Brain Research



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Cơ quản chủ quản:  Elsevier

Lĩnh vực:
Developmental BiologyMolecular BiologyNeuroscience (miscellaneous)Neurology (clinical)

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An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to fundamental research in the brain sciences. Brain Research publishes papers reporting interdisciplinary investigations of nervous system structure and function that are of general interest to the international community of neuroscientists. As is evident from the journals name, its scope is broad, ranging from cellular and molecular studies through systems neuroscience, cognition and disease. Invited reviews are also published; suggestions for and inquiries about potential reviews are welcomed. With the appearance of the final issue of the 2011 subscription, Vol. 67/1-2 (24 June 2011), Brain Research Reviews has ceased publication as a distinct journal separate from Brain Research. Review articles accepted for Brain Research are now published in that journal.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Human midbrain dopamine neurons express serotonin 2A receptor: an immunohistochemical demonstration
Tập 853 Số 2 - Trang 377-380 - 2000
Keiko Ikemoto, Akiyuki Nishimura, Nobuo Okado, Masahiko Morita, Katsuji Nishi, Ikuko Nagatsu
M100,907, a selective 5-HT2A antagonist, attenuates dopamine release in the rat medial prefrontal cortex
Tập 888 Số 1 - Trang 51-59 - 2001
Elizabeth A. Pehek, Hewlet G. McFarlane, Kimberly A. Maguschak, Bernadette Price, Charles P. Pluto
DOI disrupts prepulse inhibition of startle in rats via 5-HT2A receptors in the ventral pallidum
Tập 761 Số 1 - Trang 97-104 - 1997
Thomas E Sipes, Mark A. Geyer
The distribution of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A receptor mRNA in human brain
Tập 676 Số 1 - Trang 157-168 - 1995
Philip W. J. Burnet, S L Eastwood, Karen L. Lacey, Paul J. Harrison
Influence of GABA on neurons of the gustatory zone of the rat nucleus of the solitary tract
Tập 616 - Trang 144-153 - 1993
Limei Wang, Robert M. Bradley
Hyperglycemic ischemia of rat brain: the effect of post-ischemic insulin on metabolic rate
Tập 243 - Trang 386-390 - 1982
E. Siemkowicz, A.J. Hansen, A. Gjedde
Effect of acute morphine administration on regional acetylcholine turnover in the rat
Tập 147 - Trang 194-200 - 1978
D.E. Schmidt, D.M. Buxbaum
Possible involvement of 5α-reduced neurosteroids in adrenergic and serotonergic stimulation of GFAP gene expression in rat C6 glioma cells
Tập 1085 - Trang 49-56 - 2006
Kyoji Morita, Hideki Arimochi, Hiroyuki Itoh, Song Her
In vitro behavior of granule cells from staggerer and weaver mutants of mice
Tập 130 Số 1 - Trang 13-23 - 1977
Anne Messer, David M. Smith
Regenerating axons form nerve terminals at astrocytes
Tập 347 Số 1 - Trang 188-191 - 1985
Thomas Carlstedt