Bulletin Volcanologique

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Growth of volcanic ash aggregates in the presence of liquid water and ice: an experimental approach
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 74 Số 9 - Trang 1963-1984 - 2012
Alexa R. Van Eaton, James D. Muirhead, C. J. N. Wilson, Corrado Cimarelli
40Ar/39Ar ages of the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius, Italy
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 69 - Trang 259-263 - 2006
Marvin Lanphere, Duane Champion, Leone Melluso, Vincenzo Morra, Annamaria Perrotta, Claudio Scarpati, Dario Tedesco, Andrew Calvert
The Italian volcano, Vesuvius, erupted explosively in AD 79. Sanidine from pumice collected at Casti Amanti in Pompeii and Villa Poppea in Oplontis yielded a weighted-mean 40Ar/39Ar age of 1925±66 years in 2004 (1σ uncertainty) from incremental-heating experiments of eight aliquants of sanidine. This is the calendar age of the eruption. Our results together with the work of Renne et al. (1997) and Renne and Min (1998) demonstrate the validity of the 40Ar/39Ar method to reconstruct the recent eruptive history of young, active volcanoes.
Acid and basic late neogene volcanism in central aegean sea: Its nature and geotectonic significance
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 45 - Trang 87-97 - 1982
F. Innocenti, N. Kolios, P. Manetti, F. Rita, L. Villari
Local eruptions of acid volcanic rocks occurred in the Central Aegean region around the Miocene-Pliocene boundary. Rhyolites outcrop on the Island of Antiparos, located in the central part of the Attic-Cycladic Massif. The age of these volcanic rocks ranges from 4.0 to 5.4 m.y., and chemical and Sr isotopic data suggest they were generated by partial melting of the continental crust. At the same time, along the border of the Attic-Cycladic Massif,i.e. on the island of Patmos and Caloyeri, local eruptions of Naalkaline basalts occurred. The whole of the eruptive activity is interpreted as an expression of the marked tensional tectonic phase which has affected the Central Aegean area since Middle Miocene. The contrasting nature of the erupted volcanic rocks (crustal and sub-crustal) is attributed to the different thermal state of the lithosphere beneath the two areas, as emphasized also by the presence of a wide granitic belt, of mainly Miocene age, which developed in the median sector of the Attic-Cycladic Massif.
Mortality in England during the 1783–4 Laki Craters eruption
Bulletin Volcanologique - - 2004
Claire Witham, Clive Oppenheimer
Morphological complexities and hazards during the emplacement of channel-fed `a`ā lava flow fields: A study of the 2001 lower flow field on Etna
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 72 - Trang 641-656 - 2010
L. J. Applegarth, H. Pinkerton, M. R. James, S. Calvari
Long-lived basaltic eruptions often produce structurally complex, compound `a`ā flow fields. Here we reconstruct the development of a compound flow field emplaced during the 2001 eruption of Mt. Etna (Italy). Following an initial phase of cooling-limited advance, the reactivation of stationary flows by superposition of new units caused significant channel drainage. Later, blockages in the channel and effusion rate variations resulted in breaching events that produced two new major flow branches. We also examined small-scale, late-stage ‘squeeze-up’ extrusions that were widespread in the flow field. We classified these as ‘flows’, ‘tumuli’ or ‘spines’ on the basis of their morphology, which depended on the rheology, extrusion rate and cooling history of the lava. Squeeze-up flows were produced when the lava was fluid enough to drain away from the source bocca, but fragmented to produce blade-like features that differed markedly from `a`ā clinker. As activity waned, increased cooling and degassing led to lava arriving at boccas with a higher yield strength. In many cases this was unable to flow after extrusion, and laterally extensive, near-vertical sheets of lava developed. These are considered to be exogenous forms of tumuli. In the highest yield strength cases, near-solid lava was extruded from the flow core as a result of ramping, forming spines. The morphology and location of the squeeze-ups provides insight into the flow rheology at the time of their formation. Because they represent the final stages of activity of the flow, they may also help to refine estimates of the most advanced rheological states in which lava can be considered to flow. Our observations suggest that real-time monitoring of compound flow field evolution may allow complex processes such as channel breaching and bocca formation to be forecast. In addition, documenting the occurrence and morphology of squeeze-ups may allow us to determine whether there is any risk of a stalled flow front being reactivated. This will therefore enhance our ability to track and assess hazard posed by lava flow emplacement.
