Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
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Tác động tiêu cực của lạm dụng tình dục đối với bản sắc giới của nam giới trưởng thành: Vấn đề và chiến lược can thiệp Dịch bởi AI
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 11 - Trang 179-194 - 1994
Mặc dù lạm dụng tình dục ở nam giới đã tồn tại song song với lạm dụng tình dục ở nữ giới, nhưng tài liệu chuyên môn vẫn chưa chú ý đầy đủ đến tác động của lạm dụng tình dục đối với trẻ em trai trong việc thích ứng khi trưởng thành. Bài báo này tập trung vào tác động tiêu cực của lạm dụng tình dục đối với bản sắc giới của nam giới trưởng thành. Các ví dụ về phản ứng của tám khách hàng nam đối với lạm dụng tình dục trong cuộc sống trưởng thành của họ và khung điều trị được sử dụng để làm việc với họ sẽ được thảo luận trong bài báo.
#lạm dụng tình dục #bản sắc giới #nam giới trưởng thành #tác động tiêu cực #can thiệp
Gender differences of psychological abuse in high school dating relationships
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 12 - Trang 119-134 - 1995
It is becoming increasingly evident that physical abuse is often accompanied by psychological abuse in marital as well as college dating relationships. However, no known research has been conducted to examine psychological abuse in the high school population, nor have gender differences been explored in relationship to psychological abuse of high school students. For this study, the Psychological Maltreatment of Women Inventory (PMWI) has been modified so that it could explore the experiences of psychological abuse of 736 male and female respondents from a large Midwest school. T-tests were performed to examine gender differences of overall and individual scores of psychological abuse. Loglinear analysis was used to examine relationships between psychological abuse, severity of physical abuse and stage of the dating relationship. Results indicated that overall, there was little psychological abuse occurring in high school dating relationships, but detected six items of specific gender differences. It was found that dating couples were likely to experience significantly more psychological abuse in relationships where severe physical violence was occurring. No significant interactions were found between psychological abuse, gender, and the various stages of the dating relationship, i.e. casual dating, serious dating. Although overall, minimal psychological abuse was found, regression analysis indicated a significant relationship between total physical violence and six individual psychological abuse items. Findings are compared to the literature on college dating violence and marital abuse.
Group issues and activities for female teen survivors of sexual abuse
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 12 - Trang 101-118 - 1995
The impact of sexual abuse can be devastating, especially for young girls at the crucial stage of adolescent development. Ramifications for these survivors of incest and extrafamilial abuse are addressed. Group therapy as an effective means of intervention is described. Group considerations discussed include group name; member and leadership selection; confidentiality; contracting and closed nature; parent meetings; self-disclosure; and objectives. Twelve weeks of group topics, activities, and homework are detailed. These topics are applicable to most female teen survivors of sexual abuse, independent of the age or gender of their perpetrators.
Rap Music and the Empowerment of Today’s Youth: Evidence in Everyday Music Listening, Music Therapy, and Commercial Rap Music
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 30 - Trang 139-167 - 2012
Pioneers of various elements of Hip-Hop culture have been empowered through the ability to voice their reality and find a meaningful identity alongside others who found purpose and function in embracing Hip-Hop culture (Chang, Can’t stop won’t stop: A history of the hip-hop generation, 2005). This empowerment persists in various reinventions of the culture within the United States and worldwide. The present study examines whether evidence exists in research to support the value of esteem, resilience, growth, community and change as empowering dimensions outlined in the individual and community empowerment framework. Research questions ask: (1) Does youth self-expression in rap music created within music therapy sessions reflect framework dimensions? (2) Does content in commercially recognizable rap music reflect framework dimensions? (3) How well does the framework align with a model of empowerment-based positive youth development? First, data collected to examine the validity of the framework were reviewed. Next, two peer-reviewed research studies published after articulation of the original framework, were examined to investigate commonality between themes and framework dimensions. One study was in a music therapy context and another explored themes in commercial Hip-Hop recordings. Original framework data supports theorizing that rap music content actually comprises developmental narratives (Travis and Deepak, 2011; Travis and Bowman, 2012). Data in the present study further suggest that these developmental narratives are relevant for Hip-Hop in every day music engagement, in therapeutic self-expression, and within commercially available musical content. Framework dimensions also aligned with a conceptual model of positive youth development that allows specification of intervention pathways and empirically testable outcomes for Hip-Hop integrated change strategies. Results suggest that rap music is a discourse in lifespan development. Rap music’s developmental narratives may be used by practitioners, parents and researchers. The narratives exist within a framework and model that (a) provides a template for better understanding these narratives and (b) positions this understanding for use as a tool to promote and research positive change strategies for individuals and the communities that they value.
Book Review PSYCHOTHERAPIES WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: ADAPTING THE PSYCHOANALYTIC PROCESS. Edited By John O'Brien, Daniel Pilowsky, and Owen Lewis. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Press, 1992. 346 pages.
