Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health

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Efficacy of physical activity in the adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorders: preliminary results
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 3 - Trang 1-4 - 2007
Alessandra Pilu, Manlio Sorba, Maria Carolina Hardoy, Anna Laura Floris, Francesca Mannu, Maria Luisa Seruis, Claudio Velluti, Bernardo Carpiniello, Massimiliano Salvi, Mauro Giovanni Carta
No controlled trials have evaluated the long term efficacy of exercise activity to improve the treatment of patients with Major Depressive Disorders. The aim of the present study was to confirm the efficacy of the adjunctive physical activity in the treatment of major depressive disorders, with a long term follow up (8 months). Trial with randomized naturalistic control. Patients selected from the clinical activity registries of the Psychiatric Unit of the University of Cagliari, Italy. Inclusion criteria: female, between 40 and 60 years, diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorders (DSM-IV TR) resistant to the ongoing treatment. Exclusion criteria: diagnosis of psychotic disorders; any contraindications to physical activity. 30 patients (71.4% of the eligible) participated to the study. Cases: 10 randomized patients undergoing pharmacological treatment plus physical activity. Controls: 20 patients undergoing only pharmacological therapy. The following tools were collected from each patient by two different psychiatric physicians at baseline and 8 month after the beginning of exercise program: SCID-I, HAM-D, CGI (Clinical Global Impression), GAF. The patients that made physical activity had their HAM-D, GAF and CGI score improved from T0 to T8, all differences were statistically significant. In the control group HAM-D, GAF and CGI scores do not show any statistically significant differences between T0 and T8. Small sample size limited to female in adult age; control group was not subject to any structured rehabilitation activity or placebo so it was impossible to evaluate if the improvement was due to a non specific therapeutic effect associated with taking part in a social activity. Physical activity seems a good adjunctive treatment in the long term management of patients with MDD. Randomized placebo controlled trials are needed to confirm the results.
Improving physical quality of life with group physical activity in the adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 4 - Trang 1-6 - 2008
Mauro Giovanni Carta, Maria Carolina Hardoy, Alessandra Pilu, Manlio Sorba, Anna Laura Floris, Francesca Ada Mannu, Antonia Baum, Alessandra Cappai, Claudio Velluti, Massimiliano Salvi
The aim of the study was to compare the change in quality of life over 32 weeks in depressed women assuming antidepressant drug with (experimental group) or without (control group) physical exercise from a study which results on objective dimension of outcome were already published. Trial with randomized naturalistic control. Patients selected from the clinical activity registries of a Psychiatric University Unit. Inclusion criteria: female, between 40 and 60 years, diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorders (MMD, DSM-IV TR) resistant to ongoing treatment. Exclusion criteria: diagnosis of psychotic disorders; any contraindications to physical activity. 30 patients (71.4% of the eligible) participated to the study. Cases: 10 randomized patients undergoing pharmacological treatment plus physical activity. Controls: 20 patients undergoing only pharmacological therapy. Quality of life was measured by means of WHOQOL-Bref. The patients that made physical activity had their WHOQOL-Bref physical score improved from T0 to T8, the differences was statistically significant. In the control group WHOQOL-Bref physical remains the same and, consequentially, the difference between T0 and T8 do not reach any statistical significance. The perceived quality of life in the other domains did not change during the treatment in both groups. Thus no other differences were found between and within groups. The data presented in the previous paper found that physical activity seems a good adjunctive treatment in the long term management of patients with MDD. These new data indicated that physical activity may also improve the perceived physical quality of life. The dimensions related with social functioning, environment and psychical well being seem do not improved, unexpectedly, during the trial. Two objective dimension not strictly related to the depressive symptoms improved: social functioning and Clinical Global Impression, this discrepancy with a subjective and objective dimension of the well being may supported the Goldberg point of view that subjective quality of life in bipolar and unipolar severe depression patients may not accurately reflect objective functional outcome status, potentially due to diminished insight, demoralization, or altered life expectations over time. It may be that physical activity improve the self perception of physical well being. The physical domains of WHOQOL-Bref inquiry about conditions as sleep, pain, energy, body satisfaction that seems frequently problematic also in remission due to the pharmacotherapy and may be risk factor for relapse/recurrence. Thus physical therapy seems to determinate improvement in depressive aspects not frequently responsive to the drug treatment.
