave-particle interactions in a collisionless plasma have been analyzed in several past space science missions but direct and quantitative measurement of the interactions has not been conducted. We here introduce the Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer (WPIA) to observe wave-particle interactions directly by calculating the inner product between the electric field of plasma waves and of plasma particles. The WPIA has four fundamental functions: waveform calibration, coordinate transformation, time correction, and interaction calculation. We demonstrate the feasibility of One-chip WPIA (O-WPIA) using a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as a test model for future science missions. The O-WPIA is capable of real-time processing with low power consumption. We validate the performance of the O-WPIA including determination of errors in the calibration and power consumption.

The 1998 Miyako fireball’s trajectory determined from shock wave records of a dense seismic array
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 55 - Trang e9-e12 - 2014
Yoshiaki Ishihara, Shin’ya Tsukada, Shin’ichi Sakai, Yoshihiro Hiramatsu, Muneyoshi Furumoto
A high velocity passage of a meteoroid through the atmosphere generates a shock wave with a conical front. When the shock front arrives at the surface, it causes high frequency ground motions that are registered on the seismograms. We can use seismological data to determine the trajectory of the meteoroid in the atmosphere. A strong shock wave from the 1998 Miyako fireball is recorded by more than 20 stations in a dense array of seismographs installed in the northeastern region of Honshu Island, Japan. We determine the velocity and the trajectory of the fireball in the upper atmosphere using the arrival times of the shock wave at the stations.
Stochastic ground motion simulation of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan earthquake
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 69 Số 1 - Trang 1-15 - 2017
Chen, Chun-Te, Chang, Shun-Chiang, Wen, Kuo-Liang
We applied a stochastic method for the finite-fault modeling of strong ground motions to the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan earthquake. Newly developed attenuation models in Southern Taiwan with the frequency-dependent Q = 86.4f 0.73 and the high-frequency decay factor κ 0 were used in the synthetic model. The horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) were calculated from weak motions and the Meinong mainshock and used for the site amplification correction of the synthetic waveforms produced by the stochastic ground motion simulation. Simulations incorporating the attenuation models and site correction improved the prediction of the S-wave envelope, duration, and peak ground acceleration (PGA). The nonlinear site response during the Meinong mainshock was identified by the degree of nonlinear site response (DNL), which is a summation of HVSR differences between weak motions and the Meinong mainshock as recorded by the Taiwan Strong Motion Instrument Program. The DNL showed a positive correlation with ground motion intensity. The surface site conditions influenced DNL strength. The percentage of PGA reduction calculated in this study can be an indicator of the spatial distribution of the degree of nonlinear soil effects on the Meinong earthquake in the time domain. Areas that had high levels of PGA reduction overlap with areas that had high liquefaction potential. Based on the residual analysis, forward directivity was identified in a 105° range in the northwestward direction. The amplification of forward rupture directivity was three times greater than the backward rupture directivity.
Comparison of three retrievals of COSMIC GPS radio occultation results in the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 69 - Trang 1-15 - 2017
Noersomadi, Toshitaka Tsuda
Combining geometrical optics (GO) and wave optics (WO), the COSMIC data analysis and archive center (CDAAC) retrieved two sets of dry atmosphere temperatures (T) from COSMIC GPS radio occultation (GPS-RO), which are called atmPrf2010 and atmPrf2013. In atmPrf2010, the sewing height between WO and GO varies between 10 and 20 km, but is fixed at 20 km for atmPrf2013. The height resolution of the atmPrf2010 depends on the sewing height, while the T profiles by atmPrf2013 are smoothed over 500 m. We also derived T by applying WO throughout the troposphere and the stratosphere up to a 30-km altitude, which is called rishfsi2013. The three retrievals have different characteristics in the height resolution around the tropopause. Therefore, we aim to examine a possible discrepancy in the statistical results of the cold-point tropopause (CPT) and the lapse rate tropopause (LRT) among the three datasets, conducting their inter-comparisons as well as the comparison between GPS-RO and the simultaneous radiosonde dataset. We investigate the T variations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) over the tropics from October 1, 2011, to March 31, 2012, when radiosonde soundings were conducted as the CINDY-DYNAMO 2011 campaign. The mean T profiles are consistent between atmPrf2010 and atmPrf2013, but rishfsi2013 results are colder (warmer) than the CDAAC retrievals below (above) the tropopause. The mean T difference between atmPrf2013 and atmPrf2010 is 0.17 K at the cold-point tropopause (CPT) and −0.38 K at the lapse rate tropopause (LRT). On the other hand, rishfsi2013 shows a colder T at CPT by −0.77 and −0.59 K relative to atmPrf2013 and atmPrf2010, respectively, and the warmer T by 0.60 and 0.20 Kd at LRT. During CINDY-DYNAMO, we found 134 radiosonde soundings that coincide with GPS-RO within ±3 h and are collocated within 200 km from GPS-RO. The mean T difference at CPT from the radiosondes is 0.32, 0.49 and −0.24 K for atmPrf2010, atmPrf2013 and rishfsi2013, respectively. Both atmPrf2013 and atmPrf2010 have a positive bias at CPT, while rishfsi2013 has a negative one. Similar comparisons at LRT are −0.45, −0.69 and −0.41 K, respectively, showing a negative bias for all GPS-RO retrievals. The results show that rishfsi2013 is consistent with the retrievals at CDAAC and the radiosondes. Due to its good height resolution, rishfsi2013 is useful for studies on mesoscale T perturbations in the UTLS.
