Immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome, due to ZBTB24 mutations, presenting with large cerebral cystAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 158A Số 8 - Trang 2043-2046 - 2012
Manuela Cerbone, Jun Wang, Silvère M. van der Maarel, Alessandra D’Amico, Antonio D’Agostino, Alfonso Romano, Nicola Brunetti‐Pierri
AbstractThe immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, facial anomalies (ICF) syndrome is an autosomal recessive disease presenting with immunodeficiency secondary to hypo‐ or agamma‐globulinemia, developmental delay, and facial anomalies. Centromeric instability is the cytogenetic hallmark of the disorder which results from targeted chromosomal rearrangements related to a genomic methylation defect. We describe a patient carrying a homozygous mutation of the ZBTB24 gene, which has been recently shown to be responsible for ICF syndrome type 2. Our patient presented with intellectual disability, multiple café‐au‐lait spots, and a large cerebral arachnoidal cyst. Although laboratory signs of impaired immune function, such as reduced serum IgM were detected, our patient did not present clinical manifestations of immunodeficiency. Brain malformations abnormalities have not been reported so far in ICF syndrome and it can be speculated that ZBTB24 mutations may alter cerebral development. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out that the presence of the cerebral cyst in the patient is coincidental. In summary, our patient illustrates that clinical evidence of immunodeficiency is not a universal feature of ICF2 syndrome type 2 and suggests that brain malformations may be present in other ICF cases. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
A new and a reclassified ICF patient without mutations in DNMT3B and its interacting proteins SUMO‐1 and UBC9American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 136A Số 1 - Trang 31-37 - 2005
Barbara Kloeckener‐Gruissem, David R. Betts, Andreas Zankl, Wolfgang Berger, Tayfun Güngör
AbstractThe ICF syndrome (immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, facial anomalies) (OMIM#242860) is a rare autosomal, recessively inherited disorder. Another rare condition, ischiadic hypoplasia, renal dysgenesis, immunodeficiency, and polydactyly (IHRDIP, OMIM#243340), displays features that resemble those of the ICF syndrome. Due to the overlapping symptoms in both syndromes, we asked whether a shared underlying molecular defect exists. Two patients, each with the clinical characteristics of one of these syndromes, were subjected to conventional cytogenetic analysis and the determination of the methylation state of satellite II DNA. We found that both displayed the two hallmark features of the ICF syndrome, namely hypomethylation and centromeric instability of chromosomes 1 and 16. Therefore, we reclassified the patient previously diagnosed with the IHRDIP syndrome as an ICF patient. Since the majority of ICF patients are carriers of mutations in the methytransferase gene DNMT3B, we determined the sequence of its coding, splice site, and putative promoter region and analyzed its transcripts in both patients, without detecting any alterations. Similarly, the coding region of two DNMT3B‐interacting proteins, SUMO‐1 and UBC9, did not reveal mutations. With this study, the published number of patients that lack mutations in DNMT3B coding region increases to almost 40% of all ICF patients reported. It is, therefore, implied that a significant subset of ICF patients will have a yet unknown, alternative alteration, which may include the involvement of DNMT3B‐interacting factors or aberrations of an independent pathway. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Genotype của thai nhi và mẹ MTHFR C677T, mức tiêu thụ folate của mẹ và nguy cơ dị tật môi miệng không hội chứng Dịch bởi AI American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 143A Số 3 - Trang 248-257 - 2007
Cécile Chevrier, Claire Perret, Michel Bahuau, Huiping Zhu, Agnès Nelva, Christine Herman, Jill A. Rosenfeld, Elisabeth Robert‐Gnansia, Richard H. Finnell, Sylvaine Cordier
Tóm tắtSự liên quan giữa mức tiêu thụ folate của mẹ và nguy cơ dị tật môi miệng không hội chứng đã được nghiên cứu trong nhiều quần thể với kết quả trái ngược nhau. Gen methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) đóng vai trò quan trọng trong chuyển hóa folate, và một số đa hình, bao gồm C677T, phổ biến trong các quần thể châu Âu. Dữ liệu từ một nghiên cứu ở Pháp (1998–2001) cho phép chúng tôi điều tra vai trò của mức tiêu thụ folate qua chế độ ăn của mẹ và đa hình MTHFR cũng như tương tác của chúng với nguy cơ dị tật môi với/hay không có khe hở (CL/P) và chỉ khe hở palate (CP). Chúng tôi sử dụng cả mẫu nghiên cứu trường hợp-đối chứng (164 CL/P, 76 CP, 236 đối chứng; 148, 59, 168 người trong số đó có kiểu gen có sẵn) và thiết kế nghiên cứu trường hợp-phụ huynh (143 gia đình CL/P và 56 CP) và phân biệt vai trò của