Canadian Geotechnical Journal

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1968-1971,1974,1976-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Canadian Science Publishing , National Research Council of Canada

Lĩnh vực:
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering GeologyCivil and Structural Engineering

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Characterization of geotechnical variability
Tập 36 Số 4 - Trang 612-624 - 1999
Kok‐Kwang Phoon, Fred H. Kulhawy

Geotechnical variability is a complex attribute that results from many disparate sources of uncertainties. The three primary sources of geotechnical uncertainties are inherent variability, measurement error, and transformation uncertainty. Inherent soil variability is modeled as a random field, which can be described concisely by the coefficient of variation (COV) and scale of fluctuation. Measurement error is extracted from field measurements using a simple additive probabilistic model or is determined directly from comparative laboratory testing programs. Based on an extensive literature review, the COV of inherent variability, scale of fluctuation, and COV of measurement error are evaluated in detail, along with the general soil type and the approximate range of mean value for which the COVs are applicable. Transformation uncertainty and overall property uncertainty are quantified in a companion paper.Key words: inherent soil variability, measurement error, coefficient of variation, scale of fluctuation, geotechnical variability.

Model for the prediction of shear strength with respect to soil suction
Tập 33 Số 3 - Trang 379-392 - 1996
Sai K. Vanapalli, D. G. Fredlund, D E Pufahl, A W Clifton

Experimental studies on unsaturated soils are generally costly, time-consuming, and difficult to conduct. Shear strength data from the research literature suggests that there is a nonlinear increase in strength as the soil desaturates as a result of an increase in matric suction. Since the shear strength of an unsaturated soil is strongly related to the amount of water in the voids of the soil, and therefore to matric suction, it is postulated that the shear strength of an unsaturated soil should also bear a relationship to the soil-water characteristic curve. This paper describes the relationship between the soil-water characteristic curve and the shear strength of an unsaturated soil with respect to matric suction. Am empirical, analytical model is developed to predict the shear strength in terms of soil suction. The formulation makes use of the soil-water characteristic curve and the saturated shear strength parameters. The results of the model developed for predicting the shear strength are compared with experimental results for a glacial till. The shear strength of statically compacted glacial till specimens was measured using a modified direct shear apparatus. Specimens were prepared at three different water contents and densities (i.e., corresponding to dry of optimum, and wet of optimum conditions). Various net normal stresses and matric suctions were applied to the specimens. There is a good correlation between the predicted and measured values of shear strength for the unsaturated soil.

Key words: soil-water characteristic curve, shear strength, unsaturated soil, soil suction, matric suction.

Evaluating cyclic liquefaction potential using the cone penetration test
Tập 35 Số 3 - Trang 442-459 - 1998
P. K. Robertson, C E Wride

Soil liquefaction is a major concern for structures constructed with or on sandy soils. This paper describes the phenomena of soil liquefaction, reviews suitable definitions, and provides an update on methods to evaluate cyclic liquefaction using the cone penetration test (CPT). A method is described to estimate grain characteristics directly from the CPT and to incorporate this into one of the methods for evaluating resistance to cyclic loading. A worked example is also provided, illustrating how the continuous nature of the CPT can provide a good evaluation of cyclic liquefaction potential, on an overall profile basis. This paper forms part of the final submission by the authors to the proceedings of the 1996 National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research workshop on evaluation of liquefaction resistance of soils.Key words: cyclic liquefaction, sandy soils, cone penetration test

Soil classification using the cone penetration test
Tập 27 Số 1 - Trang 151-158 - 1990
P. K. Robertson

Several charts exist for evaluating soil type from electric cone penetration test (CPT) data. A new system is proposed based on normalized CPT data. The new charts are based on extensive data available from published and unpublished experience worldwide. The new charts are evaluated using data from a 300 m deep borehole with wire-line CPT. Good agreement was obtained between samples and the CPT data using the new normalized charts. Recommendations are provided concerning the location at which to measure pore pressures during cone penetration. Key words: soil classification, cone penetration test, in situ, case history.

