
American Chemical Society (ACS)




Cơ quản chủ quản:  AMER CHEMICAL SOC , American Chemical Society

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SpectroscopyStructural Biology

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Các bài báo tiêu biểu

Spatial Ion Peak Compression and its Utility in Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Tập 27 - Trang 1128-1135 - 2016
Sandilya V. B. Garimella, Yehia M. Ibrahim, Keqi Tang, Ian K. Webb, Erin S. Baker, Aleksey V. Tolmachev, Tsung-Chi Chen, Gordon A. Anderson, Richard D. Smith
A novel concept for ion spatial peak compression is described, and discussed primarily in the context of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). Using theoretical and numerical methods, the effects of using non-constant (e.g., linearly varying) electric fields on ion distributions (e.g., an ion mobility peak) is evaluated both in the physical and temporal domains. The application of a linearly decreasing electric field in conjunction with conventional drift field arrangements is shown to lead to a reduction in IMS physical peak width. When multiple ion packets (i.e., peaks) in a selected mobility window are simultaneously subjected to such fields, there is ion packet compression (i.e., a reduction in peak widths for all species). This peak compression occurs with only a modest reduction of resolution, which can be quickly recovered as ions drift in a constant field after the compression event. Compression also yields a significant increase in peak intensities. Ion mobility peak compression can be particularly useful for mitigating diffusion-driven peak broadening over very long path length separations (e.g., in cyclic multi-pass arrangements), and for achieving higher S/N and IMS resolution over a selected mobility range.
Trapping Radial Electric Field Optimization in Compensated FTICR Cells
Tập 22 - Trang 1334-1342 - 2011
Aleksey V. Tolmachev, Errol W. Robinson, Si Wu, Richard D. Smith, Ljiljana Paša-Toli
Herein, we present the theoretical and experimental study of the recently introduced FTICR cell designs. We developed an approach that determines the electric field inside the cell, based on the measurement of calibration coefficients as a function of post-excitation radius and other conditions. Using the radial electric field divided by radius (E r /r) as a criterion of the cell harmonization, we compare the compensated cell approach with alternative designs and discuss practical implications of the cell compensation.
Evaluation of Selected Binding Domains for the Analysis of Ubiquitinated Proteomes
Tập 24 - Trang 1214-1223 - 2013
Ernesto S. Nakayasu, Charles Ansong, Joseph N. Brown, Feng Yang, Daniel Lopez-Ferrer, Wei-Jun Qian, Richard D. Smith, Joshua N. Adkins
Ubiquitination is an abundant post-translational modification that consists of covalent attachment of ubiquitin to lysine residues or the N-terminus of proteins. Mono- and polyubiquitination have been shown to be involved in many critical eukaryotic cellular functions and are often disrupted by intracellular bacterial pathogens. Affinity enrichment of ubiquitinated proteins enables global analysis of this key modification. In this context, the use of ubiquitin-binding domains is a promising but relatively unexplored alternative to more broadly used immunoaffinity or tagged affinity enrichment methods. In this study, we evaluated the application of eight ubiquitin-binding domains that have differing affinities for ubiquitination states. Small-scale proteomics analysis identified ~200 ubiquitinated protein candidates per ubiquitin-binding domain pull-down experiment. Results from subsequent Western blot analyses that employed anti-ubiquitin or monoclonal antibodies against polyubiquitination at lysine 48 and 63 suggest that ubiquitin-binding domains from Dsk2 and ubiquilin-1 have the broadest specificity in that they captured most types of ubiquitination, whereas the binding domain from NBR1 was more selective to polyubiquitination. These data demonstrate that with optimized purification conditions, ubiquitin-binding domains can be an alternative tool for proteomic applications. This approach is especially promising for the analysis of tissues or cells resistant to transfection, of which the overexpression of tagged ubiquitin is a major hurdle.
