Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Công bố khoa học tiêu biểu
* Dữ liệu chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo
Birthweight was measured on 188 monochorionic monozygotic, 54 dichorionic monozygotic, 102 like-sexed dizygotic, and 94 unlike-sexed dizygotic liveborn twin pairs. Overall, males were found to be significantly heavier than females. These differences were not significant, however, when birthweights were compared within zygosity/chorion-type categories. Males were also characterized by a slightly greater overall total variance. Comparisons of intrapair variation of monochorionic and dichorionic monozygotic twins revealed significant differences between monochorionic pairs and dichorionic separate pairs and no significant differences between monochorionic pairs and dichorionic fused pairs. The results of this study suggest that placental proximity may have as important an influence on variation in birthweight as does the presence or absence of vascular anastomoses.
A preliminary analysis of twins or triplets with heart defects, ascertained in five centres, confirms earlier suggestions that monozygotic (MZ) twins are over represented among twins with heart defects, even after excluding persistent ductus arteriosus and conjoined twins. An MZ twin individual has a risk of cardiovascular malformation approximately twice that of DZ twins and singletons. It is suggested that the twinning process itself affects one of the pair. Disturbance of laterality (‘mirror imaging’) is probably a more important mechanism than twin-twin transfusion. Inappropriate use of the twin method in the past has caused the importance of genetic factors in the etiology of congenital heart defects to be underestimated. Neverthless, twins do provide a useful illustration of the likely importance of epigenetic factors in heart development.
To study genetic contribution to complex body size traits, the intrafamilial correlation and regression analyses along with twin study method have been used. The data are based on a sample of 45 MZ and 101 DZ twin pairs, their 125 singleton siblings, 104 fathers and 103 mothers in 146 Punjabi families living in Chandigarh, India. Twin study gives no evidence of inequality of means and variances between zygosities. Within-pair genetic variance ratios, correlations, regressions of offspring on midparent and single parent are all significant at 0.1%, thus indicating strong genetic component. Heritability estimates are higher for longitudinal body traits than the breadth dimensions. The resemblance of the children with the parents of either sex is not equal. Higher maternal influence is indicated for a number of body traits. The results on familial correlations do not support the hypothesis of sex-linked inheritance for any of the traits considered in this investigation. These results have been compared with those from other such studies.
The dizygotic twinning rate in Western Nigeria is the highest on record (45—50 per mil maternities). It is suggested that, rather than to peculiarities in the population structure or to genetic factors, such a high incidence might be due to the presence in the diet of estrogen-like substances.
Trends of twinning rates were analyzed using vital statistics in Austria, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, and Singapore during the period from 1972 to 1996. The twinning rates increased significantly year by year in each country. During these periods, the twinning rate increased by twenty percent in Austria and Canada, and by sixty percent in Norway and Sweden. The twinning rate was 1.6 times higher in Sweden than in Hong Kong in 1972 and by eighty percent in Israel in 1995. Twinning rates were higher in European countries, Canada, and Australia than in Asia. The variations of the twinning rates among countries were not only due to biological factors, but also to assisted reproductive techniques. In Australia, the overall twinning rate was 1.3 times higher in the nuptial births (14.1 per 1000 births) than in the ex-nuptial births (10.7) during the period 1994-1996. As for maternal age, twinning rates in Sweden increased year by year for maternal age groups except the youngest and the oldest age groups. In Sweden, the rising twinning rate has been attributed to the higher proportion of mothers (for the 25-39 year old age groups) treated with ovulation-inducing hormones and attributed to in-vitro fertilization.
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