Simulation-based clinical systems testing for healthcare spaces: from intake through implementationAdvances in Simulation - Tập 4 - Trang 1-9 - 2019
Nora Colman, Cara Doughty, Jennifer Arnold, Kimberly Stone, Jennifer Reid, Ashley Dalpiaz, Kiran B. Hebbar
Healthcare systems are urged to build facilities that support safe and efficient delivery of care. Literature demonstrates that the built environment impacts patient safety. Design decisions made early in the planning process may introduce flaws into the system, known as latent safety threats (LSTs). Simulation-based clinical systems testing (SbCST) has successfully been incorporated in the post-construction evaluation process in order to identify LSTs prior to patient exposure and promote preparedness, easing the transition into newly built facilities. As the application of simulation in healthcare extends into the realm of process and systems testing, there is a need for a standardized approach by which to conduct SbCST in order to effectively evaluate newly built healthcare facilities. This paper describes a systemic approach by which to conduct SbCST and provides documentation and evaluation tools in order to develop, implement, and evaluate a newly built environment to identify LSTs and system inefficiencies prior to patient exposure.
“Thinking on your feet”—a qualitative study of debriefing practiceAdvances in Simulation - Tập 1 - Trang 1-11 - 2016
Kristian Krogh, Margaret Bearman, Debra Nestel
Debriefing is a significant component of simulation-based education (SBE). Regardless of how and where immersive simulation is used to support learning, debriefing has a critical role to optimise learning outcomes. Although the literature describes different debriefing methods and approaches that constitute effective debriefing, there are discrepancies as to what is actually practised and how experts or experienced debriefers perceive and approach debriefing. This study sought to explore the self-reported practices of expert debriefers. We used a qualitative approach to explore experts’ debriefing practices. Peer-nominated expert debriefers who use immersive manikin-based simulations were identified in the healthcare simulation community across Australia. Twenty-four expert debriefers were purposively sampled to participate in semi-structured telephone interviews lasting 45–90 min. Interviews were transcribed and independently analysed using inductive thematic analysis. Codes emerging through the data analysis clustered into four major categories: (1) Values: ideas and beliefs representing the fundamental principles that underpinned interviewees’ debriefing practices. (2) Artistry: debriefing practices which are dynamic and creative. (3) Techniques: the specific methods used by interviewees to promote a productive and safe learning environment. (4) Development: changes in interviewees’ debriefing practices over time. The “practice development triangle” inspired by the work of Handal and Lauvas offers a framework for our themes. A feature of the triangle is that the values of expert debriefers provide a foundation for associated artistry and techniques. This framework may provide a different emphasis for courses and programmes designed to support debriefing practices where microskill development is often privileged, especially those microskills associated with techniques (plan of action, creating a safe environment, managing learning objectives, promoting learner reflection and co-debriefing). Across the levels in the practice development triangle, the importance of continuing professional development is acknowledged. Strengths and limitations of the study are noted.
Transgender and non-binary patient simulations can foster cultural sensitivity and knowledge among internal medicine residents: a pilot studyAdvances in Simulation - - 2024
Charlie Borowicz, Laura Daniel, Regina D. Futcher, Donamarie N. Wilfong
Transgender and nonbinary patients face unique healthcare challenges, such as harassment, discrimination, and/or prejudice, at higher rates than their cisgender counterparts. These experiences, or even the fear of these experiences, may push patients to delay or forego medical treatment, thus compounding any existing conditions. Such extraneous issues can be combatted through cultural sensitivity. The authors designed blended education consisting of an online module followed by a live simulation to educate and promote sensitivity. Internal medicine (IM) residents (n = 94) completed the module, which introduced them to transgender community terminology and medical disparities, and ways to incorporate affirming behaviors into their practice. Afterward, they engaged in a simulation with true transgender-simulated patients (SPs) — either trans-masculine, trans-feminine, or non-binary. Residents were expected to conduct a patient interview mirroring an intake appointment. Residents then engaged in a debriefing session with the lead investigator and the SP to reflect on the experience, receive feedback and constructive criticism, and ask questions. After the education, the residents’ knowledge significantly increased, t(66) = 3.69, p ≤ 0.00, d = 0.45, and their attitude toward members of the transgender community also increased significantly, t(62) = 7.57, p ≤ 0.00, d = 0.95. Furthermore, nearly all residents (99%) reported the training allowed them to practice relevant skills and was a worthy investment of their time. Nearly half (45%) of the residents who listed changes they will make to their practice pledged to ask patients for their preferred name and pronouns. Most comments were positive (75%), praising the education’s effectiveness, expressing gratitude, and reporting increased confidence. Results provided evidence that the education was effective in increasing IM residents’ knowledge and attitudes. Further research is needed to investigate the longitudinal effects of this education and to extend the education to a broader audience. The investigators plan to adapt and expand the research to other specialties such as gynecology and emergency medicine.
