Quang Xúc Tác Ánh Sáng Thấy Được Trong Ôxít Titan Bổ Sung Nitơ
Tóm tắt
Để sử dụng hiệu quả bức xạ ánh sáng mặt trời hoặc ánh sáng trong nhà, chúng tôi đã tìm kiếm một quang xúc tác có độ phản ứng cao dưới ánh sáng nhìn thấy. Các màng và bột của TiO2-
Từ khóa
#Quang xúc tác #Ôxít titan #Nitơ #Ánh sáng nhìn thấy #Xúc tác quang học #Photodegradation #Methylene blue #Acetaldehyde #Quang phổ xạ tia XTài liệu tham khảo
D. F. Ollis H. Al-Ekabi Eds. Photocatalytic Purification and Treatment of Water and Air (Elsevier Amsterdam 1993).
and references therein.
T. Sakata T. Kawai in Energy Resources Through Photochemistry and Catalysis M. Grätzel Ed. (Academic Press New York 1983) pp. 332–358.
The calculations have been done without any geometry optimization for the S doping because the resulting atomic forces are too large to obtain reasonable positions in the present unit cell (the eight TiO 2 units per cell) giving the positive formation energy of 4.1 eV required for the substitution of S for O compared with that of 1.6 eV for the substitution of N.
We used a rigid shift of the band gaps 1.14 eV for both TiO 2- x N x and TiO 2 as in (19) assuming that the amount of the band-gap underestimation in LDA would not be affected by doping because long-range screening properties in TiO 2- x N x are expected to be similar to those in TiO 2 .
A possibility of the degradation of methylene blue through the so-called sensitization process in a visible range (λ > 500 nm) (22) can be negligible in the present measurement because this influence if any would have appeared in the results equally at any cutoff wavelength of the high-path filter in the measurement range which however we did not observe.
We thank A. J. Freeman and W. Mannstadt for their continuous support with the FLAPW code and K. Tanaka and N. Isomura for their experimental support.