Writing Ireland's historical geographies
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1997, Archaeology Ireland, 42, 3
Whelan, 1991, Come all you staunch revisionists: towards a post-revisionist agenda for Irish history, The Irish Reporter, 2, 23
Cruise O'Brien, 1994
N. C. Johnston, Building a nation: an examination of the Irish Gaeltacht Commission Report of 1926, Journal of Historical Geography, 19, (1993) 158–159; C. Nash, ‘Embodying the nation’: the west of Ireland landscape and Irish identity, in B. O'Connor and M. Cronin (Eds), Tourism in Ireland: A Critical Analysis, (Cork 1993) 87; G. Doherty, National identity and the study of Irish history, English Historical Review, 111, (1996) 324; H. Morgan, Interview with Professor N. Canny, History Ireland, 6, (1998) 52; L. Litvack and G. Hooper, Introduction, in L. Litvack and G. Hooper (Eds), Ireland in the Nineteenth Century: Regional Identity, (Dublin 2000) 9.
A. E. Murray, A History of the Commercial and Financial Relations Between England and Ireland from the Period of the Restoration, New Edition (London 1907); G. O'Brien, The Economic History of Ireland in the Seventeenth Century, (Dublin 1919); W. H. Lecky, History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, (London 1913).
R. V. Comerford, Review of, W. E. H. Lecky: Historian and Politician, 1838–1903, by D. McCartney, Tipperary Historical Journal, 8, (1995) 216–217.
M. E. Daly, Irish urban history: a survey, in D. A. Reeder (Ed.), Urban History Yearbook 1986, (Leicester 1986) 61; M. E. Daly, An alien entity? Attitudes to the city in late nineteenth and twentieth century Ireland, Études Irlandaises, 10, (1985) 181; D. Pringle, Urban social geography, in G. L. Herries Davies (Ed.), Irish Geography: The Geographical Society of Ireland Golden Jubilee 1934–1984, (Dublin 1984) 190; B. J. Graham, Medieval Irish Settlement: A Review, (Norwich 1980) 1; E. Devereaux, Saving rural Ireland: Muintir na Tı́re and its anti-urbanism, 1931–1958, The Canadian Journal of Irish Studies, 17, (1991) 23.
O'Brien, cited in Daly, An alien entity? 190–191.
M. J. Bannon, Development planning and the neglect of the critical regional dimension, in M. J. Bannon (Ed.), Planning: The Irish Experience 1920–1988, (Dublin 1989) 127; J. J. Lee, Ireland 1912–1985, (Cambridge 1989) 342.
N. J. Curtin, Varieties of Irishness: historical revisionism, Irish style, Journal of British Studies35 (1996) 195; L. P. Curtis, The greening of Irish history, Éire-Ireland29 (1994) 7; B. Bradshaw, Nationalism and historical scholarship in modern Ireland, Irish Historical Studies26 (1989) 334–336; C. Brady, ‘Constructive and instrumental’: the dilemma of Ireland's first ‘new historians’, in C. Brady (Ed.), Interpreting Irish History: The Debate on Historical Revisionism, 1938–1994 (Dublin 1994) 4; S. Howe, Ireland and Empire: Colonial Legacies in Irish History and Culture (Oxford 2000) 84.
Ellis, 1996, Writing Irish history: revisionism, colonialism, and the British Isles, Irish Review, 19, 3
Dunne, 1992, New histories: beyond revisionism, Irish Review, 12, 10
Whelan, Staunch revisionists 24.
M. Ó. Siochrú, Review of Ulster 1641: Aspects of the Rising edited by B. MacCuarta, Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement Newsletter5 (1995) 13.
R. Foster, We are all revisionists now, Irish Review, 1, (1986) 1, 5; R. F. Foster, Modern Ireland 1600–1972, (London 1988).
Brady, op. cit., 13; Howe, op. cit., 85.
B. Cunningham, Subverting from within, Sunday Business Post (Agenda Supplement), (19 September 1993) 25; K. Nutt, Irish identity and the writing of history, Éire-Ireland, 29, (1994) 172.
