Applied Mechanics Reviews

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Continuum Modeling for Repetitive Lattice Structures
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 41 Số 7 - Trang 285-296 - 1988
Ahmed K. Noor
The status and some recent developments of continuum modeling for repetitive lattice structures are summarized. Discussion focuses on a number of aspects including definition of an effective substitute continuum; characterization of the continuum model; and the different approaches for generating the properties of the continuum, namely, the constitutive matrix, the matrix of mass densities, and the matrix of thermal coefficients. Also, a simple approach is presented for generating the analytic expressions and/or numerical values of the continuum properties. Sample numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the continuum modeling approach. Future directions of research on continuum modeling are identified. These include needed extensions and applications of continuum modeling as well as computational strategies and modeling techniques.
Lattice models in micromechanics
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 55 Số 1 - Trang 35-60 - 2002
Martin Ostoja–Starzewski
This review presents the potential that lattice (or spring network) models hold for micromechanics applications. The models have their origin in the atomistic representations of matter on one hand, and in the truss-type systems in engineering on the other. The paper evolves by first giving a rather detailed presentation of one-dimensional and planar lattice models for classical continua. This is followed by a section on applications in mechanics of composites and key computational aspects. We then return to planar lattice models made of beams, which are a discrete counterpart of non-classical continua. The final two sections of the paper are devoted to issues of connectivity and rigidity of networks, and lattices of disordered (rather than periodic) topology. Spring network models offer an attractive alternative to finite element analyses of planar systems ranging from metals, composites, ceramics and polymers to functionally graded and granular materials, whereby a fiber network model of paper is treated in considerable detail. This review article contains 81 references.
Fast multipole accelerated boundary integral equation methods
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 55 Số 4 - Trang 299-324 - 2002
Naoshi Nishimura
Fundamentals of Fast Multipole Method (FMM) and FMM accelerated Boundary Integral Equation Method (BIEM) are presented. Developments of FMM accelerated BIEM in the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, wave equation, and heat equation are reviewed. Applications of these methods in computational mechanics are surveyed. This review article contains 173 references.
Regularization Techniques Applied to Boundary Element Methods
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 47 Số 10 - Trang 457-499 - 1994
Masataka Tanaka, V. Sládek, J. Sládek
This review article deals with the regularization of the boundary element formulations for solution of boundary value problems of continuum mechanics. These formulations may be singular owing to the use of two-point singular fundamental solutions. When the physical interpretation is irrelevant for this topic of computational mechanics, we consider various mechanical problems simultaneously within particular sections selected according to the main topic. In spite of such a structure of the paper, applications of the regularization techniques to many mechanical problems are described. There are distinguished two main groups of regularization techniques according to their application to singular formulations either before or after the discretization. Further subclassification of each group is made with respect to basic principles employed in individual regularization techniques. This paper summarizes the substances of the regularization procedures which are illustrated on the boundary element formulation for a scalar potential field. We discuss the regularizations of both the strongly singular and hypersingular integrals, occurring in the boundary integral equations, as well as those of nearly singular and nearly hypersingular integrals arising when the source point is near the integration element (as compared to its size) but not on this element. The possible dimensional inconsistency (or scale dependence of results) of the regularization after discretization is pointed out. Finally, we discuss the numerical approximations in various boundary element formulations, as well as the implementations of solutions of some problems for which derivative boundary integral equations are required.
Review of Mechanics of Shape Memory Alloy Structures
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 50 Số 11 - Trang 629-645 - 1997
Victor Birman
This article presents a review of constitutive theories, mechanics, and structural applications of shape memory alloys. Although these materials possess a number of unique features, this review is concerned with the shape memory effect and superelasticity, since they are most often discussed in the context of possible applications. The article begins with a discussion of these effects and a reference to a number of studies elucidating the properties of shape memory alloys. In the next section, a number of constitutive theories are listed and some recent theories are discussed in detail. The work related to numerous technological problems that arise in the process of manufacturing shape memory alloy structures is considered. Structural problems of shape memory structures, such as buckling, vibration, acoustic control, etc are discussed. The work related to development and design of shape memory sensors and actuators is also reviewed. Finally, some applications of shape memory alloy actuators, particularly those in the aerospace and medical fields, are considered. This review article contains 195 references.
Monte Carlo Treatment of Random Fields: A Broad Perspective
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 51 Số 3 - Trang 219-237 - 1998
Pol D. Spanos, B. A. Zeldin
A review of a number of methods for random fields simulation in conjunction with Monte Carlo studies of probabilistic mechanics problems is presented from a broad perspective. This article complements some of the previous review articles in that it compares various simulation algorithms, assesses their relative computational efficiency and versatility, discusses the properties of generated field samples, and incorporates some of the recent developments. Collectively, a comprehensive discussion of the covariance decomposition method, the spectral method, the ARMA method, the noise shower method, the scale refinement methods, and the turning band method is attempted. For tutorial effectiveness univariate, uni-dimensional, Gaussian, and homogeneous fields are discussed, primarily in connection with various simulation methods. Nevertheless, appropriate references are included addressing the simulation of more general fields. This review article contains 110 references.
