Drug and Alcohol Review




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Wiley-Blackwell , WILEY

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Health (social science)Medicine (miscellaneous)

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Drug and Alcohol Review is an international meeting ground for the views, expertise and experience of all those involved in studying alcohol, tobacco and drug problems. Contributors to the Journal examine and report on alcohol and drug use from a wide range of clinical, biomedical, epidemiological, psychological and sociological perspectives. Drug and Alcohol Review particularly encourages the submission of papers which have a harm reduction perspective. However, all philosophies will find a place in the Journal: the principal criterion for publication of papers is their quality.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Injury and alcohol: a hospital emergency department study
Tập 20 Số 2 - Trang 155-166 - 2001
Ann Roche, Kerrianne Watt, Rod McClure, David M. Purdie, David Green
Drug use patterns in the presence of crack in downtown Montréal
Tập 31 Số 1 - Trang 72-80 - 2012
Élise Roy, Nelson Arruda, Éric Vaillancourt, Jean-François Boivin, Carole Morissette, Pascale Leclerc, Michel Alary, Philippe Bourgois
AbstractIntroduction and Aims. A study was undertaken to verify reports of an increasing presence of crack in downtown Montréal, and to investigate the influence of crack availability on current drug use patterns among street‐based cocaine users.Design and Methods. The study combined both qualitative and quantitative methods. These included long‐term intensive participant observation carried out by an ethnographer familiar with the field and a survey. The ethnographic component involved observations and unstructured interviews with 64 street‐based cocaine users. Sampling was based on a combination of snowballing and purposeful recruitment methods. For the survey, structured interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of 387 cocaine users attending HIV/HCV prevention programs, downtown Montréal.Results. A gradual shift has occurred in the last 10 years, with the crack street market overtaking the powder cocaine street market. Although the data pointed to an increase in crack smoking, 54.5% of survey participants both smoked and injected cocaine. Drug market forces were major contributing factors to the observed modes of cocaine consumption. While the study focused primarily on cocaine users, it became apparent from the ethnographic fieldwork that prescription opioids (POs) were very present on the streets. According to the survey, 52.7% of participants consumed opioids, essentially POs, with 88% of them injecting these drugs.Discussion and Conclusions. Despite the increased availability of crack, injection is still present among cocaine users due at least in part to the concurrent increasing popularity of POs.[Roy E, Arruda N, Vaillancourt E, Boivin J‐F, Morissette C, Leclerc P, Alary M, Bourgois P. Drug use patterns in the presence of crack in downtown Montréal. Drug Alcohol Rev 2012;31:72–80]
Trends in quetiapine use and non‐fatal quetiapine‐related ambulance attendances
Tập 32 Số 4 - Trang 405-411 - 2013
Cherie Heilbronn, Belinda Lloyd, Paul McElwee, Alan Eade, Dan I. Lubman
AbstractIntroduction and AimsConcern about the non‐medical use of quetiapine and related acute harms is growing. Case series cite quetiapine as a potential drug of misuse, while recent research questions its relative safety in comparison with other atypical antipsychotic preparations. This paper explores population‐level patterns of quetiapine‐related ambulance attendances over time, identifying associated risk factors and potential subpopulations at‐risk of acute harms.Design and MethodsA retrospective analysis of quetiapine‐, olanzapine‐ and risperidone‐related ambulance attendances in metropolitan Melbourne and prescription data in Victoria, Australia. Trends in ambulance attendance and prescription rates, attendance characteristics, and associated risk factors were explored from 2001 to 2010.ResultsQuetiapine was consistently associated with substantially higher rates of ambulance attendances relative to prescription availability than olanzapine or risperidone. Quetiapine prescribing rates increased at a significantly greater magnitude than olanzapine or risperidone, leading to substantial increases in quetiapine attendances by population. Quetiapine‐related attendances were associated with concurrent heroin and opioid replacement therapy toxicity, history of heroin and alcohol misuse, mood disorders, low Glasgow Coma Scale and women.Discussion and ConclusionsTrends in quetiapine‐related ambulance attendances indicate rising community‐level harms and greater harm relative to other atypical antipsychotics, while prescription patterns suggest increasing quetiapine availability. The association of quetiapine‐related attendances with concurrent heroin and opioid replacement therapy toxicity as well as previous heroin and alcohol misuse suggest illicit and poly‐drug users are a subpopulation at greater risk of quetiapine‐related harms, consistent with emerging evidence of the use, misuse and diversion of quetiapine. [Heilbronn C, Lloyd B, McElwee P, Eade A, Lubman DI. Trends in quetiapine use and non‐fatal quetiapine‐related ambulance attendances. Drug Alcohol Rev 2013;32:405–411]
Alcohol as a risk factor for liver cirrhosis: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
Tập 29 Số 4 - Trang 437-445 - 2010