S. G. Ellis, ‘More Irish than the Irish themselves’? The ‘Anglo-Irish’ in Tudor Ireland, History Ireland, 7, (1999) 26; Cunningham, op. cit., 25; Whelan, Staunch revisionists 25.
K. Whelan, Interview with Professor L. M. Cullen, History Ireland, 2, (Summer 1994) 12.
Boyce, 1996, Introduction, 13
N. B. Harte, Trends in publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925–74, Economic History Review, 30, (1977) 21–22, 26–27; T. W. Moody, Thirty-five years of Irish historiography, in T. Moody (Ed.), Irish Historiography 1936–70, (Dublin 1971) 137; Clarkson, op. cit., 100–101.
Clarkson, op. cit., 100; O'Brien, Land and people 95.
Cullen, 1968
W. J. Smyth, Social geography of Ireland: inventory and prospect, in Herries Davies (Ed.), op. cit., 207; W. J. Smyth, The western isle of Ireland and the eastern seaboard of America: England's first frontiers, Irish Geography, 11, (1978) 14.
Lee, Irish economic history 174.
See M. Ward, Unmanageable Revolutionaries: Women and Irish Nationalism, (Dingle 1984); and D. Fitzpatrick, Review article: women, gender and the writing of Irish history, Irish Historical Studies, 27, (1991) 267–273.
Graham, 1993, A perspective on the nature of Irish historical geography, 1
R. A. Butlin, The urban history of Ireland: an introductory survey, Urban History Newsletter, (1966) 4; R. A. Butlin, Preface, in R. A. Butlin (Ed.), The Development of the Irish Town, (London 1977) 7; Daly, An alien entity? 61, 69.
Pringle, op. cit., 189–190.
Smyth, 1988, xv
R. A. Butlin, R. A. Butlin, Irish Town, 7
D. Harkness and M. O'Dowd (Eds), The Town in Ireland, (Belfast 1981); P. Butel and L. M. Cullen (Eds), Cities and Merchants: French and Irish Perspectives on Urban Development, 1500–1900, (Dublin 1986); H. B. Clarke and A. Simms (Eds), The Comparative History of Urban Origins in Non-Roman Europe, 2 Parts (Oxford 1985); P. J. O'Connor, Exploring Limerick's urban past, (Newcastle West 1987); A. Thomas, The Walled Towns of Ireland, 2 Volumes (Dublin 1992); B. J. Graham and L. J. Proudfoot, Urban Improvement in Provincial Ireland 1700–1840, (Athlone 1994); A. Simms and J. H. Andrews (Eds), Irish Country Towns, (Dublin 1994); A. Simms and J. H. Andrews (Eds), More Irish Country Towns, (Cork 1995); H. B. Clarke (Ed.), Irish Cities, (Cork 1995); L. J. Proudfoot, Urban Patronage and Social Authority: The Management of the Duke of Devonshire's Towns in Ireland, 1764–1891, (Washington 1995); W. Nolan and A. Simms (Eds), Irish Towns: A Guide to Sources, (Dublin 1998), J. Prunty, Dublin Slums, 1800–1925, (Dublin 1998).
Dodgshon, 1993
A. Dyer, Review of, Urban Historical Geography, edited by D. Denecke and G. Shaw, Economic History Review, 42, (1989) 419.
Smyth, 2000, Putting twentieth century Irish geography in context—a personal perspective, Chimera, 15, 15
Butlin, 1982
Fitzgerald, 1925
Buttimer, 1996, Geography in Ireland, 1991–1995, 4
Pacione, 1987, Introduction, 1
Dodgshon, 1978, vii
Graham and Proudfoot, A perspective 1.
O'Flanagan, 1979, Colonization and county Cork's changing cultural landscape: the evidence from placenames, Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 84, 1
Whelan, 1992, The power of place, Irish Review, 12, 19
Flatrès, 1957
Livingstone, 1992
Graham, 1994, The search for the common ground: Estyn Evans's Ireland, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 19, 188, 10.2307/622753
E. Evans, Prehistoric and Early Christian Ireland, (London 1966); E. Evans, The Personality of Ireland, (Cambridge 1973); R. E. Glasscock, Obituary: E. Estyn Evans, 1905–1989, Journal of Historical Geography, 17, (1991) 89.
