Annual Review of Clinical Psychology

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A Reciprocal Model of Pain and Substance Use: Transdiagnostic Considerations, Clinical Implications, and Future Directions
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 503-528 - 2019
Joseph W. Ditre, Emily L. Zale, Lisa R. LaRowe

Pain and substance use are highly prevalent and co-occurring conditions that continue to garner increasing clinical and empirical interest. Although nicotine and tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis each confer acute analgesic effects, frequent or heavy use may contribute to the development and progression of chronic pain, and pain may be heightened during abstinence. Additionally, pain can be a potent motivator of substance self-administration, and it may contribute to escalating use and poorer substance-related treatment outcomes. We integrated converging lines of evidence to propose a reciprocal model in which pain and substance use are hypothesized to interact in the manner of a positive feedback loop, resulting in the exacerbation and maintenance of both conditions over time. Theoretical mechanisms in bidirectional pain–substance use relations are reviewed, including negative reinforcement, social cognitive processes, and allostatic load in overlapping neural circuitry. Finally, candidate transdiagnostic factors are identified, and we conclude with a discussion of clinical implications and future research directions.

Resilience to Loss and Potential Trauma
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 7 Số 1 - Trang 511-535 - 2011
George A. Bonanno, Maren Westphal, Anthony D. Mancini

Initial research on loss and potentially traumatic events (PTEs) has been dominated by either a psychopathological approach emphasizing individual dysfunction or an event approach emphasizing average differences between exposed and nonexposed groups. We consider the limitations of these approaches and review more recent research that has focused on the heterogeneity of outcomes following aversive events. Using both traditional analytic tools and sophisticated latent trajectory modeling, this research has identified a set of prototypical outcome patterns. Typically, the most common outcome following PTEs is a stable trajectory of healthy functioning or resilience. We review research showing that resilience is not the result of a few dominant factors, but rather that there are multiple independent predictors of resilient outcomes. Finally, we critically evaluate the question of whether resilience-building interventions can actually make people more resilient, and we close with suggestions for future research on resilience.

Default Mode Network Activity and Connectivity in Psychopathology
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 8 Số 1 - Trang 49-76 - 2012
Susan Whitfield‐Gabrieli, Judith M. Ford

Neuropsychiatric disorders are associated with abnormal function of the default mode network (DMN), a distributed network of brain regions more active during rest than during performance of many attention-demanding tasks and characterized by a high degree of functional connectivity (i.e., temporal correlations between brain regions). Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have revealed that the DMN in the healthy brain is associated with stimulus-independent thought and self-reflection and that greater suppression of the DMN is associated with better performance on attention-demanding tasks. In schizophrenia and depression, the DMN is often found to be hyperactivated and hyperconnected. In schizophrenia this may relate to overly intensive self-reference and impairments in attention and working memory. In depression, DMN hyperactivity may be related to negative rumination. These findings are considered in terms of what is known about psychological functions supported by the DMN, and alteration of the DMN in other neuropsychiatric disorders.

Interpersonal Processes in Depression
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 9 Số 1 - Trang 355-377 - 2013
Jennifer L. Hames, Christopher R. Hagan, Thomas E. Joiner

Humans have an intrinsic need for social connection; thus, it is crucial to understand depression in an interpersonal context. Interpersonal theories of depression posit that depressed individuals tend to interact with others in a way that elicits rejection, which increases their risk for future depression. In this review, we summarize the interpersonal characteristics, risk factors, and consequences of depression in the context of the relevant theories that address the role of interpersonal processes in the onset, maintenance, and chronicity of depression. Topics reviewed include social skills, behavioral features, communication behaviors, interpersonal feedback seeking, and interpersonal styles as they relate to depression. Treatment implications are discussed in light of the current research on interpersonal processes in depression, and the following future directions are discussed: developing integrative models of depression, improving measurement of interpersonal constructs, examining the association between interpersonal processes in depression and suicide, and tailoring interventions to target interpersonal processes in depression.

Phân Tích Mạng: Một Tiếp Cận Tích Hợp về Cấu Trúc của Tâm Thần Học Dịch bởi AI
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 9 Số 1 - Trang 91-121 - 2013
Denny Borsboom, Angélique O. J. Cramer