Carbonatite magmatism and fenitization of the epiclastic caldera-fill at Gross Brukkaros (Namibia)
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 57 - Trang 185-196 - 1995
Thomas Stachel, Volker Lorenz, Gerhard Brey
The Gross Brukkaros inselberg is a dome structure with a crater-shaped central depression within Precambrian/Cambrian country rocks which was active as a depocenter during the Late Cretaceous. The formation of the structure was due to the intrusion and subsequent intermittent depletion of a shallow magma reservoir. Juvenile material has not been recognized hitherto. This is the first account of juvenile lapilli from within the epiclastic fill of the caldera structure. The lapilli are calciocarbonatites and magnesiocarbonatites in composition, but are characteristically low in elements such as P, Nb, Ba and Sr, otherwise typical of carbonatites. This signature, however, is also characteristic of carbonatites from surrounding volcanic centers and necks. The Brukkaros sediments suffered strong metasomatic-hydrothermal alteration, which introduced in a first stage fluids rich in Fe, Ti, Na, Nb, V, K (Ca?, CO2?), and in a second stage the Brukkaros sediments were silicified on a large scale and locally enriched in P, Th and Cr. Si is derived from desilication of the wall rocks (basement?, Nama sediments) of the magma reservoir. Cr was probably mobilized during alteration of the abundant doleritic detritus within the Brukkaros depocenter.
Mode of formation of an earliest Pliocene — Latest Miocene, basaltic, pillow-lava pile present at Pentecost island, new Hebrides, and its bearing on the formation of basaltic rudite
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 43 - Trang 505-510 - 1980
G. Neef
A well exposed, gently tilted, 400 m-high, earliest Pliocene-Latest Miocene, basaltic, pillow-lava pile in Northern Pentecost, New Hebrides contains two large rafts of sediment. These rafts are considered to be important in unravelling how such deep water, pillow-lavapiles develop. It is thought that after early laccolithic intrusion beneath a sediment cover, possibly only 10 m thick, that lava bulged the overlying sediment upwards budding off pillows at localities where upward bulging had created voids. Subsequently, when the pile was probably 100–150 m high, pillow lava was deposited on the upper slopes of the pile from a dyke-feeder. There was, then, two stages of development: an early stage of internal growth and a late stage of external growth. Pillow fragmentation is not necessarily due to gravitational collapse on the exterior of the pile as the bulging-up-process beneath early formed pillows may lead to breccia formation. Deep sea rudites, thus, are considered to be due to autoclastic processes and/or gravitational collapse.
About water and basaltic magma
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 24 Số 1 - Trang 101-108 - 1962
N. I. Khitarov
Soil CO2 degassing on Mt Etna (Sicily) during the period 1989–1993: discrimination between climatic and volcanic influences
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 57 - Trang 52-60 - 1995
S. Giammanco, S. Gurrieri, M. Valenza
Wide variations were measured in the diffuse CO2 flux through the soils in three selected areas of Mt Etna between August 1989 and March 1993. Degassing of CO2 from the area of Zafferana Etnea-S. Venerina, on the eastern slope of the volcano, has been determined to be more strongly influenced by meteorological parameters than the other areas. The seasonal component found in the data from this area has been excluded using a filtering algorithm based on the best fitting equation calculated from the correlation between CO2 flux values and those of air temperature. The filtered data appear to have variations temporally coincident with those from the other areas, thus suggesting a common and probably deep source of gas. The highest fluxes measured in the two most peripheral areas may correlate well with other geophysical and volcanological anomalous signals that preceded the strong eruption of 1991–1993 and that were interpreted as deep pressure increases. Anomalous decreases in CO2 fluxes accompanied the onset and the evolution of that eruption and have been interpreted as a sign of upward migration of the gas source. The variations of CO2 flux at the 1989 SE fracture have also given interesting information on the timing of the magmatic intrusion that has then fed the 1991–1993 eruption.
Sur l’importance et l’extension du volcanisme récent de Nawar (Afghanistan)
Bulletin Volcanologique - Tập 28 - Trang 107-118 - 1965
A. F. de Lapparent, J. de Lavigne Sainte Suzanne, P. Bordet
Reconnaissance d’une importante zone volcanique à l’Ouest de Ghazni, en Afghanistan. Les volcans, au nombre de quarante au moins, sont généralement dacitiques, avec quelques roches basiques de la même famille; une énorme masse de tufs couvre toute la région. Ce volcanisme, qui s’étend sur une surface estimée à 4000 km2, est récent, d’âge pléistocène. Il constitue un jalon important entre le Demavend en Iran et les volcans de Malaisie.
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