An experimental study on the impact of clinical interruptions on simulated trainee performances of central venous catheterizationAdvances in Simulation - Tập 2 - Trang 1-7 - 2017
Jessica Jones, Matthew Wilkins, Jeff Caird, Alyshah Kaba, Adam Cheng, Irene W. Y. Ma
Interruptions are common in the healthcare setting. This experimental study compares the effects of interruptions on simulated performances of central venous catheterization during a highly versus minimally complex portion of the task. Twenty-six residents were assigned to interruptions during tasks that are (1) highly complex: establishing ultrasound-guided venous access (experimental group, n = 15) or (2) minimally complex: skin cleansing (control group, n = 11). Primary outcomes were (a) performance scores at three time points measured with a validated checklist, (b) time spent on the respective tasks, and (c) number of attempts to establish venous access. Repeated measure analyses of variances of performance scores over time indicated no main effect of time or group. The interaction between time and group was significant: F (2, 44) = 4.28, p = 0.02, and partial eta2 = 0.16, indicating a large effect size. The experimental group scores decreased steadily over time, while the control group scores increased with time. The experimental group required longer to access the vein (148 s; interquartile range (IQR) 60 to 361 vs. 44 s; IQR 27 to 133 s; p = 0.034). Median number of attempts to establish venous access was higher in the experimental group (2, IQR 1–7 vs. 1, IQR 1–2; p = 0.03). Interruptions during a highly complex task resulted in a consistent decrement in performance scores, longer time required to perform the task, and a higher number of venous access attempts than interruptions during a minimally complex tasks. We recommend avoiding interrupting trainees performing bedside procedures.
A novel approach to explore Safety-I and Safety-II perspectives in in situ simulations—the structured what if functional resonance analysis methodologyAdvances in Simulation - Tập 6 - Trang 1-13 - 2021
Ralph James MacKinnon, Karin Pukk-Härenstam, Christopher Kennedy, Erik Hollnagel, David Slater
With ever increasingly complex healthcare settings, technology enhanced simulation (TES) is well positioned to explore all perspectives to enhance patient safety and patient outcomes. Analysis from a Safety-II stance requires identification of human adjustments in daily work that are key to maintaining safety. The aim of this paper is to describe an approach to explore the consequences of human variability from a Safety-II perspective and describe the added value of this to TES. The reader is guided through a novel application of functional resonance analysis methodology (FRAM), a method to analyse how a system or activity is affected by human variability, to explore human adaptations observed in in situ simulations (ISS). The structured applicability of this novel approach to TES is described by application to empirical data from the standardised ISS management of paediatric time critical head injuries (TCHI). A case series is presented to illustrate the step-wise observation of key timings during ISSs, the construction of FRAM models and the visualisation of the propagation of human adaptations through the FRAM models. The key functions/actions that ensure the propagation are visible, as are the sequelae of the adaptations. The approach as described in this paper is a first step to illuminating how to explore, analyse and observe the consequences of positive and negative human adaptations within simulated complex systems. This provides TES with a structured methodology to visualise and reflect upon both Safety-I and Safety-II perspectives to enhance patient safety and patient outcomes.