W. Kirk, The primary agricultural colonisation of Scotland, The Scottish Geographical Magazine, 73, (1957) 65–90; R. Glasscock, Moated sites and deserted boroughs and villages, in N. Stephens and R. E. Glasscock (Eds), Irish Geographical Studies in Honour of E. Estyn Evans, (Belfast 1970) 162–177; G. F. Barrett and B. J. Graham, Some considerations concerning the dating and distribution of ring-forts in Ireland, Ulster Journal of Archaeology, 38, (1975) 33–45; F. H. A. Aalen, Man and the Landscape in Ireland, (London 1978); A. Simms, A key place for Dublin past and present, in J. Bradley (Ed.), Viking Dublin Exposed: The Wood Quay Saga, (Dublin 1984) 154–163.
E. M. Fahy, A recumbent-stone circle at Drombeg, Co. Cork, Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 64, (1959) 1–27; A. Goudie, Geography and prehistory, Journal of Historical Geography, 2, (1976) 197; I. Hodder, Spatial studies in archaeology, Progress in Human Geography, 1, (1977) 33; B. Brunt, Geography at UCC, 1972–1977, Chimera, 14, (1999) 7; B. Proudfoot, Review article: archaeological space, Journal of Historical Geography, 7, (1981) 303; P. C. Woodman, Irish archaeology today: a poverty amongst riches, Irish Review, 12, (1992) 35.
Harley, 1982, Historical geography and its evidence: reflections on modelling sources, 262
Graham and Proudfoot, A perspective 13.
D. F. Gleeson, Sources for local history in the period 1200–1700, Journal of the Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 46, (1941) 123; R. A. Butlin, Historical geography and local studies in Ireland, Geographical Viewpoint, 1, (1966) 141; R. A. Butlin, Historical Geography: Through the Gates of Space and Time, (London 1993) 73.
Smyth, 1992, Making the documents of conquest speak, 245, 288
Ernst, 1978, Praxis and theory in the writing of American historical geography, Journal of Historical Geography, 4, 277, 10.1016/0305-7488(78)90267-0
See, for example, T. Jones Hughes, Landholding and settlement in the Cooley peninsula of Louth, Irish Geography, 4, (1961) 149–174; T. Jones Hughes, Landholding and settlement in county Tipperary in the nineteenth century, in W. Nolan and T. G. McGrath, Tipperary: History and Society, (Dublin 1985) 339–366.
J. H. Andrews, Jones Hughes's Ireland: a literary quest, in Smyth and Whelan (Eds), op. cit., 5.
T. Jones Hughes, Historical geography of Ireland from circa 1700, in Herries Davies (Ed.), op. cit., 149.
Jones Hughes, Towns in Ireland 8.
Freeman, 1983, A geographer's way, 90
W. J. Smyth, Review of, The Geography and Practice of English Colonisation in Ireland,1534–1609, by Rolf Loeber, Irish Geography, 24, (1991) 144.
P. O'Flanagan, Review of, Living in a Coded Land, and, Some Guides to the Irish Scene, by P. J. O'Connor, Weekend Examiner, (22 August 1992) 8; H. C. Darby, Preface, in H. C. Darby (Ed.), An Historical Geography of England Before A.D. 1800, Revised Edition (Cambridge 1951) vii; H. C. Darby, The published writings of Sir Clifford Darby, Journal of Historical Geography, 15, (1989) 7. For Irish cross-sectional works, see R. A. Butlin, Land and people, c.1600, in T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin and F. J. Byrne (Eds), A New History of Ireland, III, (Oxford 1977) 142–167; J. H. Andrews, Land and people, c.1685, in Moody, Martin and Byrne (Eds), op. cit., 454–477; J. H. Andrews, Land and people, c.1780, in T. W. Moody and W. E. Vaughan (Eds), A New History of Ireland, IV, (Oxford 1986) 236–264; and M. McCarthy, Cross-sectional reconstructions of historic urban landscapes: an examination of the nature and comprehensiveness of a mid seventeenth-century Survey and Valuation, Journal of the Irish Society for Archives, 6, (1999) 3–13.