Characterization and analysis of delamination fracture in composites: An overview of developments from 1990 to 2001
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 56 Số 1 - Trang 1-32 - 2003
T.E. Tay
Delamination is a major failure mode in laminated composites and has received much research attention. A huge amount of literature has been published on this subject, resulting in considerable improvement in our understanding of delamination behavior. A rather comprehensive review paper was published by Garg in 1988. That paper contains 136 references from 1971 to 1988, a period spanning roughly two decades. A more recent survey by Pagano and Schoeppner contains critical reviews of many selected papers, especially the pioneering works on delamination research. An overview of Russian and Soviet literature on this subject is also given by Bolotin. The present paper aims to review major developments in the analysis and characterization of buckling driven delamination from 1990 to the present. Its abridged version was presented in a plenary lecture at the 13th International Conference on Composite Materials, Beijing. Particular emphasis is placed on the application of fracture mechanics methods in the analysis of delamination. The question of the extent of fracture mechanics’ success in characterizing delamination, both in laboratory-based specimens and in more realistic structural composite components, is discussed. Some recent numerical formulations for efficient computational modeling and analysis of delaminations are also reviewed. This review lists 270 major works covering a period of about a decade, indicating that there is still considerable research interest and activity in this field.
Differential Quadrature Method in Computational Mechanics: A Review
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 49 Số 1 - Trang 1-28 - 1996
Charles W. Bert, Moinuddin Malik
The differential quadrature method is a numerical solution technique for initial and/or boundary problems. It was developed by the late Richard Bellman and his associates in the early 70s and, since then, the technique has been successfully employed in a variety of problems in engineering and physical sciences. The method has been projected by its proponents as a potential alternative to the conventional numerical solution techniques such as the finite difference and finite element methods. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of the differential quadrature method, which should be of general interest to the computational mechanics community.
Finite Element Methods in Probabilistic Structural Analysis: A Selective Review
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 41 Số 5 - Trang 201-213 - 1988
Haym Benaroya, M. Rehak
This review examines the field of structural analysis where finite element methods (FEMs) are used in a probabilistic setting. The finite element method is widely used, and its application in the field of structural analysis is universally accepted as an efficient numerical solution method. The analysis of structures, whether subjected to random or deterministic external loads, has been developed mainly under the assumption that the structure’s parameters are deterministic quantities. For a significant number of circumstances, this assumption is not valid, and the probabilistic aspects of the structure need to be taken into account. We present a review of this emerging field: stochastic finite element methods. The terminology denotes the application of finite element methods with a probabilistic context. This broad definition includes two classes of methods: (i) first- and second-order second moment methods, and (ii) reliability methods. This paper addresses only the first category, leaving the second to specialists in that area. The contribution of this review is to illustrate the similarities and differences of the various methods falling in the first category. Also excluded from this review are simulation methods such as Monte Carlo and response surface, and methods that use FEM to solve deterministic equations (Fokker–Planck) governing probability densities. The essential conclusion is that the second moment methods are mathematically identical to the second order (except for the Neumann expansion). The essential distinction that can be made regarding stochastic FEM is the nature of the structure: It can be deterministic or random. By random structure is meant one with parameters that have associated uncertainties, and thus which must be modeled in a random form. Although the randomness in the structure can be of three types, random variable, random process in space, and random process in time, discussion will be limited to the first two categories. While keeping the emphasis on finite element methods, other techniques involving finite differences, which are useful in the study of multi-degree-of-freedom systems, are briefly mentioned. The present review covers only developments that are derived from the engineering literature, thus implying near-term applicability.
Cohesive Zone Models: A Critical Review of Traction-Separation Relationships Across Fracture Surfaces
Applied Mechanics Reviews - Tập 64 Số 6 - 2011
Kyoungsoo Park, Gláucio H. Paulino
One of the fundamental aspects in cohesive zone modeling is the definition of the traction-separation relationship across fracture surfaces, which approximates the nonlinear fracture process. Cohesive traction-separation relationships may be classified as either nonpotential-based models or potential-based models. Potential-based models are of special interest in the present review article. Several potential-based models display limitations, especially for mixed-mode problems, because of the boundary conditions associated with cohesive fracture. In addition, this paper shows that most effective displacement-based models can be formulated under a single framework. These models lead to positive stiffness under certain separation paths, contrary to general cohesive fracture phenomena wherein the increase of separation generally results in the decrease of failure resistance across the fracture surface (i.e., negative stiffness). To this end, the constitutive relationship of mixed-mode cohesive fracture should be selected with great caution.
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