How does moulage contribute to medical students’ perceived engagement in simulation? A mixed-methods pilot studyAdvances in Simulation - Tập 5 - Trang 1-12 - 2020
Jessica B. Stokes-Parish, Robbert Duvivier, Brian Jolly
Moulage is used frequently in simulation, with emerging evidence for its use in fields such as paramedicine, radiography and dermatology. It is argued that moulage adds to realism in simulation, although recent work highlighted the ambiguity of moulage practice in simulation. In the absence of knowledge, this study sought to explore the impact of highly authentic moulage on engagement in simulation. We conducted a randomised mixed-methods study exploring undergraduate medical students’ perception of engagement in relation to the authenticity moulage. Participants were randomised to one of three groups: control (no moulage, narrative only), low authenticity (LowAuth) or high authenticity (HighAuth). Measures included self-report of engagement, the Immersion Scale Reporting Instrument (ISRI), omission of treatment actions, time-to-treat and self-report of authenticity. In combination with these objective measures, we utilised the Stimulated Recall (SR) technique to conduct interviews immediately following the simulation. A total of 33 medical students participated in the study. There was no statistically significant difference between groups on the overall ISRI score. There were statistically significant results between groups on the self-reported engagement measure, and on the treatment actions, time-to-treat measures and the rating of authenticity. Four primary themes ((1) the rules of simulation, (2) believability, (3) consistency of presentation, (4) personal knowledge ) were extracted from the interview analysis, with a further 9 subthemes identified ((1) awareness of simulating, (2) making sense of the context (3) hidden agendas, (4) between two places, (5) dismissing, (6) person centredness, (7) missing information (8) level of training (9) previous experiences). Students rate moulage authenticity highly in simulations. The use of high-authenticity moulage impacts on their prioritisation and task completion. Although the slower performance in the HighAuth group did not have impact on simulated treatment outcomes, highly authentic moulage may be a stronger predictor of performance. Highly authentic moulage is preferable on the basis of optimising learning conditions.
SimUniversity at a distance: a descriptive account of a team-based remote simulation competition for health professions studentsAdvances in Simulation - Tập 7 - Trang 1-10 - 2022
Stella Major, Ralf Krage, Marc Lazarovici
SimUniversity competition is an innovative Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM) initiative which has existed since 2014, with the aim of creating opportunities for undergraduate healthcare students to take part in a formative educational experience on an international platform. The main educational focus is on promoting non-technical skills such as leadership, situation awareness, decision making, communication, and assertiveness, but also clinical reasoning within a team. In preparation for the 2021 virtual conference, the team designed a new methodology to meet the same mission, and yet be offered remotely. In this article, we describe the way in which we transformed the SimUniversity competition activity from face to face to a remote simulation. We relied on Zoom as the main communication technology to enable the distance component and followed the key elements of pre-briefing, simulation, and debriefing with the students being onsite together in one location and the faculty and simulator technologists in distant locations. Thirty-eight medical and nursing students formed 8 teams from 7 different countries. Two participating teams were based in Germany and one in Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Romania, Portugal, and Syria. Each team consisted of between 4 and 5 members and was self-selected to consist of either medical students alone or medical and nursing students together. The SimUniversity faculty team was composed of 5 physician educators, one nurse educator, one paramedic simulation technologist, and one industry simulation technologist. The faculty members facilitated each simulation synchronously in Zoom, while being based in different geographical locations within Europe (Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands) and the Middle East (Qatar and Lebanon). We conclude that assuming there is access to adequate internet connectivity and minimal technical setup, conducting a remote simulation with virtual debriefing is achievable in supporting team-based learning, particularly when learners and/or faculty members are in distant locations. While the authors do not recommend this method to be superior to a face-to-face experience, we propose this model to be an alternative method to consider when educators are faced with imposed restrictions such as what we faced during the COVID-19 pandemic. We discuss lessons learned and highlight other potential benefits that this method may provide, to consider even when the restrictions are lifted.