Jürgen Rehm, Benjamin J. Taylor, Satya Mohapatra, Hyacinth Irving, Dolly Baliunas, Jayadeep Patra, Michael Roerecke
Abstract Introduction and Aims. Alcohol is an established risk factor for liver cirrhosis. It remains unclear, however, whether this relationship follows a continuous dose–response pattern or has a threshold. Also, the influences of sex and end‐point (i.e. mortality vs. morbidity) on the association are not known. To address these questions and to provide a quantitative assessment of the association between alcohol intake and risk of liver cirrhosis, we conducted a systematic review and meta‐analysis of cohort and case–control studies. Design and Methods. Studies were identified by a literature search of Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, CINAHL, PsychINFO, ETOH and Google Scholar from January 1980 to January 2008 and by searching the references of retrieved articles. Studies were included if quantifiable information on risk and related confidence intervals with respect to at least three different levels of average alcohol intake were reported. Both categorical and continuous meta‐analytic techniques were used to model the dose–response relationship. Results. Seventeen studies met the inclusion criteria. We found some indications for threshold effects. Alcohol consumption had a significantly larger impact on mortality of liver cirrhosis compared with morbidity. Also, the same amount of average consumption was related to a higher risk of liver cirrhosis in women than in men. Discussion and Conclusions. Overall, end‐point was an important source of heterogeneity among study results. This result has important implications not only for studies in which the burden of disease attributable to alcohol consumption is estimated, but also for prevention. [Rehm J, Taylor B, Mohapatra S, Irving H, Baliunas D, Patra J, Roerecke M. Alcohol as a risk factor for liver cirrhosis: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Drug Alcohol Rev 2010]
Changes in and correlates of Australian public attitudes toward illicit drug use
Tập 41 Số 5 - Trang 1029-1040 - 2022
Don Weatherburn, Sergey Alexeev, Michael Livingston
AbstractIntroductionThe present study explores Australian public support for more lenient treatment of persons found in possession of small amounts of illegal drugs for personal use.MethodsData for the study are drawn from the 2013, 2016 and 2019 National Drug Strategy Household Surveys. Bivariate associations were tested using χ2 tests corrected for survey design. Multivariate analyses of public support for legalisation and imprisonment involved logistic regression. Multivariate analyses of public preferences for various responses to those found in possession of illicit drugs involved the use of multinomial regression.ResultsSupport for legalising personal use of three drugs (cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine) has risen significantly since 2013 but remained stable (and low) for two (heroin and methamphetamine). Support for no action, a caution or a warning has grown for those found in possession of cannabis, ecstasy and heroin for personal use but not for those found in possession of methamphetamine. There is, however, more support for responding to this group with treatment, education or a small fine than there is for imprisonment.Discussion and ConclusionThere is strong support for legalising use of cannabis. There is little support for legalising use of ecstasy and cocaine but growing public support for a less punitive approach to those who use these drugs. There is little public support for a change in the current approach to heroin and methamphetamine.
The effects of perceived parenting style on the propensity for illicit drug use: the importance of parental warmth and control
Tập 27 Số 6 - Trang 640-649 - 2008
Catharine Montgomery, John E. Fisk, Lorraine Craig
AbstractIntroduction and Aims. Research in adolescents has shown that parental warmth and control are important factors in drug use. The present study focused upon investigating perceived parental warmth and control in a sample of post‐adolescent ecstasy/polydrug users, and investigating their relationship to severity of drug use. Design and Methods. A total of 128 (65 male) ecstasy/polydrug users, 51 (17 male), cannabis‐only users and 54 (13 male) non‐users were recruited from a university population. All participants completed the parenting styles and drug use questionnaires. Results. Compared to non‐users, a greater proportion of ecstasy/polydrug users characterised their parents' style as neglectful. The modal style endorsed by non‐users was authoritative. Those who rated their parents' style as authoritative had significantly lower lifetime consumption and average dose of ecstasy relative to those describing their parents as neglectful. Again, relative to those describing their parents as neglectful, participants from authoritarian backgrounds had significantly smaller lifetime consumption of ecstasy and cocaine and significantly smaller average doses of cannabis, ecstasy and cocaine. Contrary to expectation, there was no significant association between perceived parental warmth and the severity of ecstasy use. Discussion and Conclusions. The present study is, to our knowledge, the first to quantify drug use, and relate it to perceived parental practices in a post‐adolescent sample of ecstasy/polydrug users. The results provide further support for the relationship between perceived parental control and drug use.
