


  Anh Quốc

Cơ quản chủ quản:  WILEY , Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Lĩnh vực:
Medicine (miscellaneous)Psychiatry and Mental Health

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Addiction's aims are: to provide an effective outlet for high quality research in the field of addiction by selecting excellent papers for publication and improving them through the review process, to stimulate debate with the field of addiction on matters relating to the science or its translation into clinical practice or policy to promote high quality research in the field of addiction worldwide through its publishing and other activities. Addiction's scope spans human experimental, epidemiological, social science, historical, clinical and policy research relating to addiction, primarily but not exclusively in the areas of psychoactive substance use and/or gambling. In addition to original research, the journal features editorials, commentaries, reviews, letters, and book reviews.

Các bài báo tiêu biểu

The tonic/phasic model of dopamine system regulation and its implications for understanding alcohol and psychostimulant craving
Tập 95 Số 8s2 - Trang 119-128 - 2000
Anthony A. Grace
All drugs of abuse have been shown to act either directly or indirectly by increasing dopamine neurotransmission within the limbic system. Thus, alcohol has been shown to increase dopamine transmission primarily by activating dopamine cell spike activity, whereas psychostimulants increase dopamine transmission by inhibiting the removal of dopamine from the synaptic space after its release. The spike‐dependent release of dopamine that is modulated by drugs of abuse to lead to their rewarding actions has been termed the phasic dopamine response. In contrast, with repeated drug administration, dopamine will also accumulate in the extracellular space of the nucleus accumbens in concentrations too low to stimulate postsynaptic receptors, but of sufficient magnitude to activate dopamine release‐inhibiting autoreceptors. In addition, the level of extracellular dopamine is proposed to be under the regulatory influence of cortico‐accumbens afferents. This steady‐state level of extrasynaptic dopamine has been termed the tonic dopamine response. In this paper it is proposed that several of the aspects of drug addiction, withdrawal and craving associated with the continued use of these drugs can be explained on the basis of their effects on tonic versus phasic dopamine system function. Thus, the increase in tonic dopamine levels that occurs with repeated drug administration would serve to oppose phasic dopamine release via stimulation of dopamine terminal autoreceptors, causing the subject to increase drug administration to restore the phasic response. Moreover, after withdrawal from the drugs, exposure to priming doses of drug or to drug‐related stimuli are proposed to increase tonic dopamine levels, again triggering drug‐seeking behavior in order to restore balance between the tonic and phasic dopamine systems. Therefore, one consequence of continued drug use is that these parameters of dopamine system function that normally serve to keep the system stable will enter into a new steady‐state homeostasis, from which the system is particularly susceptible to destabilizing influences that may precipitate relapse.
Using sensation seeking to target adolescents for substance use interventions
Tập 105 Số 3 - Trang 506-514 - 2010
James D. Sargent, Susanne E. Tanski, Mike Stoolmiller, Reiner Hanewinkel
ABSTRACTAims  This study examines the predictive validity of sensation seeking as a predictor of adolescent substance use, in order to optimize targeting for substance use prevention programs.Design  Longitudinal study.Setting  Random‐digit dial telephone survey.Participants  A total of 6522 US adolescents aged 10–14 years at baseline, resurveyed at 8‐month intervals for three subsequent waves.Measurements  Two outcomes were assessed—onset of binge drinking (more than five drinks in a short time) and established smoking (>100 cigarettes life‐time). Sensation seeking level was assessed at baseline. Logistic regression was used to predict onset of substance use at any follow‐up wave as a function of sensation seeking. The receiver operating characteristics curve was used to illustrate how well sensation seeking predicted substance use as a function of different cut‐off points for defining high sensation seeking, and area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AROC) was the metric of predictive validity.Findings  Of 5834 participants with one or more follow‐up assessments, 5634 reported no binge drinking and 5802 were