Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging
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Parcellation of brain images with anatomical and functional constraints for fMRI data analysis
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 907-910
We propose a methodology for brain parcellation with anatomical and functional constraints dedicated to fMRI data analysis. The aim is to provide a representation of fMRI data at any intermediate dimensionality between voxel and region of interest. In order to fill in the gap between these two approaches we developed an automatic parcellation of the 3D cortex with an adjustable resolution. The algorithm relies on an adaptation of the K-means clustering in a non convex domain with geodesic distances. Fine anatomical or functional constraints can be embedded through the use of weighted geodesic distances. The applications of such a method are principally connectivity studies, multivariate analyses and fusion with other modalities.
#Brain #Data analysis #Spatial resolution #Anatomy #Image resolution #Signal resolution #Image analysis #Testing #Clustering algorithms #Magnetic analysis
Image reconstruction without multiple-bounce ghosting artifacts
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 1001-1004
Develops an innovative image reconstruction technique for reflection tomography based upon the extraction of multiple-bounce (MB) ghosting artifacts. The basic concept is that the time-of-flight between the transmission and reception of a waveform includes the realistic effects of MB interactions. An enhanced quality image can be constructed by utilizing only the single-bounce (SB) contributions of the measured time-of-flight projection data. In addition, the MB ghosting artifacts are projected into a series of auxiliary images that can be applied to enhance performance of object identification. These novel methods can be applied to any domain of medical imaging which is based upon the concepts of reflection tomography, such as ultrasound.
#Image reconstruction #Scattering #Reflection #Tomography #Reflectivity #Biomedical imaging #Ultrasonic imaging #Strontium #Image segmentation #Computational Intelligence Society
High resolution segmentation of MR images of mouse heart chambers based on a partial-pixel effect and EM algorithm
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 257-260
In this paper, a high resolution segmentation method for MR images of mouse heart chambers is developed, in which the EM algorithm is adopted and extended to the spatio-temporal cardiac cycle, and a partial pixel effect (PPE) is accommodated so that the heart chambers boundary is detected to sub-pixel accuracy. The method has been tested on high and low spatial resolution images. Quantitative measurements of the left ventricle (LV) area-time curve over cardiac cycle are reported, which show that the accuracy of the LV area can be improved based on the new method, on low spatial resolution images. The average relative error of the area estimate of the new method applied to low resolution images relative to measurements on high resolution images is less than 8%.
#Image resolution #Image segmentation #Mice #Heart #Spatial resolution #Area measurement #High-resolution imaging #Pixel #Testing #Biomedical imaging
A novel non-diffractive reconstruction method for digital holographic microscopy
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 625-628
We present a new method for reconstructing digitally recorded off-axis Fresnel holograms. Currently-used reconstruction methods are based on the simulation and propagation of a reference wave that is diffracted by the hologram. This procedure introduces a twin-image and a zero-order term which are inherent to the diffraction phenomenon. These terms perturb the reconstruction and limit the field of view. Our new approach splits the reconstruction process into two parts. First, we recover the amplitude and the phase in the camera plane from the measured hologram intensity. Our algorithm is based on the hypothesis of a slowly varying object wave which interferes with a more rapidly varying reference wave. In a second step, we propagate this complex wave to refocus it using the Fresnel transform. We therefore avoid the presence of the twin-image and zero-order interference terms. This new approach is flexible and can be adapted easily to complicated experimental setups. We demonstrate its feasibility in the case of digital holographic microscopy and present results for the imaging of living neurons.
#Reconstruction algorithms #Holography #Microscopy #Image reconstruction #Diffraction #Interference #Charge coupled devices #Cameras #Biomedical measurements #Morphology
Tracking 3-D coronary artery motion with biplane angiography
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 605-608
The motion of coronary arteries has attracted increasing attention because of its possible effects on the development of atherosclerosis. Biplane angiography is the best clinical modality so far to extract this information spatially and temporally. In this paper, a new method is proposed to track 3-D coronary artery segments in biplane angiogram sequences based on a 3-D deformable model. The model combines the 3-D active contour model with image block matching technique, and considers both global and local motion of the vessel. By this new method, the coronary artery segment can be tracked well over a cardiac cycle.
