
Annals of Forest Science




Cơ quản chủ quản:  SPRINGER FRANCE , Springer Science + Business Media

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Reproduction of postfire Pinus halepensis Mill. stands six years after silvicultural treatments
Tập 64 - Trang 59-66 - 2007
Jorge De Las Heras, Daniel Moya, Francisco López-Serrano, Sonia Condés
In Spain, wildfires have increased during the last decades with Pinus halepensis forests being the most affected. Cone differentiation and the early flowering of this species in comparison to other native Spanish species, are traits considered as adaptations to postfire regeneration. The high recurrence of fires promotes a high increase in young and immature pine stands with low capability of regeneration. In this study, silvicultural treatments such as thinning and pruning were carried out 5 years after fire in eleven years old P. halepensis stands located in dry and semi-arid sites in SE Spain. The formation of male and female strobili, production of serotinous grey, mature brown and new green cones were recorded six years after treatments. Seed production and germination percentage were also tested. Results showed acceleration in cone and viable seed production in thinned plots, with some differences between sites being recorded. Serotinous cone production also increased as a result of this treatment.
Enhancement of mechanical strength of particleboard using environmentally friendly pine (Pinus pinaster L.) tannin adhesives with cellulose nanofibers
Tập 72 - Trang 27-32 - 2014
Juqing Cui, Xiaoning Lu, Xiaojian Zhou, Laurent Chrusciel, Yuhe Deng, Handong Zhou, Shangwu Zhu, Nicolas Brosse
Condensed tannins have been successfully used as substitutes for phenol in the production of resins for wood products. However, the enhancement of the properties of tannin-based resins with nontoxic and cost effective additives is of great interest. In the present work, the performance enhancement of tannin-based particleboards with cellulose nanofibers was investigated. In presence of 2 % of cellulose nanofibers, the viscosity of tannin-based adhesives and the internal bonding strength (IB) of the corresponding particleboards were increased from 350 to 5,462 mPa·s and from 0.85 to 0.98 MPa respectively. The modulus of elastic (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the resins were also notably increased while thickness swelling (TS) of the panels was not affected. The addition of cellulose nanofibers to tannin adhesives is an effective method for the production of high performance particleboards. Tannin-based adhesive containing 2 % of cellulose nanofibers exhibits the best mechanical strength. The addition of cellulose nanofibers into tannin-based adhesives notably enhanced the mechanical properties of the wood particleboards produced. The formulation containing 2 % (w/w) of cellulose nanofibers exhibited the best mechanical strength.
Hierarchical model-based inference for forest inventory utilizing three sources of information
Tập 73 - Trang 895-910 - 2016
Svetlana Saarela, Sören Holm, Anton Grafström, Sebastian Schnell, Erik Næsset, Timothy G. Gregoire, Ross F. Nelson, Göran Ståhl
The study presents novel model-based estimators for growing stock volume and its uncertainty estimation, combining a sparse sample of field plots, a sample of laser data, and wall-to-wall Landsat data. On the basis of our detailed simulation, we show that when the uncertainty of estimating mean growing stock volume on the basis of an intermediate ALS model is not accounted for, the estimated variance of the estimator can be biased by as much as a factor of three or more, depending on the sample size at the various stages of the design. This study concerns model-based inference for estimating growing stock volume in large-area forest inventories, combining wall-to-wall Landsat data, a sample of laser data, and a sparse subsample of field data. We develop and evaluate novel estimators and variance estimators for the population mean volume, taking into account the uncertainty in two model steps. Estimators and variance estimators were derived for two main methodological approaches and evaluated through Monte Carlo simulation. The first approach is known as two-stage least squares regression, where Landsat data were used to predict laser predictor variables, thus emulating the use of wall-to-wall laser data. In the second approach laser data were used to predict field-recorded volumes, which were subsequently used as response variables in modeling the relationship between Landsat and field data. ∙ The estimators and variance estimators are shown to be at least approximately unbiased. Under certain assumptions the two methods provide identical results with regard to estimators and similar results with regard to estimated variances. We show that ignoring the uncertainty due to one of the models leads to substantial underestimation of the variance, when two models are involved in the estimation procedure.
Sustainable management, earthquake disturbances, and transient dynamics: modelling timber harvesting impacts in mixed-species forests
Tập 70 Số 3 - Trang 287-298 - 2013
Georges Künstler, Robert B. Allen, David A. Coomes, Charles D. Canham, Elaine F. Wright
Stand volume models based on stable metrics as from multiple ALS acquisitions in Eucalyptus plantations
Tập 72 Số 4 - Trang 489-498 - 2015
Eric Bastos Görgens, Petteri Packalén, André Gracioso Peres da Silva, Clayton Alcarde Álvares, Otávio Camargo Campoe, José Luiz Stape, Luiz Carlos Estraviz Rodriguez
The impact of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) pesticide policy on the management of leaf-cutting ants and termites in certified forests in Brazil
Tập 73 - Trang 205-214 - 2016
José C. Zanuncio, Pedro G. Lemes, Luciana R. Antunes, José Luiz S. Maia, José Eduardo P. Mendes, Kaliana M. Tanganelli, Jonas Felipe Salvador, José E. Serrão
The recommendations accompanying pesticide derogations from the FSC are not efficient for the management of leaf-cutting ants and termites in certified forest plantations in Brazil compared with chemical control using insecticides. FSC recommendations ignore the biological and ecological features of pests and forest plantations in Brazil when they set global rules for forest certification.
Annals of Forest Science promotes multidisciplinary research on forests and wood in a changing world and is now a full Open Access journal
Tập 79 - Trang 1-2 - 2022
Erwin Dreyer, Jean Michel Leban, Shuguang Léo Liu, Andreas Bolte, John Lhotka, Marco Ferretti, Véronique Lesage
Projections of regional changes in forest net primary productivity for different tree species in Europe driven by climate change and carbon dioxide
Tập 71 Số 2 - Trang 211-225 - 2014
Christopher Reyer, Petra Lasch-Born, Felicitas Suckow, Martin Gutsch, Aline Murawski, Tobias Pilz