Graham, Search for the common ground 193.
J. H. Andrews, A Paper Landscape, (Oxford 1975); J. H. Andrews, Shapes of Ireland: Maps and their Makers 1564–1839, (Dublin 1997); P. J. Duffy, Landscapes of South Ulster: A Parish Atlas of the Diocese of Clogher, (Belfast 1993); F. H. A. Aalen, K. Whelan and M. Stout (Eds), Atlas of the Irish Rural Landscape, (Cork 1997).
W. J. Smyth, Estate records and the making of the Irish landscape: an example from county Tipperary, Irish Geography, 9, (1976) 29–49; P. O'Flanagan, Rural change south of the river Bride in counties Cork and Waterford: the surveyors' evidence, Irish Geography, 15, (1982) 51–69; W. J. Smyth, Property, patronage and population: reconstructing the human geography of mid-seventeenth century county Tipperary, in W. Nolan (Ed.), Tipperary: History and Society, (Dublin 1985) 104–138; P. Duffy, The evolution of estate properties in south Ulster 1600–1900, in Smyth and Whelan (Eds), op. cit., 84–109; W. J. Smyth, Territorial, social and settlement hierarchies in seventeenth century county Kilkenny, in W. Nolan and K. Whelan (Eds), Kilkenny: History and Society, (Dublin 1990) 127–160; W. J. Smyth, Exploring the social and cultural topographies of sixteenth and seventeenth-century County Dublin, in F. H. A. Aalen and K. Whelan (Eds), Dublin City and County: From Prehistory to Present, (Dublin 1992) 121–179; C. Ketch, An Evaluation of the Civil Survey in an Attempt to Reconstruct the Historical Geography of the Mid-seventeenth Century County Waterford, (unpublished M.A. Thesis, University College Cork 1994); M. Busteed, Identity and economy on an Anglo-Irish estate: Castle Caldwell, Co. Fermanagh, c.1750–1793, Journal of Historical Geography, 26, (2000) 174–202, doi:jhge.2000.0211.
J. H. Andrews, The Geographical Study of the Irish Past, (paper read to the Conference of Irish Geographers, Galway, 23 April 1977) 1.
R. H. Buchanan, Historical geography of Ireland pre-1700, in Herries Davies (Ed.), op cit., 142.
Smith, 2000, Moral progress in human geography, Progress in Human Geography, 24, 13, 10.1191/030913200671792325
R. A. Butlin, Review of, Dublin City and County, edited by F. H. A. Aalen and K. Whelan, Journal of Historical Geography, 20, (1994) 348.
Nash, 2000, The making of modern historical geographies, 1
Jackson, 1995
Linehan, 2000, An archaeology of dereliction: poetics and policy in the governing of depressed industrial districts in interwar England and Wales, Journal of Historical Geography, 26, 99, 10.1006/jhge.1999.0166
Dodgshon, 1995, vii
S. A. Royle, Review of, Ireland Before and After the Famine, by C. Ó Gráda, Irish Geography, 24, (1991) 145.
FitzPatrick, 1990, Was Ireland special? Recent writing on the Irish economy and society in the nineteenth century, Historical Journal, 33, 176, 10.1017/S0018246X00013169
Norton, 1984
Graham and Proudfoot, A perspective 1, 11–14.
J. H. Andrews, Review of, An Historical Geography of Ireland, edited by B. J. Graham and L. J. Proudfoot, Irish Geography, 26, (1993) 92.
A. Horner, Review of, An Historical Geography of Ireland, edited by B. J. Graham and L. J. Proudfoot, Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement Newsletter, 3, (1994) 11.
Andrews, Review of Graham and Proudfoot 92.
Dunne, op. cit., 5.
Cited in Graham and Proudfoot, A perspective 1.