kiểu gen của trẻ và tác động từ mẹ đối với nguy cơ. Nghiên cứu này quan sát thấy hiệu ứng có lợi của mức tiêu thụ folate từ chế độ ăn của mẹ đối với nguy cơ của con cái họ (tỷ lệ nguy cơ (OR)≤230 µg/ngày = ref; đối với CL/P, OR[230–314 µg/ngày] = 0.56, khoảng tin cậy 95% = 0.3–0.9, OR>314 µg/ngày = 0.64, 0.4–1.1; đối với CP, OR[230–314 µg/ngày] = 1.15, 0.6–2.2, OR>314 µg/ngày = 0.70, 0.3–1.4). Chúng tôi nhận thấy nguy cơ giảm liên quan đến kiểu gen TT của trẻ trong phân tích trường hợp-đối chứng (ORCC = ref; đối với CL/P, ORTT = 0.54, 0.3–1.1; đối với CP, ORTT = 0.33, 0.1–1.0); kiểu gen này, bất kể là thai nhi hay mẹ, không có tính chất thống kê có ý nghĩa trong phân tích trường hợp-phụ huynh. Tần suất kiểu gen TT cao hơn trong nhóm đối chứng của chúng tôi so với những báo cáo từ trước ở Pháp có thể lý giải một phần sự giảm nguy cơ quan sát được trong so sánh trường hợp-đối chứng. Các tương tác không có tính chất thống kê có ý nghĩa. Tuy nhiên, phân tích trường hợp-phụ huynh theo nhóm cho thấy sự không đồng nhất nhẹ trong vai trò của kiểu gen TT theo mức tiêu thụ folate. Kích cỡ mẫu khiêm tốn là một giới hạn của nghiên cứu này, nhưng vẫn cung cấp ước lượng mới về tác động có thể có của mức tiêu thụ folate qua chế độ ăn và đa hình MTHFR đối với dị tật môi miệng.
#Mức tiêu thụ folate #đa hình <i>MTHFR</i> #dị tật môi miệng không hội chứng #kiểu gen <i>TT</i> #nghiên cứu trường hợp-đối chứng #nghiên cứu trường hợp-phụ huynh.
Segmental neurofibromatosis in childhoodAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 121A Số 2 - Trang 132-135 - 2003
Robert Listernick, Anthony J. Mancini, Joel Charrow
AbstractSegmental neurofibromatosis refers to individuals who have manifestations of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF‐1) limited to one area of the body. It results from a post‐conceptional mutation in the NF‐1 gene leading to somatic mosaicism. Although it is generally considered a rare condition, this report of 39 children with segmental NF‐1 demonstrates that it is commonly seen in a pediatric NF‐1 referral center. The mean age at diagnosis was 7.8 years (range: 2–25 years). Twenty‐nine patients had only pigmentary manifestations of segmental NF‐1, including seven who had only café‐au‐lait macules and 22 who had café‐au‐lait macules and freckling. Two patients had isolated plexiform neurofibromas; a third patient had a plexiform neurofibroma of the eyelid in addition to ipsilateral dysplasia of the sphenoid wing and Lisch nodules. A 12‐year‐old girl had an isolated tibial pseudarthrosis. An 8‐year‐old boy had an isolated optic pathway tumor, which behaved both biologically and radiographically as an NF1‐associated tumor. While most children with segmental NF‐1 have only localized pigmentary changes, some children will have isolated plexiform neurofibromas, pseudarthroses, or optic pathway tumors. Accurate diagnosis of segmental NF‐1 is crucial for both management and genetic counseling. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Variable expression of neurofibromatosis 1 in monozygotic twinsAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 155 Số 3 - Trang 478-485 - 2011
Margaret B. Rieley, David A. Stevenson, David Viskochil, Brad T. Tinkle, Lisa J. Martin, Elizabeth K. Schorry
AbstractNeurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is a common autosomal dominant disorder with high penetrance but extreme variability of expression. Monozygotic (MZ) twins with NF1 who have phenotypic discordances are a useful tool in evaluating which traits are influenced by non‐hereditary influences such as second hit somatic events, environmental agents, epigenetic modification, or post‐zygotic mutations. We evaluated nine sets of MZ twins and one set of MZ triplets, ages 4–18 years, for NF1 features and calculated probandwise concordance (PC) for each feature. MZ twins were highly concordant in numbers of café‐au‐lait spots (PC = 0.89) and cutaneous neurofibromas. IQ scores were within 10 points for all twin pairs tested, and similar patterns of learning disabilities and speech disorders were observed. Twin pairs showed significant discordance for tumors, particularly plexiform neurofibromas (PC = 0.40) and malignant peripheral nerves sheath tumors (MPNST), as expected if post‐natal second‐hit events were contributing to these features. One set of twins was concordant for multiple, large paraspinal neurofibromas, suggesting that there may be more hereditary factors involved in production of paraspinal neurofibromas. Four sets were concordant for pectus deformities of the chest (PC = 0.80). Three sets of twins were discordant for scoliosis (PC = 0.40); an additional set was concordant for scoliosis but differed in presence of dystrophic features and need for surgery. Our data suggest there are additional non‐hereditary factors modifying the NF1 phenotype and causing discordancies between MZ twins. Future studies may focus on differences in epigenetic changes or somatic mosaicism which have been documented for other disease genes in MZ twins. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Subcutaneous neurofibromas are associated with mortality in neurofibromatosis 1: A cohort study of 703 patientsAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 132A Số 1 - Trang 49-53 - 2005