not established smokers at baseline, of whom 717 (12.7% of 5634) reported binge drinking and 144 (2.5% of 5802) reported established smoking at one or more follow‐up interviews. Sensation seeking predicted binge drinking moderately well [AROC = 0.71 (95% confidence interval 0.69, 0.73)] and was a significantly better predictor of established smoking onset [AROC = 0.80 (0.76, 0.83)]. For binge drinking, predictive validity was significantly lower in blacks; for established smoking it was significantly higher for Hispanics. Implications for two targeting interventions are discussed.Conclusions  Sensation seeking works moderately well at identifying adolescents at risk for onset of binge drinking and established smoking. This study offers a guide for determining the appropriate targeting cut‐off value, based on intervention efficacy, costs and risks.
The Stockholm County programmes for accident and alcohol prevention and injury surveillance‐initial experiences
Tập 88 Số 7 - Trang 1013-1016 - 1993
A Romelsjö, Karl Akke Alberts, Roger Andersson
AbstractA comprehensive programme for accident prevention and injury surveillance was established in Stockholm County in 1988. Its main objective is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of unintentional injuries by 25% by the year 2000, and by more than 25% in the high‐incidence groups. An accident prevention unit has been assigned the task of planning and implementing an accident prevention programme, while a programme for prevention of alcohol‐related problems was set up later. An injury epidemiological unit at the Karolinska Hospital is responsible for coordinating injury surveillance, which is an important contribution for monitoring and evaluation of the prevention programmes. On injured patients information about type of injury, extent of injury, place, activity, injury mechanism, external cause of injury, treatment and other items is entered on a special registration form. In (10%) of 11 327 injury events alcohol was considered by the physician to be a main or contributory cause of the injury, with a predominance among males. An act of violence was approximately three times as common among mates and five times as common among females with alcohol involvement than among cases without alcohol involvement. The injury surveillance can be an important means for evaluation of programmes for prevention of injuries and alcohol‐related events.
Risk of injury from acute alcohol consumption and the influence of confounders
Tập 99 Số 10 - Trang 1262-1273 - 2004
Kerrianne Watt, David M. Purdie, Ann Roche, Rod McClure
ABSTRACTAim  To quantify the relationship between acute alcohol consumption and risk of injury, in the context of other potential confounding factors (i.e. usual alcohol intake, risk‐taking behaviour and substance use—defined as prescription/over‐the‐counter medication or illicit substances), using three separate measures of alcohol consumption.Design  A hospital‐based, case–control study.Setting  The accident and emergency department at a large metropolitan teaching hospital in Queensland, Australia.Participants  Four hundred and eighty‐eight cases were matched to 488 population controls on gender, age group, neighbourhood, day and time of injury.Measurements  Risk factor and injury information was obtained by questionnaire and medical record review.Results  After controlling for demographic and situational variables (i.e. activity, location and companions at time of injury), consuming any alcohol in the 6 hours prior to time of injury significantly increased risk of injury [odds ratio (OR) = 2.13, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3–3.9]. Drinking at levels above low‐risk guidelines for short‐term health (i.e. drinking > 40 g alcohol per occasion if female, and drinking > 60 g alcohol if male) increased injury risk by a factor of almost 2.5 (OR = 2.41; 95% CI = 1.1–5.2). Finally, drinking beer (OR = 1.86; 95% CI = 0.9–3.9), spirits (OR = 3.05; 95% CI = 1.1–8.2) or a combination of beverages (OR = 3.16; 95% CI = 1.1–8.8) increased risk of injury. When usual alcohol consumption patterns were adjusted for, substantial increases in the alcohol–injury odds ratios were observed for all measures of alcohol. When risk‐taking behaviour and substance use were considered, changes in the effect of alcohol on injury risk were observed, for all measures of alcohol. These data support the hypotheses that some confounding exists in the alcohol–injury relationship due to usual drinking patterns, risk‐taking and substance use.Conclusions  In this study, acute alcohol consumption significantly increased the risk of injury, even when