Biodiversity and Conservation
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Ecoregional distribution of potentially useful species of Araceae and Bromeliaceae as non-timber forest products in Bolivia
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 19 - Trang 2553-2564 - 2010
In Bolivia, the plant families Araceae and Bromeliaceae offer numerous non-timber products, including ornamental plants, medicines, foods, and fibers. The economic potential for the utilization of these resources depends critically on the distribution of potentially useful species in different ecoregions in Bolivia. We conducted both a bibliographical revision of uses and ecological field work at 43 sites in the Bolivian Andes and lowlands to assess the potential for sustainable use as suggested by the Rapid Vulnerability Assessment method. The ecological criteria used for the evaluation were abundance (frequency), life form, geographical distribution, and habitat preference. We found that Bolivia has a striking number of potentially useful species of both families but that their potential use differs among ecoregions. Araceae were most species-rich and frequent in the humid lowland and montane forests. In these ecoregions, this family has a particular local importance mainly as traditional medicines and a great potential as ornamental plants. In contrast, economically useful bromeliads are best represented in seasonally dry forest habitats, especially for the production of fibres. Many species of bromeliads, which also occur in humid montane forests, although rare, are potentially important for commercialisation as ornamental species. This study shows that the uses of Araceae and Bromeliaceae are manifold and could be greatly increased through efficient management, although with different strategies according to the different ecoregions.
Mapping the spatial distribution of plant diversity indices in a tropical forest using multi-spectral satellite image classification and field measurements
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 13 - Trang 2599-2621 - 2004
The relationships among alpha and beta diversity indices, computed from 141 randomly sampled quadrats, and the vegetation classes obtained by multi-spectral satellite image classification, were used as a strategy for mapping plant diversity in a tropical landscape mosaic. A relatively high accuracy of the land cover map was revealed by the overall accuracy assessment and the Cohen's Kappa statistic. Species accumulation models were used to evaluate how representative the sample size was the different vegetation types. A standard one-way, between-subjects ANOVA confirmed a significant reduction of the within-class variance of plant diversity with respect to their total variance across the landscape. Computed uniformity indices, to assess the internal uniformity of vegetation classes on the diversity indices, confirmed the goodness of the mapped classes in stratifying variability of plant diversity. This allowed for the use of the mapped classes as spatial interpolators of plant diversity values for estimation and up-scaling purposes. Finally, it was revealed that the plant diversity of the landscape depends, to a large extent, on the diversity contained in the most mature forest class, which is also the most diverse community in the studied area. High and moderate beta diversity values between mature forests and both the secondary associations and the first stages of succession, respectively, indicated that there is a significant contribution to the diversity of the landscape by those vegetation classes.
Density dependence and risk of extinction in a small population of sea otters
Biodiversity and Conservation - - 2004
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris (L.)) were hunted to extinction off the coast of Washington State early in the 20th century. A new population was established by translocations from Alaska in 1969 and 1970. The population, currently numbering at least 550 animals, A major threat to the population is the ongoing risk of majour oil spills in sea otter habitat. We apply population models to census and demographic data in order to evaluate the status of the population. We fit several density dependent models to test for density dependence and determine plausible values for the carrying capacity (K) by comparing model goodness of fit to an exponential model. Model fits were compared using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). A significant negative relationship was found between the population growth rate and population size (r
2 = 0.27, F = 5.57, df = 16, p < 0.05), suggesting density dependence in Washington state sea otters. Information criterion statistics suggest that the model is the most parsimonious, followed closely by the logistic Beverton–Holt model. Values of K ranged from 612 to 759 with best-fit parameter estimates for the Beverton–Holt model including 0.26 for r and 612 for K. The latest (2001) population index count (555) puts the population at 87–92% of the estimated carrying capacity, above the suggested range for optimum sustainable population (OSP). Elasticity analysis was conducted to examine the effects of proportional changes in vital rates on the population growth rate (λ). The elasticity values indicate the population is most sensitive to changes in survival rates (particularly adult survival).
Can reforested and plantation habitats effectively conserve SW China’s ant biodiversity?
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 25 - Trang 753-770 - 2016
China has a long history of deforestation and environmental degradation. Because China is also lacking biological reserves, off-reserve conservation is a major contributor to its conservation efforts. Off-reserve conservation in China is primarily being achieved within afforestation and low-intensity agriculture. We compare ant diversity of three habitats: Natural Forest, Disturbed Forest and Plantation, to assess the conservation potential of these multiple land uses. Natural Forest consistently had the greatest plot-level species richness of the three habitats, but this pattern was only statistically significant for arboreal ants. Functional group profiles showed that Specialist Predators were significantly more represented in Disturbed Forest, Opportunists were significantly more represented in one Plantation site, coupled with a lack of Subordinate Camponotini, and Generalised Myrmicinae were more represented in a second Plantation site coupled with a complete lack of Cryptic Species. Multivariate analysis revealed significant differences of ant species composition between habitats. Within IndVal analyses, 17 species were associated with Natural Forest and nine with Plantation. No species were associated with Disturbed Forest. Reforestation and low-intensity agriculture clearly provide habitat for many species, but will not necessarily substitute for undisturbed habitat for many other species, especially specialised species. China’s off-reserve conservation could be enhanced by developing a greater understanding of agricultural practices and reforestation techniques that promote species diversity, especially for uncommon, threatened and specialised species.