Trong các phương pháp tiếp cận mạng về tâm thần học, các rối loạn phát sinh từ sự tương tác nguyên nhân giữa các triệu chứng (ví dụ, lo âu → mất ngủ → mệt mỏi), có thể liên quan đến các vòng phản hồi (ví dụ, một người có thể lạm dụng chất kích thích để quên đi những vấn đề phát sinh do lạm dụng chất này). Bài đánh giá hiện tại xem xét các phương pháp phù hợp để xác định các mạng triệu chứng và thảo luận về các kỹ thuật phân tích mạng có thể được sử dụng để trích xuất thông tin có giá trị lâm sàng và khoa học từ các mạng đó (ví dụ, triệu chứng nào là trung tâm nhất trong mạng lưới của một người). Các tác giả cũng chỉ ra cách các kỹ thuật phân tích mạng có thể được sử dụng để xây dựng các mô hình mô phỏng bắt chước động lực triệu chứng. Các phương pháp tiếp cận mạng giải thích một cách tự nhiên sự thành công hạn chế của các chiến lược nghiên cứu truyền thống, vốn thường dựa trên ý tưởng rằng các triệu chứng là biểu hiện của một yếu tố chung tiềm ẩn nào đó, đồng thời cung cấp các phương pháp thay thế hứa hẹn. Thêm vào đó, các kỹ thuật này có thể mở ra khả năng hướng dẫn và đánh giá các can thiệp điều trị.

Estrogen, Stress, and Depression: Cognitive and Biological Interactions
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 15 Số 1 - Trang 399-423 - 2019
Kimberly Albert, Paul Newhouse

This article reviews the interactions of estrogen changes and psychosocial stress in contributing to vulnerability to major depressive disorder (MDD) in women. Estrogen modulates brain networks and processes related to changes in stress response, cognition, and emotional dysregulation that are core characteristics of MDD. Synergistic effects of estrogen on cognitive and emotional function, particularly during psychosocial stress, may underlie the association of ovarian hormone fluctuation and depression in women. We propose a model of estrogen effects on multiple brain systems that interface with stress-related emotional and cognitive processes implicated in MDD and discuss possible mechanisms through which reproductive events and changes in estrogen may contribute to MDD risk in women with other concurrent risk factors.

Conducting Clinical Research Using Crowdsourced Convenience Samples
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 53-81 - 2016
Jesse Chandler, Danielle Shapiro

Crowdsourcing has had a dramatic impact on the speed and scale at which scientific research can be conducted. Clinical scientists have particularly benefited from readily available research study participants and streamlined recruiting and payment systems afforded by Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), a popular labor market for crowdsourcing workers. MTurk has been used in this capacity for more than five years. The popularity and novelty of the platform have spurred numerous methodological investigations, making it the most studied nonprobability sample available to researchers. This article summarizes what is known about MTurk sample composition and data quality with an emphasis on findings relevant to clinical psychological research. It then addresses methodological issues with using MTurk—many of which are common to other nonprobability samples but unfamiliar to clinical science researchers—and suggests concrete steps to avoid these issues or minimize their impact.

Mental Health in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 465-487 - 2016
Stephen T. Russell, Jessica N. Fish

Today's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth come out at younger ages, and public support for LGBT issues has dramatically increased, so why do LGBT youth continue to be at high risk for compromised mental health? We provide an overview of the contemporary context for LGBT youth, followed by a review of current science on LGBT youth mental health. Research in the past decade has identified risk and protective factors for mental health, which point to promising directions for prevention, intervention, and treatment. Legal and policy successes have set the stage for advances in programs and practices that may foster LGBT youth mental health. Implications for clinical care are discussed, and important areas for new research and practice are identified.

Diagnostic Issues and Controversies in DSM-5: Return of the False Positives Problem
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 12 Số 1 - Trang 105-132 - 2016
Jerome C. Wakefield

The fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) was the most controversial in the manual's history. This review selectively surveys some of the most important changes in DSM-5, including structural/organizational changes, modifications of diagnostic criteria, and newly introduced categories. It analyzes why these changes led to such heated controversies, which included objections to the revision's process, its goals, and the content of altered criteria and new categories. The central focus is on disputes concerning the false positives problem of setting a valid boundary between disorder and normal variation. Finally, this review highlights key problems and issues that currently remain unresolved and need to be addressed in the future, including systematically identifying false positive weaknesses in criteria, distinguishing risk from disorder, including context in diagnostic criteria, clarifying how to handle fuzzy boundaries, and improving the guidelines for “other specified” diagnosis.

Excess Early Mortality in Schizophrenia
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology - Tập 10 Số 1 - Trang 425-448 - 2014
Thomas Munk Laursen, Merete Nordentoft, Preben Bo Mortensen

Schizophrenia is often referred to as one of the most severe mental disorders, primarily because of the very high mortality rates of those with the disorder. This article reviews the literature on excess early mortality in persons with schizophrenia and suggests reasons for the high mortality as well as possible ways to reduce it. Persons with schizophrenia have an exceptionally short life expectancy. High mortality is found in all age groups, resulting in a life expectancy of approximately 20 years below that of the general population. Evidence suggests that persons with schizophrenia may not have seen the same improvement in life expectancy as the general population during the past decades. Thus, the mortality gap not only persists but may actually have increased. The most urgent research agenda concerns primary candidates for modifiable risk factors contributing to this excess mortality, i.e., side effects of treatment and lifestyle factors, as well as sufficient prevention and treatment of physical comorbidity.

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