The creation of evidence in ‘evidence‐based’ drug prevention: a critique of the Strengthening Families Program Plus Life Skills Training evaluation
Tập 26 Số 6 - Trang 585-593 - 2007
Dennis M. Gorman, Eugenia Conde, J. Charles Huber
AbstractSchool‐based curricula have become a mainstay of drug prevention policy in the United States and are increasing in popularity in other parts of the world. The promotion and dissemination of these interventions has been driven in large part by the creation of lists of programmes which, it is claimed, are grounded in scientific evidence demonstrating their effectiveness. Recently concerns have been raised about the data analysis and presentation practices used in evaluations of a number of programmes that appear on these lists. Here we examine a series of papers from an evaluation of an intervention that combined the Strengthening Families Program 10–14 and Life Skills Training Program, each of which is among the most widely advocated universal drug prevention programmes. The data analysis and presentation practices employed in the evaluation of this combined programme include one‐tailed significance testing, alpha levels of 0.10, changes in outcome variables across publications and use of the post‐test data as the baseline when assessing change over time. Taken together, these practices severely limit the claims that can be made about the results presented in the evaluation. Specifically, we believe that far from supporting the evaluators' claims concerning the rigour of the findings and their generalisability and public health significance, the results are very fragile, of little practical significance and quite possibly analysis‐dependent.
The impact of a parent‐directed intervention on parent – child communication about tobacco and alcohol
Tập 27 Số 6 - Trang 591-601 - 2008
S. Beatty, Donna Cross, Thérèse Shaw
AbstractIntroduction and Aim. Given the likelihood of engaging in the hazardous use of tobacco and alcohol increases during teenage years, pre‐adolescence is a critical time to implement prevention programmes. While social factors other than those associated with parenting play a role in determining a child's risk for initiation of tobacco and alcohol use, parents can have a significant influence on their children's decisions about these issues. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of an in‐home parent‐directed drug education intervention on parent – child communication about tobacco and alcohol. Design and Methods. A group randomised intervention trial was conducted in Perth, Western Australia. Schools were selected using stratified random sampling and randomised to three study conditions. A total of 1201 parents of 10–11‐year‐old children were recruited from 20 schools. The impact of a self‐help intervention, comprised of five communication sheets containing information and activities designed to encourage parents to talk with their 10–11‐year‐old child about issues related to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, was assessed. Results. Intervention‐group parents were more likely to have spoken with their children, to have spoken more recently, to have engaged the child during the discussion and to have addressed the topics identified as being protective of children's involvement in tobacco and alcohol. In addition, the duration of talks about alcohol was longer than for parents in the comparison group. Discussion and Conclusions. Parents of 10–11‐year‐old children appear to be receptive to participating in a home‐based drug‐related educational intervention and the parent‐directed intervention seems to have enhanced parent – child tobacco‐ and alcohol‐related communication.
Changing the density of alcohol outlets to reduce alcohol‐related problems
Tập 26 Số 5 - Trang 557-566 - 2007
Michael Livingston, Tanya Chikritzhs, Robin Room
Increasingly, it seems, legal and political debates regarding the granting of new liquor licences are turning to the issue of whether the number and density of alcohol outlets makes a difference in rates of alcohol consumption and alcohol‐related harm. But what is the state of the evidence on this question? In this Harm Reduction Digest Livingston, Chikritzhs and Room review the research literature on the effects of density of alcohol sales outlets on alcohol consumption and alcohol‐related problems; suggest a new way of conceptualising the relationships; and discuss the implications for reducing alcohol‐related harm.
To reduce alcohol‐related harm we need to look beyond pubs and nightclubs
Tập 32 Số 2 - Trang 113-114 - 2013
Michael Livingston