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - - 1997
Playing to Succeed: The Impact of Extracurricular Activity Participation on Academic Achievement for Youth Involved with the Child Welfare System
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - - Trang 1-15 - 2022
We examine the association of structured and unstructured extracurricular activities on academic achievement for youth with a history of child welfare system involvement. Using longitudinal data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being II (NSCAW II) and fixed effects ordinary least squares regression models we examine this association for 905 youth aged 11–17 years old. We find that even moderate levels of participation in structured extracurricular activities are associated with improvements in both math and reading achievement. Specifically, moving from non-participation to involvement in structured activities leads to a 4.46-point increase in applied problem solving and a 2.99-point increase in letter-word identification scores, net of the other controls. These findings suggest that children and youth with child welfare system involvement can benefit from participation in structured activities. This finding is significant in light of federal policy recognizing the importance of “normalizing” activities that enhance the well-being of children and youth in the child welfare system.
#Personality and Social Psychology #Clinical Psychology #Sociology #general
Assessment of Teen Pregnancy Prevention Interventions Among Middle School Youth
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 21 - Trang 69-83 - 2004
The purpose of this study was to examine outcomes for students enrolled in two teen pregnancy prevention programs: the Youth Asset Development Program (YADP); and the Postponing Sexual Involvement Program (PSIP) and identify possible areas for program refinement. The study design consisted of two sets of comparisons: (a) sixth-grade students who completed the PSIP versus the control school; and (b) the YMCA Success Centers where the YADP was introduced versus the control school. Two hundred thirty-seven students were selected to participate in the study. Students who participated in the prevention programs had significantly (p < .05) higher academic achievement, participation in school related activities, and enjoyed school much more than students from the control school. However, no statistically significant differences were found between program participants and the control group when they were compared on personal orientation and judgments about teenage parenthood. Implications for program modification and program effectiveness are discussed.
Chất lượng mối quan hệ giữa nhân viên chăm sóc và thanh thiếu niên: Một đánh giá hệ thống Dịch bởi AI
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - - Trang 1-16 - 2022
Bất kể loại hình chăm sóc cư trú nào, việc bước vào chăm sóc là một sự kiện mang tính quyết định, liên quan đến việc tách rời thanh thiếu niên khỏi người thân của họ, cũng như nhu cầu thích nghi với một bối cảnh mới. Việc thích nghi này có thể được thúc đẩy bởi chất lượng của mối quan hệ với các chuyên gia trong các môi trường này, điều này có thể tác động tích cực đến sự điều chỉnh tâm lý của thanh thiếu niên. Mục đích: Đánh giá hệ thống hiện tại nhằm xác định các yếu tố có thể liên quan đến chất lượng mối quan hệ trong các cơ sở chăm sóc cư trú (tức là, chăm sóc tổng quát, chăm sóc trị liệu, các môi trường tư pháp vị thành niên) ở các mức độ sinh thái khác nhau. Phương pháp: Một tìm kiếm điện tử hệ thống đã được thực hiện trong tám cơ sở dữ liệu: Academic Search Complete, APA PsycArticles, APA PsycINFO, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection, ERIC, MEDLINE, Web of Science và Scopus, sử dụng sự kết hợp các từ liên quan đến chất lượng mối quan hệ, chăm sóc cư trú, trẻ em, và thanh thiếu niên. Dựa trên tuyên bố PRISMA, 919 bản thảo đã được ghi nhận và mười ba nghiên cứu đáp ứng tiêu chí bao gồm. Kết quả: Trẻ em (ví dụ: giới tính hoặc độ tuổi), chuyên gia (ví dụ: đặc điểm, hành vi và kỹ năng của chuyên gia), tổ chức (ví dụ: tỷ lệ trẻ em với chuyên gia trong đội ngũ nhân viên) và các yếu tố xuyên suốt (ví dụ: thời gian dành chung, độ dài mối quan hệ) đã được tìm thấy có liên quan đến chất lượng mối quan hệ giữa chuyên gia và thanh thiếu niên trong chăm sóc. Thảo luận: Các môi trường chăm sóc cư trú cần cung cấp các nguồn lực và dịch vụ phù hợp để đáp ứng nhu cầu phức tạp của thanh thiếu niên. Các ý nghĩa thực tiễn được thảo luận.
#chăm sóc cư trú #chất lượng mối quan hệ #thanh thiếu niên #tâm lý #chăm sóc trẻ em
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Diverse Populations
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 24 - Trang 195-207 - 2007
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood. Given the high prevalence of ADHD and its significant impact on children and families, it is important for social workers to understand and know how to respond. This paper looks at Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, explores its causes, and gives special attention to its effect on diverse populations. In addition, it discusses empirically supported treatment interventions used for children with ADHD, particularly the role of parent training in the management of ADHD. Finally, it discusses the applicability of using parent-training programs with diverse populations.
Children’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence: A Qualitative Interpretive Meta-synthesis
Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal - Tập 35 - Trang 283-295 - 2017
The negative consequences of children’s exposure to parental intimate partner violence (IPV) are well documented in the literature; however, few studies examine the experience from the child’s perspective. This qualitative interpretive meta-synthesis (QIMS) explores the lived experience of children’s exposure to parental IPV. We conducted a QIMS of nine studies from the United States and Europe. The QIMS method was developed specifically for social work and involves synthesizing the results of multiple qualitative studies on a specific topic into a new synergetic understanding. We identified four themes: context of the abuse, immediate reactions to the abuse, sequelae reactions, and coping. Further reduction indicated that coping with exposure to parental intimate partner violence exists on a spectrum ranging from integration to distancing. Social workers are critical in helping children learn strategies for managing their emotions. The results of this study inform social workers about the context and purposes of the behaviors that children exposed to parental intimate partner violence may display.
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