#Tracking #Arteries #Angiography #Image segmentation #Deformable models #Data mining #Atherosclerosis #Bifurcation #Image reconstruction #Active contours
Model-based segmentation of cardiac and vascular images
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 22-25
Model-based approaches towards the segmentation of vascular and cardiac images are presented. For vessel segmentation, prior shape information is introduced based on the notion that vessels are elongated structures. For cardiac segmentation, shape information derived from a training set of segmented images is incorporated in an automatically constructed point distribution model of the heart.
#Image segmentation #Biomedical imaging #Active shape model #Filters #Heart #Visualization #Robustness #Deformable models #Cardiology #Image processing
Three dimensional nonlinear inversion for diffuse optical tomography
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 54-57
We show results for full three-dimensional nonlinear inversion of the parameters of a diffusive partial differential equation, specifically for an optical tomography application. We compute functional derivatives of the parameters with respect to the mean-squared error using the adjoint field method, and implement two forms of regularization. In the first, a penalty term is introduced into the error functional, and in the second, the solution to the inverse problem is assumed to belong to a parametrized class of functions. In the case where this assumption is correct, our results demonstrate that the parameters can recovered with high accuracy, yielding a better inversion result than the traditional Tikhonov-type approach.
#Nonlinear optics #Tomography #Biomedical optical imaging #Optical sensors #Optical imaging #Cost function #Optical computing #Application software #Optimization methods #Radiology
Support vector machines for oral lesion classification
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 173-176
We investigate support vector machines (SVM) in the context of oral lesion classification using digital color images as input. Two common lesions of similar visual appearance to the human observer were evaluated: oral leukoplakia, which is a potentially pre-cancerous lesion, and oral lichenoid reactions (with subclasses of atrophic, plaqueformed and reticular reactions), which are usually harmless lesions. In total, 89% (212 out of 238, 5-fold CV) were correctly classified in a two-class problem (precancerous vs. non-pre-cancerous) and 78% (61 out of 78, hold-out) into four classes (complete classification). The proposed method can be used as a decision support tool in CADx systems for oral lesion classification and detection of potentially pre-cancerous lesions.
#Support vector machines #Support vector machine classification #Lesions #Color #Humans #Atrophy #Biomedical imaging #Hospitals #Risk management #Medical services
Vascular-targeted imaging using MRI
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 809-810
Target specific MRI poses special opportunities and challenges. Although MRI can provide exquisite morphologic details, its relatively low sensitivity has severely hampered the development of target-specific contrast agents that can provide enough signal alteration to be detectable in vivo. In this review, we will present our data on the development of polymerized vesicles for use in vascular-targeted imaging using MRI. Because of the high amount of payload that can be carried to the target site via these particles, they can be detectable with MRI. In addition, the same platform can be used for delivering multiple different types of contrast ions as well as therapeutic agents to vascular target sites. We believe that by using the same platform for imaging and therapy, we can have an accurate way of personalizing treatment.
#Magnetic resonance imaging #Polymers #Neoplasms #Rabbits #In vivo #Payloads #Lipidomics #Spatial resolution #Vehicles #Radiology
Tái tạo chùm tia cho Micro-CT Dịch bởi AI
Proceedings IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - - Trang 384-387
Micro-CT X-quang đã trở thành điểm nhấn trong phòng thí nghiệm CT/Micro-CT tại Đại học Iowa. Trong bài báo này, chúng tôi mô tả một số tiến bộ gần đây mà chúng tôi đã đạt được trong lĩnh vực micro-CT chùm tia hình nón. Đầu tiên, chúng tôi đề cập đến việc tái tạo xấp xỉ sử dụng các thuật toán loại Feldkamp với nhiều nguồn X-quang và cấu hình cảm biến bị lệch. Sau đó, chúng tôi giải thích ba loại artefact liên quan đến tái tạo chính xác trong khuôn khổ Grangeat. Cuối cùng, chúng tôi báo cáo về sự hội tụ của một sơ đồ Landweber dạng khối tổng quát. Các hình ảnh đại diện từ mô phỏng và thí nghiệm cũng được trình bày.
#Image reconstruction #X-ray imaging #Lungs #Mice #Optical imaging #X-ray detection #X-ray detectors #Image resolution #Sensor arrays #Data acquisition
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