Student Conference on Research and Development
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Utilising object oriented approach in a knowledge based system development for an engineering design
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 460-463
The object oriented concept portrays the element of interest as objects. It defines the properties and behaviour associated with the objects. The object-oriented paradigm thus enables objects to be regarded as independent entities where control of the system can be obtained by direct communication between objects. This paper presents the application of object oriented principles to the development of a knowledge based system in an engineering design. The domain selected for the engineering design is the design of internetworks. The outcome is the development of a knowledge based system prototype utilising object oriented concepts, applied in the design of internetworks.
#Knowledge based systems #Design engineering #Knowledge engineering #Internet #Computer aided manufacturing #Maintenance engineering #Systems engineering and theory #Software prototyping #Prototypes #Data engineering
Simulation of stable-adaptive control of robot arm using self-organizing neural network
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 162-164
In this paper, a simulation of neural network controller for a three links robot arm is presented. The network is based on modified Kohonen's self-organizing map. In the proposed model, recurrent network and modified SOM network are interconnected.
#Robot control #Neural networks #Robot kinematics #Neurons #Computational modeling #Control systems #Recurrent neural networks #Nonlinear systems #Nonlinear control systems #Neurofeedback
Electromagnetic simulation of the effects of dielectric and metal thicknesses on the performance of multilayer MMIC lowpass filter
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 418-421
The authors report on the effects of dielectric and metal thicknesses on the performance of a multilayer monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) lowpass filter. An electromagnetic simulator, Sonnet, is used to characterize and predict the effect of both factors on the filter response. Results of this simulation show that the filter operates with optimum performance when the metal and polyimide thicknesses are 5 /spl mu/m each.
#Circuit simulation #Nonhomogeneous media #Polyimides #MMICs #Microwave filters #Predictive models #Dielectric substrates #Dielectric losses #Frequency #Low pass filters
Tổng quan về hạ tầng mạng di động 3G Dịch bởi AI
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 228-232
Sự chuyển đổi từ hệ thống di động thế hệ thứ hai (2G) sang thế hệ thứ ba (3G) (ví dụ: từ GSM sang UMTS) đang diễn ra tại Châu Âu và khu vực Châu Á - Thái Bình Dương. Các nhà điều hành 3G đang triển khai cơ sở hạ tầng mới để cung cấp dịch vụ Internet di động cho người dùng cuối. Ericsson cam kết thực hiện chuyển đổi này một cách thuận lợi nhất có thể cho các nhà điều hành và người dùng cuối. Bài báo này mô tả các thành phần cơ bản của hạ tầng mạng 3G.
#3G mobile communication #Network servers #GSM #Web server #Ground penetrating radar #Asynchronous transfer mode #Multiaccess communication #Control systems #IP networks #Streaming media
A comparison of microwave propagation models and evaporation duct height estimation techniques with actual near water atmospheric and radio data taken in North Queensland, Australia in May 2001
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 120-123
For a number of years, RSRG, together with DSTO and JCU, has been taking measurements of radio propagation inside the evaporation duct using large arrays together with near ocean measurements of atmospheric refractivity. This paper presents results from such experiments carried out in May 2001. The authors collected a vertical profile of received signal strength from a transmitter 18 km away, propagating on an over water path inside the tropical evaporation duct. This data was compared to a simulated field using the TERPEM parabolic equation based propagation software (see Levy, M., "Parabolic Equation Methods for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation", IEE Press). In addition, a number of measurements of near ocean atmospheric measurements were taken and, from these, the height of the evaporation duct inferred. These measurements were compared to duct height calculations using TERPEM which are based on the 'bulk parameter' method of calculating duct height.
#Microwave theory and techniques #Microwave propagation #Atmospheric modeling #Ducts #Australia #Atmospheric measurements #Sea measurements #Electromagnetic propagation #Oceans #Equations
Bộ điều khiển tốc độ nhị phân cho động cơ không đồng bộ ba pha Dịch bởi AI
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 200-203
Động cơ không đồng bộ ba pha là loại máy phổ biến và được sử dụng rộng rãi trong ngành công nghiệp. Một động cơ không đồng bộ về cơ bản là động cơ có tốc độ không đổi, tuy nhiên trong nhiều ứng dụng, cần thiết phải có nhiều tốc độ hoặc một dải tốc độ có thể điều chỉnh liên tục. Mục tiêu của dự án này là áp dụng một phương pháp mới gọi là kỹ thuật nhị phân để điều khiển tốc độ của động cơ không đồng bộ. Kỹ thuật nhị phân là một công cụ tổng hợp toán học mới được phát triển để tạo ra các chuỗi dài các số một và số không. Kỹ thuật nhị phân này có thể tạo ra trực tiếp các dạng sóng đầu ra công suất hình sin thông qua quá trình chuyển mạch của bộ biến tần. Kỹ thuật nhị phân có thể buộc bất kỳ số lượng thấp hài mong muốn chính xác về zero bằng cách sử dụng số sự kiện chuyển mạch ít nhất có thể. Một vi điều khiển được sử dụng làm thiết bị điều khiển, áp dụng kỹ thuật nhị phân để tạo ra sóng hình sin hoàn hảo với hiệu suất cao, độ méo thấp và hài thấp.
