Visible photoluminescence from Si nanocrystals fabricated in SiO/sub 2/ films after annealing under hydrostatic pressure

K.S. Zhuravlev1, I.E. Tyschenko1, E.N. Vandyshev1, N.V. Bulytova1, A. Misiuk2, L. Rebohle3, W. Skorupa3
1Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Institute of Electron Technology, Warsaw, Poland
3Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Research Centre Rossendorf, Inc., Dresden, Germany

Tóm tắt

The effect of hydrostatic pressure applied at high temperature on photoluminescence of Si-implanted SiO/sub 2/ films has been studied. For the films implanted with Si/sup +/ ions to total doze of 4.8 /spl middot/ 10/sup 16/ cm/sup -2/ a high temperature annealing (T/sub a/=1 000/spl deg/C) under high hydrostatic pressure (12 Kbar) causes a "blue" shift and increase intensity of the photoluminescence band attributed to silicon nanocrystals.

Từ khóa

#Photoluminescence #Nanocrystals #Semiconductor films #Annealing #Silicon #Argon #Physics #Temperature distribution #High definition video #Optical pulses

Tài liệu tham khảo

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