A model for the runout analysis of rapid flow slides, debris flows, and avalanches
Tập 32 Số 4 - Trang 610-623 - 1995
Oldrich Hungr

Runout analyses are used for risk assessment and design of remedial measures against rapid landslides such as debris flows, debris avalanches, rockslide avalanches, large-scale liquefaction failures, and slides of fill and mining waste. A continuum model has been developed to simulate the characteristics of these phenomena. The model is based on a Lagrangian solution of the equations of motion and allows the selection of a variety of material rheologies, which can vary along the slide path or within the slide mass. It also allows for the internal rigidity of relatively coherent slide debris moving on a thin liquefied basal layer. The effects of lateral confinement are accounted for in a simplified manner. The model is shown to compare favourably with results of controlled laboratory experiments and other analytical tools for several different materials and problem configurations. Examples of the practical use of the model to predict the runout of coal mine waste flow slides and flows of liquefied granular tailings are presented. Key words : landslides, dynamic analysis, runout prediction, debris flows, debris avalanches, flow slides.

Interpretation of cone penetration tests — a unified approach
Tập 46 Số 11 - Trang 1337-1355 - 2009
P. K. Robertson

The electric cone penetration test (CPT) has been in use for over 40 years and is growing in popularity in North America. This paper provides some recent updates on the interpretation of some key geotechnical parameters in an effort to develop a more unified approach. Extensive use is made of the normalized soil behaviour type (SBTn) chart based on normalized cone resistance (Qt) and normalized friction ratio (Fr). Updates are provided regarding the normalization process and its application to the identification of soil type. The seismic CPT has provided extensive data linking CPT net cone resistance to shear-wave velocity and soil modulus. New correlations are presented in the form of contours of key parameters on the SBTn chart. These new relationships enable a more unified interpretation of CPT results over a wide range of soils. Updates are also provided in terms of in situ state parameter, peak friction angle, and soil sensitivity. The correlations are evaluated using available laboratory and full-scale field test results. Many of the recommendations contained in this paper are focused on low to moderate risk projects where empirical interpretation tends to dominate. For projects where more advanced methods are more appropriate, the recommendations provided in this paper can be used as a screening to evaluate critical regions–zones where selective additional in situ testing and sampling maybe appropriate.

Strength of tree roots and landslides on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska
Tập 16 Số 1 - Trang 19-33 - 1979
Tien H. Wu, William P. McKinnell, Douglas N. Swanston

The stability of slopes before and after removal of forest cover was investigated. Porewater pressures and shear strengths were measured and the soil properties were determined by laboratory and in situ tests. A model of the soil–root system was developed to evaluate the contribution of tree roots to shear strength. The computed safety factors are in general agreement with observed behaviors of the slopes. Decay of tree roots subsequent to logging was found to cause a reduction in the shear strength of the soil–root system.

Submarine landslides: advances and challenges
Tập 39 Số 1 - Trang 193-212 - 2002
Jacques Locat, Homa J. Lee

Due to the recent development of well-integrated surveying techniques of the sea floor, significant improvements were achieved in mapping and describing the morphology and architecture of submarine mass movements. Except for the occurrence of turbidity currents, the aquatic environment (marine and fresh water) experiences the same type of mass failure as that found on land. Submarine mass movements, however, can have run-out distances in excess of 100 km, so their impact on any offshore activity needs to be integrated over a wide area. This great mobility of submarine mass movements is still not very well understood, particularly for cases like the far-reaching debris flows mapped on the Mississippi Fan and the large submarine rock avalanches found around many volcanic islands. A major challenge ahead is the integration of mass movement mechanics in an appropriate evaluation of the hazard so that proper risk assessment methodologies can be developed and implemented for various human activities offshore, including the development of natural resources and the establishment of reliable communication corridors.Key words: submarine slides, hazards, risk assessment, morphology, mobility, tsunami.

Evaluation of geotechnical property variability
Tập 36 Số 4 - Trang 625-639 - 1999
Kok‐Kwang Phoon, Fred H. Kulhawy

To evaluate geotechnical variability on a general basis that will facilitate the use of reliability-based design procedures, it is necessary to assess inherent soil variability, measurement error, and transformation uncertainty separately. The inherent variability and measurement error are addressed in a companion paper, and transformation uncertainty is addressed herein. A second-moment probabilistic approach is applied to combine these uncertainties consistently based on the manner in which the design soil property is derived. The design properties considered in this paper are undrained shear strength, effective stress friction angle, in situ horizontal stress coefficient, and Young's modulus. This paper concludes with specific guidelines on the typical coefficients of variation for these common design soil properties as a function of the test type and the type of correlation used.Key words: transformation uncertainty, undrained shear strength, friction angle, in situ horizontal stress coefficient, Young's modulus, geotechnical variability.