#Induction motors #Induction generators #Pulse width modulation inverters #AC motors #Synchronous motors #Voltage control #Microcontrollers #Harmonic distortion #Space vector pulse width modulation #Pulse modulation
Performance of TCP on Mobile IP network during handoffs
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 390-393
Mobile IP solves the primary problem of routing IP packets to mobile nodes. However due to the host motion, some segments may be dropped or lost during handoff. We analyze the effects of the retransmission timeout (RTO) on the TCP performance and propose a new timeout algorithm to reduce long pauses in communication. The new timeout algorithm, fixed RTO (FxRTO) has been written at the transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite. This paper concentrates on TCP layer enhancement, which improves the retransmission timeout. The simulation results show the performance of FxRTO in comparison to the standard TCP and Jacobson's algorithm. One of the advantages of FxRTO is that the sender's connection is resumed faster when handoff is completed.
#TCPIP #IP networks #Jacobian matrices #Home automation #Routing #Delay estimation #Performance analysis #Algorithm design and analysis #Mobile communication #Transport protocols
Designing mobile applications for next generation networks
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 113-115
Excellent cellular bandwidth, instant access and fast response times are finally challenging the world of the fixed Internet. The future world of cellular communications offers space for applications on mobile phones and PDAs. Cyberlab Singapore is approaching possible applications for future cellular networks by designing for particular cultural groups and environments. An example is given on work done in the area of designing a Chinese Messaging Service (CMS).
#Next generation networking #Bandwidth #Delay #Internet #Mobile communication #Mobile handsets #Personal digital assistants #Land mobile radio cellular systems #Cultural differences #Global communication
Simulation of power system and machines of an industrial plant using the MATLAB/Simulink Power System Blockset (PSB)
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 293-296
This paper presents a study of the approaches taken to model and simulate power systems of an industrial plant. Even the best-designed electric systems occasionally experience short-circuits resulting in abnormally high currents. To predict the behavior of these short circuits, system models are developed and simulated prior to commissioning work in the plant. Mathematical modeling of each component in the power system is based on short-circuit analysis techniques which are covered extensively throughout this paper. From the models and parameters developed we can calculate fault currents in a power system, which is the main emphasis in this study. Digital simulation is carried out using the Power Systems Blockset (PSB) of MATLAB, which is a powerful graphic tool that allows building of schematics and real-time simulation of power systems in the Simulink environment. Finally the calculation and simulation results are compared to validate the accuracy of the model.
#Power system simulation #Industrial power systems #Industrial plants #MATLAB #Power system modeling #Mathematical model #Power system faults #Power system analysis computing #Circuit simulation #Predictive models
Detection of migraine in EEG by joint time-frequency representation
Student Conference on Research and Development - - Trang 494-497
Discusses the use of a common joint time-frequency representation, the spectogram, in detection of migraine. Spectogram are computed from electroencephalogram (EEG) obtained by measuring electric potentials on the scalp. Migraine patients often have symptoms of visual and auditory dysfunction, e.g. photophobia and phonophobia. Psychophysical discomfort thresholds to light and sound stimuli are also decreased in migraine patients compared with healthy controls. We hypothesize that due to this dysfunction we are able to detect migraine by exposing them to photic stimulation. Signal response from the occipital area was captured for analysis. Time-frequency analysis of the EEG signal revealed that EEG frequency trace of migraine patients are scattered compared to the normal patients. Time-frequency analysis can therefore provide details of the frequency spread of migraine activities on migraine patients.
#Electroencephalography #Time frequency analysis #Electric variables measurement #Electric potential #Scalp #Psychology #Lighting control #Signal analysis #Acoustic scattering #Light scattering
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