Effects of Transcendental Meditation on mental health: a before-after study
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 4 - Trang 1-5 - 2008
Masud Yunesian, Afshin Aslani, Javad Homayoun Vash, Abbas Bagheri Yazdi
Transcendental Meditation is a mental practice to put the body and mind into a state of relaxation and rest. The method was shown to reduce anxiety and stress in previous reports. This study investigates its potential benefits in enhancing mental health of an adult Muslim population. A before-after clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of a 12-week meditation course on mental health of participants who were enrolled into the study by random sampling. 28-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) was administered on two occasions in conjunction with a background data sheet. Mean age of participants was 32.4; they were 70% female and 55% married. GHQ scores improved significantly after the meditation course (p value: < 0.001). The difference was also significant in all subgroups of the population studied. In subclass analysis of the GHQ results, the before-after score improvement was significant only in the areas of somatisation (p value: < 0.001) and anxiety (p value: < 0.001). Transcendental Meditation may improve mental health of young adult population especially in the areas of somatisation and anxiety, and this effect seems to be independent of age, sex and marital status.
Variables associated with physical fighting among US high-school students
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - - 2008
Emmanuel Rudatsikira, Adamson S Muula, Seter Siziya
Validation of the Portuguese version of the Lithium Attitudes Questionnaire (LAQ) in bipolar patients treated with lithium: cross-over study
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 2 - Trang 1-7 - 2006
Adriane R Rosa, Ana Cristina Andreazza, Jose Sanchez-Moreno, Fernando K Gazalle, Aida Santin, Airton Stein, Helena MT Barros, Eduard Vieta, Flávio Kapczinski
Poor adherence to lithium is very common in bipolar patients and it is a frequent cause of recurrence during prophylactic treatment. Several reports suggest that attitudes of bipolar patients interfere with adherence to lithium. The Lithium Attitudes Questionnaire (LAQ) is a brief questionnaire developed as a means of identifying and grouping the problems patients commonly have with taking lithium regularly. The original version is validated in patients, but a validated version in Portuguese is not yet available. One-hundred six patients with bipolar disorder (DSM-IV criteria) criteria under lithium treatment for at least one month were assessed using LAQ. LAQ is a brief questionnaire administered under interview conditions, which includes 19 items rating attitudes towards prophylactic lithium treatment. We analysed the internal consistency, concurrent validity, sensitivity and specificity of the Portuguese version of LAQ. The internal consistency, evaluated by Cronbach's alpha was 0.78. The mean total LAQ score was 4.1. Concurrent validity was confirmed by a negative correlation between plasma lithium concentration and total LAQ score (r = -0,198; p = 0.048). We analysed the scale's discriminative capacity revealing a sensitivity of 69% and a specificity of 71% in the identification of negative attitudes of bipolar patients. The psychometric assessment of the Portuguese version of LAQ showed good internal consistency, sensitivity and specificity. The results were similar to the original version in relation to attitudes of bipolar patients towards lithium therapy.
