Archive for History of Exact Sciences




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER , Springer Verlag

Lĩnh vực:
History and Philosophy of ScienceMathematics (miscellaneous)

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

James Stirling's early work on acceleration of convergence
Tập 45 - Trang 105-125 - 1992
Ian Tweddle
La Relativité de Poincaré de 1905 et les Transformations Actives
Tập 60 - Trang 337-351 - 2006
Jean-Pierre Provost, Christian Bracco
Nous montrons que Poincaré, dans son article de 1905, adopte un point de vue actif concernant le groupe des Transformations de Lorentz. Ce point de vue, selon lequel les transformations agissent directement sur les systèmes physiques (sans toucher au système de coordonnées), est naturel pour lui car il est celui des géomètres et aussi implicitement celui de Lorentz dans son traitement mathématique des états correspondants. L'adoption de ce point de vue est même nécessaire pour corriger l'« erreur » de Lorentz dans sa définition d'un système globalement en mouvement. La contraction des longueurs, comme la dilatation des temps, traditionnellement attachées aux changements de référentiels, trouvent également une explication physique relativiste dans cette approche.
Computation with roman numerals
Tập 15 - Trang 141-148 - 1976
Michael Detlefsen, Douglas K. Erlandson, J. Clark Heston, Charles M. Young
The ritual origin of the circle and square
Tập 25 - Trang 269-327 - 1981
A. Seidenberg
Joseph Ibn Waqār and the treatment of retrograde motion in the middle ages
Tập 77 - Trang 175-199 - 2023
Bernard R. Goldstein, José Chabás
In this article, we report the discovery of a new type of astronomical almanac by Joseph Ibn Waqār (Córdoba, fourteenth century) that begins at second station for each of the planets and may have been intended to serve as a template for planetary positions beginning at any dated second station. For background, we discuss the Ptolemaic tradition of treating stations and retrograde motions as well as two tables in Arabic zijes for the anomalistic cycles of the planets in which the planets stay at first and second stations for a period of time (in contrast to the Ptolemaic tradition). Finally, we consider some medieval astrological texts where stations or retrograde motions are invoked.
New evidence on Abraham Zacut’s astronomical tables
Tập 72 - Trang 21-62 - 2018
Bernard R. Goldstein, José Chabás
In astronomy Abraham Zacut (1452–1514) is best known for the Latin version of his tables, the Almanach Perpetuum, first published in 1496, based on the original Hebrew version that he composed in 1478. These tables for Salamanca, Spain, were analyzed by the authors of this paper in 2000. We now present Zacut’s tables preserved in Latin and Hebrew manuscripts that have not been studied previously, with a concordance of his tables in different sources. Based on a hitherto unnoticed text in a Latin manuscript, we argue that Zacut is the author of the Tabule verificate which, in our publication of 2000, we took to be anonymous. We also discuss in detail Zacut’s tables for epoch 1513 for Jerusalem that are arranged for the Hebrew calendar, rather than the Julian calendar that he used elsewhere. We then consider a number of fragmentary texts that were found in the Cairo Geniza, now scattered in various European and American libraries. The new evidence is consistent with our earlier finding that Zacut depended both on the medieval Hebrew tradition in astronomy and on the Parisian Alfonsine Tables.