Kiarash Khosrotehrani, Sylvie Bastuji‐Garin, Vincent M. Riccardi, Patricia Birch, Jan M. Friedman, P. Wolkenstein
AbstractNeurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is a common genetic disorder with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, an increased morbidity and mortality, and a shorter lifespan. Although the disease is fully penetrant by the age of 8, the variability in symptoms and complications is high, even among members of the same family. The aim of this study was to identify easily recognizable clinical features that may be associated with mortality in a cohort of patients affected with NF1. We used prospectively collected data from the Neurofibromatosis Institute Database (NFID) and included in our analysis 703 patients who fulfilled the NIH diagnostic criteria for NF1. Clinical, especially dermatological features were tested as potential factors associated with mortality. Among the patients, 405 (57.6%) were children and 298 (42.4%) were adults. The mean follow‐up was 2.4 years (median = 0.98, range: 0–15.3 years). Forty patients died during follow‐up, mostly due to tumor development such as sarcoma (n = 18). In the adult population, subcutaneous neurofibromas (odds ratio [OR] = 3.6, 95% confidence interval (CI): [1.2–11.3], P = 0.02) and male gender (OR = 5.6, [1.5–20.9], P = 0.004) were independent predictors of mortality after adjustment for age. Among children, the presence of facial plexiform neurofibromas and pruritus were significantly associated with mortality in univariate analysis. Our study describes independent risk factors of mortality in a large cohort of adult and pediatric patients. Close follow‐up should be obtained for patients presenting with subcutaneous neurofibromas. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.
Hepatoblastoma in a patient with methylmalonic aciduriaAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 167 Số 3 - Trang 635-638 - 2015
Randall Y. Chan, Leo Mascarenhas, Richard G. Boles, Nanda Kerkar, Yuri Genyk, Rajkumar Venkatramani
Childhood malignant tumors and their treatment are not well described in the natural history of methylmalonic aciduria (MMA). Here we present a case of hepatoblastoma occurring in the native liver of a 19‐month‐old male with MMA. His tumor was unresectable at diagnosis and he received neoadjuvant chemotherapy with cisplatin, 5‐fluorouracil and vincristine. He developed metabolic acidosis and hyperglycemia during chemotherapy. In addition, he developed anemia, thrombocytopenia and febrile neutropenia. He underwent a combined liver‐kidney transplant for local control of his tumor and to treat MMA. He remains in remission more than five years after his transplant. In addition, his transplant has cured his MMA and he is able to tolerate a regular diet without developing metabolic crises. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Estimates of the live births, natural losses, and elective terminations with Down syndrome in the United StatesAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics, Part A - Tập 167 Số 4 - Trang 756-767 - 2015
Gert de Graaf, F. Buckley, Brian G. Skotko
The present and future live birth prevalence of Down syndrome (DS) is of practical importance for planning services and prioritizing research to support people living with the condition. Live birth prevalence is influenced by changes in prenatal screening technologies and policies. To predict the future impact of these changes, a model for estimating the live births of people with DS is required. In this study, we combine diverse and robust datasets with validated estimation techniques to describe the non‐selective and live birth prevalence of DS in the United States from 1900–2010. Additionally, for the period 1974–2010, we estimate the impact of DS‐related elective pregnancy terminations (following a prenatal diagnosis of DS) on the live births with DS. The live birth prevalence for DS in the most recent years (2006–2010) was estimated at 12.6 per 10,000 (95% CI 12.4–12.8), with around 5,300 births annually. During this period, an estimated 3,100 DS‐related elective pregnancy terminations were performed in the U.S. annually. As of 2007, the estimated rates at which live births with DS were reduced as a consequence of DS‐related elective pregnancy terminations were 30% (95% CI: 27.3–31.9) for the U.S. as a whole. Our results and our model provide data on the impact of elective pregnancy terminations on live births with DS and may provide a baseline from which future trends for live births with DS can be estimated. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.