Độ tin cậy và tính hợp lệ của Bài kiểm tra Đánh giá Chức năng ngắn (FAST) ở bệnh nhân rối loạn lưỡng cực Dịch bởi AI
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 3 - Trang 1-8 - 2007
Adriane R Rosa, Jose Sánchez-Moreno, Anabel Martínez-Aran, Manel Salamero, Carla Torrent, Maria Reinares, Mercè Comes, Francesc Colom, Willemijn Van Riel, Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos, Flávio Kapczinski, Eduard Vieta
Nhiều nghiên cứu đã ghi nhận tỷ lệ suy giảm chức năng cao ở bệnh nhân rối loạn lưỡng cực (BD), ngay cả trong các giai đoạn thuyên giảm. Tuy nhiên, phần lớn các công cụ có sẵn để đánh giá chức năng chủ yếu tập trung vào các phép đo toàn cầu về khả năng phục hồi chức năng, thay vì các lĩnh vực chức năng tâm lý xã hội cụ thể. Trong bối cảnh này, Bài kiểm tra Đánh giá Chức năng ngắn (FAST) là một công cụ ngắn gọn nhằm đánh giá các vấn đề chức năng chính mà bệnh nhân tâm thần, đặc biệt là bệnh nhân lưỡng cực, gặp phải. Nó bao gồm 24 mục đánh giá suy giảm hoặc khuyết tật trong sáu lĩnh vực chức năng cụ thể: tự chủ, chức năng nghề nghiệp, chức năng nhận thức, các vấn đề tài chính, mối quan hệ giữa cá nhân và thời gian rảnh. 101 bệnh nhân mắc rối loạn lưỡng cực theo DSM-IV TR và 61 đối chứng khỏe mạnh đã được đánh giá trong Chương trình Rối loạn lưỡng cực tại Bệnh viện Clinic của Barcelona. Các đặc tính tâm lý đo lường của FAST (khả năng thực hiện, tính đồng nhất bên trong, tính hợp lệ đồng thời, tính hợp lệ phân biệt (bệnh nhân ở giai đoạn euthymic so với bệnh nhân ở giai đoạn cấp tính), phân tích yếu tố và độ tin cậy kiểm tra lại) đã được phân tích. Tính đồng nhất bên trong thu được rất cao với hệ số alpha Cronbach là 0.909. Một mối tương quan tiêu cực có ý nghĩa thống kê cao với GAF đã được ghi nhận (r = -0.903; p < 0.001), cho thấy một mức độ hợp lệ đồng thời hợp lý. Phân tích độ tin cậy kiểm tra lại cho thấy có một mối tương quan mạnh giữa hai phép đo được thực hiện cách nhau một tuần (ICC = 0.98; p < 0.001). Tổng điểm FAST thấp hơn ở bệnh nhân euthymic (18.55 ± 13.19; F = 35.43; p < 0.001) so với bệnh nhân hưng cảm (40.44 ± 9.15) và bệnh nhân trầm cảm (43.21 ± 13.34). FAST cho thấy những đặc tính tâm lý đo lường mạnh mẽ và có khả năng phát hiện sự khác biệt giữa bệnh nhân BD ở giai đoạn euthymic và cấp tính. Thêm vào đó, đây là một công cụ phỏng vấn ngắn gọn (6 phút), đơn giản, dễ áp dụng và chỉ yêu cầu một khoảng thời gian ngắn để thực hiện.
#rối loạn lưỡng cực #đánh giá chức năng #Bài kiểm tra Đánh giá Chức năng ngắn #tính hợp lệ #độ tin cậy
An epidemiological survey of psychiatric disorders in Iran
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 1 - Trang 1-8 - 2005
Mohammad-Reza Mohammadi, Haratoon Davidian, Ahmad Ali Noorbala, Hossein Malekafzali, Hamid Reza Naghavi, Hamid Reza Pouretemad, Seyed Abbas Bagheri Yazdi, Mehdi Rahgozar, Javad Alaghebandrad, Homayoon Amini, Emran Mohammad Razzaghi, Bita Mesgarpour, Hamid Soori, Mohammad Mohammadi, Ahmad Ghanizadeh
The nation-wide epidemiological survey of psychiatric disorders in term of lifetime prevalence is not adequately known in Iran. The prevalence of lifetime psychiatric disorders was estimated among the population of aged 18 and over on gender, age group, educational level, occupational status, marital status, and residential area. The subjects were 25,180 individuals selected through a clustered random sampling method. The psychiatric disorders were diagnosed on the bases of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV criteria. It is the first study in which the structured psychiatric interview administered to a representative sample of the Iranian population age 18 and over by the 250 trained clinical psychologist interviewers. The data was entered through EPI-Info software twice in an attempt to prevent any errors and SPSS-11 statistical software was also used for analyses. The odds ratios and their confidence intervals estimated by using logistic regression. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders was 10.81%. It was more common among females than males (14.34% vs. 7.34%, P < 0.001). The prevalence of anxiety and mood disorders were 8.35% and 4.29% respectively. The prevalence of psychotic disorders was 0.89%; neuro-cognitive disorders, 2.78% and dissociative disorders, 0.77%. Among mood disorders, major depressive disorder (2.98%) and among anxiety disorders, phobic disorder (2.05%) had the higher prevalence. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders among divorced and separated 22.31%; residents of urban areas 11.77%; illiterates 13.80%; householders 15.48%; unemployed 12.33% that were more than other groups. The mental health pattern in Iran is similar to the western countries, but it seems that the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in Iran may be lower than these countries. It is estimated that at least about 7 millions of Iranian population suffer from one or more of the psychiatric disorders. It shows the importance of the role of the psychiatric disorders in providing preventive and management programs in Iran.
Effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural group therapy for inpatients
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 2 - Trang 1-6 - 2006
Franco Veltro, Ian Falloon, Nicola Vendittelli, Ines Oricchio, Antonella Scinto, Antonella Gigantesco, Pierluigi Morosini
To measure the effectiveness of manualized cognitive-behavioural group therapy (CBGT) when it is integrated into the routine care on a general hospital psychiatric inpatient unit. A pre-post design is used to measure the "process", "results" and "outcome" indicators in the year before CBGT was introduced (2001) in contrast to the subsequent two years (2002, 2003). Readmission to hospital, compulsory admissions, ward atmosphere (i.e. the use of physical restraint, episodes of violent behaviour) and patients' satisfaction were assessed. 90% of all inpatients in the years 2002–2003 attended the group therapy. In the years after CBGT was introduced the rate of readmission declined from 38% to 27% and 24% (p < .04), compulsory admissions were reduced from 17% to 4% (p < .03), the ward atmosphere and patients' satisfaction were both excellent (p < .01). It is probable that the improvements observed were attributable to the group therapy. These results and those observed in an earlier study are promising and further investigations of this approach are indicated.
Pattern of benzodiazepine use in psychiatric outpatients in Pakistan: a cross-sectional survey
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 5 - Trang 1-6 - 2009
Syed Ahmer, Sumera Salamat, Rashid AM Khan, Saleem Perwaiz Iqbal, Imran Ijaz Haider, Ayesha Shabaz Khan, Mohsan Zafar
Benzodiazepines (BDZ) are the largest-selling drug group in the world. The potential of dependence with BDZ has been known for almost three decades now. In countries like Pakistan where laws against unlicensed sale of BDZ are not implemented vigorously the risk of misuse of and dependence on these drugs is even higher. Previous studies have shown that BDZ prevalence among patients/visitors to general outpatient clinics in Pakistan may be as high as 30%. However, no research has been carried out on the prevalence of BDZ use in psychiatric patients in Pakistan. We carried out a cross-sectional survey over 3 months in psychiatry outpatient clinics of two tertiary care hospitals in Karachi and Lahore. Besides basic socio-demographic data the participants were asked if they were taking a BDZ at present and if yes, the frequency, route and dosage of the drug, who had initiated the drug and why it had been prescribed. We used chi-square test and t-test to find out which socio-demographic or clinical factors were associated with an increased risk of BDZ use. We used Logistic Regression to find out which variable(s) best predicted the increased likelihood of BDZ use. Out of a total of 419 participants 187 (45%) of the participants had been currently using at least one BDZ. Seventy-three percent of the users had been using the drug for 4 weeks or longer and 87% were taking it every day. In 90% of cases the BDZ had been initiated by a doctor, who was a psychiatrist in 70% of the cases. Female gender, increasing age, living in Lahore, and having seen a psychiatrist before, were associated with an increased likelihood of using BDZ. The study shows how high BDZ use is in psychiatric outpatients in Pakistan. Most of the users were taking it for a duration and with a frequency which puts them at risk of becoming dependent on BDZ. In most of the cases it had been initiated by a doctor. Both patients and doctors need to be made aware of the risk of dependence associated with the use of BDZ.
Why a new online open access journal in the field of clinical and epidemiological research in mental health?
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health - Tập 1 - Trang 1-3 - 2005
Mauro Giovanni Carta, Maria Carolina Hardoy
Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health will encompass all aspects of clinical and epidemiological research in psychiatry and mental health, and will aim to build a bridge between clinical and epidemiological research. There are several outstanding mental heath journals covering all aspects of this dynamic field, but none of these journals is devoted to bridging clinical and epidemiological research. The Open Access online distribution of the journal and its inclusion in the leading data bases (such as PubMed Central) will ensure widespread and ready visibility, which are indispensable given the demand for immediate debate and comparison of scientific findings. This launch Editorial provides an overview of the field, and highlights some of the journal policies.
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