Improving the Sensitivity of Mass Spectrometry by Using a New Sheath Flow Electrospray Emitter Array at Subambient Pressures
Tập 25 - Trang 2028-2037 - 2014
Jonathan T. Cox, Ioan Marginean, Ryan T. Kelly, Richard D. Smith, Keqi Tang
Arrays of chemically etched emitters with individualized sheath gas capillaries were developed to enhance electrospray ionization (ESI) efficiency at subambient pressures. By incorporating the new emitter array in a subambient pressure ionization with nanoelectrospray (SPIN) source, both ionization efficiency and ion transmission efficiency were significantly increased, providing enhanced sensitivity in mass spectrometric analyses. The SPIN source eliminates the major ion losses of conventional ESI-mass spectrometry (MS) interfaces by placing the emitter in the first reduced pressure region of the instrument. The new ESI emitter array design developed in this study allows individualized sheath gas around each emitter in the array making it possible to generate an array of uniform and stable electrosprays in the subambient pressure (10 to 30 Torr) environment for the first time. The utility of the new emitter arrays was demonstrated by coupling the emitter array/SPIN source with a time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. The instrument sensitivity was compared under different ESI source and interface configurations including a standard atmospheric pressure single ESI emitter/heated capillary, single emitter/SPIN and multi-emitter/SPIN configurations using an equimolar solution of nine peptides. The highest instrument sensitivity was observed using the multi-emitter/SPIN configuration in which the sensitivity increased with the number of emitters in the array. Over an order of magnitude MS sensitivity improvement was achieved using multi-emitter/SPIN compared with using the standard atmospheric pressure single ESI emitter/heated capillary interface.
Dual Polarity Ion Confinement and Mobility Separations
Tập 30 - Trang 967-976 - 2019
Isaac K. Attah, Sandilya V. B. Garimella, Ian K. Webb, Gabe Nagy, Randolph V. Norheim, Colby E. Schimelfenig, Yehia M. Ibrahim, Richard D. Smith
Here, we present simulations and describe the initial implementation of a device capable of performing simultaneous ion mobility (IM) separations of positive and negative ions based upon the structures for lossless ion manipulations (SLIM). To achieve dual polarity ion confinement, the DC fields used for lateral confinement in previous SLIM were replaced with RF fields. Concurrent ion transport and mobility separation in the SLIM device are shown possible due to the nature of the traveling wave (TW) voltage profile which has potential minima at opposite sides of the wave for each ion polarity. We explored the potential for performing simultaneous IM separations of cations and anions over the same SLIM path and the impacts on the achievable IM resolution and resolving power. Initial results suggest comparable IM performance with previous single-polarity SLIM separations can be achieved. We also used ion trajectory simulations to investigate the capability to manipulate the spatial distributions of ion populations based on their polarities by biasing the RF fields and TW potentials on each SLIM surface so as to limit the interactions between opposite polarity ions.
Design of a TW-SLIM Module for Dual Polarity Confinement, Transport, and Reactions
Tập 28 - Trang 1442-1449 - 2017
Sandilya V. B. Garimella, Ian K. Webb, Aneesh Prabhakaran, Isaac K. Attah, Yehia M. Ibrahim, Richard D. Smith
Here we describe instrumental approaches for performing dual polarity ion confinement, transport, ion mobility separations, and reactions in structures for lossless ion manipulations (SLIM). Previous means of ion confinement in SLIM, based upon rf-generated pseudopotentials and DC fields for lateral confinement, cannot trap ions of opposite polarity simultaneously. Here we explore alternative approaches to provide simultaneous lateral confinement of both ion polarities. Traveling wave ion mobility (IM) separations experienced in such SLIM cause ions of both polarities to migrate in the same directions and exhibit similar separations. The ion motion (and relative motion of the two polarities) under both surfing and IM separation conditions are discussed. In surfing conditions the two polarities are transported losslessly and non-reactively in their respective potential minima (higher absolute voltage regions confine negative polarities, and lower absolute potential regions are populated by positive polarities). In separation mode, where ions roll over an overtaking traveling wave, the two polarities can interact during the rollovers. Strategies to minimize overlap of the two ion populations to prevent reactive losses during separations are presented. A theoretical treatment of the time scales over which two populations (injected into a DC field-free region of the dual polarity SLIM device) interact is considered, and SLIM designs for allowing ion/ion interactions and other manipulations with dual polarities at 4 Torr are presented.
Optimum waveforms for differential ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS)
Tập 19 - Trang 1286-1295 - 2011
Alexandre A. Shvartsburg, Richard D. Smith
Differential mobility spectrometry or field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry (FAIMS) is a new tool for separation and identification of gas-phase ions, particularly in conjunction with mass spectrometry. In FAIMS, ions are filtered by the difference between mobilities in gases (K) at high and low electric field intensity (E) using asymmetric waveforms. An infinite number of possible waveform profiles make maximizing the performance within engineering constraints a major issue for FAIMS technology refinement. Earlier optimizations assumed the non-constant component of mobility to scale as E 2, producing the same result for all ions. Here we show that the optimum profiles are defined by the full series expansion of K(E) that includes terms beyond the first that is proportional to E 2. For many ion/gas pairs, the first two terms have different signs, and the optimum profiles at sufficiently high E in FAIMS may differ substantially from those previously reported, improving the resolving power by up to 2.2 times. This situation arises for some ions in all FAIMS systems, but becomes more common in recent miniaturized devices that employ higher E. With realistic K(E) dependences, the maximum waveform amplitude is not necessarily optimum, and reducing it by up to ∼20% to 30% is beneficial in some cases. The present findings are particularly relevant to targeted analyses where separation depends on the difference between K(E) functions for specific ions.
