Annales Des Télécommunications

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Théorie Aérodynamique de la Sirène Laryngée
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 20 Số 3-4 - Trang 81-90 - 1965
R Husson
Polarization switching of an er :yb :cr: phosphate glass microchip laser
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 52 - Trang 588-593 - 1997
Alain Chardon, François Sanchez, Guy M. Stephan
We show that the light of a commercially available Er:Yb:Cr.-phosphate glass microchip laser end-pumped at 977 nm by an InGaAs laser diode can be switched between two linear polarization eigenstates when it is submitted to a polarized optical feedback. The flip occurs when the feedback phase is scanned by the external cavity length. In our experiments the laser diode light is confined to a fiber which is single-mode at pumping wavelength and the microchip laser operates in a single-longitudinal-and transverse mode. The microchip laser exhibits a self-pulsing behavior. La lumiére d’un microlaser commercialise de verre phosphaté codopé Er:Yb:Cr et pompé par une diode laser à 977 nm, peut commuter entre deux états de pola-risation perpendiculaires sous L’action d’une rétroac-tion optique polarisée. Le saut de polarisation apparaĹt quand la phase du champ de rétroaction est balayée par des variations de la longueur de la cavite externe. Dans les expériences, le champ de la diode est confiné dans une fibre optique monomode à la longueur d’onde de pompe et le microlaser est également monomode trans-verse et longitudinal. On observe un comportement auto-impulsionnel du laser.
Analysis of a new annular multi-slits antenna using wave concept iterative process in cylindrical coordinates
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 66 - Trang 383-394 - 2010
Zied Houaneb, Hassen Zairi, Ali Gharsallah, Henri Baudrand
In this paper, a new antenna for satellite applications is proposed. This antenna is designed to operate at any frequency desired. It consists of a circular microstrip patch antenna which incorporates concentric annular slits, and it is printed on a grounded substrate. The details of the proposed antenna design and numerical results are presented and discussed. The wave concept iterative procedure in cylindrical coordinates is used to analyze this new antenna. Using the proposed procedure, less computing time and memory are needed to calculate the electromagnetic parameters of the annular multi-slits antenna.
La synthèse des réseaux an paires de bornes
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 7 - Trang 517-524 - 1952
Marcel Bayard
L’auteur a écarté le cas des réseaux purement réactifs, parce que bien connu. Il analyse la méthode deGewertz pour le quadripôle et montre comment il a pu l’étendre au cas du réseau àn paires (méthode de matrices réduites). Ensuite il expose les grandes lignes des méthodes qui ont, pour commun moyen auxiliaire, la détermination d’un réseau purement réactif qui, après fermeture de certains accès sur des résistances, fournitle réseau cherché. Il indique trois procédés de détermination du réseau auxiliaire. Le premier (donné indépendamment parY. Oono au Japon etR. Leroy en France) comporte la détermination de la matrice d’impédance du réseau auxiliaire Le second (dû à l’auteur) utilise les travaux deL. Collet sur les circuits superposés pour déterminer la matrice de chaîne du réseau auxiliaire. Enfin le dernier procédé (dû àV. Belevitch) est basé sur l’emploi des matrices de répartition (scattering matrices). La plus ou moins grande généralité des différentes méthodes est évoquée.
Fractionally spaced linear and DF Mimo equalizers for multitone systems without guard time
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 52 - Trang 21-30 - 1997
Luc Vandendorpe
Quand les modulateursofdm ou multiporteuses sont utilisés, la dispersion du canal est généralement combattue par ľintroduction ďun temps de garde. Une autre approche consiste à concevoir des récepteurs capables ďégaliser les interférences entre symboles et entre canaux. Dans cet article, on montre comment calculer des égaliseurs à espacement fractionnaire et à décision réfléchie. Des solutions avec complexité pleine et réduite sont étudiées. Les performances en régime établi sont analysées pour un calcul basé sur le critère des moindres carrés. On montre que ľégalisation Mimomultisorties-multientrées est meilleure que la technique du temps de garde, que ľespacement fractionnaire est très efficace et que la réduction de complexité apporte une dégradation négligeable des performances, notamment quand la cadence de traitement est plus grande que la cadence des symboles.
Children, security and new media: a review of anglo-saxon research
Annales Des Télécommunications - - 2007
Benoît Lelong, Céline Metton
Space-time code selection via particle swarm optimization
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 75 - Trang 59-66 - 2019
Dimas Mavares T., Miguel Oropeza, Reinaldo Velásquez
In this paper, the space-time code selection technique for multiple-inputs single-output systems is optimized using particle swarm optimization. We considered both variable-rate and constant-rate strategies. For a variable-rate technique, we address the problems of minimizing the bit-error rate for a given throughput objective and maximizing the throughput for a given bit-error rate objective. For a constant-rate technique, we address the problem of minimizing the bit-error rate. Results show that it is possible to find BER and throughput values close to those required when using a variable-rate technique with optimized threshold levels. For the constant-rate technique, we obtain considerable energy to noise gains when using optimized threshold levels.
Computation of the field radiated by a FM transmitter by means of ordinary kriging
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 66 - Trang 429-443 - 2011
Francois Jouvie, Dominique Lecointe, Philippe Briend, Francois Jacquin, Emmanuel Nicolas
The maintenance of frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting sites is one of the activities of TDF to guarantee the availability of broadcasting services for its clients. As it is not always possible to stop the broadcasting due to the large number of listeners, TDF has to guarantee the safety of workplaces with respect to the limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields inside the mast near the antenna. Exposure limits are defined in the European Directive for workers (see [1]). Today, TDF carries out measurements with broadband fieldmeter to identify areas above the action level in terms of electric field limit, but for precise measurements, three axes probing with selective measurements are carried out, frequency by frequency, inside the workplace. Hence, the magnitude of the electric field in the zone is obtained either by a broadband fieldmeter which is moved manually along a vertical axis or by a selective three axes probing with a lot of punctual measurements to have a spatial sampling of the field in the volume of interest. Regrettably, in practice, measurements take a long time because of the difficult situation of measurement points, the closeness of metallic structures and a lack of place inside the mast. Consequently, the number of sampling points is generally too limited to assess the exposure. The challenge is not only to assess the field level anywhere inside the volume of interest, without any additional measurements, but also to know the uncertainty associated to the assessed value. By comparing these results to the limit value, one can conclude on the safety of the volume. As a simple interpolation of the measured values does not yield the associated uncertainty, we examine in this paper how ordinary kriging can be an effective tool to take up this challenge. The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we recall the main theoretical results concerning the ordinary kriging and, particularly, the variogram. In Section 3, we explain why numerical simulation is used as a help in the implemented process and we present a description of the FM transmitter numerical model. In Section 4, we detail the computations of bidimensional variograms that concern the distribution of electric field in restricted planes of the spatial coordinates system. In Section 5, we detail the construction of three-dimensional variograms that are necessary for the computation of fields over volumes. Finally, some concluding remarks are given in Section 6.
Fast liquid crystal end-less polarisation controller for first order PMD compensation
Annales Des Télécommunications - - 2003
Laurent Dupont, Jean de Bougrenet de Louis la Tocnaye, Michel Gadonna, Thierry Sansoni
Security and privacy in IoT communication
Annales Des Télécommunications - Tập 74 - Trang 373-374 - 2019
Jin Li, Xiaofeng Liao, Nicolas Puech
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