Annals of Applied Biology

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Effects of beet cryptic virus infection on sugar beet in field trials
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 124 Số 3 - Trang 451-459 - 1994
Wenshuang Xie, J. F. Antoniw, R. F. White, T. H. Jolliffe
SummaryThe effects of beet cryptic virus (BCV) infection on sugar beet crops were investigated in field trials in 1990. Two sugar beet breeding stock lines were screened for infection by BCV. Seed lots containing different proportions of seed infected with BCV1 & 2 were obtained by crossing the stock lines and used in field trials at five different sites. Five characteristics of the infected plants were assessed. BCV infection appeared to have no significant effects on the sugar beet crop at four locations which suffered from drought stress but significant effects were found at one site where the crop was grown on grade 1 land with good moisture retention properties. Root yield and sugar yield were reduced by up to 17% and 20%, respectively, by BCV infection.
Thermal time - concepts and utility
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 146 Số 1 - Trang 1-14 - 2005
D. L. Trudgill, Alois Honěk, Daiqin Li, Nico M. van Straalen
Genotype to phenotype: a technological challenge
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 142 Số 1 - Trang 33-39 - 2003
Ian Wilson, Gary Barker, Keith J. Edwards
SummaryOur ability to ascribe protein function from primary DNA sequence or to predict the wide‐ranging effects of up or down regulating a single gene is still almost non‐existent. While the acquisition of raw genomic data proceeds apace, our capacity for converting this information into useful knowledge is limited. Within the next few years this “gap” will no doubt become an issue with both company and government fund providers as the drive to maximise profit and justify public expenditure becomes harder to resist. What follows is a whistle stop tour of some of the technologies that may help researchers to bridge this genotype‐phenotype gap!
Resistance risk assessment for fludioxonil in<i>Stemphylium solani</i>
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 167 Số 2 - Trang 277-284 - 2015
Dongxia Wu, R. S. Zhang, Xingguo Han, J. X. Wang, Mingguo Zhou, C. J. Chen
In vitro growth and ripening of strawberry fruit in the presence of ACC, STS or propylene
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 128 Số 1 - Trang 105-116 - 1996
Penelope Perkins‐Veazie, Donald J. Huber, Jeffrey K. Brecht
SummaryStrawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruit exhibit limited capacity for continued development following harvest. This problem can be circumvented by maintaining harvested strawberry fruit in solutions containing sucrose and a bactericide. In this study, we investigated the respiratory and ethylene production kinetics and ethylene responsiveness in strawberry fruit harvested immature and ripened in vitro in the presence of propylene. The effects of 1‐amino‐cyclopropane‐1‐carboxylic acid (ACC) and silver thiosulfate (STS) alone and in combination were also examined. Respiration and ethylene patterns of fruit harvested green and developed in vitro declined with maturation and ripening, as did those of field‐grown fruit harvested at different stages of ripeness. Exposure of detached green strawberry fruit to 5000 μl litre‐1 propylene failed to stimulate respiration or ethylene production, but advanced pigmentation changes and fresh‐weight gain significantly. Excised fruit provided with 1 mol‐3 ACC exhibited increased ethylene production, enhanced fresh‐weight gain, and accelerated anthocyanin accumulation, but showed no change in respiration. The developmental response of harvested strawberry fruit to propylene or ACC was dependent on fruit maturity at harvest, with white fruit exhibiting greater insensitivity compared with green fruit. Silver thiosulfate (0.5 mol‐3) applied alone or in combination with ACC failed to delay ripening in excised strawberry fruit. These experiments demonstrate that ripening in detached strawberry fruit can be modified by ethylene only in green fruit that are provided with a carbohydrate source. Ethylene, when applied exogenously as ACC or propylene to green fruit, can slightly increase fruit growth and the rate of colour development.
Strategies of plant breeding for improved rumen function
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 142 Số 1 - Trang 13-24 - 2003
Alison H. Kingston‐Smith, Henry Thomas
SummaryIn general, breeding programmes directed at the improvement of forage have concentrated on easily measurable phenotypes such as yield, digestibility, resistance to lodging, etc. Selection programmes have improved forage production but historically have addressed relatively few quality considerations. In addition, selection for quality has been limited by availability of suitable analytical techniques. With the current emphasis on quality rather than quantity and the desire by the public for greater understanding about where their food comes from, quality considerations should be a greater target in future breeding programmes. This review briefly covers previous improvements in quality of grazed and silage forages and considers how new technologies might be employed to realise targets for future improvements. In particular we address the concept that interactions between rumen micro‐organisms and ingested plant material in the rumen are not static but are in fact dynamic. This has implications for post‐ingestion biology and feed utilisation.
Food security: the challenge of increasing wheat yield and the importance of not compromising food safety
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 164 Số 3 - Trang 354-372 - 2014
Tanya Y. Curtis, Nigel G. Halford
AbstractCurrent wheat yield and consumption is considered in the context of the historical development of wheat, from early domestication through to modern plant breeding, the Green Revolution and wheat's place as one of the world's most productive and important crops in the 21st Century. The need for further improvement in the yield potential of wheat in order to meet current and impending challenges is discussed, including rising consumption and the demand for grain for fuel as well as food. Research on the complex genetics underlying wheat yield is described, including the identification of quantitative trait loci and individual genes, and the prospects of biotechnology playing a role in wheat improvement in the future are discussed. The challenge of preparing wheat to meet the problems of drought, high temperature and increasing carbon dioxide concentration that are anticipated to come about as a result of climate change is also reviewed. Wheat yield must be increased while not compromising food safety, and the emerging problem of processing contaminants is reviewed, focussing in particular on acrylamide, a contaminant that forms from free asparagine and reducing sugars during high temperature cooking and processing. Wheat breeders are strongly encouraged to consider the contaminant issue when breeding for yield.
The decimal code for the growth stages of cereals, with illustrations
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 110 Số 2 - Trang 441-454 - 1987
D. R. Tottman
SUMMARYThe decimal code for the growth stages of cereals, devised by Zadoks, Chang & Konzak (1974), is reproduced with stylised drawings of selected stages of wheat, barley and oat plants. Expanded definitions of some of the descriptive phrases are designed to assist the application of the code to agrochemical research, development and use in the UK.
Plant virus ecology: ingredients, interactions and environmental influences
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 99 Số 3 - Trang 195-209 - 1981
B. D. Harrison
A virus of an isolated indigenous flora spreads naturally to an introduced crop species
Annals of Applied Biology - Tập 159 Số 3 - Trang 339-347 - 2011
Hao Luo, Stephen J. Wylie, B. A. Coutts, Richard A. Jones, M. G. K. Jones
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