
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Verlag

Lĩnh vực:
OncologyPharmacology (medical)ToxicologyPharmacologyCancer Research

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Plasma pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of the 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrouridine (THU) prodrug, triacetyl-THU (taTHU), in mice
Tập 67 - Trang 421-430 - 2010
Jan H. Beumer, Julie L. Eiseman, Judith A. Gilbert, Julianne L. Holleran, Archibong E. Yellow-Duke, Dana M. Clausen, David Z. D’Argenio, Matthew M. Ames, Pamela A. Hershberger, Robert A. Parise, Lihua Bai, Joseph M. Covey, Merrill J. Egorin
Cytidine drugs, such as gemcitabine, undergo rapid catabolism and inactivation by cytidine deaminase (CD). 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrouridine (THU), a potent CD inhibitor, has been applied preclinically and clinically as a modulator of cytidine analogue metabolism. However, THU is only 20% orally bioavailable, which limits its preclinical evaluation and clinical use. Therefore, we characterized THU pharmacokinetics after the administration to mice of the more lipophilic pro-drug triacetyl-THU (taTHU). Mice were dosed with 150 mg/kg taTHU i.v. or p.o. Plasma and urine THU concentrations were quantitated with a validated LC–MS/MS assay. Plasma and urine pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated non-compartmentally and compartmentally. taTHU did not inhibit CD. THU, after 150 mg/kg taTHU i.v., had a 235-min terminal half-life and produced plasma THU concentrations >1 μg/mL, the concentration shown to inhibit CD, for 10 h. Renal excretion accounted for 40–55% of the i.v. taTHU dose, 6–12% of the p.o. taTHU dose. A two-compartment model of taTHU generating THU fitted the i.v. taTHU data best. taTHU, at 150 mg/kg p.o., produced a concentration versus time profile with a plateau of approximately 10 μg/mL from 0.5–2 h, followed by a decline with a 122-min half-life. Approximately 68% of i.v. taTHU is converted to THU. Approximately 30% of p.o. taTHU reaches the systemic circulation as THU. The availability of THU after p.o. taTHU is 30%, when compared to the 20% achieved with p.o. THU. These data will support the clinical studies of taTHU.
The pharmacokinetics of high-dose methotrexate in people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy
Tập 77 - Trang 653-657 - 2015
Alessia Dalla Pria, Maggie Bendle, Ramya Ramaswami, Marta Boffito, Mark Bower
Clinical outcomes for lymphoma in people living with HIV (PLWH) are similar to those in the general public. However, a number of concerns remain including pharmacological interactions between cytotoxic chemotherapy and antiretroviral therapy (ARVs). Much attention has focussed on pharmacokinetic interactions attributable to effects on hepatic microsomal enzymes, but not on competition for the renal organic anion transport system. High-dose (3 g/m2) intravenous methotrexate (MTX) is part a of (R)-CODOX-M/IVAC chemotherapy regimen for HIV-associated Burkitt/Burkitt-like lymphoma (BL/BLL). We investigated MTX pharmacokinetics and evaluated the effects of renal function (eGFR), age and use of different classes of ARVs. Forty-three PLWH treated with ARVs and (R)-CODOX-M/IVAC are included in the analysis. Plasma MTX concentration was measured (ARK TM MTX assay, VITROS® 5600) daily after administration until levels were <0.04/mmol/L. MTX elimination half-life was correlated with age, renal function and antiretroviral regimen. One hundred and fifty timed plasma MTX levels were collected. The median MTX elimination half-life was 21.7 h (range 9.4–204.4). MTX elimination half-life was not influenced by age (p = 0.71), eGFR (p = 0.67) or use of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) or integrase inhibitors (p = 0.15). Similarly, different NRTI backbones did not affect MTX elimination kinetics (p = 0.68), despite the potential overlapping competition for active renal tubular transporters between MTX and tenofovir. Although there is potential competition for active renal tubular transporters between MTX and tenofovir, no prolongation of MTX half-life was observed. These findings are reassuring to clinicians managing patients with dual diagnoses.
