Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences

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The Thermal Conductivity of Earth's Core: A Key Geophysical Parameter's Constraints and Uncertainties
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 46 Số 1 - Trang 47-66 - 2018
Quentin Williams

The thermal conductivity of iron alloys at high pressures and temperatures is a critical parameter in governing ( a) the present-day heat flow out of Earth's core, ( b) the inferred age of Earth's inner core, and ( c) the thermal evolution of Earth's core and lowermost mantle. It is, however, one of the least well-constrained important geophysical parameters, with current estimates for end-member iron under core-mantle boundary conditions varying by about a factor of 6. Here, the current state of calculations, measurements, and inferences that constrain thermal conductivity at core conditions are reviewed. The applicability of the Wiedemann-Franz law, commonly used to convert electrical resistivity data to thermal conductivity data, is probed: Here, whether the constant of proportionality, the Lorenz number, is constant at extreme conditions is of vital importance. Electron-electron inelastic scattering and increases in Fermi-liquid-like behavior may cause uncertainties in thermal conductivities derived from both first-principles-associated calculations and electrical conductivity measurements. Additional uncertainties include the role of alloying constituents and local magnetic moments of iron in modulating the thermal conductivity. Thus, uncertainties in thermal conductivity remain pervasive, and hence a broad range of core heat flows and inner core ages appear to remain plausible.

Pre-Quaternary Sea-Level Changes
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 205-243 - 1984
A. Hallam
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 18 Số 1 - Trang 123-171 - 1990
D. J. McLaren, Wayne D. Goodfellow
Strontium Isotopes in Seawater through Time
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 17 Số 1 - Trang 141-167 - 1989
Ján Veizer
Groundwater Age and Groundwater Age Dating
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 36 Số 1 - Trang 121-152 - 2008
Craig M. Bethke, Thomas M. Johnson

A new way of thinking about groundwater age is changing the field of groundwater age dating. Following a rigorous definition of age, a groundwater sample is seen not as water that recharged the flow regime at a point in the past, but as a mixture of waters that have resided in the subsurface for varying lengths of time. This recognition resolves longstanding inconsistencies encountered in age dating and suggests new ways to carry out age dating studies. Tomorrow's studies will likely employ sets of marker isotopes and molecules spanning a broad spectrum of age and incorporate a wide range of chemical and physical data collected from differing stratigraphic levels. The observations will be inverted using reactive transport modeling, allowing flow to be characterized not in one direction along a single aquifer, but in two or three dimensions over an entire flow regime.

Oblique, High-Angle, Listric-Reverse Faulting and Associated Development of Strain: The Wenchuan Earthquake of May 12, 2008, Sichuan, China
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 38 Số 1 - Trang 353-382 - 2010
Peizhen Zhang, Xueze Wen, Zheng‐Kang Shen, Jiuhui Chen

The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on imbricate, oblique, steeply dipping, slowly slipping, listric-reverse faults. Measurements of coseismic slip, the distribution of aftershocks, and fault-plane solution of the mainshock all confirm this style of deformation and indicate cascading earthquake rupture of multiple segments, each with coseismic slip occurring in the shallow crust above a depth range of 10 to 12 km. Interactions among three geological units—eastern Tibet, the Longmen Shan, and the Sichuan basin—caused slow strain accumulation in the Longmen Shan so that measurable preearthquake slip was minor. Coseismic deformation, however, took place mostly within the interseismically locked Longmen Shan fault zone. The earthquake may have initiated from slip on a fault plane dipping 30–40° northwest in a depth range from 15 to 20 km and triggered oblique slip on the high-angle faults at depths shallower than 15 km to form the great Wenchuan earthquake.

The Origin(s) of Whales
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 38 Số 1 - Trang 189-219 - 2010
Mark D. Uhen

Whales are first found in the fossil record approximately 52.5 million years ago (Mya) during the early Eocene in Indo-Pakistan. Our knowledge of early and middle Eocene whales has increased dramatically during the past three decades to the point where hypotheses of whale origins can be supported with a great deal of evidence from paleontology, anatomy, stratigraphy, and molecular biology. Fossils also provide preserved evidence of behavior and habitats, allowing the reconstruction of the modes of life of these semiaquatic animals during their transition from land to sea. Modern whales originated from ancient whales at or near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, approximately 33.7 Mya. During the Oligocene, ancient whales coexisted with early baleen whales and early toothed whales. By the end of the Miocene, most modern families had originated, and most archaic forms had gone extinct. Whale diversity peaked in the late middle Miocene and fell thereafter toward the Recent, yielding our depauperate modern whale fauna.

Composition and State of the Core
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 41 Số 1 - Trang 657-691 - 2013
Kei Hirose, S. Labrosse, J. W. Hernlund

The composition and state of Earth's core, located deeper than 2,900 km from the surface, remain largely uncertain. Recent static experiments on iron and alloys performed up to inner core pressure and temperature conditions have revealed phase relations and properties of core materials. These mineral physics constraints, combined with theoretical calculations, continue to improve our understanding of the core, in particular the crystal structure of the inner core and the chemical composition, thermal structure and evolution, and possible stratification of the outer core.

Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 34 Số 1 - Trang 217-262 - 2006
M. H. Thiemens

The discovery of the first chemically produced mass-independent isotope effect in 1983 by Thiemens & Heidenreich opened a broad variety of applications, including physical chemistry studies, atmospheric chemistry, paleoclimatology, biologic primary productivity assessment, Solar System origin and evolution, planetary atmospheres (Mars), and the origin and evolution of life in Earth's earliest environment. This chapter reviews the history of the field as well as all of the various applications since the first report of the mass-independent isotope effect.

Pressure Solution During Diagenesis
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences - Tập 17 Số 1 - Trang 89-118 - 1989
Ryuji Tada, R Siever
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