Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal

SCIE-ISI SCOPUS (1969,1973-2023)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  Elsevier Inc. , SAGE Publications Inc.

Lĩnh vực:
Medicine (miscellaneous)Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Safety Essentials: Acute Reactions to Iodinated Contrast Media
Tập 64 Số 3 - Trang 193-199 - 2013
Ramesh S. Iyer, Jennifer G. Schopp, Jonathan O. Swanson, Mahesh Thapa, Grace S. Phillips

The objectives of this article are to review the diagnosis and management of acute nonrenal reactions to iodinated contrast media. We will begin by discussing the types of contrast media and their correlative rates of reaction. The mechanism of contrast reactions, predisposing risk factors, and preventative measures will then be discussed. The remainder of the article will review the assessment of potential reactions, initial management, and treatment algorithms for specific reactions.

Early Radiographic and Tomographic Manifestations of Legionnaires' Disease
Tập 68 Số 3 - Trang 328-333 - 2017
R. Poirier, Jean‐Paul Rodrigue, Jasmin Villeneuve, Yves Lacasse

Legionnaires' disease (LD) may occur sporadically or in the course of outbreaks, where the typical radiological manifestations of the disease may better be delineated. We took advantage of a rare community-based epidemic of LD (181 patients) that occurred in 2012 in Quebec City, Canada, to describe the radiographic features of LD and compare the its tomographic presentation with that of community-acquired pneumonia caused by common bacteria other than Legionella pneumophila.


From the 181 individuals affected in the outbreak, we obtained the chest radiographs of 159 individuals (mean 63 ± 15 years of age) for detailed analysis; 33 patients had a computed tomography (CT) scan performed during the course of their illness. In a case-control study, we compared the CT scans of patients with LD with those of patients who had received a diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia caused by a pathogen other than Legionella and confirmed by chest CT scan.


Overall, LD most often presented as an airspace consolidation involving 1 of the lower lobes. Pleural effusion and mediastinal adenopathies were apparent only in a minority, whereas no pneumothorax or cavitation was noted. We did not find any significant difference in chest CT scan findings in patients with LD vs those with community-acquired pneumonia from other bacterial origin. No radiological finding was clearly associated with an increased risk of intensive care unit admission or mortality.


The early radiographic and tomographic manifestations of LD are nonspecific and similar to those found in community-acquired pneumonia from other bacterial origin.

Radiology Interest Groups: A Recipe for Success
Tập 72 Số 3 - Trang 343-351 - 2021
Jessica L. Dobson, Andrew Fenwick, Victoria Linehan, Angus Hartery

Radiology Interest Groups (RIGs) are valuable for medical students and the radiology profession. The purpose of this study is to identify key components of a successful RIG and to discuss how to optimize available resources to increase student engagement in radiology.


Anonymous feedback forms (n = 478) completed by preclinical medical students attending 20 RIG events between September 2016 and May 2019 were analyzed. A five-point Likert-type scale was used to determine event effectiveness, and important themes reflecting student perspectives were identified using thematic analysis of freeform comments.


Based on Likert feedback, 75% to 78% of students had a positive experience of RIG events and believed sessions were relevant to their studies. 31% to 42% of students believed these events increased their interest or insight into radiology and influenced their career choice. Four representative themes were identified by qualitative analysis of written feedback: engagement, professional development, mentorship, and suggestions for improvement. These themes provided insight into student perspectives of our RIG, and, along with experience from the RIG organizers, the authors present elements perceived to have contributed to these positive results.


Thematic analysis of feedback reveals that students consider interactive events, contribution to professional development, and the opportunity for mentorship valuable elements of a RIG. From the perspective of the organizing committee, we embody these aspects through careful planning, innovative events, and consistent debriefing. In this way, our RIG promotes the future of the radiology profession and serves as a practical model for other similar organizations.

