Interpretation of cone penetration tests — a unified approach
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The electric cone penetration test (CPT) has been in use for over 40 years and is growing in popularity in North America. This paper provides some recent updates on the interpretation of some key geotechnical parameters in an effort to develop a more unified approach. Extensive use is made of the normalized soil behaviour type (SBTn) chart based on normalized cone resistance (Qt) and normalized friction ratio (Fr). Updates are provided regarding the normalization process and its application to the identification of soil type. The seismic CPT has provided extensive data linking CPT net cone resistance to shear-wave velocity and soil modulus. New correlations are presented in the form of contours of key parameters on the SBTn chart. These new relationships enable a more unified interpretation of CPT results over a wide range of soils. Updates are also provided in terms of in situ state parameter, peak friction angle, and soil sensitivity. The correlations are evaluated using available laboratory and full-scale field test results. Many of the recommendations contained in this paper are focused on low to moderate risk projects where empirical interpretation tends to dominate. For projects where more advanced methods are more appropriate, the recommendations provided in this paper can be used as a screening to evaluate critical regions–zones where selective additional in situ testing and sampling maybe appropriate.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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