Outcomes after neoadjuvant treatment with gemcitabine and erlotinib followed by gemcitabine–erlotinib and radiotherapy for resectable pancreatic cancer (GEMCAD 10-03 trial)
Tập 82 - Trang 935-943 - 2018
Joan Maurel, Santiago Sánchez-Cabús, Berta Laquente, Lydia Gaba, Laura Visa, Joan Fabregat, Ignacio Povés, Susana Roselló, Roberto Díaz-Beveridge, Marta Martín-Richard, Javier Rodriguez, Luis Sabater, Carles Conill, María Cambray, Ana Reig, Juan Ramón Ayuso, Carlos Valls, Antonio Ferrández, Josep Antoni Bombí, Angels Ginés, Xabier García-Albéniz, Laureano Fernández-Cruz
Neoadjuvant therapy (NAT) for pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients has shown promising results in non-randomized trials. This is a multi-institutional phase II trial of NAT in resectable PDAC patients. Patients with confirmed resectable PDAC after agreement by two expert radiologists were eligible. Patients received three cycles of GEM (1000 mg/m2/week) plus daily erlotinib (ERL) (100 mg/day). After re-staging, patients without progressive disease underwent 5 weeks of therapy with GEM (300 mg/m2/week), ERL 100 mg/day and concomitant radiotherapy (45 Gy). Efficacy was assessed using tumor regression grade (TRG) and resection margin status. Using a single-arm Simon’s design, considering the therapy not useful if R0 < 40% and useful if the R0 > 70% (alpha 5%, beta 10%), 24 patients needed to be recruited. This trial was registered at, number NCT01389440. Twenty-five patients were enrolled. Adverse effects of NAT were mainly mild gastrointestinal disorders. Resectability rate was 76%, with a R0 rate of 63.1% among the resected patients. Median overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were 23.8 (95% CI 11.4–36.2) and 12.8 months (95% CI 8.6–17.1), respectively. R0 resection patients had better median OS, compared with patients with R1 resection or not resected (65.5 months vs. 15.5 months, p = 0.01). N0 rate among the resected patients was 63.1%, and showed a longer median OS (65.5 vs. 15.2 months, p = 0.009). The results of this study confirm promising oncologic results with NAT for patients with resectable PDAC. Therefore, the present trial supports the development of phase II randomized trials comparing NAT vs. upfront surgery in resectable pancreatic cancer.
Calcium antagonism by the antioestrogen tamoxifen
Tập 18 Số 1 - Trang 17-20 - 1986
A. Lipton, Ian D. Morris
Ifosfamide plasma clearance in relation to polymorphic debrisoquine oxidation
Tập 22 - Trang 321-324 - 1988
Philip A. Philip, Lionel D. Lewis, Christopher A. James, Howard J. Rogers
Ifosfamide (IF) pharmacokinetics and the plasma (NBP)-alkylating activity were determined in 33 patients with different tumours after the administration of IF as single-agent chemotherapy. All subjects had been phenotyped for debrisoquine oxidation. There is a lack of correlation between the debrisoquine metabolic ratio (DMR) and either the total plasma clearance of IF (CLIF) or the AUC of the plasma NBP-alkylating activity.
Inhibition of Hec1 as a novel approach for treatment of primary liver cancer
- 2014
Lynn YL Huang, Chia-chi Chang, Ying-Shuan Lee, Jiann-Jyh Huang, Shih-Hsien Chuang, Jia-Ming Chang, Kuo-Jang Kao, Gillian MG Lau, Pei-Yi Tsai, Chia-wei Liu, Her-Sheng Lin, Robert G. Gish, Johnson YN Lau
Highly expressed in cancer protein 1 (Hec1) is an oncogene and a promising molecular target for novel anticancer drugs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential of a Hec1 inhibitor, TAI-95, as a treatment for primary liver cancer. In vitro and in vivo methods were used to test the activity of TAI-95. Gene expression analysis was used to evaluate clinical correlation of the target. In vitro growth inhibition results showed that TAI-95 has excellent potency on a wide range of primary liver cancer cell lines (hepatoblastoma or hepatocellular carcinoma) (GI50 30–70 nM), which was superior to sorafenib and other cytotoxic agents. TAI-95 was relatively inactive in non-cancerous cell lines (GI50 > 10 μM). TAI-95 disrupts the interaction between Hec1 and Nek2 and leads to degradation of Nek2, chromosomal misalignment, and apoptotic cell death. TAI-95 showed synergistic activity in selected cancer cell lines with doxorubicin, paclitaxel, and topotecan, but not with sorafenib. TAI-95 shows excellent potency in a Huh-7 xenograft mouse model when administered orally. Gene expression analysis of clinical samples demonstrated increased expression of Hec1/NDC80 and associated genes (Nek2, SMC1A, and SMC2) in 27 % of patients, highlighting the potential for using this therapeutic approach to target patients with high Hec1 expression. Inhibition of Hec1 using small molecule approach may represent a promising novel approach for the treatment of primary liver cancers.
Population pharmacokinetics of siltuximab: impact of disease state
Tập 84 - Trang 993-1001 - 2019
Mina Nikanjam, Jin Yang, Edmund V. Capparelli
To characterize the effects of disease type and clinical characteristics on the pharmacokinetics of siltuximab, an IL-6 inhibiting monoclonal antibody. Siltuximab pharmacokinetic data were combined from seven phase I/II clinical trials. A population pharmacokinetic model was developed to characterize changes in siltuximab disposition with disease type, albumin, liver and renal function, and patient demographics. A total of 7761 concentrations from 460 participants were used in the study. The data were well described by a two-compartment model. Castleman’s disease, healthy volunteer status, albumin, and ALT were independent predictors of clearance. Monte Carlo simulations of the final model for an 11 mg/kg dose resulted in a longer median half-life for healthy volunteers (24.5 days) as compared to Castleman’s disease (19.1 days) and other tumor types (22.2 days). Clearance varied 1.8-fold over the range of albumin values seen in the study (1.5–5.2 g/dL), while ALT resulted in minimal changes in clearance. Albumin and disease state are important factors for siltuximab disposition and will likely need to be considered for dosing in future therapeutic applications.
Second malignant neoplasms in Hodgkin's disease
Tập 2 Số 3 - 1979
E. P. Getaz