The Art of the Radiology Report: Practical and Stylistic Guidelines for Perfecting the Conveyance of Imaging Findings
Tập 67 - Trang 318-321 - 2016
Andrew Lukaszewicz, Joseph Uricchio, Grygori Gerasymchuk

The radiology report is the culmination of image acquisition, meticulous interpretation, and the generation of deliberate and thoughtful recommendations. It is essentially a translation of images into words, and as such must convey as much pertinent detail needed by the clinician in as concise a format as possible. Several important factors affect the overall quality of the finished report. Active voice helps to convey information more confidently, and in a manner that is easier to read and understand. The use of several words and phrases is frowned upon, as it makes the radiologist sound uncertain. The manner in which the impression is stated can significantly influence the ordering physician's decision as to whether to follow the radiologist's recommendations. Critical findings must be promptly communicated to the appropriate health care provider, and documented in the final report. By following the guidelines illustrated in this article, radiologists will learn how to create a perfected report, which will be concise, convey important findings while answering the clinical question posed, and will be favorably viewed by the requesting physician.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Beyond Left Ventricular Wall Thickness
Tập 66 - Trang 71-78 - 2015
Julie Fattal, Marc-Antoine Henry, Sopheap Ou, Simon Bradette, Konstantin Papas, François Marcotte, Patrick Garceau, Josephine Pressacco

During the past decade, cardiac magnetic resonance has gained increasing popularity in the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy because of its greater accuracy and better characterization of cardiac morphology compared with other imaging modalities. In this pictorial essay, a global clinical portrait of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy will be drawn. The various radiologic findings associated with each variant of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and the clinical edge offered by cardiac magnetic resonance will be discussed.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Mammographic Interpretation
Tập 62 - Trang 50-59 - 2011
Shayna Roberts-Klein, Elaine Iuanow, Priscilla J. Slanetz

There is a public misconception that screening mammography detects all breast malignancies. The objective of this pictorial essay is to review classic mammographic features of malignancy that, if missed, could potentially result in malpractice litigation. By identifying radiologic themes, we attempt to improve awareness about the imaging characteristics of a variety of subtle malignancies.

Referral Patterns for Dual-Energy Computed Tomography in Diagnosis and Management of Gout: Ten-Year Experience at a Canadian Institution
Tập 69 - Trang 430-436 - 2018
Bo Gong, Kamran Shojania, Faisal Khosa, Savvas Nicolaou

To analyze the utilization, indications, and outcomes of dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) gout imaging in clinical practice.


This retrospective study was ethics approved. Radiology reports of DECT gout scans between 2007 and 2016 were analyzed for trends of utilization, referral pattern, indication, and diagnosis.


DECT gout referrals increased substantially (2007: 37; 2008: 72; 2016: 385; total: 1877). The largest number of referrals were from rheumatology (1160), emergency medicine (283), and family medicine (177). Most referrals (92%) were requested to aid an initial diagnosis of gout. Other reasons included estimating the disease burden (6%) or monitoring disease progression and effectiveness of treatment (2%). Rheumatology accounted for most referrals for the latter two reasons (81% and 97%). Imaging findings of urate presence were similar in referrals from rheumatology (62%), family medicine (62%), and other medical specialties (62%). The urate positive rates were slightly lower in referrals from emergency medicine (47%) and surgical specialties (41%). The most common differential diagnoses by referring specialties were calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease (CPPD) and other inflammatory or erosive arthritides (rheumatology, family medicine), CPPD and infections (other medical specialties), infections and fractures (emergency medicine), neoplasm and infections (surgical specialties).


The increasing utilization of DECT for gout imaging validates its clinical value. Varying clinical presentation could explain differences of urate positive rates among specialties. Our results support a multispecialty collaborative approach to the diagnosis and management of gout, with direct access to DECT gout imaging provided to various physician specialties.