Implementing the transvaginal ultrasound simulation training (TRUSST) programme for obstetric registrarsAdvances in Simulation - Tập 6 - Trang 1-7 - 2021
Sally Byford, Sarah Janssens, Rachel Cook
Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) training opportunities are limited due to its intimate nature; however, TVUS is an important component of early pregnancy assessment. Simulation can bridge this learning gap. To describe and measure the effect of a transvaginal ultrasound simulation programme for obstetric registrars. The transvaginal ultrasound simulation training (TRUSST) curriculum consisted of supported practice using virtual reality transvaginal simulators (ScanTrainer, Medaphor) and communication skills training to assist obstetric registrars in obtaining required competencies to accurately and holistically care for women with early pregnancy complications. Trainee experience of live transvaginal scanning was evaluated with a questionnaire. Programme evaluation was by pre-post self-reported confidence level and objective pre-post training assessment using Objective Structured Assessment of Ultrasound Skills (OSAUS) and modified Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology assessment scores. Quantitative data was compared using paired t tests. Fifteen obstetric registrars completed the programme. Numbers of performed live transvaginal ultrasound by trainees were low. Participants reported an increase in confidence level in performing a TVUS following training: mean pre score 1.6/5, mean post score 3/5. Objective assessments improved significantly across both OSAUS and RANZCOG scores following training; mean improvement scores 7.6 points (95% CI 6.2–8.9, p < 0.05) and 32.5 (95% CI 26.4–38.6, p < 0.05) respectively. It was noted that scores for a systematic approach and documentation were most improved: 1.9 (95% CI 1.4–2.5, p < 0.05) and 2.1 (95% CI 1.5–2.7, p < 0.05) respectively. The implementation of a simulation-based training curriculum resulted in improved confidence and ability in TVUS scanning, especially with regard to a systematic approach and documentation.
“A debriefer must be neutral” and other debriefing myths: a systemic inquiry-based qualitative study of taken-for-granted beliefs about clinical post-event debriefingAdvances in Simulation -
Julia Seelandt, Katie Walker, Michaela Kolbe
AbstractBackgroundThe goal of this study was to identify taken-for-granted beliefs and assumptions about use, costs, and facilitation of post-event debriefing. These myths prevent the ubiquitous uptake of post-event debriefing in clinical units, and therefore the identification of process, teamwork, and latent safety threats that lead to medical error. By naming these false barriers and assumptions, the authors believe that clinical event debriefing can be implemented more broadly.
MethodsWe interviewed an international sample of 37 clinicians, educators, scholars, researchers, and healthcare administrators from hospitals, universities, and healthcare organizations in Western Europe and the USA, who had a broad range of debriefing experience. We adopted a systemic-constructivist approach that aimed at exploring in-depth assumptions about debriefing beyond obvious constraints such as time and logistics and focused on interpersonal relationships within organizations. Using circular questions, we intended to uncover new and tacit knowledge about barriers and facilitators of regular clinical debriefings. All interviews were transcribed and analyzed following a comprehensive process of inductive open coding.
ResultsIn total, 1508.62 min of interviews (25 h, 9 min, and 2 s) were analyzed, and 1591 answers were categorized. Many implicit debriefing theories reflected current scientific evidence, particularly with respect to debriefing value and topics, the complexity and difficulty of facilitation, the importance of structuring the debriefing and engaging in reflective practice to advance debriefing skills. We also identified four debriefing myths which may prevent post-event debriefing from being implemented in clinical units.
ConclusionThe debriefing myths include (1) debriefing only when disaster strikes, (2) debriefing is a luxury, (3) senior clinicians should determine debriefing content, and (4) debriefers must be neutral and nonjudgmental. These myths offer valuable insights into why current debriefing practices are ad hoc and not embedded into daily unit practices. They may help ignite a renewed momentum into the implementation of post-event debriefing in clinical settings.