Young Children’s Structure Sense
Tóm tắt
The ability to easily and flexibly operate with mathematical pattern and structure, in short, having a structure sense is important for mathematics learning. This assumption of a relation between early structure sense and mathematical competences is supported by a longitudinal study with 74 children from kindergarten to second grade. Quantitative analyses reveal a significant, moderate correlation between the two variables at the entry to formal schooling. Furthermore, early structure sense is a predictor for mathematical, in particular, arithmetical competences at the end of grade 2. Its predictive power is almost as good as the explanation of variance by early mathematical abilities. Low and high achieving children’s competences regarding pattern and structure at the beginning of grade 1 are then comparatively analysed in order to evaluate the range of school starters’ early structure sense. The results suggest overall high pre-instructional competences which, however, vary strongly between the mathematical high and low achievers. Cognitive milestones for the development of a sound early structure sense are identified based on the analyses.
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