Annual Review of Neuroscience

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Stimulus-Transcription Coupling in the Nervous System: Involvement of the Inducible Proto-Oncogenes <i>fos</i> and <i>jun</i>
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 14 Số 1 - Trang 421-451 - 1991
J. S. Morgan, Tom Curran
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 27 Số 1 - Trang 169-192 - 2004
Luigi Cattaneo, Laila Craighero
▪ Abstract  A category of stimuli of great importance for primates, humans in particular, is that formed by actions done by other individuals. If we want to survive, we must understand the actions of others. Furthermore, without action understanding, social organization is impossible. In the case of humans, there is another faculty that depends on the observation of others' actions: imitation learning. Unlike most species, we are able to learn by imitation, and this faculty is at the basis of human culture. In this review we present data on a neurophysiological mechanism—the mirror-neuron mechanism—that appears to play a fundamental role in both action understanding and imitation. We describe first the functional properties of mirror neurons in monkeys. We review next the characteristics of the mirror-neuron system in humans. We stress, in particular, those properties specific to the human mirror-neuron system that might explain the human capacity to learn by imitation. We conclude by discussing the relationship between the mirror-neuron system and language.
Visual Circuits for Direction Selectivity
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 40 Số 1 - Trang 211-230 - 2017
Alex S. Mauss, Anna Vlasits, Alexander Borst, Marla B. Feller
Images projected onto the retina of an animal eye are rarely still. Instead, they usually contain motion signals originating either from moving objects or from retinal slip caused by self-motion. Accordingly, motion signals tell the animal in which direction a predator, prey, or the animal itself is moving. At the neural level, visual motion detection has been proposed to extract directional information by a delay-and-compare mechanism, representing a classic example of neural computation. Neurons responding selectively to motion in one but not in the other direction have been identified in many systems, most prominently in the mammalian retina and the fly optic lobe. Technological advances have now allowed researchers to characterize these neurons’ upstream circuits in exquisite detail. Focusing on these upstream circuits, we review and compare recent progress in understanding the mechanisms that generate direction selectivity in the early visual system of mammals and flies.
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 377-405 - 1998
Jeffrey R. Gingrich, John Roder
▪ Abstract  Gene function during mammalian development is often studied by making irreversible changes to the genome. This approach has a major drawback in that the function of the gene in question must be deduced from the phenotype of animals that have been deficient for the product of the disrupted gene throughout ontogeny. Compensation for the loss of the gene product could yield an apparently unaltered phenotype. Alternatively, the changes in the regulation of other genes could yield a misleading phenotype. If the genetic manipulation results in embryonic or neonatal lethality, gene function at later stages of development cannot be analyzed. It would thus be highly advantageous if the expression of a particular gene could be restricted both temporally and spatially through the use of an inducible genetic system. This paper describes the various inducible genetic expression systems developed for use in mammalian cells, with particular emphasis on their application in the nervous system of transgenic mice.
Mechanisms of Hippocampal Aging and the Potential for Rejuvenation
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 40 Số 1 - Trang 251-272 - 2017
Xuelai Fan, Elizabeth Wheatley, Saul Villeda
The past two decades have seen remarkable progress in our understanding of the multifactorial drivers of hippocampal aging and cognitive decline. Recent findings have also raised the possibility of functional rejuvenation in the aged hippocampus. In this review, we aim to synthesize the mechanisms that drive hippocampal aging and evaluate critically the potential for rejuvenation. We discuss the functional changes in synaptic plasticity and regenerative potential of the aged hippocampus, followed by mechanisms of microglia aging, and assess the cross talk between these proaging processes. We then examine proyouth interventions that demonstrate significant promise in reversing age-related impairments in the hippocampus and, finally, attempt to look ahead toward novel therapeutics for brain aging.
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 21 Số 1 - Trang 127-148 - 1998
Alcino J. Silva, Jeffrey H. Kogan, Paul W. Frankland, Satoshi Kida
▪ Abstract  The cAMP responsive element binding protein (CREB) is a nuclear protein that modulates the transcription of genes with cAMP responsive elements in their promoters. Increases in the concentration of either calcium or cAMP can trigger the phosphorylation and activation of CREB. This transcription factor is a component of intracellular signaling events that regulate a wide range of biological functions, from spermatogenesis to circadian rhythms and memory. Here we review the key features of CREB-dependent transcription, as well as the involvement of CREB in memory formation. Evidence from Aplysia, Drosophila, mice, and rats shows that CREB-dependent transcription is required for the cellular events underlying long-term but not short-term memory. While the work in Aplysia and Drosophila only involved CREB function in very simple forms of conditioning, genetic and pharmacological studies in mice and rats demonstrate that CREB is required for a variety of complex forms of memory, including spatial and social learning, thus indicating that CREB may be a universal modulator of processes required for memory formation.
Neurophysiology of Epilepsy
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 1 Số 1 - Trang 395-415 - 1978
David A. Prince
Topography of Cognition: Parallel Distributed Networks in Primate Association Cortex
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 11 Số 1 - Trang 137-156 - 1988
Patricia S. Goldman‐Rakic
Prefrontal Contributions to Visual Selective Attention
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 36 Số 1 - Trang 451-466 - 2013
Ryan Fox Squire, Behrad Noudoost, Robert J. Schafer, Tirin Moore
The faculty of attention endows us with the capacity to process important sensory information selectively while disregarding information that is potentially distracting. Much of our understanding of the neural circuitry underlying this fundamental cognitive function comes from neurophysiological studies within the visual modality. Past evidence suggests that a principal function of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is selective attention and that this function involves the modulation of sensory signals within posterior cortices. In this review, we discuss recent progress in identifying the specific prefrontal circuits controlling visual attention and its neural correlates within the primate visual system. In addition, we examine the persisting challenge of precisely defining how behavior should be affected when attentional function is lost.
Annual Review of Neuroscience - Tập 28 Số 1 - Trang 503-532 - 2005
Michael London, Michael Häusser
One of the central questions in neuroscience is how particular tasks, or computations, are implemented by neural networks to generate behavior. The prevailing view has been that information processing in neural networks results primarily from the properties of synapses and the connectivity of neurons within the network, with the intrinsic excitability of single neurons playing a lesser role. As a consequence, the contribution of single neurons to computation in the brain has long been underestimated. Here we review recent work showing that neuronal dendrites exhibit a range of linear and nonlinear mechanisms that allow them to implement elementary computations. We discuss why these dendritic properties may be essential for the computations performed by the neuron and the network and provide theoretical and experimental examples to support this view.
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