Use of Ørsted scalar data in evaluating the pre-Ørsted main field candidate models for the IGRF 2000
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 52 - Trang 1167-1170 - 2014
Mioara Mandea, Benoit Langlais
For describing the main field model at the 2000.0 epoch and the secular variation over the 2000–2005 time-span, three candidate models for the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF 2000) were proposed at the beginning of 1999, called in alphabetical order IPGP00 (proposed by IPGP), IZMI00 (proposed by IZMIRAN) and USUK00 (proposed by USGS/BGS). A fourth model, IGRF95 (the updated IGRF 1995), was suggested by the Working Group chairman. The modelling methods and the data used are presented by each team elsewhere in this special issue. This study is an attempt to test these models using the total field intensity provided by the Ørsted satellite, the only data available from that satellite at the time when the two tests describing here were done. The first test consists of evaluating the differences between the real and the synthetic data computed from the candidate models. The second test compares the capability of the candidate models to reduce the Backus effect, using a predictive dip-equator position and Ørsted data. Both tests show that the quality of the candidate models is far from being acceptable, and, therefore, a new candidate model for the main field, using vectorial Ørsted data, is required.
Studies on the lithosphere and the water transport by using the Japan Sea submarine cable (JASC): 1. Theoretical considerations
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 50 - Trang 35-42 - 2014
L. L. Vanyan, H. Utada, H. Shimizu, Y. Tanaka, N. A. Palshin, V. Stepanov, V. Kouznetsov, R. D. Medzhitov, A. Nozdrina
The Japan Sea Cable (JASC) was retired from telecommunications services and its ownership transferred to the scientific community in February, 1996. For the first stage of its scientific reuse program, a Japan-Russia joint project has been initiated to monitor electrical potential differences across the Japan Sea to study the electrical conductivity distribution in the Earth and the water transport across the cable. This paper describes preliminary investigations by forward modelling study to explore possible results from the voltage observation, before analyzing real data. On the resistivity structure, modelling has suggested that voltage data is most sensitive to the conductance of resistive lithosphere, especially at longer periods. Water transport modelling has shown that the heterogeneity of sub-bottom resistivity does not greatly influence the cable voltage, and that water transport of 5–6 Sv in the Japan Sea can generate voltage differences of 70–80 mV across the JASC. A preliminary observation was found to be roughly consistent with this estimation.
The influence of particle shapes and sizes in the CO ice stretching mode
Earth, Planets and Space - Tập 62 - Trang 91-98 - 2015
R. Vilaplana, J. Canto, F. Moreno-Danvila, D. Guirado
Ices are major components of dust grains in the interstellar medium, with H2O, CO, and CO2 ices being the most ubiquitous. We have studied the influence of particle shapes and sizes on the profile of the CO ice stretching mode by means of computational calculations. The extinction factors were calculated using Mie and DDA codes for a number of shapes and size parameters, ranging from the Rayleigh regime up to 3. A scattering peak displaced towards the reddish wavelength for size parameters larger than 1 was observed in all cases considered, independently of the ice (CO and CO2), the shapes (sphere, spheroid with axial proportion 5, DW1999, and aggregates), and the inclusion of other constituents, such as silicate. We have attributed this fact to the grain growth. Certain shapes also produced a double-peaked profile but in the wavelength range in which the surface modes can be observed. The calculations, including those for silicate, show a decrease in the band strength but the changes in the stretching mode profile of CO ice are not significant.
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