An Optimized Informatics Pipeline for Mass Spectrometry-Based Peptidomics
Tập 26 - Trang 2002-2008 - 2015
Chaochao Wu, Matthew E. Monroe, Zhe Xu, Gordon W. Slysz, Samuel H. Payne, Karin D. Rodland, Tao Liu, Richard D. Smith
The comprehensive MS analysis of the peptidome, the intracellular and intercellular products of protein degradation, has the potential to provide novel insights on endogenous proteolytic processing and its utility in disease diagnosis and prognosis. Along with the advances in MS instrumentation and related platforms, a plethora of proteomics data analysis tools have been applied for direct use in peptidomics; however, an evaluation of the currently available informatics pipelines for peptidomics data analysis has yet to be reported. In this study, we began by evaluating the results of several popular MS/MS database search engines, including MS-GF+, SEQUEST, and MS-Align+, for peptidomics data analysis, followed by identification and label-free quantification using the well-established accurate mass and time (AMT) tag and newly developed informed quantification (IQ) approaches, both based on direct LC-MS analysis. Our results demonstrated that MS-GF+ outperformed both SEQUEST and MS-Align+ in identifying peptidome peptides. Using a database established from MS-GF+ peptide identifications, both the AMT tag and IQ approaches provided significantly deeper peptidome coverage and less missing data for each individual data set than the MS/MS methods, while achieving robust label-free quantification. Besides having an excellent correlation with the AMT tag quantification results, IQ also provided slightly higher peptidome coverage. Taken together, we propose an optimized informatics pipeline combining MS-GF+ for initial database searching with IQ (or AMT tag) approaches for identification and label-free quantification for high-throughput, comprehensive, and quantitative peptidomics analysis.
A Hybrid Constant and Oscillatory Field Ion Mobility Analyzer Using Structures for Lossless Ion Manipulations
Tập 29 - Trang 342-351 - 2017
Aneesh Prabhakaran, Ahmed M. Hamid, Sandilya V. B. Garimella, Blandina R. Valenzuela, Robert G. Ewing, Yehia M. Ibrahim, Richard D. Smith
Here we explore the combination of constant and oscillatory fields applied in a single device to affect the continuous separation and filtering of ions based on their mobilities. The device explored allows confining and manipulating ions utilizing a combination of radio frequency (rf), direct current (DC) fields, and traveling waves (TW) in a structures for lossless ion manipulations (SLIM) module. We have investigated theoretically and experimentally a concept for continuous filtering of ions based on their mobilities where ions are mobility separated and selected by passage through two regions, both of which incorporated combined TW and constant fields providing opposing forces on the ions. The SLIM module was composed of two surfaces with mirror-image arrays of electrodes and had two regions where the different TW and opposing DC fields could be applied. The filtering capabilities are determined by the applied DC gradient and the TW parameters, such as speed, amplitude, and the TW sequence (i.e., the duty cycle of the traveling wave). The effects of different parameters on the sensitivity and the ion mobility (IM) resolution of the device have been investigated. By appropriately choosing the DC gradient and TW parameters for the two sections, it is possible to transmit ions of a selected mobility while filtering out others of both higher and lower mobility. The novel device described here provides a basis for the targeted analysis of compounds based upon the continuous selection of ions according to their mobility and without the need for high electric fields or pulsed injection.
Improving Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Sensitivity Using a Subambient Pressure Ionization with Nanoelectrospray (SPIN) Interface
Tập 22 - Trang 1318-1325 - 2011
Keqi Tang, Jason S. Page, Ioan Marginean, Ryan T. Kelly, Richard D. Smith
In this work, the subambient pressure ionization with nanoelectrospray (SPIN) ion source and interface, which operates at ~15–30 Torr, is demonstrated to be compatible with gradient reversed-phase liquid chromatography-MS applications, exemplified here with the analysis of complex samples (a protein tryptic digest and a whole cell lysate). A low liquid chromatographic flow rate (100–400 nL/min) allowed stable electrospray to be established while avoiding electrical breakdown. Efforts to increase the operating pressure of the SPIN source relative to previously reported designs prevented solvent freezing and enhanced charged cluster/droplet desolvation. A 5- to 12-fold improvement in sensitivity relative to a conventional atmospheric pressure nanoelectrospray ionization (ESI) source was obtained for detected peptides.