Do plant families with contrasting functional traits show similar patterns of endemism? A case study with Central African Orchidaceae and Rubiaceae
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 20 - Trang 1507-1531 - 2011
The influence of functional traits on floristic patterns remains poorly understood in tropical rain forests. This contribution explores whether patterns of endemism of plant species are influenced by their life form and mode of dispersal. We used a comprehensive dataset of 3650 georeferenced plant specimens collected in Cameroon belonging to 115 taxa of Orchidaceae and 207 Rubiaceae endemic to Atlantic Central Africa. Species diversity of each family was compared using raw species richness (SR) and an index of species diversity (S
) using subsampling procedure to correct for sampling bias. Measures were compared at three scales (square grids of one half-degree and one-degree per side and ecoregions) and according to elevation and continentality gradients. Species similarity between grid cells was measured using the sample-size corrected NNESS index. For both families, SR and S
decreased along the continentality gradient. In forest habitats below 1500 m altitude, both Orchidaceae and Rubiaceae show similar endemism patterns, but they differ in intensity. At higher altitudes, S
is higher for orchids due to the presence of endemic terrestrial taxa in grasslands, where the endemic Rubiaceae flora is rather poor. Substantial endemism observed at the ecoregion level and turnover analysis supported the role of the Sanaga River as a phytogeographical boundary. Similar endemism patterns were observed in lowland forests for Orchidaceae and Rubiaceae, even though Orchidaceae are assumed to have better long distance dispersal capabilities. The dispersal ability of Orchidaceae could be limited by the need of specific mycorhizal fungi for seed germination or host specificity for epiphytic orchids.
The red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Scolytidae): an exotic invasive pest of pine in China
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 14 - Trang 1735-1760 - 2005
An exotic invasive pest of pines, the red turpentine beetle, Dendroctonus valens LeConte (Scolytidae) (RTB), was first detected in Shanxi Province, northern China, in 1998 and started causing widespread tree mortality there in 1999. This outbreak continues and has spread to three adjacent provinces, causing unprecedented tree mortality. Although it is considered a minor pest of pines in North America, RTB has proven to be an aggressive and destructive pest of Pinus tabuliformis, China’s most widely planted pine species. The bionomics and occurrence, distribution, response to host volatiles, and host preference of this pine beetle in China are compared with what is known of the beetle in its native range in North America. Factors likely contributing to D. valens success in China and control of the beetle outbreak are discussed. (−)-β-pinene was shown to be the most attractive host volatile for D. valens from the Sierra Nevada of California, whereas 3-(+)-carene is the most attractive host volatile for beetles in China. Monocultures of Pinus tabuliformis, several consecutive years of drought conditions and warm winters have apparently factored D. valens invasion and establishment in China.
Alien grasses in Brazilian savannas: a threat to the biodiversity
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 8 - Trang 1281-1294 - 1999
African grasses used as forage are spreading fast in cerrado (Brazilian savanna) patches, probably displacing native species. An analysis of the graminoid species abundance was performed in Cerrado Pé-de-Gigante Reserve (São Paulo State, Brazil), where their relative frequency, density, dominance and the value of importance were assessed in two cerrado forms: cerrado sensu stricto (denser) and campo cerrado (open). Thirty-six transects were determined, along which 3240.5 m × 0.5 m herbaceous samples were taken. Ordination by CCA analysis was performed to detect gradients in the graminoid species distribution, according to shading, distance from the reserve border and aspect. Interspecific associations among the species were tested. A total of 93 species were sampled, predominantly Poaceae and Myrtaceae families. Two alien grasses were found, Melinis minutiflora and Brachiaria decumbens, with very high values of importance. Light availability proved to be the most important analyzed environmental factor related to graminoid distribution, strongly correlated with the abundance of M. minutiflora. Both alien grasses were negatively associated with most native graminoids, suggesting they exert a strong competitive pressure on the native herbaceous community. Attention must be taken to the introduction of alien species in the country.
Seeing the wood for the trees: how conservation policies can place greater pressure on village forests in southwest China
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 16 - Trang 1959-1971 - 2006
In the last 6 years China has introduced a number of policies to try and conserve forests and protect watershed integrity; these include a ban on commercial logging, reforestation projects, restrictions on upland farming and burning, and controls on livestock grazing. The blanket nature of these impositions when combined with rapid socio-economic changes have increased pressures on many small rural communities. In this paper, we examine the case of Jisha Village in northwestern Yunnan, China—a typical rural Tibetan community sustained by traditional agriculture and livestock management. The cessation of commercial logging has seen the community turn to towards other income streams such as non-timber forest products (NTFP), increased livestock and attempts to foster tourism. However, timber quotas together with new road access have spurred the development of unofficial markets for village firewood and enhanced access to nearby forests. In addition, the decline of bamboo—a traditional fencing material—has resulted in an estimated 35-fold increase in demand for pine wood. Wood demands in this community are swiftly exceeding the sustainable harvest levels. Forest loss does not merely represent the depletion or degradation of future village timber resources, but also the loss of NTFP habitat. Moreover, due to proscriptions on rangeland burning, pasturelands are becoming degraded and grazing in forests is more intensive—reducing forest regeneration. These findings support calls to improve the flexibility and incorporate local needs into forest policy—the problems highlighted here seem indicative of the practical and philosophical challenges facing environmental planning and research in China.
Evidence-based conservation: predator-proof bomas protect livestock and lions
Biodiversity and Conservation - Tập 24 Số 3 - Trang 483-491 - 2015
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