situational and other risk factors were considered. However, the relationship between alcohol and injury appears confounded by usual drinking patterns, risk‐taking behaviour and substance use. Therefore, these variables should be considered in any analysis of the alcohol–injury relationship, and also considered when developing public health strategies to reduce alcohol‐related injury. Further research is required to elucidate the nature of this relationship, and to identify the effect of risk‐taking and substance use on different types of injuries (e.g. mechanism of injury; body region injured) and injury severity. The stability of the models and the consistency of the findings across all measures of alcohol used support claims for the validity of the observed effects.
Alcohol in home and leisure injuries
Tập 88 Số 7 - Trang 939-944 - 1993
Risto Honkanen
AbstractThe part that alcohol plays in non‐motor vehicle unintentional injuries is not well known. Injuries at home and during leisure form a very heterogeneous group. Alcohol involvement varies considerably from one subgroup to another: for example, all cases of alcohol poisoning involve alcohol by definition, whereas alcohol involvement is very infrequent in sports injuries. One‐third of falls, half of drownings and fire deaths and two‐thirds of hypothermia deaths involve alcohol. Young and middle‐aged males form a risk group of alcohol‐related trauma. Alcohol involvement varies also from country to country: deaths from alcohol poisoning are several times as common in Finland as in other Western countries. In contrast to experience in Western countries, in Dares Salaam, Tanzania, wealthier injured Africans were found to have alcohol involvement more often than poor Africans. Alcohols seems to increase the risk of falling, bicycle and motor vehicle injuries largely to the same extent. The relative importance of the two main components of alcohol‐related risk–risk‐taking and impaired psychomotor functions‐requires further exploration in each main external cause category of home and leisure injuries.
The risk of harm to oneself from drinking, Canada 1989
Tập 90 Số 4 - Trang 499-513 - 1995
Robin Room, Susan J. Bondy, Jacqueline Ferris
Alcohol and violence‐related injuries: an emergency room study
Tập 88 Số 1 - Trang 79-88 - 1993
Cheryl J. Cherpitel
AbstractDrinking patterns, alcohol‐related problems and drinking‐in‐the‐injury event were compared between those admitted to the emergency room (ER) with and without injuries resulting from violence. A probability sample of 1770 adult casualty patients in four hospitals in a single California suburb county were breathalyzed and interviewed at the time of the ER visit. Among all males and females over 30, those with violence‐related injuries were more likely than those with other injuries to have positive breathalyzer readings and to report drinking prior to the event, frequent heavy drinking, consequences of drinking, experiences associated with alcohol dependence and loss of control and prior treatment for an alcohol problem. The data suggest a need for research to test whether a brief intervention at the time of the ER visit for problem drinking or a referral for more extensive alcohol treatment can effect a reduction in alcohol‐related violence and other alcohol‐related problems.
Alcohol and injuries resulting from violence: a review of emergency room studies
Tập 89 Số 2 - Trang 157-165 - 1994
Cheryl J. Cherpitel
AbstractThis paper reviews emergency room (ER) studies from a number of countries which have reported findings related to the association of alcohol and injuries resulting from violence. Special attention is given to those studies which used probability samples of patients which were representative of the population served by the emergency room facility where the data were collected, and which compared those admitted to the ER with violence‐related injuries with those admitted to the same ER during the same period of time with injuries unrelated to violence. Those with violence‐related injuries were more likely to be admitted to the ER with a positive blood alcohol concentration, to report drinking prior to the event, to report more frequent heavy drinking and to report more alcohol‐related problems than those admitted with injuries from other causes.
Overview of studies on drinking patterns and consequences
Tập 91 Số 11 - Trang 1663-1674 - 1996
Susan J. Bondy
On the emerging paradigm of drinking patterns and their social and health consequences
Tập 91 Số 11 - Trang 1615-1621 - 1996
Jürgen Rehm, Mary Jane Ashley, Robin Room, Eric Single, Susan J. Bondy, Roberta Ferrence, Norman Giesbrecht