Abdominal Hemangiomas: A Pictorial Review of Unusual, Atypical, and Rare Types
Tập 64 - Trang 18-27 - 2013
Vijayanadh Ojili, Sree Harsha Tirumani, Gowthaman Gunabushanam, Arpit Nagar, Venkateswar Rao Surabhi, Kedar N. Chintapalli, John Ryan

Hemangiomas are a radiologist's dream lesions because they allow a confident diagnosis most of the time. However, within the abdomen, hemangiomas may occur in such atypical locations and can have such unusual features that they cause significant diagnostic dilemma and may end up being excised surgically. The literature is replete with isolated case reports of atypical hemangiomas in the abdominal cavity, and, to our knowledge, so far, there is no comprehensive review. We present, in this article, a pictorial review of a gamut of uncommon hemangiomas and hemangiomatosis syndromes. Knowledge of these rare types can help in limiting diagnostic errors and increase the confidence of radiologists, thus avoiding unnecessary surgeries.

Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography: A Guide for the General Radiologist
Tập 66 - Trang 332-347 - 2015
Clare Beadsmoore, David Newman, Duncan MacIver, Davina Pawaroo

Cancer remains a leading cause of death in Canada and worldwide. Whilst advances in anatomical imaging to detect and monitor malignant disease have continued over the last few decades, limitations remain. Functional imaging, such as positron emission tomography (PET), has improved the sensitivity and specificity in detecting malignant disease.

In combination with computed tomography (CT), PET is now commonly used in the oncology setting and is an integral part of many cancer patients’ pathways. Although initially the CT component of the study was purely for attenuation of the PET imaging and to provide anatomical coregistration, many centers now combine the PET study with a diagnostic quality contrast enhanced CT to provide one stop staging, thus refining the patient's pathway.

The commonest tracer used in everyday practice is FDG (F18-fluorodeoxyglucose). There are many more tracers in routine clinical practice and those with emerging roles, such as 11C-choline, useful in the imaging of prostate cancer; 11C-methionine, useful in imaging brain tumours; C11-acetate, used in imaging hepatocellular carcinomas; 18F-FLT, which can be used as a marker of cellular proliferation in various malignancies; and F18-DOPA and various 68Ga-somatostatin analogues, used in patients with neuroendocrine tumours. In this article we concentrate on FDG PETCT as this is the most commonly available and widely utilised tracer now used to routinely stage a number of cancers.

PETCT alters the stage in approximately one-third of patients compared to anatomical imaging alone. Increasingly, PETCT is being used to assess early metabolic response to treatment. Metabolic response can be seen much earlier than a change in the size/volume of the disease which is measured by standard CT imaging. This can aid treatment decisions in both in terms of modifying therapy and in addition to providing important prognostic information. Furthermore, it is helpful in patients with distorted anatomy from surgery or radiotherapy when there is suspicion of recurrent or residual disease.

FDG PETCT is not specific for malignancy and can also be used for diagnosing and monitoring a number of inflammatory and infectious conditions that can be difficult to diagnose on anatomical imaging, some of which carry significant morbidity. FDG PETCT is increasingly used in patients with pyrexia of unknown origin and in patients with metastatic malignancies of unidentified primary on conventional imaging. This article reviews the uses of PETCT including an overview of the more common incidental lesions and conditions. It also provides guidance of how to approach a PETCT as a nonradionuclide radiologist and how to interpret a study in the multidisciplinary team setting.

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: A Radiological Guide to Common Postsurgical Failure
Tập 69 - Trang 184-196 - 2018
Fabio Garofalo, Radu Pescarus, Ronald Denis, Henri Atlas, Pierre Garneau, Michel Philie, Karl Sayegh

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most common bariatric procedures worldwide. It has recently gained in popularity because of a low complication rate, satisfactory resolution of comorbidities, and excellent weight loss outcome. This article reviews the surgical technique, expected postsurgical imaging appearance, and imaging findings of common complications after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Understanding of the surgical technique of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and of the normal postsurgical anatomy allows accurate interpretation of imaging findings in cases of insufficient weight loss, weight regain, and postsurgical complications.